God of Destruction

Chapter 4599: vigilance

Chapter 4605 vigilance

Will the arrival of Daozu Hongjun bring a new war to the nether world? This is something that Emperor Yan Luo needs to pay attention to, and it is also something that Taoists of Yin and Yang need to consider. For Emperor Yan Luo, he can deeply feel the pressure brought by the authority of the world, as if Those saints of the Heavenly Dao were trapped in the same way, but the nether world did not have such great hidden dangers and crises.

For Yin-Yang Daoist, Hongjun Daozu gave up the authority of Heavenly Dao, which means a new turning point, and the turning point means a new crisis, whether he can go further in this turning point, whether he can develop and grow, and this turning point, for himself What is the impact of the previous layout? This is what he needs to consider, especially the changes in the chaos. After all, he still has a clone in the Chaos Xiaotiandi. What is the situation in the Chaos Xiaotiandi? The impact of the turning point? All the problems came to the mind of the Yin-Yang Daoist, so he had to be cautious, so he had to deal with it calmly!

At this moment, the Twelve Ancestors are also deeply feeling the huge pressure, and they are also thinking about the future and thinking about countermeasures. How is it possible to face Hongjun Daozu, the first sage of the Tao of Heaven, the first sage who fits the Tao of Heaven? There will be no pressure, not to mention that at the beginning, their Wu clan was given a plaque by Hongjun Daozu. If it wasn't for the appearance of Yin-Yang Daoist, their Wu clan would have already followed the footsteps of the demon clan, and they would have dissipated together with the demon clan. In the wild world!

Under the worries and expectations, Daozu Hongjun appeared in the nether world. As Emperor Yan Luo said, the war that the twelve ancestors feared did not appear. Daozu Hongjun did not come with malice. As for No matter whether it is the way of heaven or the way of the earth, none of them made any attempt to block it. Even if it was on the edge of the nether world, the three ways of heaven, earth and people let Hongjun Daozu enter the nether world, let Hongjun Daozu and Emperor Yan Luo, Twelve Zuwu's meeting this time!

Tun Dao, who is closest to Hongjun Daozu, has the most opportunity, and has the ability to kill the existence of the killer, and did not make a big fight at this time, did not take action against Hongjun Daozu, but allowed him to enter the nether world, as if he was attacking Hongjun. The appearance of Jun Daozu turned a blind eye, and this situation made Tiandao and Humanity gnashing their teeth in hatred.

Yes, in the eyes of Heavenly Dao and Humanity, they all think that the destination of Hongjun Daozu's journey is the Netherworld, which is the easiest place for the Tunnel to take action. Everything should be blocked by the Tunnel. Unfortunately, they were wrong. I didn't think about blocking Hongjun Daozu, but let Hongjun Daozu enter the nether world!

"Damn it, how dare he do this, doesn't he understand the consequences of letting this **** Hongjun come into contact with Yan Luo and the Yin-Yang Taoist? If he is willing to take action, he can completely trap Hongjun, and he can give it to us. Create an opportunity to suppress Hongjun!" Tiandao is shouting, complaining with Humanity, yes, now Tiandao and Humanity are united, they are all angry, and they are all dissatisfied with Tundao's behavior, thinking that Tundao is deliberately sabotaging The situation of the prehistoric world!

"It's too late to say these things, this **** has let Hongjun go, the opportunity has disappeared, no matter how angry we are now, it's useless, if we knew that this **** was so shameless and so irresponsible, we should take the initiative to attack, Leave Hongjun in the wild land, and don't give him any chance to touch the nether world!" Humanity was also complaining, shirking responsibility, as if all mistakes were authentic and had nothing to do with him.

In fact, whether it is the way of heaven or the way of humanity, they have never thought about blocking the Daoist Hongjun, because they are not willing to waste their own power, they all want to consume the origin of the authentic, after all, the nether world is within the control of the authentic. Among them, before Hongjun Daozu entered the nether world, he must contact the tunnel, and the tunnel will block it.

It is a pity that Tun Dao is not a fool. Both Heaven and Humanity can let go. There is nothing that I can't give up. Even Empress Nuwa can retreat in their joint strangulation of Heaven, Earth and Human, and let Daozu Hongjun and Emperor Yan Luo, What if the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch met each other? If they met, they could change the overall situation of the prehistoric world, and they would endanger the prehistoric world, but the most urgent person would definitely not be himself, but the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of humanity!

Of course, there is also a trace of worry and fear for Dao Dao to let Hongjun Daozu so freely. He is afraid that when he takes action to stop Hongjun Daozu, he will give the Twelve Ancestral Witch and Emperor Yan Luo a chance, and they will have the opportunity to hurt himself, or even the To deprive oneself of the origin, one must know that whether it is the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the World of Witchcraft mastered by the Twelve Ancestors, or the Netherworld controlled by Emperor Yan Luo, they can all seize the origin of the authentic way, but their existence prevents them from plundering the origin of the authentic way!

Selfish tunnels, the first thing that comes to mind is not the safety of the prehistoric world, nor the overall situation of the prehistoric world, but their own interests and safety. Once things may affect their own interests and safety, tunnels will naturally protect themselves first. Instead of sacrificing oneself for others, it is impossible for Tun Dao to sacrifice himself to save the prehistoric world. The prehistoric world is not his own world, and it is impossible for Tun Dao to give everything for it, and this kind of thinking is not only about himself, the way of heaven, the way of humanity This is the case, even the ancestors of Hongjun Dao, and the entire prehistoric creatures are like this, and their own benefits are more important than everything else!

The so-called maintenance of the prehistoric world must have a precondition, that is, it must not conflict with its own interests, and it must not endanger its own safety. Otherwise, any prehistoric world can be abandoned. This is the human heart, this is human nature, and it is also impossible for intelligent beings. The bad roots of change, of course, this is also the source of the continuous evolution and transformation of intelligent creatures!

"It seems that the secrets of the prehistoric world can't be kept. This **** really sacrificed everything for his own interests. This **** is really unreliable. The prehistoric world still needs me to take care of everything!" Tian Dao was muttering to himself in his heart. At this time, he not only did not believe in the authentic way, but also did not believe in the human Dao who had just communicated with him. For Tian Dao, he only believed in himself, and others were not worthy of his belief.

auzw.com "Strength, power! I must speed up to regain the power of the prehistoric world, and I must master more powerful power and power to remove everything from this **** Hongjun, the power of the heavens cannot have Any mistakes, I can't afford another backlash from the source, the power of the heaven must be in my hands!" Soon, Tiandao had a new idea, he didn't care about the heaven before, more precisely, he didn't care. Haotian and Yaochi, the two masters of the heavens, but now the way of heaven must act, and the heaven must be in his own hands. As for the ancient star field, although the heaven has an idea, the danger of the ancient star field is too great, if there is a trace Mistakes may cause the entire prehistoric world to be hit hard, and the origin of the Dao of Heaven to be hit hard!

Of course, the sage of the stars of the ancient star field is still barely trustworthy. This is the most important thing. If the sage of the stars is not trustworthy, Heavenly Dao will never leave him, even if he pays a great price, he will be destroyed. Let the sages of the stars have the opportunity to endanger the origin of the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of Heaven cannot be in crisis again!

In a moment, the power of the heavenly realm descended on the heavenly realm, and Haotian and Yaochi, the masters of the heavenly realm, instantly felt the mighty power of the heavenly realm, and felt the oppression from the power of the heavenly realm, which was the oppression from the mind. Let Haotian and Yaochi not even have the ability to resist, they were directly suppressed by the mighty power of Heavenly Dao, making their hearts extremely angry and shocked!

Haotian and Yaochi were helpless and angry at this sudden upheaval, but they were powerless to struggle, because they were weak, and the weak had no right to choose. When the mighty power of heaven came, they could only surrender! At this time, Haotian and Yaochi gave up Hongjun Daozu completely, because when the mighty power of the Dao of Heaven came, they didn't feel a trace of Hongjun Daozu's breath, and they didn't receive any help from Hongjun Daozu. Obviously, they were completely defeated by Hongjun Daozu. give up!

"Submission or death, heaven cannot fall into the hands of others, and the power of heaven's authority cannot fall outside of heaven!" The voice of heaven resounded in the minds of Haotian and Yaochi, and heaven was demonstrating to them, but also forcing Hao Tian and Yaochi made a choice, to choose between Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao, whether to surrender to Tiandao or continue to follow Hongjun Daozu!

"It's not impossible to make us surrender, what can we get, what position do we have in your heart, we don't want to be abandoned again, we don't want to make wedding dresses for others, we don't want to bear the responsibility that should not be shouldered by us! "Faced with Tiandao's oppression, Haotian did not panic, but calmly asked Tiandao!

Yes, Haotian did not surrender directly, but asked Tiandao. Even in the face of the huge pressure and impact of Tiandao, they still did not surrender directly. They did not want to be betrayed or abandoned by others, so they needed Tiandao gave himself a statement and gave them an acceptable reason. This is their self-protection!

"What do you want? Can't you be satisfied with the position of the lord of the heavens? There are 'ants' under the heavens. You will be the enforcers of the heavens, and you will hold the authority of the heavens and maintain the dignity of the heavens!" Tian and Yaochi's answer, for Tian Dao, although he wants to put the heaven under his own control, he can't be too careless now. After all, if the Dao origin is damaged today, to forcefully grasp the heaven will inevitably damage the origin of the heaven. , it will make the finally stabilized situation of the heavenly world collapse again, and if the heavenly world collapses again, even Heavenly Dao will not be able to restore all order in a short period of time!

Today's heaven has changed, and the prehistoric world has also changed. Tiandao does not dare to act forcefully, to prevent the worst crisis from breaking out, to prevent the collapse of the heavens and lead to chaos in the prehistoric world, let the situation get out of hand, and let itself fall into the real In desperation!

"Not enough, this is far from enough to make us work hard, we need more protection, without the combat power of saints, we cannot fully grasp all the power of the heaven, we will not agree with your suggestion, even if the heaven is not under your control The same is true in China, we will not give in, and there is no one, and there is no strength to make us give in!" Haotian and Yaochi were both dissatisfied with Tiandao's answer, they were unwilling to accept such a result, unwilling to continue to be oppressed, The oppression of the Jiao Hongjun Daozu has aroused their attention and anxiety, and they do not hope that they will fall into the same crisis again!

"Okay, very good, since you want such power, I will give you such power, so that you can truly see the powerful power of Tiandao!" The voice of Tiandao sounded in the ears of Haohao and Yaochi, making their hearts feel For a moment of relief, the mind was telling them that all this was true, and that everything that had happened before was related to the development of the prehistoric world.

When they got Tiandao's reply, Haotian and Yaochi's eyes flashed with a ray of joy. At this time, their hearts changed completely, and they finally no longer had any resistance. Tiandao completely gained their loyalty, although this loyalty has a certain A little bit of oppression exists, but this is already very satisfying for Tiandao. With the allegiance of Haotian and Yaochi, the troubles in the heavens can finally be understood!

"In the name of the Dao of Heaven, I will give you the power of the Dao of Heaven and master the power of authority in the celestial world!" A low voice sounded in the ears of Haotian and Yaochi. The power of the source in the domain makes them very happy. With the gift of heaven, Haotian and Yaochi have the ability to protect themselves for the time being!

A powerful source of power poured into Haotian and Yaochi's bodies, and their strength increased frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, Haotian and Yaochi felt themselves and the heavens. The connection between the two is much closer, the source of the heavenly way is being refined by oneself, and one's own grasp of the heavenly world is strengthening!

"You are too weak to bear my too strong power. If you want to fully grasp the power of the heavens, you need more helpers. Only in this way can you have a chance to survive in this catastrophe. Act quickly. Get up, recruit the forces that belong to you, and enhance the combat power of the heavens. Otherwise, it is not worth mentioning just relying on your current strength. Under the impact of the enemy, there must be ten deaths and no life. Hurry up and act. There's not much time left for you!"

When Tiandao's voice fell, Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes, which made them even more shocked and made them understand that if they wanted to survive, they could only follow Tiandao, and they could only follow Tiandao. Heavenly Dao, if they do not follow the Heavenly Dao, there is only a dead end waiting for them. The power that poured into the body before is not only a help, but also a restraint!

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