God of Destruction

Chapter 4613: Section request

Four thousand six hundred and nineteenth chapter request

When the decision was made, the Master of Tongtian cast off all pressure and difficulties. No matter what the disciples thought, the Master of Tongtian would not care in the face of survival. If anyone could not accept it, then leave. For his own safety, the Master Tongtian took back all the congenital spiritual treasures he had given to his disciples, and also directly stated the problems faced by the sect, which was acceptable and acceptable to most disciples of the sect. They all understood the current situation. How dangerous is the prehistoric world, of course, there are also a small number of disciples who can't accept it. They are unwilling to face such a crisis. In their opinion, it is unreliable to rely entirely on the Tongtian sect master. Once Tongtian Sect Master dies in the coming catastrophe, their disciples who live in the inner world will surely die.

For these unwilling disciples, the leader of Tongtian ignored them and let them leave, to find the safe world in their minds and return to the wild land. As for whether they can survive in this crazy environment, this is not Tongtian. The responsibility of the leader, made a choice, must be responsible for his own life and death!

In order to be able to open up an inner world with infinite potential, and to make oneself stronger, Tongtian Cult Master, like the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Witch Clan, both set their sights on the world they opened up, and made up the idea of ​​the origin of the world. The source of half of the world is the core source of opening up the inner world, which will have huge benefits. After all, the world of Tongtian Sect Master is a perfect world with complete rules and power. The source of such a world naturally has huge potential.

Action is not as good as action. After taking the first step, the leader of Tongtian has not cared about it and has no time to waste. Disasters do not know when they will appear. For me, every minute and every second is very precious. In Tongtian Under the instruction of the sect master, the entire sect acted frantically, searching for all treasures in the world, and the sect master of Tongtian was also silently extracting the origin of the world and making the final accumulation. This process is long and can't be rushed, otherwise If you are not careful, it will lead to the world's backlash, even if the Tongtian sect master can't suppress it. Once this happens, the interception will inevitably suffer heavy losses!

After eliminating the small group of selfish people, the whole sect has become more united. Those who can stay, they all deeply understand how terrible it is in the calamity of heaven and earth. If there is no protection from the strong, death is inevitable. The ending, not to mention that the catastrophe this time is so strange, not to mention the twists and turns, but also alarmed Daozu Hongjun, all of which show the terribleness of this catastrophe. If this fluctuation will be the final ending, it will also It must be the most tragic. I don't know how many souls will die. Perhaps this may be a huge catastrophe that truly destroys the world.

Although they have such thoughts in their hearts, many disciples of the Intercepting Sect dare not speak out. They are all worried that their guesses will be true and that everything will happen, so they are all full of energy and do their best to collect all available treasures and treasures. Resources, no one blames those who left. It's not how big they are, but they really don't have time. For many disciples, they should use their precious time to collect more resources and prepare for future survival. .

No one could have imagined that the current Jieting Church would become so crazy. For disciples with average strength, they all collected all available resources in the world of Tongtian Sect Master, and for powerful disciples, they entered the prehistoric world regardless of their lives. , is also collecting resources, and the whole interception is crazy for resources.

It's a pity that no one cared about the changes in Intercepting Teaching at this time. They didn't care about these changes. Even if they noticed it, they wouldn't care. In the hearts of everyone, Hongjun Daozu and the Netherworld are the key points. Intercepting the teaching is nothing, and there is no need to pay too much attention to it!

Of course, this is not absolute. Among the various forces, if someone is watching the interception of the sect's every move, it is the Wu clan. When they are determined to divide the origin of the entire Wu clan world, the twelve ancestors are very cautious. With the changes of all parties, the change of the sect and the change of the sect are seen by them. The mad collection of resources by the sect has to make the Twelve Ancestors pay attention. When the Twelve Ancestors turn their attention to the world opened up by the Tongtian sect master At that time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu, who was once the master of the world and an authentic saint, immediately noticed the problem. The origin of the world opened up by Tongtian Cult Master was constantly weakening, which was very abnormal.

At this time, under such circumstances, such an abnormal change has taken place in the world of Tongtian Sect Master, coupled with the frantic collection of resources by Intercept Sect, there is only one explanation, Tongtian Sect Master is also aware of the hidden danger of World Master, and is trying his best to break free from this After all, just like the Wu clan, the disciples of the sect live in the world of the Tongtian sect master. Once the world is damaged, the disciples of the sect will inevitably suffer annihilation, and the master of the Tongtian will also suffer. Pay a heavy price!

Although I don't know how much time I have left, the changes between the Tongtian Cult Master and the disciples have made the Twelve Ancestors feel very heavy. Time is waiting for no one. Emperor Jiang Zuwu doesn't know whether the Tongtian Cult Master is also proving the Way. When Hunyuan prepares, once he is preempted by Tongtian sect master, it will be very difficult for him to open up the world to prove Hunyuan. Everything must be ahead of Tongtian sect master!

"There's no time, we don't have time to continue to accumulate, if Tongtian sect master completes the accumulation first, the pressure will be terrifying, we must start action now!" Dijiang Zuwu's eyes flashed with incomparable madness, although he himself The strength of his body has not fully recovered, but he has not dared to wait any longer.

"Big brother, you are crazy, your current strength has not recovered at all. At this time, the probability of failure to prove Dao Primordial Primordial is astonishing. Proving Dao Primordial Primordial is not a child's play, there is no retreat, failure is death, don't you understand?" At this moment, Houtu Zuwu was furious, thinking that Emperor Jiang Zuwu's move was too crazy and irrational. Even if there was a change in the interception, he should not act in such a hurry, and risk his own life to gamble on that weak opportunity. , this is simply courting death!

"If there is enough time, I also hope to follow the class, but we don't have that much time. In terms of strength and realm, Tongtian Sect Master, as a former saint of the Tao of Heaven and one of Pangu's Sanqing, is not weaker than me. And now he is also extracting the origin of the world and sending out the entire disciples to collect resources. Obviously, he also wants to take the road of proving the Tao and the Primordial Yuan. Once he is preempted by him, we don't know what will happen, so I have to We must be the first to take action and fight for a chance for the Wu clan!"

For the survival of the Wu clan and to fight with his own life, Emperor Jiang Zuwu paid too much to the Wu clan. If there was no such heavy burden as the Wu clan, perhaps things would not have to be so tense, and Emperor Jiang Zuwu would not have to work so hard. But now he really has no choice. Once the master of the Tongtian sect proves the dharma, it will cause a shock, and no one knows if it will lead to the final decisive battle. At the beginning of the decisive battle, will Emperor Jiang Zuwu still have a chance to prove the dao? Can you still get rid of the shackles of the witch world?

auzw.com I don't know, all this is unknown, it is precisely because it is unknown, Emperor Jiang Zuwu must work hard, he does not want to entrust the life and death of the Wu clan on luck, fate can only be controlled by The best thing is in his own hands. If he proves the Dao and Primordial Yuan, the Wu clan will have more vitality. Emperor Jiang Zuwu has no choice but to work hard. This is his destiny. Involuntarily, no one knows what will happen in the next moment, and no one dares to gamble!

"Let's contact Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin-Yang and ask them to help us stabilize the situation. For the elder brother Zheng Dao Hunyuan, the biggest hidden danger is the tunnel. If they help, we can completely eliminate this hidden danger and let Zheng Dao The chance of success is even greater!" At this time, Xuanming Ancestral Witch put forward his own idea and had to use external force.

If you want to help Emperor Yama and Daoist Yin-Yang to take action, it requires great cause and effect. The cause and effect of proving Dao Primordial Primordial is not small. Once you do this, it will put a huge causal pressure on them again, which many ancestors are unwilling to accept. Yes, but the current environment forces them to do this, unless they are willing to watch Di Jiang Zuwu fail to prove the Tao!

"Okay, I'll handle this matter!" As the master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Houtu Ancestral Witch stepped forward to take on this responsibility. Among the twelve Ancestral Witches, only she was the most suitable to come forward for help, and only she came forward. Opportunity to persuade Emperor Yama and Taoist Yin-Yang.

When Xuanming Ancestor Wu opened his mouth to mention Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin-Yang, they immediately felt it. Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin-Yang frowned at the same time, feeling a little uneasy, and trouble was coming, and this big trouble came from the Wu clan. !

Emperor Yan Luo frowned and said, "What exactly do these witch clans want to do, and keep doing things, can't they calm down and cultivate, strengthen their own strength, and prepare for the final battle? Are they even so impatient?"

No one wants to form an alliance with someone who is impatient and keeps making troubles. The behavior of the Wu clan has aroused the dissatisfaction of Emperor Yama, and his practice has been repeatedly disturbed. It is impossible for anyone to deal with it calmly. It is normal for Emperor Yama to have such a reaction. However, it is useless to complain just now, trouble has already come to you, and you can't help but refuse!

The Yin-Yang Taoist sighed: "Listen to what they have to say, let's see what the Wu people are going to do, if it doesn't affect us much, then help them, if it's beyond what we can bear, then only Good luck to them!"

To form an alliance with such a group of lunatics, the Yin-Yang Daoist also has some headaches, but he can't really ignore these lunatics and let them act alone, so as not to affect the overall situation of the entire nether world, this is what makes him embarrassed!

When the Houtu Zuwu appeared in front of Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo again, and when the secret was no longer covered, the expressions of Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo changed greatly. Shocked by the new news, they didn't expect that Tongtian Sect Master and Intercept Sect were frantically collecting resources, and it seemed that the catastrophe was about to break out!

Although there is some reluctance in their hearts, but for the stability of the Wu clan and for the sake of the overall situation, the Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo still had to accept the request of the Houtu Zuwu, help the Wuzu to eliminate the threat of the tunnel, and create a proof for the emperor Jiang Zuwu. The chance of Hunyuan, if there is authentic interference, with the current strength of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, there is only a dead end to forcibly prove Hunyuan.

"Fellow Daoist Houtu, we have explained some things in advance. Even if we take action, we can stop Tun Dao and prevent him from threatening Emperor Jiang Zuwu's Dao Primordial Demonstration. However, in the current situation of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the demonstration is successful. Hope is also very slim, it can be said that this is completely gambling with one's own life, which is not worth the loss!"

The ancestor Wu He didn't know this, but the Wu clan really had no choice. They were unwilling to place the entire Wu clan's life and death on the Wu clan world. Zuwu is also determined to take risks, and it is useless to persuade anyone, which makes Houtu Zuwu have to accept.

Just listening, Houtu Zuwu sighed: "I understand, but the general environment is very unfavorable for us. If we want to get rid of the threat, we can only take the risk and let go, and with the help of two fellow Taoists, the chance will be even greater. With any pressure, we are prepared for the worst!"

They have prepared even for the worst, so what else do I have to say? After looking at Emperor Yan Luo, Daoist Yin and Yang nodded and said, "In this case, we agree, if Emperor Jiang Zuwu is already prepared, we will always be ready. You can start, but you are still in charge of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The Witch World also needs to have Ancestral Witches in charge to prevent accidents from happening. To prove Dao’s confusion, no matter how many accidents are possible, the Six Paths of Samsara cannot be missed. , or things will get worse!"

The six-path reincarnation is related to the entire prehistoric cycle of life and death. If something goes wrong, not only the witch clan will suffer backlash, but the Houtu Zuwu, the master of the six-path reincarnation, will also pay a heavy price, and even the nether world will be implicated because of this. It can be said that if the Six Paths of Reincarnation is shaken at this time, the entire Netherworld will be shaken and disturbed, and the entire prehistoric world will even break out in a terrible storm, and the consequences will be borne by the Wu Clan, even if the Wu Clan has the virtue of Pangu to open the sky, It can't bear such terrifying karma, and will surely be destroyed by that huge karma!

Of course, things are not absolute. Perhaps when such a crisis occurs, Pangu Yuanshen, who has been hiding in the prehistoric world, will be alarmed, and even help Emperor Jiang Zuwu because of the influence of his bloodline. Crisis, but the possibility of such occurrence is very small, almost impossible!

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