God of Destruction

Chapter 4614: blood vessels

Chapter 4620 Bloodline

"Thank you two fellow Daoists for your help. There will be no problem with the Six Paths Reincarnation. The Lord of the Six Paths will work together to suppress the Six Paths Samsara, and there will be other brothers in the Wuzu world. The only trouble is the external force. Maybe this time we will face Not only the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, but also the wild and desolate beings who have gradually fallen into madness!" When he said this, the ancestors of Houtu couldn't help but sighed, with a hint of sadness in his eyes. , the pressure is too great for all the witches!

Suddenly, a light flashed in the mind of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and he said, "Fellow Daoist Houtu, I don't know if a drop of blood essence will affect your own strength for you twelve ancestors, can you both Divide a drop of blood essence to Emperor Jiang Zuwu and seal it in his body, so even if there is an accident, Emperor Jiang Zuwu is not without the ability to resist!"

It is indeed a good idea to give Emperor Jiang Zuwu a drop of Pangu blood essence, but if it is sealed in oneself, will there be accidents? The ancestors of Houtu couldn't guarantee it, because no one had ever done this before, and the Yin-Yang Taoist who gave this opinion didn't know if there would be an accident, but the Yin-Yang Taoist really wanted to know if this method could be used to make the emperor Jiang Zuwu broke out the power of Pangu. You must know that this is also the power of the twelve ancestors, which is theoretically capable of doing so.

Although there is a certain danger, this is indeed a good way. The ancestors of the ancestors think it is feasible. A drop of blood essence is not a serious problem for these ancestors. Proving Taoist Primordial Primordial is also a good guarantee, so although there are many uncertain factors, Houtu Ancestral Witch decided to persuade other Ancestral Witch to agree with Yin-Yang Daoist's opinion, and fight for the first line for the Witch Clan in this catastrophe vitality!

Daoist Yin-Yang's suggestion has pointed out a bright future for the Wu people. If it can work for Emperor Jiang Zuwu, it can also be successful for other ancestors. It can even be delegated to Dawu. The strength of the entire Wu clan has grown rapidly, and it has enough strength to deal with all crises, but the premise is that it can withstand the backlash of strength.

Sealing a drop of the original blood essence of other powerful witches in oneself, the seal will not have too much impact on oneself, and it will not have any effect, but unlocking the seal requires a strong body as a carrying force Not all witches have such a powerful body, and if the power of the seal is too strong, the weak will be destroyed by the terrifying power the moment the seal is unlocked, and there is no chance to control such a powerful power!

Of course, if you change the way of thinking, you can solve this problem, suicide attack, if the Wu clan needs suicide attack, this is the best way, but for the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan, they do not want to see this. When this happens, every witch is very important to them and cannot be easily discarded. The choice of suicide is not advisable!

Daoist Yin-Yang did not want to know what his thoughts were in the minds of Houtu Zuwu. His suggestion was only to enable the Wuzu tribe to survive better, so that Emperor Jiang Zuwu could complete his transformation and attract some pressure. Powerful, the most affected is naturally Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu. If the Wuzu really has a big secret, Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu would not be willing to see the growth of the Wuzu. They will do everything possible to obstruct them and prevent them from growing. Chance.

In this upcoming war, Taoist Yin-Yang is also very heavy. Under such a big environment, a slight error may cause an irreversible catastrophe. Looking at the Houtu Zuwu, he thought deeply. Suddenly, a strange thought arose in the mind of the Yin-Yang Taoist, if all the creatures of the entire witch clan were gathered together, and then under the guidance of the twelve ancestor witches, the 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Gods' Great Array was set up. ', maybe it is really enough to induce Pangu's real body to come, to wake up the Pangu Yuanshen who has been sleeping in the prehistoric world, and let the great **** Pangu reappear in the world!

Of course, this is just a temporary thought of the Yin-Yang Daoist. Let’s not talk about whether this thing can be successful or not. It’s just to gather all the creatures of the entire Wu clan. This is not an easy task. The Great Formation is not without a price. If the Twelve Ancestral Witches started the 'Twelve Capitals Heavenly Gods Great Formation' in this way, I am afraid that the instant Pangu's real body is summoned, those ordinary witches will die and disappear. , was attacked to death by the power of the great formation.

The "Twelve Capitals Heavenly Demons Great Array" is not to guard the Great Array, but to kill the Great Array and summon the ultimate power of the 'Twelve Capitals Heavenly Demons Great Array', which is a terrible disaster for the strong presiding over the Great Array. Even the disaster of extinction, no one wants to see such a situation happen, no one is willing to accept the resurrection of Pangu, and everyone is unwilling to submit to Pangu. In their hearts, the era of Pangu has long passed. The world cannot tolerate the existence of Pangu!

Although I don't know if everything I guess can be realized, I instinctively make the Yin-Yang Daoist feel that this idea can't be said, otherwise it will be a disaster for the Wu people. I don't know how many Wu people will die. , such a big cause and effect is not something Yin-Yang Daoists are willing to accept. If someone really has to do this, Yin-Yang Daoists will bear huge karma for this, and even suffer warnings from the world, or even heavenly punishment!

Time is limited, although Houtu Zuwu still wants to have more communication with the sinuses and wants to get more benefits from Yin-Yang Daoist, but Emperor Jiang Zuwu doesn't have so much time to wait. After thinking for a while, Hou Tu Cong said goodbye and returned to the Six Paths of Reincarnation with this wonderful suggestion from the Yin-Yang Daoist!

auzw.comWhen the ancestors of the ancestors expressed the opinions put forward by the Yin-Yang Taoist, all the ancestors were shocked, and they were also very excited when they were shocked. This is indeed a solution. A good solution to the crisis, with the help of the blood of other ancestors, as long as the witches are willing, there must be a chance of success. The most important thing is that now everyone is on the same front. With such an opportunity, everyone will have a testimonial. The hope is that now they are worried that Emperor Jiang Zuwu can't bear the power of blood essence of other people. If the seal is opened, Emperor Jiang Zuwu's body will be directly shocked, let alone preaching, his own life will be destroyed. Gotta give it up!

"Brother, I think you should take it easy and restore your strength first, at least your physical strength, so that you can also strengthen yourself, be able to withstand the pressure from the world, and have more opportunities to prove Tao?" As a younger sister, Houtu Zuwu looked at Emperor Jiang Zuwu's still recovering body and couldn't help but persuade.

Persuasion is useless. A strong man like Emperor Jiang Zuwu will never shake his mind because of external forces. Once he has made a decision, it will not change! I saw that he shook his head lightly and said, "No need, what I fell is only the realm, not the physical body. I believe that I can withstand the power of blood essence to unblock. We are running out of time, we can't drag it on any longer. !"

Under the insistence of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, Houtu Zuwu and these people sealed a drop of their original blood essence into Emperor Jiang Zuwu's body. At the time of the body, Emperor Jiang Zuwu's blood was boiling, as if he was affected by the eleven drops of the original blood essence, and he wanted to swallow it.

"How can this happen? The blood will suddenly boil. Could it be that the blood of our twelve ancestors can devour each other, or that our blood may be transformed into a new blood if it is fused, and become the real Pangu blood!" In an instant, Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help but suspect that there was a big secret in the blood of their twelve ancestors, and it was a big secret that they had never noticed! Perhaps this requires a specific environment, or even time, to be triggered, and now it seems that he has triggered the secret of the bloodline.

It is a pity that Emperor Jiang Zuwu has no time to study the secret of his own bloodline. Now he has reached the critical moment of proving the Tao, and he cannot stop at all. It is necessary to know that a source of power from the Wuzu world has been integrated into his body. , If Emperor Jiang Zuwu does not prove Dao Hunyuan, he will only miss the opportunity to prove Dao. No matter how important the secret of bloodline is, he must give way in front of Daoist Hunyuan, and as long as the secret of bloodline exists, there will be enough in the future. time to understand, and only one chance to prove Dao Primordial!

"Open the world, open it up to me, the inner world will be completed!" Di Jiang Zuwu snorted, and used the power of the source to evolve the axe of the sky, cut through the void, condensed his inner world, and used his dantian as the Originally, open up the inner world, the inner world that truly belongs to one's own, the inner world that is not affected by the prehistoric times, slashed with an axe, the dantian exploded, and the inner world was slowly formed under the guidance of Emperor Jiang Zuwu. Jiang Zuwu's strength is insufficient, and it is still very difficult to fully grasp the evolution of the inner world!

"Damn, it really doesn't work if you don't have enough strength, even if you open up the inner world, you also need the power of quasi-sage perfection. It is difficult for me to succeed in the Daluo realm, even if the flesh has the power of quasi-sage, it is not enough to complete the right. We can't wait any longer for the opening of the world, otherwise this new world will be closed, and I will be severely damaged by the failure of the world opening!" Emperor Jiang Zuwu still underestimated the opening of the inner world, taking Dantian as the The core to open up the inner world, the pressure to face is not as simple as imagined. With one's own dantian as the core, the inner world opened up has endless potential, but it also requires strong power, and the power of Emperor Jiang Zuwu is obvious. It cannot complete the opening of the world.

"Release me, the bloodline is burning, the source is revealed, the axe of the void is revealed, open the world, slash! Slash! Slash!" Under the last resort, Emperor Jiang Zuwu still released eleven drops of the original blood essence sealed by himself, and When the blood essence was released, the blood of Emperor Jiang Zuwu was burning frantically, and he was frantically turning these eleven drops of essence blood into his own nutrients, strengthening the power of his blood, and this violent power made The mind of Emperor Jiang Zuwu was in chaos, and in every drop of the blood essence, there was the imprint of Zuwu's practice, and the power imprint in these sedan chairs had a strong impact on the spirit of Emperor Jiang Zuwu.

Fortunately, Emperor Jiang Zuwu did not panic because of this sudden abnormality, and quickly stabilized his mind, so that his mind would not be affected by the Great Dao brand in this source blood essence, and at the same time, he was also speeding up the devouring power of his own blood. , to complete the transformation of his own power. Under his madness, the source of space exploded. The Dantian world that was supposed to be closed was opened again, and the world was taking shape. As a space ancestor, the power of space source will soon be eleven drops. The power of the source blood essence devours it, and the avenue contained in the source essence blood is directly integrated into the world of Dantian.

"Pillar of Tongtian, let me suppress the world!" With the deep shout of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the Heaven-reaching Technique, which was refined from the Pangu Temple and the origin of the Wuzu world, appeared in the center of the Dantian world, supporting this The inner world just opened up!

When the inner world was successfully opened up, Emperor Jiang Zuwu's body trembled, and a terrifying force was condensing. That was the power of the Primordial Dao. Emperor Jiang Zuwu took advantage of the moment when the inner world was opened up, and with the help of a world formed by the world. In an instant, the power of the origin that inspired the world to bless itself and impact the Primordial Golden Immortal, and at this time, one after another shackles appeared on the body of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, which were the chains of rules, the power condensed by the rules of heaven and earth, this power He is preventing Emperor Jiangzu from proving the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal!

For a moment, the other ancestors were dumbfounded. Originally, in their thoughts, the Emperor Jiang Zuwu must have a catastrophe, but now the catastrophe has not appeared at all, and the power of the rules of heaven and earth appears, in the emperor Jiang Zuwu. There are actually terrifying chains of rules, and these chains of rules are preventing the breakthrough of Emperor Jiang Zuwu!

For those ancestral witches who did not understand the problem, but the Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo did understand that this is the physical body to prove the Tao, and the Wu people do not cultivate the primordial spirit. The physical body does not need to face the punishment of God, but needs to break the shackles in their bodies, and this shackles are derived from the rules of heaven and earth, more precisely, the power of the rules of the prehistoric world. Shackles, can prove Dao Primordial!

At this time, there was a hint of shock in the eyes of Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin-Yang, because they saw the phantom of the three thousand avenues on the Emperor Jiang Zuwu. Yes, there are three thousand shackles on the Emperor Jiang Zuwu. , How can the shackles condensed by the three thousand avenues, the shackles formed by such terrifying rules and forces, be cut off, and can the Emperor Jiang Zuwu succeed? If he succeeds, does this mean that the Wu clan's preaching is different, or is it a new path to the Primordial Dao?

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