God of Destruction

Chapter 4609: Festival sacrifice

Chapter 4615 Sacrifice

"Big brother is right, but there is one thing that big brother said wrong. We should not divide the origin of the Wuzu world and the Pangu Temple into twelve parts, but thirteen parts. We need to keep a life for the world, there are The world of the witch clan is here, we have the power to fight back, and as long as the world exists, it will be our best weapon!" At this time, Houtu Zuwu's eyes showed a faint mad look, and she finally let go of her heart. There are many considerations, there is nothing that cannot be done for the survival of the Wu clan!

It is still the post-tuzu witch who sees far. If the Wuzu world is divided into thirteen parts, at least the existence of the Wuzu world can be guaranteed. As long as the world exists, it will be a huge help for the Wuzu, and the existence of the world will also relieve them. The pressure on his body can also explain to Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the nether world, and his allies cannot be pitted to death. Emperor Yan Luo is not someone who will not fight back, but he really angers Emperor Yan Luo and the Taoist Yin-Yang. It is said to be a disaster!

As the leader of the Wu clan, Emperor Jiang Zuwu's wisdom is naturally very good, and he instantly understood the intention of the Houtu Zuwu, and sighed softly: "Yes, it is true that I am too careless, no matter what the situation in the Wu clan world is, it is necessary to Perseverance and persistence are our greatest support and our greatest help. Even if all twelve of us have successfully demonstrated the Dao and Primordial Primordial Dao, the world of witches should also exist. This is our important resource and our important strength. No loss!"

Splitting up the Witch World and the pillars that support the Witch World is cutting off the development of the Witch World, and no Ancestor Witch has stood up to oppose such a crazy decision. This is not just because of the benefits, but also Most of them are pessimistic about the survival of the witch clan, because of their lack of strength, they have to do this in this dangerous and dangerous environment!

If possible, the Twelve Ancestral Witch hopes to leave some resources for the great witches of the Witch Clan to help them break through the bottleneck, but in fact the Witch Clan does not have so many resources, and they do not have the strength to complete such a huge The goal, when they left the wild land, the development of the Wu tribe was limited. It can be said that when they escaped the strangulation of the world, they also lost the opportunity for development and the help of resources. This is also considered a causal cycle. a part of.

With the efforts of the twelve ancestral witches, the plan was perfected little by little. The twelve ancestral witches did everything possible to improve the plan, so that there would not be the slightest mistake that would threaten themselves and the entire witch clan. It can be said that from this moment onwards, they threw themselves into this preparation with all their hearts and minds.

When the Twelve Ancestors were discussing and perfecting their plans, in the Netherworld, Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin-Yang were also communicating, and they were also wary and worried about the Twelve Ancestors. You must know that the witches have already been betrayed. The example is before, if the Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo do not take precautions, then they are irresponsible to themselves!

"Yan Luo, although you have made a decision, I hope you can make some preparations in advance. Even if you have to sacrifice, you don't have to fully devote yourself to it. It is necessary to leave a little retreat for yourself. One more person is more. A strength, this is very important to us. Although everything in the nether world is also a help to us, it does not really control a powerful force for us. All the creatures in the nether world are not our help. Eighteen layers of **** It is very important to you, this is our ultimate power, and we have eighteen layers of **** in our hands. If necessary, you can take away most of the origin of the nether world. After all, the eighteen layers of **** come from the nether world. In your hands, you can advance and retreat freely!" For Yin-Yang Daoists, they still do not want to see the full sacrifice of Emperor Yan Luo, for Yin-Yang Daoists, the manpower is the most in short supply, if possible, naturally, we must do our best to protect Emperor Yan Luo, then I am afraid that the source is damaged and there is no potential for improvement. This must be preserved.

Emperor Yan Luo shook his head and said: "No, it's impossible, if it's possible, I'm not willing to sacrifice everything I have, but the situation makes us have to do it, as you said, we lack manpower, no manpower, Naturally, it is impossible to grasp the general trend of heaven and earth. We can’t believe the twelve ancestor witches, and we dare not believe them. Therefore, we must prepare for the worst. It is almost unrealistic to expect Houtu Zuwu and Emperor Jiang Zuwu to make sacrifices. Yes, even if they have to sacrifice, it is only for the survival of the Wu clan, and they will not care about our life and death, and will not give us help. Our future is not in the prehistoric world, but chaos. Chaos is our root, then The small world of Fang Chaos is the root. The nether world is not worth mentioning, but the nether world cannot be let go, because once we let go, we will never get it back! Although the eighteenth layer of **** can give me a ray of life, it is a lifeline. But it is the premise of sacrificing more and paying a greater price, and this is very unfavorable to you. You are not a Primordial Golden Immortal. If you are not a Primordial Golden Immortal, you will be suppressed by the prehistoric world, and you will have the worry of life, the ghost world. It's the last guarantee!"

Yes, Emperor Yan Luo just wanted to use the netherworld as the ultimate guarantee for the lives of Taoist Yin and Yang, to prevent the three worlds from killing people. For the so-called allies, the power of the Wu clan, and even the ancestors of Ming He and the goddess Nuwa. Power, Emperor Yan Luo did not take it seriously, and even the Yin-Yang Taoist understood that these powers could not be taken seriously. Everyone only reluctantly came together under external pressure. They were defensive and selfish, and it was impossible to be honest. Look forward to it!

"I'm not reconciled. I paid such a huge price to improve the nether world and open the tunnel, but in exchange for this kind of exit, I knew this, and I shouldn't have liberated the tunnel in the first place, and shouldn't have let this situation explode. It's out of control!" At this time, the eyes of the Yin-Yang Taoist showed endless unwillingness, anger towards the tunnel and the prehistoric world.


Compared with the unwillingness of the Yin-Yang Taoist, Emperor Yan Luo was somewhat adaptable, and said with a light smile: "Maybe this is fate, when you step out of the seal, when you break through the shackles of time gods and demons, everything is manipulated by fate, Since we are powerless to fight against fate, we must learn to adapt, and we must accept the necessary sacrifices. There is no way to resolve this catastrophe. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that this is a battle between Pangu and the final confrontation of Pangu's power. , we other creatures are just ants, and ants have no right to choose, fortunately, we discovered that chaotic little world from the sea of ​​blood before, which gave us a chance to break the game, but now I still don't understand, that side Is the little world of chaos really caused by Pangu's opening of the sky? Did three thousand chaos gods and demons really perish in Pangu's opening of the sky and open up the world? Pangu left behind, even his evil thoughts, obsessions, and good thoughts are preserved Come down, and become the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, those chaotic gods and demons have nothing to do, so they really have to die, and no one can survive like the gods and demons of time?"

Daoist Yin-Yang actually had some doubts about Emperor Yan Luo's remarks, but after all, he still lacked information and could not inquire about it, but this prehistoric situation has been twists and turns since the birth of Daoist Yin-Yang. Don't give Yin-Yang Daoist time to think. There is a time when Yin-Yang Daoist has to devote himself to his own practice. Time puts too much pressure on Yin-Yang Daoist, so that he has no time to think about more problems and the secrets of the prehistoric world. !

Now the most decisive battle is about to come, and even the great catastrophe of heaven and earth is about to turn into a catastrophe of world extinction. The Yin-Yang Taoist does not have so much time and energy to think about so many problems, no matter what is behind it, This is not something that Yin-Yang Daoist can explore now. Facing the question of Emperor Yan Luo, Yin-Yang Daoist can only shake his head in distress and say: "I don't know, there is not enough information, it is impossible to calculate all this, even if it is The secrets said by Hongjun Daozu are also reserved. For us, it is just a reference. If we want to find out everything, unless we can really refine that chaotic little world and integrate it into our own world, Only by thoroughly grasping everything in the world can we truly understand its origin, know all the secrets of the Pangu Open Heaven Battle, and be able to know the secrets of life and death of the Chaos Gods and Demons!"

Emperor Yan Luo sighed: "Yeah, we have no ability to find out all of this, time does not give us such an opportunity, in this case, we naturally have to prepare for the worst, I can sacrifice, but you must not have Any mistakes, you have to wait for the opening of the Chaos Xiaotiandi, and wait for him to be completely refined, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable, we can't underestimate the three ways of heaven, earth, people, Hongjun Daozu, and even more can't underestimate the fact that he has been hidden in the prehistoric world. Pangu Primordial Spirit! If we don’t know the existence of Pangu Primordial Spirit, we can relax a little bit, but knowing his existence, we can’t be careless. It may detonate this catastrophe!"

Yes, in Emperor Yan Luo's heart, the Twelve Ancestors and Sanqing are unreliable and unbelievable, because they are the back-hands of Pangu Yuanshen, and no one knows that when the crisis comes, the Twelve Ancestors and the Three Will Qing frantically activate the hidden power of Pangu in himself, and will he awaken the Pangu Yuanshen hidden in the prehistoric world!

No one would think that the recovery of Pangu's primordial spirit was free of cost, and no one would believe that Pangu created the world for the sake of the younger generation. The creatures in the entire prehistoric wilderness may also be just ants in the heart of Pangu Yuanshen, ants that can be destroyed easily!

Under these many problems, Emperor Yama must be prepared for the worst, and he must be prepared to sacrifice himself. Only by ensuring the survival of the Yin-Yang Daoist can there be hope for everything. If the Yin-Yang Daoist died, maybe they All the secrets will be exposed in front of the three worlds, the existence of the chaotic small world will be exposed, all the clones will be exposed, all the so-called preparations will be dissipated due to the death of the Yin-Yang Taoist, and the death of the deity will affect all clones!

In the view of Emperor Yan Luo, the Daoist Yin and Yang made a mistake at the beginning. The origin should not be left in the prehistoric world, but the clone should be left behind. The deity enters that chaotic little world. As long as the deity is still alive, everything is possible. , but now the deity stays in the prehistoric world, and the clone enters the chaotic little world. This choice is reversed, so that when the prehistoric crisis comes, the deity falls into the threat of death, which has become the worst problem, and the enemy is also from Hongjun Daozu Yu Tiandao has become Pangu Yuanshen, destroying the world!

This situation is not the case in the eyes of Yin-Yang Daoists. Although they will fall into a huge crisis, there are also opportunities in the crisis. This catastrophe of heaven and earth, or even the catastrophe of world extinction is an opportunity for oneself to prove the Tao, and if oneself Entering the Chaos Little World, it is difficult to say whether it is possible to prove the Dao. Although there are huge opportunities in the Chaos Little World, it is not compatible with the Yin-Yang Daoist himself. Furthermore, the birth of the Netherworld requires the Yin-Yang Daoist to preside over, and it is impossible to get out. !

The Yin-Yang Daoist did not bother too much about this issue. Things have already happened, and nothing can be changed. No matter how much we talk about it, it will not change the situation. Now, the most important thing for the Yin-Yang Daoist is how to jump out of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings. In this situation, how can we grab the initiative and seize a little advantage in this upcoming catastrophe.

Although the power of allies is also a part of the guarantee, the power of allies is always external forces, and in the catastrophe of heaven and earth, external forces are the most unreliable, and external forces may change at any time due to changes in the general environment, or even betrayal. What they can rely on is their own strength, and it is precisely this that the Yin-Yang Taoist attaches so much importance to the survival of Emperor Yan Luo, and he does not want to see Emperor Yan Luo disappear completely in this catastrophe, paying everything.

I can't persuade Emperor Yan Luo, and I can't let Emperor Yan Luo accept the eighteen layers of hell. This is very helpless to the Yin-Yang Taoist, and behind this helplessness is heavy pressure, and Qiaqia is the real prehistoric world, and it is also true. In the catastrophe of heaven and earth, even the Taoists of Yin and Yang have to bear such terrifying pressure. In the face of such a terrible crisis, the pressure faced by the Wu people can be imagined, and the pressure of other civilizations can also be imagined. For the creatures of the world, this is a terrifying disaster, all terrifying disasters of destruction, perhaps this is the root cause of the catastrophe, but if you want to cut off all of this, you can't do it at all, and it can't be achieved. The power of the Three Paths is not something that all living beings can fight against. Even if there is a top power like Hongjun Daozu, it still cannot do it. The reason is selfishness.

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