God of Destruction

Chapter 4612: knot pressure

Chapter 4618 Pressure

When he walked out of the world of Tongtian sect master, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly turned around and said: "Junior Brother Tongtian, the world is not your dependence, nor is the foundation of your self-sustainability, strength can only decide everything, don't be superstitious about the world's avenue, although you open up the world. This world has great potential, but this world is pinned on the prehistoric world. The existence of this world will indeed bring you an endless source of origin for you to cultivate and protect your disciples, but its Existence is also your own flaw, this world is in the wild, not your inner world?"

When Yuanshi Tianzun's words fell, Tongtian sect master was shocked, and Taishang Laojun was shocked. They did not expect Yuanshi Tianzun to have such deep attainments on the world's avenues, and they could see Tongtian sect master opening up this world. The hidden dangers of Fang World made them a little unacceptable. The impact was too great. The three cleans were one.

Seeing the shocked expressions on the faces of Tongtian Cult Master and Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun smiled lightly and said: "Don't be too surprised, this is not my own perception, nor how deep my attainments are on the world's avenues. This is the conclusion I came to by observing the Wuzu world. The Wuzu world, the Twelve Ancestors, and the Underworld and the Netherworld are more powerful than you imagined, and there are more lessons to be learned. Today's Emperor Jiang Zuwu has completely given up. With the honor of the Lord of the Witch World, he is no longer an authentic saint. When the catastrophe of heaven and earth is about to break out again, Emperor Jiang Zuwu made such a decision. It can be seen that the World Avenue must have huge hidden dangers, forcing Emperor Jiang Zuwu had to do this, so I advise Junior Brother Tongtian to be cautious about the existence of the world!"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu gave up his identity as an authentic saint and gave up the master of the world of the Wu clan. This news was so amazing that the sect master of Tongtian was also shocked. He understood what this meant, and it must be the Wu clan who noticed the world. Inappropriate, relying on the prehistoric world system poses a serious threat to the Lord of the World, and may even threaten his own life.

Unfortunately, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't want to say anything more on this issue! Of course, this is not because Yuanshi Tianzun is deliberately trying to make things mysterious, but he really does not know much, and it is only because the Tongtian Sect Master has opened up the world that he will persuade!

For Tongtian Sect Master, this news is very timely. It would be too late to know everything after the outbreak of the catastrophe, and now Tongtian Sect Master still has time to get rid of it, and even find a way to confront and resolve the world crisis, as to whether it can be successful or not. , this is an unknown, no one knows whether there is a chance to resolve the crisis that started the world and pinned on the prehistoric world.

"Thank you for your approving, I will handle it carefully!" This time, the Master Tongtian completely changed his view of Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi, but unfortunately, Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi doesn't know much, and everything can only be handled by Master Tongtian himself!

At this time, Taishang Laojun's eyes exuded a dignified look. In the past, Taishang Laojun didn't pay attention to Yuanshi Tianzun. He always thought that Yuanshi Tianzun was selfish and selfish, but now Taishang Laojun Suddenly I found that I didn't know the Yuanshi Tianzun in front of me, and the other party suddenly changed too much, so big that the Taishang Laojun was shocked!

Of course, Yuanshi Tianzun also pointed out his own views. The inner world is Yuanshi Tianzun's true view of the world's avenue. In his opinion, any world that is placed in the prehistoric world system is dangerous, and he places his life and death on the prehistoric world. Heaven and earth, while the inner world exists independently, belongs to itself, and is not affected by any external force. It is only necessary to open up the inner world, which is fundamentally different from opening up the outer world. There is also a qualitative gap. It is easy to open up the Xiaoqian world where one side relies on the prehistoric world, but it is difficult to open up one side's inner world, and the background required for the inner world is amazing!

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head and said: "This is what I should do, don't keep your eyes fixed on yourself, pay more attention to the changes of the Wu clan, it is good for you, the Wu clan is not as simple as the surface, their strength is more than It’s even more amazing to imagine! From them, you can learn a lot of things, improve your strength early, don’t waste your precious time, once the catastrophe breaks out again, you will have no chance to improve your strength!”

When it came to this, Tianzun Yuanshi didn't care about the thoughts of Tongtian Cult Master, nor did he pay attention to the shock and anxiety of Taishang Laojun, turned around and left, Tianzun Yuanshi also needed time to accumulate strength and time to grasp the general trend, if only relying on his own strength To face this impending catastrophe, it is irresponsible for one's own life! Don't add trouble to the leader of Tongtian, and don't waste your precious time. With the failure of the cooperation between Daozu Hongjun and Emperor Yan Luo, it has had a huge impact on the whole flood. All the strong are preparing for the worst to prevent disasters. coming!

After becoming a Hunyuan Jinxian, Yuanshi Tianzun also carefully considered his own problems, and also thought about opening up his own world, but he did not take action because of the general environment. Now that he knows the changes of the Wu clan, Yuanshi Tianzun is no longer thinking about it. The world entrusted to the prehistoric world, but the inner world that truly belongs to oneself, just needs space treasures to open up the inner world, the best is the space treasure, the world opened up in this way is the most stable and powerful!

Yuanshi Tianzun has such an idea, and Taishang Laojun also has such an idea. Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun's embarrassment, Taishang Laojun doesn't have so many concerns, because Taishang Laojun has a supreme innate space spiritual treasure in his hands.' Qiankun map', this innate spiritual treasure itself has a small world, if it is used as the core of one's inner world, it would be more suitable!


At this time, Taishang Laojun didn't care about Yuanshi Tianzun's madness or hated Yuanshi Tianzun's behavior, but was completely attracted by the opening of the inner world. Although Taishang Laojun's people taught few disciples, Taishang Laojun doesn't want to see his sect destroyed in this upcoming catastrophe. The most important thing is that Taishang Laojun wants to gather a part of the prehistoric world and prepare for the catastrophe. If the catastrophe is to be destroyed. When I come, I can at least save some of the wild creatures, prepare for the recovery after the world-destroying catastrophe, and prepare for myself to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

After Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun both left, Tongtian Cult Master's expression became extremely solemn. For the world he now controls, Tongtian Cult Master was worried, although he only heard the news from Yuanshi Tianzun's mouth, but Tongtian The sect master did not doubt its authenticity. After the two left, he immediately investigated everything in his world, starting from every detail, looking for the problem bit by bit. Originally, the sect master of Tongtian was opening up this world. I used to worry that there would be hidden dangers if the world was entrusted to the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings. Now, although the world does not depend on any of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, it is entrusted to the prehistoric world. If there are hidden dangers in the three realms of heaven, earth and human being, Is there a big hidden danger in the prehistoric world!

In the past, the sect master of Tongtian didn't think about it carefully. He felt that the prehistoric world was different from the three realms of heaven, earth, and people. It was the existence of the lord, and there would be no problem. But now, after he checked carefully, the result made the sect master of Tongtian feel terrified. Compared with the people of heaven and earth The third way is that the hidden dangers of the prehistoric world are even greater. The origin of the entire world that I have created is connected to the origin of the prehistoric world. The destruction of my own world will not cause too much impact on the prehistoric world. This is because the volume of the prehistoric world is very large, so it reaches the sky. The world origin of the leader cannot shake the prehistoric world. This is a qualitative gap, and it cannot be reversed by manpower!

The world of the Tongtian leader cannot affect the prehistoric world, but because the origins of the two worlds are connected, the world on the weaker side will naturally be affected by the strong world. If the amount is insufficient, even if the prehistoric world is just a small change, it may bring disaster to the world of the Tongtian Sect Master!

"Damn, why is this happening? Why didn't I feel anything before? What's going on? Who is plotting against me, is it the way of heaven, the ancestor of Hongjun Dao, or the will of the prehistoric world?" Incomparably heavy, facing such a terrifying hidden danger, it was difficult for him to accept it. Once the catastrophe broke out again and the flooded world was damaged, the first unlucky person was himself, the world he created, and the interception of the world's shelter. disciple!

"This is to count me to death, not to give Intercept Cult a way to survive. Once there is a problem in the world, Intercept Cult's vitality will completely collapse, and I, the Intercept Cult Master, will also be severely injured. The blessing of luck will not be able to resist this catastrophe!" At this time, Tongtian Sect Master also sensed his own great hidden danger, and he has no ability to resist in the face of the crisis!

Originally, the master of Tongtian opened up the world to kidnap the prehistoric world, but now he suddenly discovered that the kidnapped turned out to be him. If he can't solve this terrifying hidden danger quickly, once the crisis breaks out, he will still be dead and alive. It is with the support of Kaitian merits and virtues, and it cannot withstand the impact of the qi fortune of the collapse of the sect and the destruction of the world. The most important thing is that the master of the sky has not suppressed the treasure of his own qi fortune, which will invisibly magnify the degree of danger several times!

"It is impossible to wait and die. Emperor Jiang Zuwu has completed the cutting of himself and the Wuzu world. I am afraid that he has also discovered the hidden dangers of the world. My situation is relatively good. At least I have not integrated with the world, and have not accepted the world. The authority of the Lord, this is the great fortune in misfortune!" The Master Tongtian breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this, and now what he needs to do is how to find a suitable world for his disciples to live in, and how to give up his own world. , and can maximize the use of all resources, so that you can get the most benefits while giving up the world!

It is easy to give up the world, as long as the Master of Tongtian is willing, you can do it at any time, but the huge resources of the entire world, the Master of Heaven, cannot be abandoned, and the disciples who live in the world cannot give up. If you want to find another party that is suitable for the disciples to survive The world, this is almost impossible to complete, the time is too short, I have no time to find it, the best way is to re-open the inner world, in order to accommodate the disciples and protect their safety!

Opening up the inner world is not something that can be done at will. Even if it can be done, the potential is limited, and it cannot withstand the survival of many disciples who have been intercepted. It is not impossible to reluctantly open up the space spirit treasures in the inner world, but it is more troublesome.

Speaking of which, Master Tongtian doesn't have so many difficulties, it's just that he has too much face. If he takes back the many spiritual treasures given to his disciples, Master Tongtian can completely open up a powerful inner world. You must know that in Pangu San In the Qing Dynasty, he got the most innate spiritual treasures from Hongjun Daozu, as long as he can pull his face down, everything is not a problem!

"Is it really necessary to take back the treasures given to the disciples, there is no other way to do it?" Tongtian sect master frowned, thinking about other methods carefully, but no matter how hard Tongtian sect master thinks, it is useless, because in his hands There are not many treasures at all, and it is unrealistic to expect these treasures to open up the inner world!

Face is more important, or survival is more important, this is the question placed in front of Tongtian Sect Master! Of course, because of Yuanshi Tianzun's reminder, Tongtian sect master also needs to consider proving the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian, taking advantage of the opportunity to open up the inner world to prove the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian, in this upcoming crisis of heaven and earth, strength is survival The fundamental, without strong enough strength, even if there is life in front of him, he can't grasp it, strength determines everything!

"It seems that I really need to change myself, let go of that ridiculous self-esteem, no face is important, what matters is survival, my own safety, and the vitality of my disciples, putting myself and my disciples in danger for a little face. Among them, this is a stupid choice, no one knows when the crisis will break out, time waits for no one, I can't be so stupid anymore, I can't be held back by the so-called face, I must change!" In the great pressure of the prehistoric world, bearing the impact of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, Tongtian sect master finally made a choice, let go of the stubborn mentality in his heart, let go of the so-called face, and put reality first, as long as he can let himself and his disciples After going through the catastrophe of heaven and earth, being able to have a chance of survival in this crazy disaster, everything can be put down, everything can be abandoned, survival is the root of everything, even survival cannot be guaranteed, what other issues are there to talk about!

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