God of Destruction

Chapter 4608: Section selection

Four thousand six hundred and fourteen chapter selection

"Hey! I don't know if doing this is good or bad for you. After all, the current environment is fickle, and no one knows what will happen in the future. Perhaps the crisis in your body is also an opportunity. Eliminating the crisis will also make you lose I can’t be sure of chance, causal changes, and you should act cautiously, so as not to make a wrong step!” In the eyes of the Yin-Yang Taoist, his guidance is not necessarily a good thing, but as an ally, he can’t refuse, so he can only Then he warned the Twelve Ancestral Witches, so that they could be vigilant in their hearts and not to ruin the chance of the Witch Clan for a while.

For the Wu clan, who is most suitable to take on this heavy responsibility? In the eyes of Taoist Yin and Yang, there are two people, one is Emperor Jiang Ancestor, this Space Ancestor Witch, Space Avenue can integrate the drain source of the twelve Ancestral Witch, and can be used as the source of power to open up the world, and the second is Houtu Ancestor Witch, the way of earth can carry all things, and the origin of the Dao of the Twelve Ancestor Witch is no exception, but the current situation of the Witch Clan makes the Yin-Yang Daoist have to conceal all this. He is in charge of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. If this section is reminded by Yin-Yang Daoists, it will inevitably attract the suspicion of the Twelve Ancestors.

If Emperor Jiang Zuwu was to take on this heavy responsibility, his physical condition would be very difficult, and he might even die. How could the Wu clan accept it, and then the ancestral witch would take on it, it would definitely make the Wu clan feel The Yin-Yang Taoist deliberately calculated the six-path reincarnation and wanted to completely grasp the six-path reincarnation under the control of Emperor Yan Luo, which would only attract the anger of the Wu clan.

It is Yin-Yang Daoist who understands the crisis behind this, so Tangan expressed his thoughts and did not tell Yizu Wu the most suitable candidate. Everything is up to them to decide, no matter what the result is, it will not affect Yin-Yang Daoist. It will not let the Yin-Yang Daoist fall into the suspicion of the Wu clan, and it will not destroy the relationship between them.

It's not that the Yin-Yang Taoist is too careful, but in such a dangerous situation, he has to face everything with caution, even a little negligence may become a crisis that kills his own life, and the Wu clan is not a little bit. Power, the power they hold is not weaker than that of the Yin-Yang Taoist. Whether it is the reincarnation of the Six Paths or the Witch World, there is enough power to threaten the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Emperor Yama, which will affect the general situation of the world, and the Yin-Yang Taoist can't be ignored!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches also understood that the Yin-Yang Daoist was hiding something, but they didn't care. They all understood that even an ally couldn't say anything. The Yin-Yang Daoist didn't want to say it, there must be his reasons, and the Yin-Yang Daoist also After doing everything they could, the Wu clan had no reason to force the Yin-Yang Daoist to give their all to help. If this kind of help succeeds, everything is easy to say, but if it fails, the trouble will be big. Sacrifice will inevitably become the object of everyone's venting, so the twelve ancestors can understand the Yin and Yang Taoist, and can also accept such a result!

Time is running out. The Twelve Ancestral Witches need to prepare early, and prepare for the worst. Although this will cost them a certain price, it may also become their last chance of survival. A trace of carelessness, especially in the current situation, the Twelve Ancestors should be more cautious to prevent accidents!

After simply saying goodbye to the Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yama, the Twelve Ancestors returned to the cycle of reincarnation and began to discuss countermeasures and who should take the heavy responsibility. For the Twelve Ancestors, they all There is no intention to back down, and I want to take over this heavy responsibility, even if it is sacrificing my own life and the people, after all, this is related to the life and death of the entire witch clan!

"Little sister, you must be in charge of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and you can't be distracted. The Six Paths of Reincarnation is no trivial matter. This responsibility is still shouldered by my brother. Although my strength has been weakened, my realm is still there. There will be no problem!" As the leader of the Wu clan, Emperor Jiang Zuwu stood up to take on this heavy responsibility, and was also preventing Houtu Zuwu.

"Brother, I'm afraid your body can't withstand such a huge impact. If you make a little mistake, you will be in danger of dying and disappearing. How can you make us rest assured? I will take care of this matter. Sister Xuan Ming doesn't have to worry about accidents, and even if you fail in the end, I still have a chance to survive as the master of the six realms of reincarnation, but eldest brother, you don't have such ability, failure means destruction, if you really have to die, witch The clan's 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons' have completely disappeared, and we no longer have the ability to protect ourselves, so all this is still up to me!"

The remarks of Houtu Zuwu have been recognized by others. Although other ancestors also want to take the initiative to share the responsibility, the source road they master is not enough to carry this shocking change. Can be silent, can only quietly watch the debate between Houtu Zuwu and Emperor Jiang Zuwu, but can't stop this meaningless debate!

"I can do it, what I am damaged is only the source, not the body, and there is still enough time for us to prepare, all we have to do is to complete it before the catastrophe comes, and now we not only have to To achieve this, and more importantly, Emperor Yan Luo can sacrifice himself for the survival of the deity, and can use the nether world as a counterattack. The world of the Wuzu will also become our killer. This is necessary, only one person can testify. Primordial is not enough, we need breakthroughs from everyone, only in this way can we ensure the survival of the witch clan to the greatest extent, and I am just a tempter of all this. For us, we need the source and the pillar to support the world. , this cannot be obtained by external force!"

When it came to this, there was a little more solemnity in the **** of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, and other ancestor witches also understood what Emperor Jiang Zuwu said and understood his intention. External force is unreliable. If you rely on external force to support the world The pillars of the world, then the potential of the world they opened up will be known. For the Wu people, this will be a huge crisis and hidden danger!

auzw.com "Brother, do you want to move the Wuzu world?" In an instant, Houtu Zuwu seemed to want to understand Dijiang Zuwu's intention, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes. With a horrified look, she deeply understands how serious the consequences of doing this will be, how much impact and trouble it will bring, and even cause the war to break out earlier, which is very dangerous to the survival of the witch race!

Emperor Jiang Zuwu nodded and said: "That's the reason, only the Wuzu world can condense such power, we need to take back the Pangu Temple, we need to take back everything in the Wuzu world, only in this way can we maximize Guarantee the survival of the Wu clan and ensure the safety of everyone. Even if some of our brothers and sisters fall in this upcoming catastrophe, the Wu clan will not be completely destroyed. Only sharing the responsibility is the best choice. It's the best choice!"

The words of Emperor Jiang Zuwu are very reasonable. Eggs cannot be placed in the same blueberry, otherwise they will be wiped out once the crisis comes. It is said that the Pangu Temple is the best to bear the pillars of the world, and it is also the most integrated with them. If there is the power of the Pangu Temple, it may not be as difficult as imagined to open up the world. After all, the Pangu Temple already has the power of the origin of the Wuzu world. , also has the power of the world!

The idea of ​​Emperor Jiang Zuwu is very good and easy to realize, but there are also great hidden dangers in doing so. This is to extract the power of the Wuzu world to complete their own transformation and complete their preaching. If it is because of the Wuzu The weakening of the origin of the world was noticed by the tunnels, and the invasion of the tunnels into the world of the witches would inevitably occur. At that time, would the witches be able to resist the impact of the tunnels?

Houtu Zuwu said in shock: "Brother, have you thought about the consequences of doing this, once the biggest crisis comes, it will be a disaster for us, the world of the Wu clan, and even the entire Wu clan. ?"

At this time, Houtu Zuwu was in a very excited mood. She could not accept such a result. Once the crisis came, it was very likely that the Wuzu world would be taken away by a wave of tunnels before it had time to respond, and the entire Wuzu fell into In a desperate situation, and then into destruction, maybe their twelve ancestors can survive, but all the witches in the world of witches will be destroyed!

Emperor Jiang Zuwu said solemnly: "I thought about it, I naturally thought about it, I think the situation is not as dangerous as I imagined, we are not fighting on one side, we have allies like Emperor Yama, and we have the world of the underworld and the reincarnation of the six paths in hand. , Even if Tun Dao wants to take action against the Witch World, he must carefully consider the consequences. In the face of pressure from the three parties, Tun Dao cannot act rashly! The most important thing is that we don't have much time to prepare. No pressure, no huge trouble, but we can't pin all our hopes on one person, that's dangerous!"

Silence, for a moment, the other ancestors fell into silence, all thinking about what Emperor Jiang Zuwu said, which was too shocking for them, and there were many hidden dangers and many problems in it, The most important point is Emperor Yan Luo. Once the Wu clan does this, it is obvious that he is cheating on his allies. What kind of reaction will Emperor Yan Luo make when he finds out, will he continue to stick to the covenant, and will he fully support the Wu clan? Change is the most important thing!

After a while, Houtu Zuwu smiled bitterly: "Brother, you are pinning your hopes on the help of Emperor Yan Luo, but will he really give us such help, no one wants to be deceived, even if it is like today. The great calamity will come again, but what we do is to deceive Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin and Yang, and it is very likely that they will be counterattacked by them. Once the worst happens, the Wu clan cannot bear the terrible disaster of extinction. Can't afford this terrible consequence!"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu took a deep breath and said: "Why don't I know this, and how can I not understand how dangerous the consequences of doing this are, but do we have the right to choose now, if we do nothing There is indeed no danger, but the situation of the Wu clan has not changed, so for the survival of the Wu clan, we must take risks, and it is precisely because of this, so everything must be borne by me, the tempter is me, even if there is a crisis , we also have enough excuses!"

What is the excuse of Emperor Jiang Zuwu? Naturally, it is the weakening of his own strength and the regression of his realm. In this issue, Emperor Yan Luo also has a little responsibility. With this excuse, the worst situation occurs, and the Wu clan also has a chance of survival, but the consequences have to be determined by It can be said that for the survival of the Wu clan, Emperor Jiang Zuwu must learn from Emperor Yama, bear all the responsibilities on himself, and fight this most terrifying crisis for the Wu clan!

"Brother, you're crazy, you know how dangerous it is to do this, you can't afford it, we don't need to take such a risk!" In an instant, all the ancestors were shouting, and they were unwilling to accept such a result, I don't want to let Emperor Jiang Zuwu take risks!

"If there is another choice, I don't want to do it. We have no choice. There is only one way to go. Look at Emperor Yama, even he, the lord of the nether world, can sacrifice himself. For the deity, I am There is nothing that the leader of the Wu clan cannot sacrifice, as long as the Wu clan can gain a ray of life in this catastrophe of the world, or even the great catastrophe, all the costs are worth it, if my sacrifice can be exchanged for the Wu clan. What is there to hesitate about the survival of the clan, not to mention that things are not necessarily the worst step, Emperor Yan Luo and Taoist Yin and Yang are not willing to give up our power, with us, the pressure of the authentic is less for them. Even if they are dissatisfied, they will not necessarily react violently!"

The words of Emperor Jiang Zuwu still make sense. For the sake of their own interests, Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin Yang are unwilling to part ways with the Wu clan, which is not good for anyone, and even if Emperor Jiang Zuwu does this, it will weaken the The power of the Witch World at most only increases the pressure on the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation. It does not have much impact on the overall situation. The pressure that Emperor Yan Luo has to bear is not as terrifying as he imagined, so everything should still be within the controllable range. Inside!

Seeing that everyone still hesitated, Emperor Jiang Zuwu sighed: "Don't hesitate any more, we don't have much time to waste, if we want to succeed, we need time to prepare, how to divide quietly and calmly. The power of the witch world, it takes a long time to divide the origin of the Pangu Temple, and this time we will do our best, and directly divide it into twelve parts. If the worst happens, everyone will just accept their own. That part of the origin, as long as this part of the origin is in hand, everyone will have the opportunity to prove the Dao Primordial Primordial, and the Wu clan will also have a chance!"

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