God of Destruction

Chapter 4598: compromise

Chapter 4604 Compromise

"Come on, Hongjun Daozu is finally here. It seems that the secrets of the prehistoric world will finally be revealed, and the three ways of heaven, earth and people have compromised!" Feeling the breath of Hongjun Daozu, Emperor Yan Luo appeared in front of a group of ancestral witches. He sighed in a low voice, and as soon as his words fell, he immediately woke up the Twelve Ancestral Witch in contemplation, making the expression of the Twelve Ancestral Witch greatly changed, and there was a hint of shock and vigilance in his eyes!

The three ways of heaven, earth and people did not block, which made Emperor Yan Luo a little surprised. Even the goddess Nuwa's proving of Taoism, Hunyuan, attracted them to strangle together, and now the Daozu Hongjun came to the nether world and obviously had a serious impact on the three ways of heaven, earth and people. , but they did not counterattack, which is a bit surprising, unless the power of the three worlds is not enough to cause harm to the ancestors of Hongjun?

is it possible? It is unlikely, Hongjun Daozu is indeed very strong, but it is not enough to fight against the three worlds. As for the previous battles of the goddess Nuwa, a large part of it was due to chance. If the three worlds were not too impatient, they would When Empress Nuwa is proving the Dao, the result may be very different. When she is proving the Dao, the Empress Nuwa is sheltered by the Dao, and her own origin of the Dao of life can correspond to the Dao, but after the end of the Dao, with With the passage of time, this kind of feeling will gradually dissipate. If the heaven, earth and human beings join forces to kill at that time, Mother Nuwa may not be able to retreat completely!

Of course, the most important thing is that in the eyes of Emperor Yan Luo, the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings have not paid their fullest. They all have reservations, and they are all preserving their strength. Hongjun Daozu is different, Hongjun Daozu knows too many secrets, how could Tiandao let him leave so easily, how could the three worlds be so careless!

There must be a secret behind all this that I don't know, and it is precisely because of the existence of this secret that Hongjun Daozu is not attacked. Perhaps this secret Kong Xingjie is a part of Hongjun Daozu who came to the nether world. If it is In this way, this meeting may be different, it will bring me a lot of gains, and it will allow me to go further on the Dao cultivation!

Just when Emperor Yan Luo was contemplating, Houtu Zuwu suddenly asked: "Fellow Daoist, you said that Hongjun Daozu is coming to the nether world, is he demonstrating against us, or wants to fight us in the final battle? ?"

As the most powerful ancestral shaman among the Wu clan today, the Houtu ancestral shaman can't help but be a little worried. After all, Hongjun Daozu is not a kind person, and his existence poses a huge threat to the entire prehistoric beings, and All beings in the prehistoric wilderness have also been calculated by Hongjun Daozu, so the hearts of all the ancestors were worried, afraid that Hongjun Daozu came with malice!

Perhaps Daozu Hongjun had no ill will towards Emperor Yan Luo, but not necessarily for their twelve ancestral witches, or even for the Wu clan. After this matter, the ancestral shaman should naturally be cautious and ask clearly, so as not to be accidentally caught by Hongjun. Jun Daozu was caught off guard and fell into the plot of Hongjun Daozu, putting himself and the Wu clan in crisis!

After hearing this, Emperor Yan Luo shook his head gently and said: "Decisive battle? No, there is no possibility of war between us and Hongjun Daozu now, and there is no need for war, when he let go of the authority of heaven. , everything has changed, today's Hongjun Daozu and we are no longer enemies, at least there is no secret of conflict between us, and even to some extent he and we are on the same front, Maybe this time we can learn more about the secrets of the prehistoric world, the real secrets of Heaven, and the secrets of the world from the mouth of Hongjun Daozu!"

The words of Emperor Yan Luo were very heavy, and there was an incomparable solemnity in the voice, which gave people a huge pressure, and his performance also brought a huge impact to the Twelve Ancestral Witch, making the twelve Ancestral Witch His heart became heavy.

The secrets of the world, the secrets of heaven, all of which are too heavy for the Twelve Ancestors, but this is the secret they are eager to know, but such a huge impact makes their desire to know the secret also changed. It was extremely heavy, and the huge pressure made them a little breathless, and even the Twelve Ancestral Witch couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​to escape, because under this huge pressure, they felt a strong dangerous atmosphere!

As the severely injured Emperor Jiang Zuwu, he couldn't help but say at this moment: "Fellow Daoist Yama, the arrival of Daozu Hongjun, we don't need to avoid it, after all, he is here to see you, will our presence here affect it? To your conversations? Even to affect your decision-making, if your interests are affected because of us, this is not good!"

Hearing this, Emperor Yan Luo smiled indifferently, shook his head gently and said, "Avoid? No, there is no need for this, you see Hongjun Daozu and listen to his thoughts, maybe it will be a great deal for you. It's a good thing, after all, Hongjun Daozu is the person who knows the Dao of Heaven, and even the prehistoric world, in today's prehistoric world. If you can learn some secrets of the prehistoric world from his mouth, everyone will be able to walk out an extraordinary path. , to be able to find the right direction to prove Tao, knowledge is everything, knowledge is the future, the more you know the secrets of the prehistoric world, the more opportunities you will have to prove Tao!"

auzw.com "Is this okay? After all, this is not a trivial matter. It is related to the secrets of fellow Daoists. Is there really no problem for us to know?" There was a hint of desire in her eyes, hoping to get the approval of Emperor Yan Luo, so that she and other ancestors could stay. It can be said that her words were just polite words!

Tentative? No, this is not necessary for the Houtu Ancestral Witch, and now there is a close connection between the Wu clan and the Netherworld. The most important thing is that the Houtu Ancestral Witch will not be stupid enough to test the thoughts of Emperor Yan Luo. Either way, even for the Wu clan, there is no need for this, nor can it be done, the temptation will only hurt their relationship! Especially in the current situation, the Twelve Ancestral Witch can't do this even more, can't test people's hearts, people's hearts can't stand temptation and tests!

"Stay and listen, take a look, don't feel embarrassed, don't do this polite thing, there's no need for that, and we don't have so much time to waste on such things, time is life, time is right We are very important. Now that the general situation of the prehistoric world has undergone drastic changes, this is very dangerous for anyone, but there are also great opportunities in this danger. If you want to prove the Tao, the more you know the secrets of the prehistoric world, the more you will The easier it is to successfully prove the Dao, the easier it is to avoid the most terrifying crises and accidents, among the Dao Dao, the most terrifying thing is not the punishment, but the accident!”

In the heart of Emperor Yan Luo at this time, he felt that this time would be a turning point for everything, and it would be an opportunity to unravel all secrets. When talking with the twelve ancestors, Emperor Yan Luo was also informing the Taoist Yin and Yang. After all, the Taoist ancestor Hongjun The arrival of this is not a trivial matter. It is related to the catastrophe of heaven and earth, the development of the prehistoric world, and also the survival of one's own life and death. It cannot be careless, and the Daoist of Yin-Yang cannot turn a blind eye to the arrival of Daozu Hongjun!

Everything came so suddenly, it can be said that it exceeded the imagination of Emperor Yan Luo, and also exceeded the calculations of Daoist Yin-Yang! In the plan of the Yin-Yang Taoist, I did not expect that all this would happen so quickly, and it was the Empress Nuwa who caused all this. Of course, there are also changes in the prehistoric world. Empress Nuwa's proving of the Taoist Primordial Primordial brings the whole human beings to the prehistoric world. A huge impact has come, and it has also brought terrifying changes, accelerated the development of the world, and even promoted the turning of the world, accelerating the transformation of everything in the prehistoric world, making this catastrophe even more out of control, and causing the situation to fall into to a more terrifying danger!

"Fellow Daoist Yama, if we don't need to evade, then do we need to inform Empress Nuwa and Ancestor Ming He, after all, they are also on the same front as us, and they are all golden immortals?" For a moment, Houtu Zuwu thought of Mother Nuwa and the ancestor of Ming He. If the two of them were there, they might be able to help everyone bear some of the pressure. Jun Daozu is also full of confidence and has more self-confidence!

Yes, in the hearts of Houtu Ancestors, the arrival of Hongjun Daozu is a huge pressure for everyone. If we can have Mother Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He, we can effectively reduce the pressure on everyone. Let everyone face Hongjun Daozu more easily, the saint of heaven who has been in line with the Tao for endless years, so that you can calmly face the upcoming turning point of the prehistoric world, so that you can face it more easily and calmly. This turning point!

Emperor Yan Luo shook his head lightly and said: "There is no need for that, whether it's the Empress Nuwa or the ancestor of Minghe, after a war, their bodies and minds are exhausted, and they have no energy to face Hongjun Daozu, Even in the face of the ultimate secret of the prehistoric world, what they need most now is to recuperate, restore their own consumption, and restore peace of mind, rather than learn more secrets and shake their mood! Their state of mind was shaken by the appearance of Hongjun Daozu, which is not a good thing for them, but a big bad thing, which will ruin their Dao heart!"

"Well said, it's not that everything needs to be told to others, and it's not that everything can be known to others. The arrival of Daozu Hongjun can't be concealed from Empress Nuwa, and it can't be concealed from Old Ancestor Ming He. If they really want to Knowing everything, they can act on their own, but they didn't do it, which is enough to show that their situation is not good, the previous war had caused a huge impact on them, and they had to give up this opportunity!"

As the voice fell, the Yin-Yang Daoist appeared. His sudden appearance shocked the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and after being shocked, he could not help but sighed secretly. The matter was beyond their imagination. Jun Daozu came and appeared, it can be seen that this is not a simple matter, this meeting is more important than everyone thinks, so that the Yin Yang Daoist has to show up, maybe this meeting is really related to Honghuang Life and death of the world!

In an instant, the expressions of the Twelve Ancestors became solemn. It was obvious that the appearance of the Yin-Yang Daoist made them feel a greater impact, made their hearts heavier, and the pressure on their bodies was even more terrifying, but all of them There is no way to eliminate this huge pressure on oneself, there is no way to make oneself relaxed!

"Hongjun Daozu, the first heavenly saint in the Honghuang world, and the only saint who fits the heavenly way, what is the heavenly way doing now? Do you want to stop it, or let the Hongjun Daozu meet us and the nether world? How do you react with Human Dao?" The Yin-Yang Taoist muttered to himself, his eyes flickering with terrifying rays of light, this is not a trivial matter, it is related to the overall situation of the prehistoric world, and it is also related to the future of heaven, earth, and humanity, and more It is related to the life and death of all sentient beings.

Stop Hongjun Daozu? It's not that Tiandao doesn't have such thoughts, it's just that Tiandao, who has just regained his authority, has no time or energy to do such a thing. After all, oneself is the most important thing. Taking action to stop Hongjun Daozu is very likely to fall into the crisis of Hongjun Daozu's calculations. Tiandao is not ignorant of Hongjun Daozu's behavior, and Tiandao also deeply understands the integration of endless years. Hongjun Daozu, this person, knows how crazy and sinister Hongjun Daozu's methods are, so Tiandao dare not gamble, dare not gamble with his own life!

Authentic and Human Dao are powerless, and for them, Hongjun Daozu should be handed over to Tiandao to deal with. They can't waste time and energy to help Tiandao clean up the mess, and even if they stand up and do it themselves, come to Hongjun Daozu. They will not get the approval of Heavenly Dao, let alone get Heavenly Dao's help, and the conflict between them will not disappear. still exists.

There are three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, each with different authority. For them, they are all eager to devour each other's power, eager to destroy other people, so that they can swallow all the interests in the prehistoric world, make themselves more crazy, more impulsive, and the benefits are enough Let them make any crazy decisions, and let them sacrifice everything that can be sacrificed. This is selfishness, this is the cycle of karma, and no one can stop this. One day tiger is the way of heaven. Conspiracy, this is a calculation, and it is also a crisis that all living beings in the wild must face, even a crisis as terrifying as death!

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