God of Destruction

Chapter 4602: The Secret of Pangu

Chapter 4608: The Secret of Pangu

It is a pity that the Twelve Ancestors overestimated their own abilities, and also overestimated the Pangu inheritance they had obtained. No matter how hard they searched, they could not find the slightest bit of relevant information from the depths of their souls, as if all this was fundamental. It does not exist, and the more it is, the happier the Twelve Ancestors are, because it means that what Hongjun Daozu said is true.

It's just that the Twelve Ancestors were happy a little early. Now that the world has changed drastically, even if what Daozu Hongjun said is true, can everything be as they wished? In the end, it is strength that determines everything. Strength is the foundation of everything. Without enough strength, no matter how good their roots are, will they be able to retreat in the face of the three worlds?

Emperor Yan Luo sighed softly: "Daozu, we don't know, for us creatures, we have the complete imprint of Pangu Kaitian, and naturally we can't know what happened to Pangu Kaitian, so the three ways of the world and the people of the prehistoric world treat us. We don’t know anything about it. If we have to say we understand, we only know what we know about the Dao of Earth and the Dao of Heaven. We don’t know anything about the Dao of Humanity. What we know about Dao of Earth and Heaven is even more limited. After all, we are in contact with The time is too short, such a short time is not enough for us to know more secrets, let alone the secret of their origin, such an important secret!"

I don't know, it's a bit embarrassing, but it's the truth. Emperor Yan Luo has no reason to cover up. The most important thing is that it's useless to cover up in front of Daozu Hongjun. Waiting for Hongjun Daozu's explanation, this can also save his precious time.

I saw Hongjun Daozu sighed: "Yeah, I don't know, it's not just you who don't know, there are not many people in the whole prehistoric world who know this secret, maybe I'm the last one. In fact, it is Pangu's good thoughts, evil thoughts and obsessions, be shocked, this is very similar to the three corpses to prove the Tao!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded, which was really shocking. Killing three corpses to prove Tao is to cut off good thoughts, evil thoughts and self. Confused, could it be said that beheading three corpses is not the creation of Daozu Hongjun himself, nor does it come from the inheritance of heaven, but from the great **** Pangu!

As if he could see through what everyone was thinking, Daozu Hongjun smiled indifferently and said, "Do you think that this three corpse-cutting proving originated from the inheritance of the great **** Pangu, in fact, it is not, this is the way of proving evolved from the Tao of Heaven, It is also the calculation of the Tao of Heaven to control the flood, but this method of killing three corpses to prove the Tao is similar to the good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions left by Pangu. In your hearts, you must think that heaven is the obsession of Pangu, after all, it is The strongest, but it is not. The Tao of Heaven is not the obsession of Pangu. The obsession of Pangu evolves to improve the Tao of humanity. The Tao of Heaven is evil. If it is evil thoughts, it will not care about the existence of time gods and demons at all!"

Hearing this, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help frowning. This is very different from what he thought. If Sanqing is not the authentic Pangu, why did Hongjun Daozu want to accept them as disciples, and why did he suppress the demon clan and the witch clan? Even to destroy the entire Wu clan, the most important thing is that if the way of heaven is the evil thoughts of Pangu, Pangu Yuanshen still exists in the prehistoric world. Mutually!

The Yin-Yang Taoist took a deep breath and said: "Daozu, please explain to us again, we still don't understand all of this, if Pangu Yuanshen still exists in the prehistoric world, only the origin of the world can Can be worthy of his identity, but it is obvious that the origin of the prehistoric world is not Pangu Yuanshen, where does he exist? You said that the Primordial Dao will speed up the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, why do I feel nothing when I wait? Something doesn't make sense, right?"

Daozu Hongjun didn't feel anything wrong with Daoist Yin-Yang's doubts, and said with a light smile: "This is natural, since I have already said so many secrets, naturally I won't hold back any more. Existing in the prehistoric world, no one knows, even if I once fit into the heaven, I do not know his existence, but one thing is certain, Pangu Yuanshen exists in the prehistoric world, and you have not felt his existence. Of course, if you can feel the existence of Pangu Yuanshen, it is unreasonable, after all, Pangu is the pioneer of the world!"

The words of Hongjun Daozu exploded in the minds of Yin and Yang Daoists like thunder! Yes, Pangu is the pioneer of the world. They all depend on the prehistoric world opened up by Pangu to survive. If Pangu Yuanshen wants not to be noticed by them, how could they be aware of the existence of Pangu Yuanshen? If they can If you do, you will be out of the prehistoric world!

"The ancestor of Dao is right, because we are arrogant. This prehistoric world was created by the great **** Pangu. How could we younger generations feel his existence, but since the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings are Pangu's evil thoughts, good thoughts and obsessions, they Why do you want to prevent the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, why do you want to prevent the development of the prehistoric world, this is a bit unreasonable!"

"Haha! All of you are only fooled by the surface, and you are all thinking about problems in a normal way, but in fact, your thinking from the beginning was wrong, and Pangu's evil thoughts, kind thoughts and obsessions have turned into people from the wild world. The three ways, and they are all in charge of the origin of the flood, how can they be willing to see the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, and see themselves returning to Pangu, after anyone is free, they are not willing to be controlled or suppressed by others, and The three ways of heaven, earth and people are like this. They do not want to see the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, because the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen means that they will be forced to return to Pangu Yuanshen, or even be swallowed by Pangu Yuanshen, turning it into nutrients for Pangu’s resurrection. So naturally they have to do their best to prevent this from happening!"

Speaking of this, Daozu Hongjun paused, giving Yin-Yang Daoist, Emperor Yan Luo, and the Twelve Ancestors time to digest, such an impact was too great for them, especially the Twelve Ancestors, they were more frequent I can't accept this statement!


"That being the case, the Taoist preached, why did he accept Pangu Sanqing as his disciple and bestow the treasure, which is also somewhat unclear, not to mention that Sanqing has the merits of Pangu's opening of the sky, and the merits are greater than our ten The two witch ancestors are still strong, this is a bit unreasonable!" Houtu Zuwu stared at Hongjun Daozu, waiting for a reply.

"It doesn't make sense. In your eyes, this is indeed a little unreasonable, because you only see the surface of the matter, and you only understand the surface. Well, whether it’s me or myself, I need merit. Of course, this is only a small part of the reason. The most important thing is that Pangu Sanqing is the backhand left by Pangu and prepared for his own resurrection. First, they will have the opportunity to awaken Pangu Yuanshen, and it is precisely because of this that they have such huge merits of opening the sky, and Tiandao and I are here to prevent the resurrection of Pangu Yuanshen!" At this moment, Hongjun Daozu was completely He spoke his mind without concealing it at all.

"It turns out that this makes sense. Sanqing turned out to be the backhand left by the great **** Pangu. It was only because of the calculations of heaven and because of the changes in the prehistoric world that accidents happened and some of the heaven-opening merits were lost. There is no more chance to unite, there is no way to wake up Pangu Yuanshen, so the calculation of Pangu Great God went wrong, so the backhand of Sanqing failed completely. Pangu God's backhand, but even Pangu Yuanshen has such a means. Could it be that there is no way for the Wu people to wake up Pangu Yuanshen, and Pangu God didn't leave a backhand in the Wu people? This is a bit unreasonable. Are the Twelve Ancestral Witches evolved from the blood of Pangu, in essence, beyond the Three Purities?"

At this time, Taoist Yin-Yang looked at Daozu Hongjun suspiciously, hoping to get an explanation from Daozu Hongjun, while the Twelve Ancestors also stared at Daozu Hongjun, eager to get a satisfactory answer. How could they have nothing at all? This is indeed unreasonable and unacceptable!

I saw, Daozu Hongjun sneered: "Hehe, who said that the twelve ancestors did not have the backhand of the Great God Pangu, what is the 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Gods' that they have mastered, if they do not have the backhand of the Great God Pangu. , how could it be possible to summon the real body of Pangu? The 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons' is another successor of Pangu, which is why Tiandao and I have suppressed the Wu clan so much. Every outbreak of ', it will attract the backhand of the great **** Pangu!"

When he saw the happy face of the Twelve Ancestors, Daozu Hongjun snorted coldly and said: "Don't be too happy, don't think it's a good thing, you can guide Pangu to return, although I don't know where you are. What kind of calculations did Pangu leave behind on the Wu clan, but one thing is clear, every time you open the 'Twelve Heavens and Gods' Great Formation' and summon Pangu's real body, it is all assimilation to you, don't you realize that you have changed now? Is there something different, is there something wrong with the source of the Dao you master? When your source is completely out of control, you will not be far from death!"

Shocked, the Twelve Ancestors were shocked, this was something they had never thought of, but in addition to the shock, they did not feel fear, only to see Houtu Ancestor said indifferently: "What about assimilation, can return to the Father God Embrace, it is a good thing for all of us witches, this has always been the moment we look forward to, if we can sacrifice us and let the Father return, everything is worth it, and we are willing to accept it, even if the price is our lives!"

When the ancestors of the ancestors said this, the other ancestors nodded and said: "Yes, the little sister is right, as long as the father and **** can return, we are willing to accept no matter how much we pay, death is not a problem. What a great thing, we are not afraid and we are not afraid, for us it is just a return to the arms of the Father!"

Seeing the reaction of the Twelve Ancestors, Daozu Hongjun snorted disdainfully and said: "Ignorance, after you are really assimilated, you can resurrect the Great God Pangu, and you can make the Great God Pangu return to the prehistoric world, this is simply a joke, a What a big joke, you can do it with your little strength, do you think Tiandao will give you this opportunity, does the tunnel allow such a situation to happen, in the face of Tiandao and the tunnel, how likely are you to succeed?"

There is no possibility. If the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of the Earth take action, it would be a big joke for the Twelve Ancestors to succeed. Their strength is not enough to be an enemy of the real prehistoric world, not to mention the crazy appearance of Dao of Heaven. It is deeply imprinted in their hearts and will not be affected by a little external force, but will only firmly grasp everything!

Before waiting for the Twelve Ancestors to speak, Daozu Hongjun continued: "Don't even think about it, you have no chance at all. If you still don't know how to advance or retreat at that moment, only death and destruction awaits you. Heaven can't tolerate you. There is no room for you, not even humanity. Death is your only destination. And your death is impossible for Pangu to return, and it is impossible to affect the development of the prehistoric world. This is fate!"

When Daozu Hongjun said the word fate, a faint sadness appeared in his eyes unconsciously, but this sadness came and went faster, and disappeared without a trace in a flash, as if everything had never been born. In the past, among the people, all this was seen in the eyes of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and remembered in the heart, and all of this in Qiaqia has become a crisis!

"You remember, no matter what time, don't try to merge into Pangu's real body, don't try to rely on the power of the 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Gods' to regenerate Pangu, this is death to anyone , no one can resist this turning point in this world catastrophe, fate has been opened, and you can't resist!"

The Twelve Ancestors did not refute the words of Hongjun Daozu, and there were cold rays of light in their eyes, which made them feel uneasy and threatened, but now the Twelve Ancestors don't know what to do. choose.

"Looking at our friendship in the same boat, I remind you, don't have any illusions, and don't hold any sacrifices for the Father and God as a matter of course, nothing in the prehistoric world, Pangu has fallen, no matter what. How much he has left behind will change, it will no longer be the most primitive calculation, and all kinds of accidents will happen!"

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