God of Destruction

Chapter 4605: Festival cooperation breaks down

Chapter 4611 Cooperation Breakdown

"Haha! Daozu Hongjun, you have betrayed our trust in you. You did not come with malice, but you did not tell us the truth. You still have reservations in your heart. How can you make us believe in such a move? You, yes, we do have a cause and effect with the Tao, but so what, do you think the Tao can get us? Although it is impossible to destroy the Tao with the power of all of us, it is enough to protect ourselves. If you are still like this, we have nothing to talk about. , you have your plan, we also have our own choice, the way is different, we don't conspire with each other, we can act independently!"

When he saw that Hongjun Daozu still didn't tell all his secrets, or he still had reservations about himself, the Yin-Yang Daoist was unwilling to waste his time and energy. Although the secrets Hongjun Daozu knew were very important, he was not certain. Only by knowing all these secrets can we be able to prove the Dao. Fang Xiaotiandi in the chaos is where the yin and yang Daoist’s strength lies!

With that chaotic little world, the Yin-Yang Daoist doesn't feel that he still needs to make endless calculations with Hongjun Daozu. There is no need for that. I'm afraid this is not the case. He still hasn't given up the greedy idea in his heart, and still wants to take shortcuts.

What is the shortcut of Hongjun Daozu? At this time, Daoist Yin and Yang also had something to gain in their hearts. Although it was only a little bit of fur, it also allowed Daoist Yin and Yang to see the real thoughts of Daozu Hongjun, the secrets of Daozu Hongjun, and the secrets of the prehistoric world. Because of seeing all this, Daoist Yin-Yang doesn't want to waste his time and energy!

When the Daoist Yin-Yang's words fell, everyone present was shocked, even Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the underworld world, was shocked, not to mention the twelve ancestor witches, they did not understand why the Daoist Yin-Yang suddenly suddenly Will make such a crazy choice, will directly break with Hongjun Daozu, what is the secret kept by Hongjun Daozu, will make Yin-Yang Daoist so excited, do not save Hongjun Daozu a little face, directly refuse in person!

It's a pity that the Twelve Ancestors and Emperor Yan Luo couldn't figure it out, and even Hongjun Daozu didn't understand why the Yin-Yang Daoist would make such an amazing change in such a short time, and would directly give up communication with himself. Could it be that he really Knowing the secret in his heart, he really has to see through his own plan, but he is just a congenital **** and demon who has just been born, how could he have such an ability, how could he see through his own plan?

Hongjun Daozu's heart was puzzled, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Hongjun Daozu wanted to explain and resolve this sudden change, but he didn't know how to speak, unless he was really willing to The secret in his heart is still his plan to tell the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestors, but this is impossible. Hongjun Daozu cannot accept such a result. If he does this, his secret will be completely known!

Facing the accusations of Daoist Yin-Yang, Daozu Hongjun smiled lightly and said: "It seems that I am still wrong, Daoist Yin-Yang, you have never believed me at all. , you always want to know all the secrets in my heart, but you should understand that this is impossible, no one, no creature can accept such a situation, it is impossible to let go of your heart and tell all your secrets to others, even if Now that we are allies, it is impossible for me to tell the secrets in my heart, which is related to my preaching, and no one will be willing to tell others about the preaching!"

"Yeah, this is indeed related to your preaching, but your preaching is also related to our life and death. Since you can't completely trust us, how can we trust you? Since both sides don't trust you, how can we talk about alliances? , what kind of cooperation, you have your Yangguan Road, we also have our own single-plank bridge, without the help of your Hongjun Daozu, we can still walk out of our own Hunyuan Avenue, no matter how big the secrets of heaven, earth and people are, and how crazy there are Calculations have nothing to do with us!"

Daozu Hongjun wanted to use the sermon to talk about things, and use the sermon to resolve the current crisis of distrust, but the Yin-Yang Taoist did not cover up, he directly expressed his concerns, expressed his thoughts, and did Make your own decision!

Hongjun Daozu stared at Yin-Yang Daoist, and the same Yin-Yang Daoist was also staring at Hongjun Daozu. They did not give up, they all wanted to wait for the other party to give up, but it was obviously impossible. Hongjun Daozu could not give in, and Yin-Yang Daoist It is also impossible to give in. For them, this exchange is a duel of luck, and neither side can give in!

"The way is different, don't plan for each other! Let Daozu Hongjun let go, don't make our minds again, you have your ideas, we also have our decisions, Hunyuan Da is our foundation, no matter what happens, we will not It is possible to let go of the Primordial Dao of my own cultivation, and it is impossible to be influenced by you. Although we have common enemies, we have different goals and different ideas!"

Speaking of this, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help sighing lightly. It is easy to refuse, but the terrifying pressure to refuse is also amazing. It is not possible for anyone to do it, and it can be ignored. situation happened!

"Okay, very good, since the Daoist said so, I can't say it. I hope that we can all get out of our own Tongtian University in the end. I'm leaving!" Seeing that he could no longer persuade the Yin-Yang Daoist, Hongjun Daozu was unwilling. If you waste your time and energy, and leave the nether world directly, there is no intention to stay at all!

Seeing Daozu Hongjun leaving the Netherworld gracefully, the Yin-Yang Daoist sighed involuntarily, with a hint of disappointment and unwillingness in his eyes, even if he already knew in his heart that Daozu Hongjun would choose to leave, but when he really faced the It was another feeling, which made the Yin-Yang Daoist sigh involuntarily!


When Daozu Hongjun left, he was also extremely angry. His plan did not succeed, and he did not get the approval of Daoist Yin-Yang, Emperor Yama and the Twelve Ancestors, and he did not persuade them to cooperate against the three worlds. It is a great shame and failure for Daozu, and it also makes Hongjun Daozu understand that his plan is not perfect. Wu was targeted by the three worlds, and he could share more pressure for himself. This was the harvest of Daozu Hongjun's trip.

When Hongjun Daozu left the nether world, Houtu Zuwu said: "Fellow Daoist Yin and Yang, even if Hongjun Daozu has concealed something, there is no need for us to do such a thing and reject him directly. , can share a lot of pressure for us, and with Hongjun Daozu, we can also have more strength, what do fellow Daoists think?"

Regarding the doubts of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the Yin-Yang Taoist didn't have the guts to leave, and he didn't think there was anything wrong. If he was in the position of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, he would also have the same doubts. The Houtu Ancestor It is rare for Wu to ask directly in front of him, and it is also a manifestation of his trust in himself and Emperor Yama!

I saw that Taoist Yin-Yang nodded lightly and said, "The matter of Daoist Houtu is not as simple as it seems, if Daozu Hongjun hides only unimportant things, things that have nothing to do with us, then I will not do this either. , and he concealed the most important and most dangerous things to us, which made me doubt his intentions. When I cooperate with such people, I am afraid that when I fight against the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, I will Being calculated will put us in a desperate situation. There is only one chance for us. Once we fail, we will pay the price of blood. No one wants to face death and failure, so I have to be careful and have to do the best. Even with bad preparations, I have to give up this cooperation!"

When hearing these words, Houtu Zuwu nodded thoughtfully, expressing his understanding. If it were him, he would have made the same choice, but the Yin Yang Daoist did not say that Hongjun Daozu was hiding something important. Information, this is what the ancestors of the ancestors want to know very much, and it is also what the twelve ancestors are very eager to know. After all, only if you know this secret, you can make targeted defenses, and you can avoid being caught by Hongjun when the catastrophe comes. Dao Ancestor calculated, but now Hou Tu Zu Wu does not know how to speak!

The Houtu Zuwu was hesitating, thinking about how he should ask, but Emperor Jiang Zuwu didn't care so much, because his own strength was weakened, giving him more room to play and a good excuse.

Without waiting for Houtu Zuwu to speak, Emperor Jiang Zuwu stood up and asked: "Fellow Daoist Yin and Yang, I don't know what secret Hongjun Daozu is hiding, which makes people so angry that he refuses him directly at the front, there is a little room for relaxation. don't stay?"

The Yin-Yang Taoist smiled indifferently and said: "In your eyes, Hongjun Daozu has almost nothing to hide when he proves the Tao and became a saint. He walked in the way of a saint, but is this really the case? If Hongjun Daozu did not hide anything at all, what do you think? It is necessary for him to cooperate with us. If Hongjun Daozu did not explain the secrets of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, I would not be sure of his calculations. Now I finally understand the problem. Hongjun Daozu is not good-hearted because he fits his body in the way of heaven. It's not that he wants to use the way of heaven to comprehend the Dao, and to go further in the road of cultivation, he has more crazy ideas and more terrible greed!"

For a moment, Hou Tu Zu Wu Xin felt something, his expression condensed, and he said in surprise: "Yin Yang Daoist said that Hongjun Dao Zu is going to take the road of madness, but how dare he do this, how could he have such an ability ?"

The Yin-Yang Taoist nodded and said: "Yes, just as Houtu Taoist friends thought, Hongjun is going to take this crazy road, and this is the last thing we want to see, and we dare not accept it. , once there is a problem, we will all be in a desperate situation!”

Regarding the mute action of Houtu Zuwu and Yin-Yang Daoist, the other ancestors were confused, Dijiang Zuwu said: "Little sister, Yin-Yang Daoist, don't make this mute, if you have any words, you can directly Say it, so that we can understand what crisis this is, you will only make us more uneasy and more fearful!"

At this time, Houtu Zuwu turned his attention to Yin-Yang Daoist. Such a big secret can not be said at will, because it has great danger and great crisis, Houtu Zuwu is not easy to speak directly, and can only decide Give it to the Yin-Yang Taoist.

Daoist Yin-Yang sighed and said: "Well, since Daoist Dijiang said so, then I have nothing to hide, they all say I am crazy, but the craziest person in the entire prehistoric world is not me, but Hongjun Daozu , Everyone has heard the previous comments of Hongjun Daozu on the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. The way of heaven suppresses the way of humanity and the way of earth, in order to just devour them and dominate the prehistoric world, and in the end, it is to swallow up Pangu Yuanshen and truly become the master of the prehistoric world. Hongjun Daozu also has the same greed idea. To fit in with the way of heaven is the handwriting of Daozu Hongjun to devour the way of heaven. Unfortunately, he failed, so he wants to pull us into the water now, and wants to pull us people to face the way of heaven together, the so-called cooperation , just use us as pawns."

"What? How is this possible? Although Hongjun is very powerful, he is only a saint, a saint of the Tao of Heaven. How can he devour the Tao of Heaven, how can he devour the primordial spirit of the Father God? This is simply impossible!" Shout out for it, such a result makes them unacceptable, and they can't believe it, this is really crazy!

Yin Yang Taoist sneered: "Nothing is impossible, everything is possible in the catastrophe of heaven and earth, as long as Hongjun has such ambition and dares to realize his crazy ideas, there is a possibility of success, such as the origin of Tao today is Seriously weakened, do you dare to say that Hongjun Daozu has no chance to devour the Dao of Heaven? Endless years have been in harmony with the Dao of Heaven. If Hongjun Daozu has no understanding of the Dao of Heaven at all, do you believe it? If it is said that Daoist Hongjun will have no successor, you believe ?"

Do not believe! The Twelve Ancestors would never believe that Hongjun Daozu did not understand the Dao of Heaven, and had no success or preparation for the Dao of Heaven. How could Dao Ancestor Hongjun, who was able to prepare before endless years, not plan for the worst? Even if their twelve ancestors were prepared, Daozu Hongjun would be more fully prepared and more terrifying, but at this time, under such circumstances, he came to the nether world and wanted to form an alliance with them, the younger generation. There are three ways of heaven, earth and people, this is indeed very suspicious, and it is indeed very dangerous. If there is a little mistake, all of them will fall into a desperate situation. One tunnel is enough to make everyone embarrassed, and everyone needs to be jointly guarded. Humanity, I am afraid that the consequences will be more dangerous and terrifying!

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