God of Destruction

Chapter 4604: vigilance

Chapter four thousand six hundred and ten vigilance

Emperor Yan Luo felt that the more the Dao Ancestor Hongjun said, the more he deviated from the theme. Before, he was just talking about the secrets of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, but when he changed his eyes, he brought everything to them, which made the Twelve Ancestral Witch's state of mind. They were all shaken and forgot the previous topic. This is not the result that Emperor Yan Luo wanted, nor the result he wanted to see!

If the Twelve Ancestors are pulled over by Daozu Hongjun, this will greatly affect the safety of Emperor Yan Luo, and it will also lead to the uneasiness of Yin-Yang Daoists. You must know that the Twelve Ancestors have enormous power. If they break away from the original This will greatly affect Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin and Yang, making them feel uneasy and feel that their lives will be threatened!

"Daozu, after talking so much, are the three ways of heaven, earth and people just for survival? Have they ever thought about swallowing Pangu Yuanshen, you must know that they are also part of Pangu Yuanshen, if they can devour Pangu Yuanshen, they will have good It is a huge benefit, you can even fly into the sky and get all the power left by the great **** Pangu!" Emperor Yan Luo asked the question he was most concerned about, the existence of the primordial **** Pangu is not only a threat, but also a temptation, even in Yama In the hearts of the emperor and the Yin-Yang Daoist, the reason why Hongjun Daozu fit into the heavenly way also had such an idea. He wanted to control the prehistoric world in his own hands, and wanted to fight the idea of ​​Pangu Yuanshen, but he finally failed!

"I don't know if the three ways of heaven, earth and people have such an idea. Only they understand it in their own hearts. Others can't figure it out. If they can be seen through their minds so easily, what qualifications do they have to take charge of the prehistoric situation? What qualifications do you have to talk about the future? The power of the three ways of heaven, earth and human is far beyond your imagination. Don't look at them with your past experience. Even if I once fit in with the way of heaven, I can't figure out the true thoughts of the way of heaven. Even in my opinion, Heavenly Dao has already seen through my calculations. I have been in his calculations from beginning to end and in his grasp, so I hope everyone can work together. This is not just a matter of who is alone, but is related to all of us. life and death!"

When it comes to life and death, a faint unease flashed in Daozu Hongjun's eyes, as if these words were affecting the prehistoric world, introducing all of them into endless crises and causing them to fall into a place of doom. !

At this moment, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help but sighed: "Yes, this is indeed related to our life and death, we can't be careless, but I don't know if the current heaven has mastered the power of the saints, when he launched an all-out attack At that time, whether we can survive this terrifying attack, the means of heaven are far beyond our imagination, maybe everything we have experienced before is in the grasp of heaven, and it is just the means of heaven to confuse us , if we take it seriously, there is only death waiting for everyone, in the great calamity of heaven and earth, there is advance and no retreat, retreat is death!"

Hongjun Daozu nodded and said: "Yes, the yin-yang Daoist is right, retreating in this world catastrophe is death, in this battle of the Dao there is no retreat, this seems to be a world of heaven and earth. The catastrophe is also a crazy and cruel evolutionary opportunity. Under any circumstances, don't have the idea of ​​luck, because you think so, do it, death is very close to you, and even shrouded you. Above your soul, it is already pulling your soul!"

"Daozu, when will the war start? This world catastrophe is full of twists and turns, and turns have turned again and again. If this war is the final end, when will he come? We need to plan for the worst, it will take time. , we also need to unite with more people, our enemy is not easy!" When he said this, the Yin-Yang Taoist paused, then frowned slightly, and continued: "How to achieve the so-called detachment in the prehistoric world, If we can't do anything, can we break free from the world, break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, and enter the chaos like those ancient powerhouses?"

Chaos is the last retreat for Yin-Yang Taoists. For many people, chaos is terrifying, terrifying, and dangerous, but in the eyes of Yin-Yang Taoists, chaos is their own retreat, the last retreat. Will not work hard for the prehistoric, will not care about the life and death of those prehistoric creatures, will leave alone.

"Transcendence? It is not an easy task to break free from the prehistoric world, to get rid of the shackles of oneself. This requires cutting off all the causes and effects of oneself and the prehistoric world, and it is very difficult to do this, female. You have all seen it when Wadu Tribulation proved the Tao. She cut off her old self and ushered in a new life. It seems that she cut off all causality and all connections with the Jianghuang world. In fact, he still did not do it. As long as she is still in the prehistoric world, it will be difficult to cut off all cause and effect. The so-called cut cause and effect detachment from the prehistoric world is almost impossible to succeed. Cause and effect are forming every moment. This is a dead end. One way is to use absolute power to break all resistance and enter the chaotic world. In fact, before Emperor Yan Luo proved his way, someone in the prehistoric world once cultivated the Dao of Primordial Yuan, and he successfully escaped from the prehistoric world, and this person It is the reincarnation of a real Chaos God and Demon, and he has recovered his own power!"

Chaos Gods and Demons, when Hongjun Daozu mentioned Chaos Gods and Demons, everyone was shocked, especially the twelve ancestor witches. In their impressions, Chaos Gods and Demons should not exist, they have already fallen. When the Great God Pangu preached the Tao, he was beheaded by the Great God Pangu, or he was suppressed. How could there be chaotic gods and demons in this prehistoric world.

Compared with the shock of the Twelve Ancestors, Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yan Luo looked at each other. They both saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes, and they all thought of a name 'Raising eyebrows', the space **** and demon Raising eyebrows Daxian, If it is him, it means that the prehistoric world is more terrifying and terrifying than he imagined before!

"Transcendence is a dead end, and it won't work. It seems that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the only hope. This is really unbelievable. The path of the sage's preaching will turn out to be a dead end, a dead end. For the prehistoric world, there is no way for sentient beings. A path of enlightenment, a path of infinite evolution, this is really a big joke, and it is also the sorrow of all beings!" When he said this, the expression of the Yin-Yang Daoist changed, his eyes exuded endless fighting intent, and there was also endless wariness. Killing intent, he said viciously in a deep voice: "But I won't give in, I won't be afraid, and I won't back down. No one can stop me from moving forward. Those who stand in my way die. No matter who you are, there is only one way to die. "Humans stop killing people, Buddhas stop killing Buddhas, everything in the world can't be killed!"


Hongjun Daozu shook his head and said: "Killing is not the key, and it is impossible to succeed. If killing can be successful, I have already succeeded in the previous catastrophe. The detachment is related to the Great Dao and the origin of the prehistoric world. To put it simply, first of all, we must suppress the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. We can't let them fully recover, we can't let them recover all their strength, and let them trigger the ultimate catastrophe. This is the most important thing, and it is also the key thing. If we They cannot be stopped. Together with the annihilation of the world, everything will return to nothingness. All of us will be dead and souls. It will be swallowed up by the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings and become a part of them!"

"Suppressing the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings?" Yin Yang Taoist and Emperor Yan Luo looked at each other. They did not believe what Daozu Hongjun said. If the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings are so easy to suppress, and the catastrophe of the world is so easy to break out, this prehistoric world is very early. It was destroyed. In the eyes of Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yan Luo, Hongjun Daozu was hiding something, and he was deliberately inducing everyone.

To refuse, to question? No, Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yan Luo didn't do this. They even nodded their heads intentionally to express their approval. They wanted to know the calculations of Daozu Hongjun. The so-called concerted effort was a joke and a bait from beginning to end. If he is not far from death, he will become a **** of Hongjun Daozu.

The intention of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable. Now it is obvious that Daozu Hongjun has the intention of harming others. He wants to use the asymmetry of information to lead Emperor Yan Luo, Daoist Yin-Yang and the Twelve Ancestors to death. Using the power of these people to sacrifice his precious life for his own plan, become a chess piece in the hands of Hongjun Daozu.

"We also want to suppress the three ways of heaven, earth and people, and also want to prevent the world-annihilation catastrophe from coming, but we are powerless, facing the powerful three ways of heaven, earth and people, just our strength can't affect the overall situation at all, if we do it forcefully, I'm afraid that the plan has just started, and before the results can be achieved, everyone has already died and become the nutrients of the three ways of heaven, earth and man! Dao Ancestor does not know if there is a way to prevent this from happening, but you are in harmony with the way of heaven, and you should know the way of heaven. Terrifying!" When he said this, Emperor Yan Luo looked at Hongjun Daozu eagerly, hoping that Hongjun Daozu could give himself a good reply!

Seeing Emperor Yan Luo's expression, Ancestor Hongjun couldn't help frowning tiredly, and sighed: "I also know that everyone's strength is limited, and I understand the danger of the current situation, but this is not what we need to do now, The most important thing for us now is to gather strength and wait for the moment, not act rashly!"

Daoist Yinyang was very dissatisfied with the answer of Daozu Hongjun, and said: "But our time is limited, if we delay the situation, everyone will have life worries. Time waits for no one, and the enemy will not give us that long. Time to prepare, we don't care whether we are ready or not, whether we have completed the plan!"

Time, this is the killer of Yin-Yang Daoist people, using the crucial issue of time to put pressure on Hongjun Daozu, in today's world environment, if you continue to waste your precious time, it will be a disservice to everyone's life. To be responsible is to make fun of everyone's lives, and once such a situation occurs, it will endanger the entire prehistoric world.

"Yes, we really can't waste our precious time. In order to get enough time as possible, we need to divide the labor and cooperate, and everyone is responsible for a part, so that even if there is an accident, it will not affect the overall situation, and it will not be caused by one incident. The failure in this aspect has put everyone in crisis, and made everyone suppressed by the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings!"

After hearing Daozu Hongjun's explanation, Daoist Yin-Yang nodded and said, "Oh, this method is very good, but we all have strengths and weaknesses, how to allocate the danger that we are responsible for, if we give it wrong The arrangement will only yield no gain, or kill everyone's life, if such a situation occurs, it will be more than the gain!"

Hongjun Daozu sighed: "Everything always has to pay a price. It is impossible for everything to be smooth sailing. If you want to gain something, you have to give something. You don't have to pay for it. Now is the moment when we pay. If someone encounters When we are in danger, we can only say that our life is not good. In this catastrophe, no one can be foolproof. The necessary price is that he cannot be prevented from appearing. What we can only ask is most people. safety!"

The more Daozu Hongjun said so 'dignifiedly', the more the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Emperor Yan Luo became more and more wrong. It was just that Hongjun Daozu's calculations could not be thought of in this haste. However, Emperor Yan Luo and the Daoist Yin and Yang both Thinking of the Nuwa, if the Nuwa was there, things would be easier to handle, but unfortunately, now that the Nuwa has lost contact, even the yin and yang Taoists can't feel the existence of the Nuwa, as if she was there. After the duel, her aura had disappeared into the prehistoric world, which made Daoist Yin-Yang doubt the intentions of Daozu Hongjun!

Doubt turns into doubt, but at this time, under such circumstances, Yin Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo can only turn a blind eye when they are stable. At least they can't let Daozu Hongjun feel the crisis, and they can't break their own arrangements and the general trend of heaven and earth. , Even if there are more thoughts in his heart, he can only continue to persevere and wait for the moment when the other party disappears.

"Everyone has now understood the danger of the situation and the secrets of the prehistoric world. Now it is time for everyone to take responsibility. The way of heaven is not the biggest threat to us right now. After all, the origin of the way of heaven has been seriously damaged before. And the saints of the Tao of Heaven are also lacking. It can be said that there is almost no threat to the Tao of Heaven. What we have to face is only the Tao and the Tao. For the time being, I will contain the Tao. Only you can hold him back and buy time for our victory!"

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