God of Destruction

Chapter 4611: festival crisis

Chapter 4617 Crisis

"Do everything possible to strengthen yourself, if it is a last resort, even if it is to sacrifice the creatures in the nether world!" When these words fell from the mouth of the Yin-Yang Daoist, his expression became extremely tired, Daoist Yin-Yang understands what consequences this decision will cause, and how terrifying trouble it will be, but now there is really no other way, and all roads are blocked. The pressure on Emperor Yan Luo will be less, but since this meeting, the entire nether world has become the center of the prehistoric world, and has been watched by countless people!

Even at this time, Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yan Luo doubted whether they had been plotted by Daozu Hongjun. Perhaps Daozu Hongjun didn't come to negotiate with sincerity, and everything was just to throw the blame and leave huge troubles in the nether world. On the body, let them bear the attention of the forces of the prehistoric and wild, and let the forces of all parties contain the nether world.

It's a pity that everything is just guesswork and can't be accurate. Both Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo understand that the more in this situation, the more cautious they should be, and they should not act rashly, lest they fall into a bigger crisis and expose themselves. Get out of your own hazard!

When the war comes, it does not depend on oneself, but on the three ways of heaven, earth and people. When they are ready for everything, the catastrophe of heaven and earth will start again, and let this twists and turns of the catastrophe detonate all causal grievances. All creatures in the world will also be pulled into the catastrophe, and everyone will face the catastrophe of life and death.

The twists and turns of heaven and earth catastrophe are not normal. The normal catastrophe of heaven and earth only happens once. It will not break out again and again. It may be the Great Tribulation of the World Destruction. The most important thing is that the three paths of heaven, earth and human beings come together, and no one is willing to give in. In this case, it is not the Great Tribulation of the World Destruction!

When Taoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yan Luo were trying their best to improve their own strength and strengthen their own combat power, all beings in the prehistoric world also felt the pressure of terror, and they were also thinking about what happened to the prehistoric world and why it should The great catastrophe of heaven and earth that has ended long ago will be repeated again and again, and twists and turns will be born again and again, and it will change again and again.

When they saw Daozu Hongjun leave the nether world, many people's hearts became heavy, especially the two people who had been watching Hongjun Daozu's Zhunti and Reception, although when leaving the nether world, Hongjun Daozu himself has not changed much, and his expression is still indifferent, but he has always been cautious in judging and receiving, but sees a difference. This is not a change in expression, but a change in temperament. After talking with Yin-Yang Daoist, No matter how much Daozu Hongjun covers, he can't completely cover up his aura. You must know that this is a catastrophe, and his every move will cause the world to change!

"There is no result, how is this possible? Daozu Hongjun came forward in person and took the initiative to visit Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestors. There was no result. The two sides did not reach a cooperation agreement. What happened?" Zhunti muttered. Muttering to himself, there was a trace of impatience and unease in his eyes, it was obvious that he was affected by this atmosphere!

"Junior brother, is there something wrong with our feelings, that's not the case, or is Daozu Hongjun deliberately deceiving everyone, and wants to use such means to plot against us?" He was uneasy, but he attributed all this to the conspiracy of Daozu Hongjun, and felt that all this might be a conspiracy arranged by Daozu Hongjun!

When he heard the remarks, Zhunti instantly woke up from his contemplation, shook his head gently and said, "Impossible, this can't be a conspiracy, even if there is a conspiracy, it won't be as terrifying as Senior Brother said, but One thing is certain, the conversation between Daozu Hongjun and Emperor Yan Luo and the Twelve Ancestors failed, and it is precisely because of this that such a change in the world will occur. Brother, we need to prepare for the worst. We can no longer pin our hopes on Hongjun. On the body of Daozu, Emperor Yama and the twelve ancestors, we need to have our own strength and our own countermeasures, and even if a bad situation occurs, we must be prepared."

Both Zhunti and Jieyin can see the changes of Daozu Hongjun and feel the changes in the prehistoric world. Sanqing can do the same. They are also uneasy at the moment, especially Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, although they Proving the Dao, but they paid a heavy price to prove the Dao, burning their own luck and meritorious deeds. If the situation develops in the worst direction, the entire prehistoric world will undergo earth-shattering changes, and everything will be What does it look like, can you survive the catastrophe?

difficult? Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun think it is very difficult. If there is an opening of the heavens, everything will not be too dangerous. The opening of the heavens is the best shelter for them, but now their whole body of openings has already been burned. This is a lot of trouble. Even if you are in the world of Tongtian Sect Master, the disappearance of Kaitian merit will still have a major impact on yourself, and even affect your next practice, which will put you in a crisis. middle!

what to do? Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun looked at each other, and there was a trace of horror in Taishang Laojun's eyes. Without the protection of heaven-defining merit, he could deeply feel the strong malice from the prehistoric world, as if it was all cause and effect. All will return, and all causes and effects will be added to themselves, even if there is the power of the Primordial Golden Immortal, it cannot stop it!

"Liquidation, could it be said that this is the beginning of the liquidation of the prehistoric world. Without the merits of opening the sky, all the karma formed by myself and the prehistoric world will return, and I must face all the karma in this catastrophe?" Taishang Laojun is thinking secretly, if everything is as he thought, the trouble is big, and he may be caught in a conspiracy!

Conspiracy, for Taishang Laojun, when he feels danger, the first thought is conspiracy. The influence of the calamity, but now I was unknowingly being plotted, and I used the Kaitian merit and my own qi luck to prove the Tao, maybe it was a trap, caused by the enemy deliberately tempted me, but without the qi luck and the Kaitian merit , he also lost his original asylum!


Taishang Laojun attributed everything to a conspiracy, but Yuanshi Tianzun did not have such crazy ideas. In Yuanshi Tianzun's view, this was caused by the calamity of heaven and earth. Even if he had the protection of Kaitian merit, he still fell into a catastrophe, and In the final analysis, it was because he had withdrawn from the Heavenly Dao too late and carried too much karma on his back. It was also Pangu Sanqing. The Tongtian Sect Master who was the first to jump out of the Heavenly Dao prison had no such trouble. Yuanshi Tianzun began to reflect on his behavior!

"Leave, I can no longer stay in Tongtian's world, otherwise it will definitely bring danger to Tongtian, and lead my karma into this world, so that Tongtian will be affected!" Reflecting on all of his own After the act, Yuanshi Tianzun made a crazy decision to leave the world of the Tongtian sect master, and bear the karma of his own karma. He could not implicate the Tongtian sect master, and he could not cause big trouble to the Tongtian sect master. After all, the world of the Tongtian sect master still has many problems. Many disciples.

When he had the intention of leaving, Yuanshi Tianzun turned his attention to Taishang Laojun, wanting to see Taishang Laojun's decision, but the result disappointed him greatly. There was no change in Taishang Laojun's eyes at all. Obviously, he is determined to stay in the world of the Tongtian sect master, wants to use the power of Tongtian to deal with the crisis, and wants to let the Tongtian sect master bear his own crisis!

The selfish behavior of Taishang Laojun made Yuanshi Tianzun very annoyed. This is not only irresponsible for himself, but also a betrayal of Tongtian. Originally, when he was proving the Dao and Yuanyuan, Taishang Laojun did something to the Tongtian leader. In order to hide it, I didn't tell Tongtian Cult Master that he had the opportunity to prove the Tao, but now when he is facing a life and death crisis, he wants to throw the problem on Tongtian Cult Master. This is too selfish, and this is Yuanshi Tianzun unwilling to accept Yes, it is unacceptable!

"Elder Brother, we have finished talking about the issues that should be discussed with Junior Brother Tongtian. Now that Daozu Hongjun has left the Netherworld, it won't be long before the catastrophe will be repeated. It's time for us to leave. We need to prepare in advance. Time to prepare, Junior Brother Tongtian also needs time to prepare, we can't affect Junior Brother Tongtian!" Yuanshi Tianzun's voice was very dull, but beneath this blandness hides serious dissatisfaction with Taishang Laojun!

When he heard the words of Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun was furious in his heart. If he didn't want to keep his face, he would have already scolded Yuanshi Tianzun, what does it mean to leave, why did he leave, and what did he do after he left Tongtian World? In the face of the impact from the catastrophe, how can you protect yourself in this catastrophe!

However, Taishang Laojun couldn't find an excuse to stay. After all, Sanqing had already split up early, and he had no reason to stay in the world of the Tongtian sect master, and there was no reason to keep pulling the Tongtian sect master to talk about the prehistoric world, but he left like this. He is unwilling, and does not want to bear the huge karma that he has to bear alone!

"Damn Yuanshi, you have no problem if you want to die, but don't take me with you. If you stay in the world of Tongtian, there will be a chance of life, and you can use the power of Tongtian to deal with disasters. If you leave, I will take it. What to do to deal with the crisis?" Although there is a lot of anger and resentment in his heart, Taishang Laojun can't show it. Once he does this, the friendship of Sanqing will inevitably come to an end, and if he wants to borrow strength from Tongtian, he will Impossible!

"Leave? Why do we want to leave? We still have a lot of things to talk about with Junior Brother Tongtian. Just like this opening up the world, we have to ask Junior Brother Tongtian carefully. When the time comes, you and I will learn from Junior Brother Tongtian, and open up our own. World, protect our disciples, so that we can escape from this catastrophe!" Taishang Laojun said the words "heaven and earth catastrophe" very seriously, which is to warn Yuanshi Tianzun not to be stupid Things, don't pull yourself into the water!

Master Tongtian is not a fool. As soon as Taishang Laojun speaks, he understands the other party's intention and the sinister and viciousness of his elder brother. This is obviously because he wants to pull himself to bear causal responsibility for him, so that the original belonged to Taishang Laojun himself. The karma of karma is introduced into the world, which will be a disaster for the sect master of Tongtian and the sect of interception!

It's just that it's very difficult for the Tongtian sect master to drive away Taishang Laojun. The Tongtian sect master can't hold back his face, but if he doesn't do this, he is not willing to bear this disaster in vain, and he and the entire sect are trapped in this. In a desperate situation, this makes Tongtian Sect Master very embarrassed. Is the brother's relationship more important, or is his own safety more important, and the life and death of the interceptor?

"Senior brother, we can't bring disaster to Junior Brother Tongtian because of our own selfishness. Our own cause and effect must be borne by ourselves. Although Junior Brother Tongtian has the protection of Heaven-opening merit, he wants to protect the entire teaching, such a huge teaching, It is already very difficult to rely only on his own merits and virtues, we don't need to put more pressure on him!" Time was pressing, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't have much time to waste on arguing with Taishang Laojun, and he directly said the problem where.

For Yuanshi Tianzun, although he did not have the protection of Kaitian merits and virtues, he did not think that when he faced this sudden karma, it was a desperate situation or a disaster. Even if it was a disaster, there were also great opportunities behind it. To be able to survive the catastrophe smoothly, perhaps to go a step further in cultivation, and to have a better understanding of the Primordial Dao.

When Yuanshi Tianzun's words fell, Taishang Laojun's expression changed again and again, he wanted to stay, but his face could not be maintained, and if he insisted on staying in the world of Tongtian, I was afraid It will also hate the Tongtian Cult Master, and it will also completely end the previous brotherhood. No one wants to be calculated by others, and the Tongtian Cult Master is also like this.

Under the interference of Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun had to leave the world of Tongtian and had to face karma by himself. In Taishang Laojun's heart, karma was a disaster and a danger, but in the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun Causal karma is an opportunity, it is the opportunity for oneself to rebuild the Dao, and causal karma is the nutrient of the Dao. If you can refine it, you will go further on the road of cultivation on the Dao of Hunyuan, walk more stably, and be able to Get more benefits from it!

Different visions lead to different problems. For Yuanshi Tianzun, seeing the opportunity behind the crisis, he believes that this is a great opportunity to sharpen himself, while in the eyes of Taishang Laojun, this is a danger and the emergence of karma. It will impact one's own Dao heart and affect one's own practice. This is the difference between the two!

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