God of Destruction

Chapter 4600: worry

Chapter 4606 concerns

"The **** Heavenly Dao is no different from Hongjun Daozu. They just want to use us. Hongjun Daozu led us into the big pit of the heaven. For example, today this **** directly locked us in the heaven and became him. The chess piece!" After the aura of Tiandao disappeared, Haotian finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and was roaring, but as the Lord of the Heavens, he has repeatedly become a chess piece in the hands of others. How sad this is, and it makes Haotian even more dissatisfied. Yes, Heavenly Dao is obviously not as generous as Hongjun Daozu, and the position of Heavenly Emperor originally given by Hongjun Daozu no longer exists, and Heavenly Dao does not recognize it at all!

"What about anger now, can we resist the power of heaven? We can't do it, we can't do it, since we can't do it, why be so angry, don't complain anymore, this may be our life, if we didn't I chose to leave Zixiao Palace and did not choose to be the master of this heaven, and everything may not be what it is now!" Seeing Haotian's angry face and roaring frantically, Yaochi shook his head flatly. In comparison, Yaochi is much calmer!

"Fate, I don't believe in fate, and I absolutely do not accept the mercy of fate. I cannot accept being an ant in the eyes of others. I will not admit defeat!" When Haotian shouted, his eyes revealed endless madness. Being pressured to the point of being crazy, the huge external pressure gave him too many shocks, seriously affecting Haotian's mind!

"Haotian, don't fight anymore, we don't have the power to protect ourselves and we must accept the arrangement of fate. If you insist on fighting reluctantly, it will only be you who will suffer in the end. Our strength is in the eyes of Tiandao. It's not worth mentioning at all, if we hadn't become the Lords of the Heavenly Realm before, I'm afraid that it would have been obliterated by Heavenly Dao, and in the face of absolute power, we have no ability to resist, accept our fate, at least don't fight at this time!"

For Haotian's refusal to give up, Yaochi sighed secretly in his heart. In the face of absolute power, struggling is useless, it will only make himself lose more. Compared with Haotian's refusal to admit defeat, Yaochi is very Calmly accepting the current fate, she is unwilling to fight against Heaven, and she is unwilling to do any irrational actions, because she deeply understands that this will only make herself pay a greater price. In the face of absolute power, she should compromise, Waiting quietly for the time to come!

Yaochi is staring at Haotian, quietly waiting for Haotian to make a decision. This is not an ordinary decision. It is related to their relationship in the future. It is not that Yaochi is cruel, but if Haotian still can't see clearly The situation, she couldn't recognize the status quo, she had to make a choice, a choice to protect herself, Yao Chi didn't want to fall into the crisis of death!

Yes, Yaochi understands very well that if Haotian continues like this, there will only be a dead end in the end, and this is the result that Yaochi cannot accept. It will backfire, and it will even lead to more trouble. Everything can only wait for Haotian's own decision, because this is the catastrophe of heaven and earth!

For Yao Chi, she didn't want to see Haotian being affected by external forces and be confused by the catastrophe of heaven and earth. Once such a situation happened, it was not a good thing for her. She was looking forward to Haotian being able to successfully get rid of the burden in her heart. , to be able to make the right choice, no longer entangled with that little benefit, and be able to truly see through everything!

Time passed little by little, Yao Chi did not disturb Haotian's thinking, but stood there quietly and waited for Haotian's decision without any urging thoughts. At this time, only let Haotian think clearly. Yes, forcible interference will only be a bad thing, it will only make the situation out of control and make everything out of your expectations!

"Yaochi, maybe you're right, I really should let go of the hatred in my heart, what's the use of hatred in today's situation, in the face of absolute power will only kill myself, Hongjun Daozu gave up on us, in fact, instead of To say that he gave up on us, it would be better to say that Hongjun Daozu had to abandon us, abandon us, we still have a chance to live, and we can still be accepted by Heaven. If Hongjun Daozu did not abandon us, I am afraid that what awaits us is death. The moment we find us is our death, and we are lucky to be alive now!"

After some deliberation, Haotian finally realized that hatred is useless, no amount of hatred can destroy the enemy, but hatred can destroy himself. If you look at the problem from another angle, Hongjun Daozu's abandonment is also for them. The protection of , so that they can survive, can be accepted by heaven, can survive in this world catastrophe!

"Haotian, if you can think so, in fact, there is no need for us to care about the battle of this catastrophe. We are weak, and the weak should not participate in the battle of the strong. We don't have that strength. We don't even have the ability to protect ourselves, it's not easy to live, hatred does us no good! Now we obey the order of heaven, protect ourselves first, first gather strength to maintain the stability of the heaven, and everything else can come first lay down!"

Yes, for today's Haotian and Yaochi, letting go is the most important thing. Only by letting go of the hatred and resentment in their hearts can they survive and survive this catastrophe better. They said that the war between Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao could not intervene, nor did they have the strength to intervene, they had to forcefully participate, and only destruction and death awaited them!

auzw.com "Yes, for us, living is the most important thing, as long as we obey the orders of Heaven and maintain the stability of the heaven, as for the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth, Man and Hongjun Daozu, The battle between other powerhouses, that is the battle between them has nothing to do with us!" Although Haotian said so, but he had a kind of expectation in his heart, that is, he hoped that these great powerhouses would be able to communicate with the world. Die together, and in the end, you can take control of the origin of the heavens and reap the benefits of the fisherman!

Haotian doesn't know if he can succeed or not, but he understands that the best choice for him is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, that is to wait for everything to end. To survive in this catastrophe, you can wait until the final battle, the final battle of life and death!

Sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, there are not a few strong people who have such an idea. Many strong people in the wild can have such a vision. This is not only Haotian can think of it, and the situation is not as good as Haotian thinks. As long as you master the origin of the heavens, you can live in the calamity of heaven and earth, and you can wait and see the changes. Will not do nothing.

Sanqing, Nuwa, Jieyin, Zhunti, the former saints of Heavenly Dao, they will wait for Heavenly Dao to recover their strength. This is impossible. As long as they do not give up Hunyuan Dao, they will not dare to allow Heavenly Dao to recover, otherwise they will inevitably If they are blocked by the Tao of Heaven, they will have a decisive battle with the Tao of Heaven, so no matter how they want to hide, it is useless. When they leave the Tao of Heaven, they have already stood on the opposite side of the Tao of Heaven, just like the ancestors of the Tao of Hongjun. Thorn in the flesh!

Compared with Hongjun Daozu, the strength of the predecessors of Sanqing and the others is too great. Even Empress Nuwa does not have the confidence to protect herself in this catastrophe, nor does she have the confidence to transcend the world. After all, the threat of the prehistoric world is too terrible. The previous battle was just a farce. If you look at the power of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings according to the previous farce, it will definitely be self-defeating. I am so ignorant that I think that I can really fight against the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, that I can ignore the strangulation of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, and I can not be afraid of the great catastrophe!

Many people want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but do they have such strength? Even if you sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, you have to have strength. Wang is what everyone can do. If the weak have such an idea, it can only be said that they think too much. When the real decisive battle begins, the first to be cleaned up. It is these people who will be cleared at any time. Once the final decisive battle begins, those who are not organized and have no backers will be swept out and killed immediately!

When Hongjun Daozu appeared outside the nether world, Sanqing had gathered together, and they all sensed the actions of Hongjun Daozu, and the battle they longed for did not start, which made Sanqing very distressed, for them fighting Not appearing means that their own pressure is increasing. No matter how they cover up, they cannot change an important fact, that is, they betrayed the Tao of Heaven and stood on the opposite side of the Tao of Heaven. Taking a big shot, the first one to deal with will definitely not be Hongjun Daozu, but their weaklings!

"Damn it, how can he be so patient? Daozu Hongjun has taken the initiative to come to the door, and he can endure it. So is the Dao of Heaven. He clearly knows that Daozu Hongjun is a big threat, but he allows him to enter the underworld to meet Emperor Yan Luo! Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and muttered to himself, with a hint of unwillingness in his eyes, this situation doubled the pressure on him!

"It's very simple, all of this is driven by interests. Tiandao and Humanity want to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, and want to use the power of the tunnel to weaken the power of Hongjun Daozu, or even make them both lose. After all, no matter who they can use, It’s a great good thing for Heaven and Humanity, but it’s a pity that Tun Dao saw through this calculation and directly ignored everything, letting Daozu Hongjun and Emperor Yan Luo meet, and not giving Heaven and Humanity a chance to calculate themselves!”

When he said this, there was a gloomy light in the eyes of Taishang Laojun. When such a situation occurs, it is a huge pressure for them to Sanqing, and the dangers they have to face are also increasing exponentially. It is possible to attack them, because they are the authentic Pangu, and they have the luck of Pangu. If it really is a war of world destruction, all three of them will be in crisis!

"Junior Brother Tongtian, you need to speed up the proving of Dao Primordial Primordial, only the three of us can proving Dao Primordial Primordial, we have the ability to protect ourselves, if you keep not proving Dao, you will not only endanger your own safety, but also make me and me Junior Brother Yuanshi is in crisis. Your world is not dependent on you. With a catastrophe, a world lord like you is bound to be hostile to the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. Your world does not rely on the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. This is the most dangerous. Yes!" Taishang Laojun opened his mouth to remind Tongtian sect master, and he was also exerting pressure on Tongtian sect master, forcing Tongtian sect master to be able to prove Dao Hunyuan quickly and attract Tiandao's attention!

"Proving Dao Primordial, I also want to do it, but the environment does not allow it, I don't have the ability of two senior brothers, I can silently prove Dao Primordial, there is a whole interception behind me, I can't do it for myself. Give up their lives!" To the suggestion of Taishang Laojun, Tongtian sect master refused without thinking, this is not the time to prove Dao, if Tongtian sect master also burns Kaitian merits to prove Dao, this is him What can't be done, without the merits of opening the sky, without a whole body of luck, what can I do to suppress the qi luck of the sect, and what can I use to protect the safety of my disciples!

When he heard the words of the Tongtian sect master, Taishang Laojun couldn't help frowning, and he was very dissatisfied with the rejection of the Tongtian sect master, but he had no way to change the Tongtian sect master's thoughts, after all, this is the world opened up by the Tongtian sect master, here It is the territory of the Tongtian Sect Master, and he is not the one to call the shots, not to mention that the Tongtian Sect Master is not as simple as it seems!

Yes, the current Tongtian sect master is no longer the sage of the heavenly way back then. Although the Tongtian sect master did not prove the Tao, but he opened up his own world and mastered the power of the world. The Tongtian sect master is definitely not so unbearable. If someone despised the sect master of Tongtian because he did not prove the Tao, he would pay a heavy price in the end!

"Junior Brother Tongtian, you have to prepare yourself, no matter what you think, in the end, you must face the way of heaven, or even face the joint strangulation of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. The existence of us people is for the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. Dead enemies, the luck on our bodies is a great temptation to them. There is no strong strength to protect ourselves. In the end, there is only one dead end. How to weigh the pros and cons, you need to plan well, so as not to be caught off guard by the enemy when the crisis comes, the world Power, interception and luck, cannot really protect your safety. Only your own strength is the most important. When the catastrophe comes, all external forces will be empty and will turn into nothingness. Only your own strength can It is the last resort, under any circumstances, you must prepare for the worst, prepare for the worst, and your own strength is the foundation of everything!"

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