God of Destruction

Chapter 4606: Festival insidious

Chapter 4612 Insidious

"Everyone has thought about it, yes, it's exactly what you think in your heart. Hongjun wants to use us to contain the human and the authentic, and let us become his pawns in proving the Tao. If I am not wrong, all of this is in women. After the mother-in-law was proving the Tao, it was Hongjun who saw that the mother-in-law of Nuwa was strangled by the three realms of heaven, earth, and earth, and realized that there was a big problem with his plan. Once he had the power to threaten the plan of the three realms of heaven, earth, and earth, he would It will be strangled by the three ways of heaven, earth and people, but the strength of the goddess Nuwa is obviously not that level, so the three ways of heaven, earth and people have reservations, but this has aroused Hongjun's vigilance and anxiety, so he will The idea hit the people of us!"

"It turns out that Hongjun is too insidious, isn't this shifting the weight of his own onto us, fortunately I thought he was a partner who could cooperate with us and face the three realms of heaven, earth and human together with us. Heavy pressure and threats!" At this time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu no longer had any hope for Hongjun Daozu, even if it seemed that Hongjun Daozu and everyone were on the same front, in fact Hongjun Daozu and them Human interests are not the same.

"The three ways of heaven, earth and people are indeed our great enemies, but let's not forget what the root of this prehistoric world is. It seems that we have mastered part of the power of the tunnel, and even the most crucial Netherworld in the tunnel, but this It's just on the surface, the real power of the tunnel is not in our hands, and the power we can use is limited. Originally, what we had to face was only the tunnel. If we cooperate with Hongjun, it will be because of his crazy greed. Let us To face the strangulation of the three worlds at the same time, if everyone does not want to die, this is absolutely unacceptable!"

Speaking of this, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help but sighed. The situation was far beyond his imagination, and it was much more dangerous than expected. Before the war started, the situation had twists and turns. This kind of situation made the Yin-Yang Daoist suspicious. Is this world catastrophe caused by today's prehistoric world really just an ordinary calamity, not the terrifying catastrophe of world destruction!

I can't blame the Taoist Yin-Yang for thinking like this, but the situation in the prehistoric world is too dangerous. With knowing the secrets of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, and knowing that Pangu Yuanshen actually exists in the prehistoric world, this impact on the Taoist Yin-Yang is too great. Big, if Pangu Primordial Spirit still exists, I am afraid that the battle of opening the sky was not what it was in the legend. There may be more chaotic gods and demons in the chaos, and the situation in the prehistoric world will be even more dangerous and terrifying.

Is the enemy really only the three worlds? The Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help but question in his heart, and he was also thinking about the issue of Sanqing. If Sanqing was not the main body of Pangu Yuanshen, but only a small part of the remnant soul, it would be necessary to re-determine the true power of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings. , it is also necessary to re-determine the Pangu Yuanshen hidden in the dark in the prehistoric world!

The Yin-Yang Taoist is thinking about everything from the beginning bit by bit, and the more carefully he thinks about the problems in the prehistoric world, the more the Yin-Yang Taoist realizes that his previous thoughts are a little too simple, especially because he has the memories of later generations, and compare these memories with the present. Comparing the situation of the prehistoric world, and even the actions of Daozu Hongjun, Daoist Yin and Yang couldn't help but feel heavier. Daozu Hongjun was far more crazy and sinister than he imagined.

Whether Tiandao calculated Hongjun Daozu or Hongjun Daozu calculated Tiandao? Therefore, the more they understand, the more yin and yang Taoists feel the urgency of time, the increase of their own pressure, and the horror of the times.

In the end, the reason is because everything has changed. Today's prehistoric world is no longer the prehistoric world that I know in my heart. The so-called prophets have become the past. Without the ability of prophets, everything can only rely on their own efforts. In the process of hard work, you must be more cautious and not make big mistakes, or you will fall into a desperate situation. The effort is only to improve your own strength. Strength is the foundation of everything, and it is the rely on for self-protection.

"Fate is in your own hands. If you want to control your own destiny, you need to have enough power. For us now, we don't need to think about too many things. We seek a breakthrough in strength to prevent Unpredictable drastic changes in this catastrophe of life and death can give us the strength to resist and escape from the drastic changes!" This is the voice of the Yin-Yang Taoist, and it is also his persuasion to the Twelve Ancestral Witch. , whether it can be effective, the Yin-Yang Taoist himself does not know!

Looking at the thoughtful look of the Twelve Ancestors, the Yin-Yang Taoist continued to say: "The war is about to start, this is a battle of life and death, a battle of life and death, neither you nor I can escape, at least for now. So, I don't know what you think, but I can tell you my thoughts and do everything possible to accumulate enough power when the war comes, so that we have the ability to protect ourselves, this is our only way out , together with the war, we no longer have time to prepare, if you fellow Daoists really want to prove Dao bastards, it's time to make the final accumulation!"

This is indeed a life-and-death battle, an unknown life-and-death battle, which cannot be escaped for any prehistoric creature. The more you know, the greater the pressure. Although there is no agreement on cooperation with Hongjun Daozu, everyone They all understood the danger of the situation from the mouth of Daozu Hongjun, and understood how terrifying the pressure and danger they had to face.

Hearing Daoist Yin-Yang's warning, Emperor Jiang Zuwu stood up without hesitation and said: "Thank you Daoist Yin-Yang for your guidance, we understand what to do, if war comes, we will never back down and will definitely stand on the side of Daoist friends. , with the power of all of us to fight a **** road, even if it is a great price to pay!"

For the Wu people, now they can only stand with Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo. Only in this way can they see the vitality and have a chance to survive in this upcoming hand-to-death battle. Emperor Jiang Zuwu still understands this. Yes, if the Wu clan leaves this big circle, death and destruction awaits them. It is just that the Wu clan cannot resist any crisis. Facing any strong side, they will only have death and destruction! The most important thing is that when the war comes, the Wu clan will become the target of all careerists. Who makes them authentic Pangu, with the blood of Pangu!


Hearing the words of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the Yin-Yang Taoist nodded slightly and was very satisfied with the choice of the Wu people. Although the Wu people today have many hidden dangers, the strength of the Wu people is still indispensable. At least With the existence of the Wu clan, Yin-Yang Taoists can devote more time and energy to their own cultivation and plans for the future!

"Fellow Daoists, we all need to prepare early for what we should give up. Maybe this will make us lose some of our strength and some of our heritage, but we must prepare for the worst. No matter which side of the world can succeed, then One party is qualified to become the master of the prehistoric world, which is a threat to us. If the situation develops to the worst moment, we need to make the worst counterattack and give up all the power that can be abandoned, including the power we have now. The power of authority!"

When Daoist Yin-Yang said these words, the expression of Houtu Ancestral Witch changed drastically. What the power of authority meant, she knew very well in her heart that if she wanted to give up the power of authority, she would not only give up the sovereignty of the six reincarnations, It is the final destruction of the six-path reincarnation, and the most brutal means are used to counterattack, and this is a great disaster for the ancestors of the ancestors, the witch clan, and even the entire prehistoric world. Once this happens, The consequences will be unimaginable!

Of course, the Houtu Zuwu also understands that the Yin-Yang Taoist is not only aimed at the reincarnation of the six realms, nor is it aimed at the Wuzu world, but also the nether world, but this kind of payment makes the Houtuzuwu unacceptable for a while, and the price is too great. , Karma is too terrifying, she and the Wu clan can't bear such a shock, making it difficult for her to make a decision!

"Fellow Daoist Yin and Yang, does the situation really have to be so dangerous? Even if the catastrophe comes, there shouldn't be such a terrifying danger. We really need to prepare for the worst, which is beyond the worst. Scope, but real destruction!" At this time, Houtu Zuwu was a little excited, and there was a hint of unease in his eyes!

Yin Yang Taoist sighed: "If it is possible, I am not willing to make such a choice, nor to face such a crisis, but we really have no right to choose. Before the general trend, we are all weak, and the weak have no right to choose. If we don't prepare for the worst, what awaits us must be death, the most destruction! If you still have any illusions, I can only say you So naive, think about what Hongjun Daozu said!"

Speaking of this, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not persuade the Houtu Zuwu any more, but turned his attention to Emperor Yama and said solemnly: "Perhaps this decision is very unfair to you, even from the beginning. But we have no choice. The situation is forcing us step by step to a dead end. Originally, in our plan, the situation would not be so dangerous, but now you have seen it and heard it. Crazy, how sinister the general situation is, if you refuse, you can choose to let go, and I will take on this heavy responsibility!"

Daoist Yin-Yang felt very heavy for such a drastic change, and he also sighed at Emperor Yan Luo. After all, once he made this decision, it would be destruction and death. Daoist Yin and Yang worried that Emperor Yan Luo would be shaken and broken. Big picture!

I saw that Emperor Yan Luo said solemnly: "There is no need for this, in fact, from the very beginning, I knew that this day would come, and when I took over this burden, I understood how much responsibility I have to bear, and also Knowing what the outcome will be, if my sacrifice can be exchanged for everyone's survival, it is worth it, after all, we always need someone to make sacrifices, there is no victory without sacrifice, there is no future, this is what we must The price paid!"

When Emperor Yama's words fell, the Yin-Yang Taoist nodded lightly! Yes, someone always needs to sacrifice. The sacrifice of Emperor Yan Luo is necessary, and this price must be paid. It is because of his sacrifice that he and his other clones will have a chance to survive in this upcoming game. Get a chance in the life-and-death battle!

"If possible, make some reservations, the eighteen layers of **** may be your last chance of life!" Said, the Yin-Yang Taoist took out the 'eighteen layers of hell' in his hands and handed it over to Emperor Yan Luo. The 'eighteen layers of hell' is completely different from the beginning, it already has the power to get rid of the nether world and the ability to have a small world!

Regarding the offering of the Yin-Yang Daoist, Emperor Yan Luo shook his head gently and said: "No need, after all, I have to pay, since I chose this path, I should bear all the responsibilities, and there is no need to waste this treasure on me. On the body, if I have more vitality, it will be more destruction for us, only if I exist, can I master the strongest counterattack!"

What is the strongest counterattack? Although Emperor Yama didn't say it, everyone present understood that it is the origin of the nether world and the authority of the world, and the power of authority can only be fully grasped by the world's lord, and only the world's lord can fully mobilize it. It's obvious that the current Emperor Yan Luo has prepared for the worst and has made his own sacrifice. This is too much impact on the Twelve Ancestral Witches and makes them unacceptable!

The Yin-Yang Daoist sighed softly: "Don't rush to make a decision, think about it again, we still have time, if we can, there is no need to make this inaction sacrifice, this is just the worst preparation, not necessarily implemented! "

Facing the persuasion of the Yin-Yang Taoist, Emperor Yan Luo smiled indifferently and said: "It's nothing, in fact, at the beginning we all knew that this day would come, and that someone needed to sacrifice in a crisis, and I was the best choice, I am Lord of the Netherworld, only I can bear all the cause and effect, and only I can accomplish this feat. We are the weak. If the weak want to counterattack, someone must pay and sacrifice. If there is no sacrifice, it is impossible. Success, don't worry about me, this is my destiny, in the current situation, we have no choice, as you said, the weak have no right to choose, and we are okay, we have a little right to choose, So there is no need to waste time and energy on me!"

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