God of Destruction

Chapter 4603: difficult

Chapter 4609 Difficulty

When Hongjun Daozu's words fell, not only the twelve ancestors were silent, but Yin-Yang Daoist and Yan Luo Emperor were also silent. They all understood the importance of this warning, especially Yin-Yang Daoist and Yan Luo Emperor, who understood Hongjun even more. Daozu is reminding himself through the twelve ancestral witches, warning himself not to be careless, otherwise he will inevitably be destroyed, accidents will occur at any time in the catastrophe, and danger will come at any time, a little careless It will pay the price in blood!

The Yin-Yang Taoist nodded lightly and said, "We really need to pay attention to this. This is a life-and-death battle, and we cannot tolerate the slightest mistake. For us, a little mistake may ruin our lives. We have no heaven and earth. With a fault tolerance rate like Sandao, they can fail again and again, but if we fail once, we may die!"

Daozu Hongjun was very happy and satisfied with the reaction of Daoist Yin and Yang. In this battle of life and death, there is indeed no room for mistakes. For these people, failure means death and destruction. They are not heaven and earth. There are not so many opportunities for fault tolerance, and because of the successful preaching of the goddess Nuwa, many people are despising the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, and such a harmonious state of mind is the most dangerous, and it is also the least of Hongjun Daozu. Willing to see it!

"Everyone, I know that many of you despise the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, and feel that the success of Nuwa is the best proof of the weakening of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, but I want to tell you that it is a big mistake to think so. , the enemy wants to be more ferocious and terrifying than you think. Any carelessness will put you to death and your companions will be in crisis! In your mind, among the three ways of heaven, earth and man, the power of heaven The most powerful, the most powerful, and the most profound, but I want to tell you that this is wrong. The most powerful among the three ways of heaven, earth and human is not the way of heaven, but the way of humanity! I can even tell you that, According to the normal situation, the power of heaven is the weakest, and the background is the weakest!"

As soon as Hongjun Daozu's words fell, everyone present gasped involuntarily. This was something that none of them thought of, which shocked them all! It made them all unbelievable, and they all turned their attention to Hongjun Daozu, waiting for Hongjun Daozu's explanation to satisfy them.

"Hehe, I know, you are all surprised and unbelievable, thinking that if the power of humanity is really the strongest, why would Tiandao be the ruler and take charge of the general situation of the prehistoric? Why was the tunnel born so late? But this is the truth, humanity The power is indeed the most powerful. The reason for such a situation is that Tiandao seized the opportunity and is also the most ruthless. Humanity is the wild land, carrying all living beings in the wild, and it is also the first born, but Qiaqia is because he was born first, Therefore, he was calculated by Tiandao, lost the initiative, and was suppressed by Tiandao all the time. The great catastrophe of heaven and earth is all the handwriting of Tiandao, and it is a suppression of humanism. Too merciful, if you have to suppress the time gods and demons of the chaos gods and demons, they will not consume a lot of origin, and they will not be born. It is precisely because of such a painful lesson that today's tunnels have become crazy and terrifying. Insidious and cunning!"

Hongjun Daozu is right, the tunnels today are indeed insidious and cunning. If it weren't for the strong background of the nether world, perfecting it in the shortest time, and the Wuzu world as a help, I'm afraid that the netherworld has already faced the tunnels now. The crazy counterattack, the authentic authority is difficult to be completely grasped by Emperor Yama.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Hongjun Daozu continued: "Now is the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and it is the most easy time to disturb Pangu Yuanshen, so at this time, under this situation, the three ways of heaven, earth and people are the craziest and most terrifying, right. For them, this is a battle of life and death. Once Pangu Yuanshen recovers, they will be threatened with life. This is the fruit they don't want to see, so for the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, they will do their best to stop them. This is happening, and all of us are their targets!"

For all that Daozu Hongjun said, Daoist Yin and Yang and Emperor Yan Luo were prepared, but the impact on the twelve ancestors was a bit big, making it difficult for them to accept it for a while. Strength, this is a great threat to their Wu clan, and they are easily subjected to calculations and shocks from the authentic!

At this moment, Houtu Zuwu took a deep breath and said: "Daozu, the way we can solve it, we must know that if we face the three worlds at the same time, it will be difficult for us to fight against their joint strangulation, even if we own the world. Even if we are powerful, we can't resist this terrifying strangulation. After all, we don't have a powerful and incomparable source of life like the Empress Nuwa, and it is impossible for us to strangle together without fear! If they really want to hide their strength, even if We are prepared in advance, and we cannot resist their joint attack, and once such a situation occurs, it will be a catastrophic blow!"

Hongjun Daozu sighed softly: "Why don't I know this yet, but I can't help it, in the face of absolute power, any conspiracy, any calculation is false, strength will decide everything, for us , what is most needed is absolute power. Only when we unite and gather the strongest power can we have the ability to protect ourselves. As for the three ways to kill the world, it is almost impossible to achieve. The prehistoric world will not allow such a situation. It happens, the three ways of heaven, earth and human are the foundation of the flood, and we are just ants living in the world of flood, ants with little value!"

Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yan Luo did not react excessively to Daozu Hongjun's words of 'ants' and accepted them calmly, but the Twelve Patriarchs were unwilling to accept the name of 'ants', which was unacceptable to them. Shock, once they take the name of 'ants', they will suffer devastating damage to their hearts. After all, the weakest of the witches is their souls.

auzw.com At this time, the Yin-Yang Taoist's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Daozu, I want to know what the pursuit of the three realms is, they just want to seize the initiative in the prehistoric world. , just want to block the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, or do they have other crazy ideas? If so, what do they want to do, and what kind of impact and threat will they cause to us?"

When Daoist Yin-Yang said this, Daozu Hongjun's expression became solemn, and his views on Daoist Yin-Yang also changed. Before Daoist Hongjun repeatedly raised his views on Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yama, but now he Knowing that I still underestimated the yin and yang Taoist heritage, and underestimated the other party's xinxing and wisdom!

"The initiative of the prehistoric world is only secondary to the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. As for blocking the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, this is for sure. No matter how much the cost, the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings will be completed. They can't tolerate this. The crisis appears, and as for what crazy ideas they have, I don’t know too much. After all, I am not a man of heaven and earth, and I can’t figure out their true thoughts. Even if I used to fit in with the way of heaven, I still have limited understanding of the way of heaven. Very, in my opinion, their biggest threat is Pangu. According to my understanding of the Tao of Heaven, their greatest wish is to devour other companions and complete the real transformation. If the Tao of Heaven can devour the Tao of the Earth and the Tao of Humanity, they will be able to master the prehistoric world. They can get rid of the threat of Pangu Yuanshen, and they can truly jump out of their original shackles and become truly independent existences!”

Being independent and free from the influence and threat of any power is indeed what any creature desires, and it is also the goal that everyone has been pursuing. As the evil thoughts, good thoughts and obsessions of the great **** Pangu, it is natural to yearn for freedom and independence, no evaluation. The influence of Pangu Yuanshen is not oppressed by the outside world, so for this, they can do anything.

The Yin-Yang Taoist nodded and said: "I understand, what they pursue is independence, not the detachment of us, because they themselves are part of the prehistoric world, and our connection with the prehistoric world is not as close as we imagined, then I am afraid that a world lord like Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the nether world, still cannot compare with the connection between the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings and the prehistoric world. For a world lord like him, the greatest help is not the power of world authority, but the great way. help!"

Dao helps, this sentence Yin and Yang Taoist is right. For world lords like Emperor Yan Luo, their greatest help comes from the Dao, not the power of their own world, let alone other powers. The power of the Dao is the Most importantly, if there is no Dao to help, the world masters like them will be strangled from the three worlds!

I saw that Hongjun Daozu nodded and said: "Yes, that's the way it is. For you world masters who hold the power of the world, the greatest help is the Dao, not your own authority. The power of the world's authority must be Subject to the three ways of heaven, earth and people, as well as the origin of the prehistoric world, but the help of the Dao is not limited by any force, as long as you can get the approval of the Dao, you can get the help of the Dao, and the success of Nuwa is largely due to Benefiting from the help of the Dao, not her own true power, just like the Jinxian who has descended the Dao and the Dao, all of them are the help of the Dao!"

This is the case, but who can get the help of the Dao, as the master of the nether world, Emperor Yan Luo has no confidence to be recognized by the Dao again, and he has given himself a huge amount of luck and merit, and can prove himself. Opportunities are not only like Emperor Yan Luo, but also the ancestors of Houtu. While gaining the power of authority, they must also be bound and restrained by the power of authority. The power of authority is both power and restraint, and it is also a restraint on oneself!

Today, Emperor Jiang Zuwu has cut off the power of the world's authority, but for Emperor Yan Luo and Houtu Zuwu, they can't do the same, they can't be as crazy as Emperor Jiang Zuwu, they can be cut out in one fell swoop The connection between themselves and the tunnel, cut off the power of the world's authority, because they are too deeply connected with their own authority, it is almost impossible to cut off everything, and it can even be said that their power of authority has been closely related to their own origin. Combined, their origins will be damaged, and the power of the world authority they hold will be severely damaged, and they will even be wiped out by external forces and disappear between heaven and earth!

"This is really speechless. I, the lord of the Wu clan world, still have the opportunity to cut off the connection with the world and cut off all the entanglement of cause and effect, but for Emperor Yan Luo and Sister Houtu, this is almost impossible. There is a close connection with the power of their own authority, even if they are deliberately cut off, they cannot do it. The power of authority is almost completely integrated into themselves, even into their origin. In this case, let them How to cut everything!"

When he said this, Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help but sighed, with a hint of unwillingness flashing in his eyes, then took a deep breath and said, "I don't know if Zu can help us so that we can Getting rid of the control and influence of the tunnel can make us not afraid of the pressure and impact of the tunnel!"

"Difficult, difficult! This matter is very difficult. After all, you have merged too much with your respective sources of authority. Even if you are willing to give up everything and cut off all causes and effects, the wild world does not allow such a situation to happen. If you forcibly cut off everything. If you break everything, you will inevitably suffer the backlash from the source. You, Emperor Jiang Zuwu, are a good example. You will suffer from the backlash from the authentic way. If it weren’t for the source of the Wu clan world being extremely powerful, the will of the Wu clan would also be extremely firm. I am afraid that you have already entered the crisis of death, and you will suffer the catastrophe of the world, and you will fall into the crisis of death!"

Hongjun Daozu is not exaggerating at all, and even a little reserved. If Hongjun Daozu said everything without reservation at all, it would be a terrifying threat to everyone, and even one by one would fall into a real crisis of death. Among them, after all, there are new changes in the three worlds today, and it is difficult to decide whether this change is good or bad!

Houtu Zuwu sighed: "Alas! This is really embarrassing, if you can't cut off all these connections, once the catastrophe comes, you will inevitably suffer backlash from the power of authority, and you will not have enough strength to suppress yourself. The power of luck is bound to suffer a devastating blow. Today's Wu clan is a good example. They have fallen into a real crisis of death. If you can't make a decision quickly, you can't take it out in time. After being rescued, what awaits him must be a catastrophic death, and it is difficult for all of us to get rid of this calamity of death, and we will all fall into a real desperate situation!"

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