God of Destruction

Chapter 4607: Festival Destiny

Chapter 4613 Destiny

Destiny, this is a heavy topic. For everyone, this topic is too heavy, and everyone can't breathe, especially the Twelve Ancestors, who are listening to the conversation between Emperor Yama and Taoist Yin Yang, and hearing Yama When the emperor's choice was made, they were all silent. The price was too great, so great that they couldn't breathe! This is a Golden Immortal of Primordial Primordial, a strong man who proves the Tao, but he has to make sacrifices in order to survive, and he has to take this heavy responsibility!

Is this an arrangement deliberately made by Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yama? For a moment, the twelve ancestor witches had such doubts and vigilance in their hearts, but soon they understood that this was not the case. There was no need for Yin Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo to do this. It was the danger of the situation that forced Emperor Yan Luo. He had to make such a decision. For the vitality of Daoist Yin and Yang, he must make sacrifices. This is the price to be paid for survival. As a clone, Emperor Yama naturally has to take this heavy responsibility!

As the master of the nether world, Emperor Yan Luo holds such thoughts. This is too much impact on the twelve ancestors. If the situation in the prehistoric world can reach such extreme oppression, how could Emperor Yan Luo do such a thing. The choice, and all this was obviously arranged and prepared at the beginning, and Emperor Yan Luo, the master of the nether world, was also psychologically prepared, but for the Twelve Ancestral Witch, it was not the same for the Witch Clan. There is no such preparation!

Big trouble! This is the first feeling of the Twelve Ancestors. For them, they are very reluctant to see all this happen, but they all know in their hearts that this is not up to them. With the end of the negotiation with Hongjun Daozu, with the collapse of the cooperation , All these pressures are swarming, the Wu clan must make a choice, they must be prepared!

"Six paths of reincarnation may become the final counterattack of the Wu clan, and as the master of the six paths of reincarnation, I need to take on all the responsibilities!" In an instant, such a crazy idea emerged in the heart of the Houtu Zuwu, if the Wu clan Someone needs to sacrifice, Houtu Zuwu believes that he is the most suitable candidate, and also the most qualified candidate!

Once this catastrophe of heaven and earth turns into a catastrophe of world destruction, it is necessary for the entire Wu clan to have the ability to fight against the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, and the six-path reincarnation is one of them, and it is also the most powerful counterattack, but the six-path reincarnation How much pressure is there, Houtu Zuwu understands very well that if someone wants to take this responsibility, he is the best candidate. Just like Emperor Yan Luo's decision, whoever holds the ultimate power is the best responsibility bearer. And the Six Paths of Reincarnation is naturally oneself!

Of course, all of this is just the idea of ​​Houtu Zuwu himself. The Wuzu has not reached the most dangerous moment, and the Wuzu has another choice, the 'Wizard World'. If it is also used as a killer, this can also be used. It has become the counterattack force of the Wu clan. It is a pity that today's Wu clan world carries the survival of the entire Wu clan. It cannot be sacrificed unless it is absolutely necessary. Unless the Wu clan can have a new living space, otherwise the Wu clan world cannot move. dare not move. As for the Wuzu's 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons', this is also a forbidden area for the Wuzu. Before, they didn't know the secrets of the prehistoric world, and they didn't know the existence of Pangu Yuanshen. The power of Erdu Tianshen's Great Array, and now they dare not act rashly, dare not activate this power, although for many Wu people, they are not afraid of death, and even regard death as a return to the **** Pangu. Embrace it, but as the Twelve Ancestral Witch, as the leader of the Witch Clan, they cannot do this!

The problems that the ancestors of the later earth can think of, other ancestors can also think of. For the twelve ancestors, the faces of each and every one at this time are full of solemnity and urgency. They do not want to face such a crisis. They don't want to face the worst situation, so for them, proving Dao Primordial becomes the only direction. If someone from the Wu clan can prove Dao Primordial, or even their twelve ancestors can prove Dao Primordial, they will be able to break through. This terrifying disaster shock can make a way out for the Wu clan!

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the Twelve Ancestors, Daoist Yin-Yang sighed involuntarily. The Wu clan still has some shortcomings. Even if the Wu clan has a good background, their self-protection power is still not strong enough. If there is no Hongjun The words of Daozu did not put much pressure on the Wu clan. With the help of the yin-yang Daoist and Emperor Yama, they have the strength to protect themselves, but now everything is different. When you know the three ways of heaven and earth After seeing their true face, they deeply felt the crisis and felt the terrifying pressure. For them, even if they had the fighting power of saints, they were unable to face the suppression of the authentic, and faced this terrifying flood of the world. robbery, because everything can get out of control, and the result of losing control is the catastrophe!

"Perhaps we need someone to follow in the footsteps of the ancestors of Ming He, and also open up their own world to prove the Tao, only in this way will the Wu clan have new vitality and be able to face the worst crisis. The world of the Wu clan does not It's not worthy of our trust, and it can't completely protect the survival of all the witches!" For a moment, the Twelve Ancestors had such thoughts in their hearts, but it's not an easy thing to prove Dao Primordial Primordial, let alone still To open up the world as the main proving Dao Hunyuan!

For a moment, Houtu Zuwu's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Daoist friends Yin and Yang, I don't know if you can give us strong support for the Wu clan, and whether you can help us to prove the Tao. For the Wu people, they need an environment to survive, and with the deterioration of the situation in the prehistoric world, our original 'Witch World' is no longer reliable. There will be no place to live, we need to open up a new world, complete the transformation with the method of Taoist friends in the world, prove the Tao, and get rid of this most dangerous disaster!"

The Taoist Yin-Yang couldn't help frowning at the request of the Houtu Zuwu, and there was no problem in helping the Wuzu. If he had such strength and ability, he would naturally not refuse, but now the Houtu Zuwu's request is not just ordinary. To help, but to prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal's request, which makes the Yin-Yang Taoist headache, it is very difficult to do this!

auzw.com After thinking for a while, the Yin-Yang Taoist frowned and said, "Fellow Taoist Houtu, you ancestors, you should understand the dangers of proving the Tao, and you should also understand that proving the Tao. Hunyuan cannot be controlled by external forces. If your own strength and accumulation are not enough, even if I do my best to help, there is nothing I can do. If you lack the source to open up the source of the world, I can still work with Emperor Yama to provide you with a part, but If it's anything else, I'm afraid we are powerless!"

The Yin-Yang Taoist is telling the truth. Proving Dao Hunyuan is very dangerous. If there is not enough accumulation and perfect preparation, even if there is external help, it will only fail. External force is not the key to proving Dao Hunyuan. The real key to proving Dao Hunyuan is One's own accumulation lies in one's own perception of the Dao. Of course, if the Wu clan has a huge amount of merit and virtue, and can achieve the level of Emperor Yama, it can lead the Dao to come, and naturally can ignore the so-called threat, under the blessing of endless merit and virtue. , as long as the Dao is brought down, no matter how many thoughts there are in the world, there is nothing that can be done, and Qiaqia is something that the Wu clan cannot do!

Houtu Zuwu looked condensed and sighed softly: "Daoist yin and yang, is there really no other way? With the Daoist's understanding of Hunyuan Dao, can't we come up with a feasible way to prove the Dao of Hunyuan for our Wu tribe. Fa, even Old Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa have the opportunity to prove the Primordial Primordial Dao, so we Wu clan really have no way to do it?"

The Houtu Ancestor Witch didn't want to pin her hopes on others, but on the Yin-Yang Daoist, but she had no other way, and she had no choice. Among the friends she could connect with, only the Yin-Yang Daoist had this ability, and only The Yin-Yang Daoist has the strength to help the Wu clan to prove the Dao of Hunyuan, because in her eyes, the Yin-yang Daoist is the one who knows the Hunyuan Dao the most!

When he heard the words of Houtu Zuwu, the Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help frowning. Although he was not willing to take on this responsibility and accept this terrifying trouble, in this dangerous situation. Under such circumstances, the Yin-Yang Daoist cannot watch the Wu clan go to destruction, and cannot make the Wu clan despair, but once the Wu clan feels absolutely hopeless and makes them see no hope, things will add trouble to the officials, and it will be even more terrifying. The clan can do everything, maybe they will directly destroy their plans when they are mad, and they will destroy all the thoughts in their hearts and make the situation out of control!

After thinking for a moment, Daoist Yin and Yang thought, and a crazy idea came to his mind, only to hear him say in a deep voice: "In fact, things are not completely impossible, I have an idea in my heart, but it is difficult to succeed or not. Sure, I don’t know if you fellow Daoists are willing to listen to me, and whether you are willing to bear the terrifying pressure!”

Houtu Zuwu said with a wry smile: "Daoist yin and yang, the situation has reached such a terrifying moment of danger, do we have any other choices? As long as there is a glimmer of possibility and hope, we will do our best to pay for it. !"

The Yin-Yang Taoist took a deep breath, and his expression became extremely solemn. He stared at the Hou Tu Zu Wu. After seeing the firm look in the Hou Tu Zu Wu's eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief just now. Crazy, if the Houtu Zuwu does not have a firm belief, the Yin-Yang Taoist will not say it, because once the Houtu Zuwu's belief is not firm enough, the danger of failure will be even greater, and it will even directly affect the relationship between himself and the Wu people. The relationship will make the situation spiral out of control!

"Okay, it's good that fellow Daoists have such determination! Then I'll say it bluntly, the method is very simple, and all fellow Daoists have used it before. For you, it's just the strength of one person, the background and accumulation of one person, if you want to Proving the Tao is very difficult, because you have no primordial spirit, and your understanding of the Dao has hidden dangers and flaws. The failure of forcibly proving the Tao is almost irreversible, but if you are combined, everything will be different. Although the formation has hidden dangers and dangers, it also has enough powerful power. The opening of the 'Wizard World' borrowed such power, and if you use this to prove the Tao, it is not impossible for you to do it alone. The strength is not enough, but the strength of your twelve ancestors is enough to deal with all crises, the premise is that you can achieve integration, be able to choose the most suitable candidates, and be able to bear the power of everyone and the power of the law!"

When the words of the Yin-Yang Daoist fell, the eyes of the Twelve Ancestors showed endless joy. They were not fools. They were able to tell whether something was feasible or not. It was obvious that the Yin-Yang Daoist's suggestion was worth a try. In the world of witches, there is no problem in combining the powers of the twelve ancestors, but who should be the main body of preaching, which requires careful consideration!

For the Twelve Ancestors, when they couldn't think of a solution to the problem, and when they couldn't find a suitable candidate, they couldn't help but turn their attention to the Yin-Yang Daoist again, pinning this big trouble on the Yin-Yang Daoist! Only, I heard Di Jiang Zuwu say, "" "Daoist yin and yang, I don't know what you think about the candidates. You know the Dao of Hunyuan the most. Can you give us a little more hints? We have limited knowledge about this matter, and it is difficult to make a correct judgment!"

I saw that Taoist Yin and Yang smiled bitterly: "Di Jiang Zuwu, you are embarrassing me, how can I know anything about you, if you let me give you pointers, it will only ruin your major affairs, I will treat you all. I don’t know, I don’t know at all what your twelve ancestors have to say about the Great Dao. To give you pointers in this situation is to be irresponsible for your life. Only you can make the most correct choice. Because you are the ones who know yourself best. If you can't make a decision now, it's just that your own heart is messed up. When you calm down and follow your inner guidance, it may be the right choice to place your hope in external forces. The body is unreliable, and it will not work!"

To the Yin-Yang Daoist's answer, the eyes of the Twelve Ancestors suddenly lit up. This is indeed a very good method. As the Yin-Yang Daoist said, it is them who understand themselves best, not the Yin-Yang Daoist, even if it is Yin-Yang. No matter how much the Taoist pays attention to their Witch Race, and no matter how much they know about them, they are far from the level of their understanding of themselves, so if they want to prove the Tao, they can only decide everything by themselves, and only they can do it themselves. Make the right choice!

At this time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu bowed deeply to the Taoist Yin-Yang and said, "Thank you for the guidance of Taoist Yin-Yang, we understand that with the guidance of Taoist friends, I believe that we will definitely be able to walk out of our own avenues and be able to Prove Dao Primordial and eliminate the biggest crisis pressing on us!"

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