God of Destruction

Chapter 4601: Festival shock

Chapter 4607 shocked

Strength is the foundation of everything. This is the prehistoric world. After Hongjun Daozu is gone, after the three Daoists in the world have recovered, when the Dao of Heaven loses its control over the prehistoric world, all order is shattered, the rules are shattered, and the final decision Everything is no longer bound by the rules of the world, but its own strength, and everything is evolving towards a terrifying natural disaster!

Daozu Hongjun is the person who understands the dangers of the situation best in the entire prehistoric world. It is precisely because he understands the horror of the situation that he goes to the nether world to meet the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witches of Emperor Yan Luo. Why? Jun Daozu did not choose to unite with the saints of Heaven and Dao, but to unite with Sanqing, Zhunti, Jieyin, and Nuwa, because Hongjun Daozu could not trust them, just like these people secretly scolded Hongjun Daozu, they had no gratitude, Just resentment, how can such a situation be trusted by Daozu Hongjun, not to mention that their current strength is far less than the Yin-Yang Daoist, Emperor Yama and the Twelve Ancestors who master the Netherworld, the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the World of Witchcraft, so in the first place. In time, they were excluded from Daozu Hongjun's plan!

The Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yan Luo welcomed the arrival of Hongjun Daozu. After all, they all understood the danger of the current situation, and they understood that only Hongjun Daozu knew the final secret of this prehistoric world. Hongjun Daozu was beyond the prehistoric world. The person who cannot be avoided in the world is also an important person in this catastrophe!

"Hongjun Daozu has finally arrived!" When Hongjun Daozu stepped into the nether world, Houtu Zuwu couldn't help but sighed. There is a hint of rejection!

This meeting came suddenly, but for both parties, they didn't feel any suddenness. Everything seemed to be in their expectations, it was just time sooner or later. Looking at the indifferent Yin Yang Dao, Emperor Yan Luo, and vigilant people. The Twelve Ancestors, Daozu Hongjun shook his head gently, with a faint smile in his eyes, things did not exceed his expectations!

I saw that Daozu Hongjun smiled indifferently and said: "It seems that you are well prepared for my arrival. In this case, we don't need to say more polite words, everyone will go directly to the theme, after all, our time is limited and we waste our precious time. , this is something no one wants to see, it is beneficial to all of us, and we can all accept it!"

Straight to the point, he said his thoughts. This is the method of Daozu Hongjun. He was grabbing the initiative at the beginning of the game. Even if this is the nether world, it is the dojo of Emperor Yama, but Daozu Hongjun is still taking the initiative and doesn't want to let himself Falling into a passive state, and his actions also show how domineering he is!

As a Taoist ancestor, he has dominated the endless years of the prehistoric world by being in line with the heavenly way, making Hongjun Taoist extremely domineering. In fact, if it is someone else, if he has experienced the things of Hongjun Taoist, he will also become like this. Domineering, the Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo did not react to such a situation, and they were still calm, but the faces of the twelve ancestors showed a solemn color. They were dissatisfied with the domineering behavior of Hongjun Daozu, and also feeling anxious!

Although there were many dissatisfactions in their hearts, the Twelve Ancestors did not appear to be so nervous. After all, this is the home of Emperor Yama, and the Lord of the Netherworld is Emperor Yan. The Twelve Ancestors did not necessarily act too irritable, even if something happened. It happened, and it was Emperor Yan Luo who bore the brunt of it, not their Twelve Ancestors!

I saw that Emperor Yan Luo smiled indifferently and said: "Okay, everything is as Daozu said, let's get straight to the point and discuss countermeasures, how to survive in this upcoming catastrophe, Daozu must have something to tell us, and Daozu has something to say to us. With the help of Taoist ancestors, I believe that we all have the opportunity to escape from this catastrophe, escape from the oppression of the three worlds, and break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world!"

Daozu Hongjun shook his head gently and said: "Beyond the prehistoric world? No, you think highly of my ability, although I have fought against the prehistoric world, but to transcend the prehistoric world, this is not what I am good at, I can only say that everyone helps and supports each other! This world catastrophe is more terrifying and terrifying than you imagine, and there is an even more amazing crisis behind it!"

"Oh! Then we listen to the instructions of Daozu, maybe with Daozu's guidance, we can go further on the road of cultivation, after all, you know the prehistoric world better than us, and your guidance can save us a lot of precious time! "For the words of Hongjun Daozu, Emperor Yan Luo recognized it very much, and he directly admitted that he was not as good as Hongjun Daozu!

When Emperor Yan Luo reacted in this way, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help being stunned and was greatly surprised. In the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, the strong are all confident, and it is difficult to admit that they are inferior to others, not to mention that Emperor Yan Luo is a prehistoric person. The first Hunyuan Jinxian to appear in the world is more confident and should not have such a reaction. After all, he is the lord of the nether world. As the lord of the nether world, Emperor Yama, who is the lord of the nether world, can't possibly be ignorant of the prehistoric world. The authority of the Lord of the world is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

"I can't talk about guidance, it can only be said to support each other. I know that you all have to give up the way of saints and choose the way of Hunyuan Dao, and the road of Hunyuan Dao is not so easy to walk. There are many difficulties behind this, don't I thought that you could easily succeed in proving the Dao before, but I thought that the Dao of Hunyuan was easy to succeed, and Emperor Yan Luo's proving the Dao was the real strength. With great merit, it would naturally not have any difficulties to lead the Dao's mighty power to come. It's a coincidence, it's not that his strength can really do it, Nuwa is another situation, the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings are not doing their best, they all have hidden, according to my understanding of the heavenly way, even if I have experienced the three cleanliness Betrayal with Nuwa, the origin of the Dao of Heaven is damaged, and it will not be so weak. He is hiding his strength. The same is true of the Dao of Earth and the Dao of Humanity. They both want to plot against each other, but they are unwilling to reveal their true power. If the Dao of Heaven fully erupts, only Just a single force has the possibility of suppressing Nuwa. Although the Dao of Life is strong, it is only above self-preservation. If the Dao of Heaven wants to suppress her, it is still capable of doing it.

When Daozu Hongjun said these words, everyone present was shocked, especially the Twelve Ancestors, who were even more shocked. In their opinion, the performance of the Queen Mother Nuwa was already very powerful, but Tiandao It is still possible to suppress it, which shows that everything I know is false, the three worlds are in the layout, and they are likely to be the people in the game!


Compared with the shock of the Twelve Ancestors, Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin and Yang behaved very calmly, as if all this had been expected by them, and they had long known that the three ways of heaven, earth and people were deliberately preserving their strength, and everything was under their control. among!

Seeing such a reaction, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help sighing in his heart: "Sure enough, Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yan Luo were already prepared, and everything was within their expectations. It seems that the power of authority in the Netherworld is really powerful. It's amazing, I just don't know how much Daoist Yin Yang and Emperor Yan Luo know about the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings!"

Although he was a little shocked in his heart, the face of Daozu Hongjun did not show it, he stared at the twelve ancestors with a smile and said: "Everyone is in the authority of the tunnel, and you should have a good understanding of the tunnel. There are calculations, which are naturally aimed at you. Just like the way of heaven and the way of humanity, if the way of heaven wants to calculate people, the first one will naturally be me, the existence with whom I used to be in harmony, and then those saints of the way of heaven. After all, this is the way of heaven. !"

"The Dao Ancestor's words are reasonable. We all understand the Tao of Heaven and the Tao of the Earth. If the Tao of Humanity wants to calculate, who will he choose to start? Is it the leader of Tongtian or Zhun mentioning and receiving, whether it is the world that relies on the three Taos of heaven, earth and human beings. The Lord will become their target, or more precisely, the Lord of the world will be calculated by the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings?" At this time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu could not help but stand up and ask, after all, he is also in one world, although he has let go He has gained world power, but Emperor Jiang Zuwu still wants to understand this problem, otherwise it will always be a demon in his heart!

After a moment of contemplation, Daozu Hongjun shook his head gently and said: "Lord of the world, any lord of the world is the object of the three calculations of heaven, earth and man, because the lord of the world holds the authority of the world, and the authority of the world will lead to The general trend of the prehistoric world! For the prehistoric world, although the emergence of a new world will enhance the origin of the world, it will also lead to great changes in the world, and the great changes in the world are unwilling to see it, just as they do not want to see it. It's the same as when Hunyuan Avenue appears!"

When hearing these words, Taoist Yin-Yang was thoughtful, and vaguely understood the problem. The Great Way of the World would affect the general situation of the prehistoric world. Once the general situation of the prehistoric world was out of control, the plans of the three ways of heaven, earth and people would be hindered. So appearing in the nether world is precisely because of the great changes in the wild world, because everything is out of control!

When thinking of this, Daoist Yin Yang said: "We can understand the meaning of Daozu, the emergence of the world means the advent of the world's avenues, and the advent of every kind of avenue is a burden to the prehistoric world, and it is a huge burden to the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings. Therefore, the three paths of heaven, earth and people are unwilling to see any new avenues appearing, such as Primordial Dao and World Dao, but what is behind all this, this is what we want to know!"

As soon as Daoist Yin-Yang said this, the eyes of the twelve ancestor witches were brilliant, and they all turned their attention to Daozu Hongjun, waiting for the answer of Daozu Hongjun. They all eagerly wanted to know this secret, and instinctively made them feel this. It is definitely the biggest secret of the prehistoric world, and it is also the root of the transcendence of the prehistoric world. Once you know it, you will have a chance to transcend the prehistoric world!

Originally everyone thought that Hongjun Daozu would inevitably shirk, but everyone was wrong! I saw that Daozu Hongjun smiled indifferently and said: "In fact, everything is very simple, and the reason behind all this is because of the great **** Pangu!"

When Daozu Hongjun said these words, the twelve ancestor witches were all shocked. Because of their own damage, the ancestors of Emperor Jiang were also affected, so they couldn't help but said: "This is impossible, the father and **** have died. Fall, how could it be the conspiracy behind everything!"

"Conspiracy? I said that God Pangu is the conspiracy behind everything. I just said that the reason behind all this is because of the existence of God Pangu. In your impression, God Pangu has fallen and died. In fact, you It's all wrong, Pangu has always existed, and his primordial spirit has always been sleeping in the prehistoric world. If the primordial world continues to grow its origin, his primordial spirit will recover, and the appearance of the Primordial Dao and the World Dao will enhance the prehistoric world. Origin, now you understand why the three worlds of heaven, earth and people are unwilling to see the expansion of the prehistoric world, and understand why heaven and earth want to master the general situation of the prehistoric world!"

"Hey! This is too crazy, it's hard to accept, the primordial spirit of the father **** still exists in the great wasteland, what is the Sanqing, they are not transformed by the primordial spirit of the father god, what is going on? Daozu, we don't understand!" Houtu Zuwu frowned and said to Hongjun Daozu, his eyes were full of endless doubts, if Sanqing was not transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, then what would their twelve ancestors be? Is the clan really Pangu authentic?

Hongjun Daozu said indifferently: "Hehe, you are all deceived, Sanqing is indeed transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, but they are not owned by Pangu Yuanshen, and your witch tribe is transformed by Pangu's blood. Heaven, earth and human beings, what do you think they are, in your impression, what would they be?"

When they heard Daozu Hongjun mentioned the three ways of heaven, earth and man, the hearts of Yin and Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo were moved. They vaguely understood that maybe this was the problem. , is the biggest secret of the prehistoric world, and the secret that I most want to know. If you can know all of this, you can also understand everything in the prehistoric world, and you can make yourself a lot less obstacles in the road of cultivation, and you can go further!

At this time, the Twelve Ancestors were lost in contemplation. They did not have the same state of mind as the Yin-Yang Daoist and Yama Emperor. When they heard such an amazing secret, they couldn't help but lose their minds and fell into the memory of the inheritance of the great **** Pangu. In the search, after all, they were transformed by the blood of Pangu, and they have the real secret of opening the sky in their inheritance!

What is the secret? The twelve ancestral witches are thinking frantically, trying hard to find the problem. If they can master this secret, maybe they can get more inheritance, and they can really let the witches walk out of their own Primordial Dao. Let yourself have the opportunity to prove the Tao, instead of asking for help from others!

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