God of Destruction

Chapter 4610: Crisis in the dark

Chapter 4616 The secret crisis

If the entire prehistoric beings can work together to face the pressure of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, they can resist with all their strength, and perhaps they can change the situation with overwhelming force, but the evil roots of intelligent beings are there, selfishness has become the biggest Hidden danger, this has become the biggest crisis for all living beings to survive in the prehistoric wilderness. Forming an alliance with a group of people who are selfish and have their own ideas is not actually an improvement of strength, but a weakening of their own strength. You don’t know when these allies will meet. Be your own drag.

Emperor Yan Luo understands this deeply, so he does not want to see the Yin-Yang Taoist pay a heavy price for this. He would rather sacrifice himself than see the Yin-Yang Taoist fall into such a quagmire and cannot extricate himself. Crisis, the Yin-Yang Daoist is very likely to die directly in this catastrophe. It is necessary to know that they are not facing ordinary people, but the three realms of heaven and earth. They are the real powerful force of the prehistoric, powerful force, not the experience of the past. Make up for deficiencies!

In the mind of Emperor Yan Luo, there is actually a very doubtful idea. The three realms of heaven, earth and human are all differentiated by Pangu Yuanshen. Heaven is evil, human beings are obsessive, and earth is good. He didn't find the slightest bit of kindness. In his induction, the tunnel exudes a strong evil thought, which is even more evil than the heaven. Even the Yin-Yang Taoist who opened the tunnel with one hand has endless killing intent. It can be seen that the tunnel is not as simple as imagined, nor is it Hongjun Daozu said it so simply!

It’s not just about the Tao, there are also huge problems with the Tao. Pangu opened up the world and opened up the prehistoric world. Even if the Tao of Heaven is the first to wake up, the Tao of Humanity is really weaker than the Tao of Heaven, and will always be willing to be suppressed by the Tao of Heaven. In this case, how can the Dao of Heaven suppress the Dao of Humanity? There will be no secrets in it. Dao of Humanity may also have its own secrets, just because Dao of Humanity does not have saints, so this secret It has always been hidden, not known to outsiders, not detected by other forces!

This is how Emperor Yan Luo felt after he became the master of the nether world, with the help of the power of the complete world authority, the power of the origin of the world, and the feeling of the authentic and the human, and all this is only known to him, and he did not tell anyone. After all, this is not a trivial matter. , once such a thing is said, it is likely to lead to a huge shock. You can feel the power of the authentic and the human, and feel the hidden dangers in it, and the authentic and the human are really related to the nether world and the six reincarnations. And the Wuzu world doesn't have the ability to fight back at all, does it really have no control over them?

Unrealistic, Emperor Yan Luo does not think that the Dao and the Dao are really weak to this extent, the only explanation is that they are hiding themselves, they have never fully confronted the Dao of Heaven, and even most of their power has been hidden in the dark. As far as I can tell, there must be a more terrifying and terrifying conspiracy behind all of this, so even if Hongjun Daozu appeared, in front of the twelve ancestor witches, Emperor Yan Luo did not say everything he knew. .

Seeing that Daoist Yin-Yang was constantly making various preparations for his own life, Emperor Yan Luo felt that he could no longer keep these secrets hidden, otherwise he would only harm Daoist Yin-Yang and himself, and only relying on I can't explore the deeper secrets of the tunnel and humanity with my own strength. Time doesn't give myself such an opportunity. With the rapid arrival of the world's catastrophe, Emperor Yama needs to devote his energy to the war, rather than to the tunnel and humanity. Exploring!

"Being integrated into the world of the underworld, in charge of the authority of the underworld, as the master of the world, my understanding of the underworld world is not something that fellow Taoists can understand. Avoid it, so before that, I hope to be able to express my understanding of the authentic way and humanism, and I hope you can take precautions!" When he said this, Emperor Yan Luo waved his hand, and a powerful force of the origin of the world enveloped Yan Luo. The hall, shields all power!

When he saw Emperor Yan Luo's move and reunited with his previous remarks, Daoist Yin-Yang's expression became extremely solemn. He understood that the matter was only very dangerous, otherwise Emperor Yan Luo would not be so cautious and even in the nether world. Zhongdu has to take such precautions, which shows the horror of this matter, which casts a shadow over the hearts of Yin-Yang Daoists!

"I don't know how other people think about the world of the underworld. Looking at what Hongjun Daozu said, if the tunnel is really Pangu's kindness, it will only affect the birth of the tunnel to suppress the time gods and demons, but such a move is beneficial to Honghuang. There should be boundless merits and virtues, but I didn't feel the boundless merits or kindness in the tunnel body. On the contrary, the tunnel has endless killing intent for us, which is not normal, at least with Hongjun Daozu What he said is untrue, if it is Hongjun Daozu deliberately concealing it, it is okay to say, at most, the information is wrong, but if it is not the case, then the matter is serious, the tunnel is very likely to have changed in the endless years, or From the very beginning, he has his own calculations, the so-called suppression of time gods and demons is only part of his plan, and our appearance may also be part of his calculations!"

'His! 'When he heard this, Daoist Yin-Yang couldn't help gasping for air. These words had brought too much shock to him. If it was the latter, things would be really troublesome. When the catastrophe of heaven and earth broke out again, it destroyed the entire nether world, and pulled itself into the destruction, and fell into a place of eternal doom!

auzw.com "This is not a trivial matter, can you be sure that the tunic really has no good intentions in his heart, and is completely malicious to us?" At this time, the Yin-Yang Daoist had to pay attention, and there was a trace of tension and anxiety in his eyes. This is really the case, and you must do more preparations and make more plans to prevent you from falling into a dead end!

I saw that Emperor Yan Luo nodded and said: "Yes, when the King of Karma was in charge of the Dao of Karma, although he was also the Lord of the Netherworld, he didn't really integrate into the origin of the Netherworld, and I was really with the Netherworld. The nether world is one, so I can feel the real situation of the tunnel, although it is only a small part, it is enough!"

"Things have been really troublesome since then. Daozu Hongjun is deliberately concealing important information, deliberately inducing us to destruction and becoming a chess piece in his hands. It seems that he is really sinister and sinister, and the tunnel is even more terrifying. If he It’s really good to say that Pangu’s kindness is good. We can guess that all these changes were caused by the accidental appearance of the gods and demons that suppressed time and were eroded by the terrifying power of the gods and demons of chaos, but if this is not the case, everything will be in trouble. What will the human way look like? I'm afraid there are more secrets and more calculations, and all of this was deliberately concealed by this **** Hongjun. You can feel it, he can't feel nothing at all! "

At this time, Daoist Yin-Yang was even more disgusted with Daozu Hongjun. Such a selfish **** hides in the dark and poses a great threat to himself and even the entire prehistoric beings, but Daoist Yin-Yang also understands that these words cannot be spoken out. , at least not known by others, otherwise the entire prehistoric world will set off huge waves.

"Yeah, in my feelings, there is indeed a problem with humanity. The origin of humanity is not as simple as it seems. Although it seems that today's prehistoric world seems to have been hit hard, the origin of humanity hidden under the prehistoric land is not as simple as it seems. Damaged, the power of the source of humanity is still growing slowly. I have reason to believe that since the emergence of the prehistoric world, humanity has been in the layout, and the calculation of heaven, for humanity, everything is within the scope of tolerance, it can even be said that It was within its grasp, but why did Human Dao clearly have the strength to fight against the Dao of Heaven, and even to compete for the initiative in the prehistoric world? How much does Daozu know about this?"

The huge pressure is like a giant mountain pressing down on him, making the Yin-Yang Daoist somewhat breathless. With his strength, his realm still has such a reaction, which shows how amazing the impact of this incident on the Yin-Yang Daoist.

"Is it possible that the Dao of Heaven is only used by the Dao of the Earth and the Dao of humanity, and is placed on the surface, but in fact the Dao of the Earth and the Dao of humanity are the most powerful existences in the prehistoric world? According to Hongjun Daozu, the Dao of Heaven is to suppress the time gods and demons. Respect the Chaos God and Demon, his power can be imagined, a powerful Chaos God and Demon can be suppressed, the power of the authentic should be far beyond imagination. Earth, the background of humanity is even more unimaginable, but in the age of beasts, the age of dragon and phoenix did not have a saint of humanity, and even humanity did not even respond at all. This is even more unusual, perhaps humanity is more dangerous than we imagined, I even It is suspected that humanity is deliberately cooperating with the way of heaven. The era of fierce beasts will be destroyed, endless beasts will die, the era of dragon and phoenix will end, and endless powerhouses will also perish. At that time, will the blood and soul of living beings really be completely destroyed, will they? All of them have been transformed into nutrients for humanity. Pangu Yuanshen is in the wild land. Can we wildly imagine that humanity has known the existence of Pangu Yuanshen since the beginning, and has been preparing for it, even refining Pangu. Primordial Spirit, so he doesn't care about the calculations of the Dao of Heaven at all, and is deliberately cooperating with the calculations of the Dao of Heaven?"

When Daoist Yin-Yang said these words, Emperor Yan Luo was also a little dumbfounded. He didn't think so much, but when he heard these words, his heart couldn't help but be touched, and he felt that it made a lot of sense. All sentient beings, there is no reason for humanity to not react at all. If humanity is truly incomparable, it must have its own calculations!

"If this is the case, the problem will be serious. This twists and turns of the world's catastrophe will really evolve into a world-annihilation catastrophe. The previous preparations are still insufficient. We need more powerful forces in order to preserve our vitality in this drastic change. The world needs to grow stronger, otherwise once the crisis comes, even if I pay the price of my life, it will be difficult to resist the blow of destruction, the blow of destruction!" Emperor Yama's brows were furrowed, but he wanted to strengthen himself in a short period of time. This is not an easy task, and every move in the nether world is under the surveillance of everyone, and a little big move may lead to drastic changes!

"Unfortunately, all of this is our own guess, and we can't tell anyone, otherwise we can use the pressure to win over the Twelve Ancestors, the Old Ancestor Minghe, the Mother Nuwa, and even the quasi-promotion and acceptance. Opportunity!" At this time, Taoist Yin-Yang did not mention Sanqing, because in his heart Sanqing had a huge hidden danger and was a part of Pangu Yuanshen, maybe they would wake up Pangu Yuanshen at any time, or even they might have been there all the time. Pangu Yuanshen is in the grasp!

For Yin-Yang Daoists, when the situation develops to this stage, no mistakes can occur at all, otherwise they will inevitably die, and if Sanqing knows all of this in their hearts, even if they have nothing to do with Pangu Primordial Spirit, they will still be alive. It will give birth to ideas that should not be there. The Sanqing and the Twelve Ancestors are fundamentally different. The Sanqing is a part of the real Pangu Yuanshen, while the Twelve Ancestors are just the blood of Pangu. This is the qualitative gap between the two sides. !

"At this time, no one can be trusted. All intelligent beings have selfishness. We have selfishness, and so do they. Once such a thing spreads, the consequences will be unimaginable, and once it will attract the anger of the authentic and the human, with our current There is simply no way to bear the strength. The best choice for us is to improve our own strength, and Qiaqia is also a very difficult thing. It is almost impossible to prove the Dao of Hunyuan. Whenever I have such thoughts When the time comes, I can feel the warning of my soul, the prehistoric world is rejecting Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, this is the power of the rules, there is no way to deal with it!"

Emperor Yan Luo did not dare to prove the Dao of Hunyuan, Daluo Jinxian, even if he had a foundation. The exclusion of the rules of the prehistoric world was unstoppable by the Dao. Even if he had great merit, he still could not see hope. Said that it is necessary to accumulate more powerful strength and make more preparations. Even if it is to prove the Tao, the dangers faced by the Yin-Yang Daoist are more terrifying than Emperor Yan Luo, and more terrifying than Empress Nuwa. His existence is likely to be early. It has become a thorn in the eyes of the prehistoric world, a thorn in the flesh, and even a sure-kill target. There is no full certainty, no super-powerful background, and Yin and Yang Taoists also dare not test, dare not act rashly, and even dare not even the idea of ​​​​proving the Tao. Release it, after all, there are too many secrets in Daoist Yin-Yang.

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