God of Destruction

Chapter 4615: shackles

Chapter 4621 Shackles

"Could it be that Emperor Jiang Zuwu needs to cut off all the shackles of himself in order to prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal? But if this is the case, it is almost impossible to achieve. Although Emperor Jiang Zuwu is fully erupting, the power of this outbreak is It is limited, the energy generated by eleven drops of blood essence is not endless, once the power of blood essence is exhausted, the proving of the Dao will inevitably fail!"

The Yin-Yang Taoist frowned and was thinking. At this time, Emperor Yan Luo had to focus on the defense of the tunnel. When the breath of Taoism appeared in the nether world, Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the nether world, felt When it comes to the fluctuations from the tunnel, the tunnel can't bear to make a move. It seems that the tunnel doesn't allow anyone to prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal!

At this time, other ancestor witches also noticed the shackles on Emperor Jiang Zuwu, which shocked them, but they didn't understand why. !

Although the unexpected appearance shocked Emperor Jiang Zuwu's heart, he instinctively reminded himself that he needed to act, and he needed to cut off these shackles of himself. Only in this way can he prove the Dao Primordial Golden Immortal, and the most important thing is to cultivate space with himself. The shackles of the spatial rules that are connected by the avenues seem to be able to take the first step of Primordial Primordial as long as he is cut off by himself!

"Cut me!" Without hesitation, Emperor Jiang Zuwu mobilized all his strength and frantically slashed towards the largest chain in his eyes, which was the chain that represented the rules of the avenue of space, but unfortunately it was Emperor Jiang Zuwu. The attack seems to be sinking into the sea, and there is not a single wave of waves tossing up, and the powerful attack is directly absorbed by the rules of the Space Avenue!

I was dumbfounded. I didn't even shake the rules of the space avenue with a single blow. Such a result shocked the Emperor Jiang Zuwu. If the shackles are not cut off, the dao of his own will inevitably be destroyed. If the dao fails, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Damn, how can this happen, my strength can't shake this shackle, is this the **** of the prehistoric world to our Wuzu, doesn't it give us a chance to prove the Tao?" Dijiang Zuwu's heart While screaming frantically, the tyrannical aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and his mind is gradually losing his mind, as if he is going to be affected by his own negative power!

"No, the big brother's state of mind was shaken by external forces, everyone joined forces to wake up the big brother!" Houtu Zuwu, who was sitting in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, immediately noticed the inappropriateness of Emperor Jiang Zuwu. Fortunately, for the sake of safety, Emperor Jiang Zuwu was right. Proving Dao and Primordial Primordial in the Netherworld, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation is in the Netherworld, and can immediately detect the inappropriateness of Emperor Jiang Zuwu.

"Into the devil, this demonic power seems to be related to the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. How could there be such demonic power in Emperor Jiang Zuwu? What is going on?" At this time, the Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help frowning. , Compared with the ancestors of Houtu, the Yin-Yang Taoist knows better what the rich aura exudes from the ancestors of the Emperor Jiang is the power of demonic nature!

"No, this magical power is not naturally generated, but a curse. Could it be that this is the curse of three thousand chaos gods and demons on Pangu, and the Wu clan inherited the blood of Pangu, so this curse has always been hidden in their bloodline. , If you want to prove the Tao, you have to face the curse of three thousand chaotic gods and demons, but why was there no such situation with the Dijiang Zuwu proving the Taoist sage before? Could it be that the curse can still distinguish the Dao of the Emperor Jiangzu Wu's practice? ?"

The more he thought about it, the more Yin Yang Daoist felt that his understanding of the prehistoric world was very small. Emperor Jiang Ancestor Wu had such a curse and bondage, I was afraid that the same was true for other ancestor witches, and even the entire Wu clan. Hun Yuan The Dao is a huge disaster for them, once the proving of the Dao Primordial Primordial will trigger the power of the curse hidden in the blood!

When the Yin-Yang Taoist was contemplating, the Houtu Ancestor Wu mobilized the power of his own origin, combined with the power of the six paths of reincarnation, connected his mind with the Emperor Jiang Ancestor Wu, and shouted in a deep voice: "Big brother is still awake!" Just passing a sentence If so, the Houtu Zuwu suffered a terrible backlash, and the backlash from the rules of heaven and earth caused her to be hit hard before she could react.

Interfering with Emperor Jiang Zuwu's proving of chaos, and relying on the power of six reincarnations and the power of blood to do so, Houtu Zuwu made a big mistake, and he will be backlashed, the backlash from the prehistoric world, because at this time in Emperor Jiang The three thousand shackles that appeared around the ancestors were all the power of the rules of the prehistoric world. The practice of the ancestors of the hindu angered the power of the rules!

With a sound of "porphyr", Houtu Zuwu opened his mouth and spewed out a blood arrow. It was only for a moment that Houtu Zuwu felt the mighty power from heaven and earth, and felt that he was facing the entire prehistoric world in that instant. Without the ability to resist, he was directly hit hard. In front of the flooded world, he was just an 'ant' that could be destroyed at his fingertips!

The behavior of Houtu Zuwu at the cost of his own life did not fail. Under her cries, Emperor Jiang Zuwu instantly got rid of the influence of his own negative power, and when he realized his own problems, he had to admit that he was still too selfish. Big, self-righteous, if it is the realm of quasi-sage, proving the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal will not suffer such a result, will not be controlled by his own negative forces, challenge the Primordial Golden Immortal with the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal, it is somewhat difficult , almost let himself into a desperate situation, even if there are other ancestors' blood as a back-up, when facing the Primordial Tribulation, they are still vulnerable.


Although he was addicted to the influence of negative forces, in this little time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu did not gain anything. At least he felt the shackles of the evolution of the power of the space avenue rules and understood that he wanted to cut off the shackles. You need to have some insight on the space avenue. If you want to rely on brute force, you can't cut off its existence. This shackle is in line with the space avenue of your own practice. , I can't even break through this level, and I'm not qualified to prove Dao Primordial Primordial!

The biggest problem of the Wu clan is that they don't have a primordial spirit. Even if they have learned the law of the soul, they are still inferior to those with primordial spirits. Moreover, Emperor Qiaqia Jiang Zuwu was severely injured by beheading the lord of the world, and he is eager to forcibly prove it. Dao, these various reasons put him in such a crisis, if he didn't have the support of the witch clan's luck, he would have been controlled by negative forces in the first time, and he would truly become a demon, and he would never have a chance to turn over again. , will really end up with a dead soul, this is the power of the curse!

"Damn, my real body actually has the power of a curse. Who dares to curse the blood of Pangu and turn it into a curse shackle to be locked in the blood of the Wu clan?" When the sober Emperor Jiang Zuwu, in his heart To his horror, he finally took advantage of this crisis to perceive the power of the curse in his own bloodline, and this power is extremely powerful, at least stronger than that of a saint!

It's a pity, no matter how shocked and angry in his heart, Emperor Jiang Zuwu can't forget what he is doing. For him now is the time to prove the Tao, no matter how many doubts he has in his heart, he must let go. Proving the Tao is the most important thing. You can put aside everything else for the time being. After you have successfully demonstrated the Dao, you will naturally have time to understand and explore bit by bit!

"Blessed by the luck of the Wu clan, listen to my orders and destroy the void! Break it for me!" When he realized that he could not break the shackles locked in himself with his own power, Emperor Jiang Zuwu immediately mobilized the luck of the Wu clan without hesitation. , This is the backhand he prepared for proving the Tao, once the blood essence of many ancestors cannot break the game, he must use this last power to bless himself with the luck of the entire Wu clan, and cut out A blow that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, cut off all obstacles, and let yourself become the Dao of Primordial Golden Immortal!

When Emperor Jiang Zuwu mobilized the luck of the Wu clan, the entire Wu clan world was ups and downs, and the power of the tunnel seemed to be stimulated, or he felt the weakness of the Wu clan, and launched another impact on the Wu clan world. , to break through the barriers of the Wuzu world, and to deeply imprint its own brand in the origin of the Wuzu world.

Yes, from this moment on, Tun Dao officially started the competition for the Wuzu world. As long as he can successfully imprint himself in the origin of the Wuzu world, the entire Wuzu world will change its owner, and in the Wuzu world. The life and death of all living beings are in the hands of the tunnel. Once this happens, the entire Wu clan will no longer have the ability to resist the tunnel!

This is the biggest weakness of the world without a world master and a master. As long as the enemy seizes the origin of the world, the whole world will change its master. Before the tunnel, there has been no shot, because the luck of the Wuzu is still high, and the world of the Wuzu is again There are many ancestral witches to suppress the general trend, and now the move of Emperor Jiang ancestral witch directly exposes the biggest weakness of the Wuzu world to the eyes of the tunnel, how can the tunnel let go of such a good time, and naturally it is necessary to go all out to **** the sovereignty of the witch world. !

If it is Heavenly Dao and Human Dao, it would be difficult to capture the Wuzu world, but it is not difficult for the tunnel, because the Wuzu world itself is placed in the tunnel and has a close connection with the tunnel, which is also the reason why the tunnel is the easiest to start. !

"What a tunnel, you really can't bear to jump out of the dark, come on, let me see what secrets you are hiding, let me see if the three ways of heaven, earth and people are really as Hongjun Daozu said, in What is behind all of this?" When he felt the fluctuations of the tunnel and the changes in the Wuzu world, Emperor Yama was muttering to himself!

For Emperor Yan Luo and Taoist Yin-Yang, the two have a clear division of labor for Emperor Jiang Zuwu's demonstration of Taoism. Emperor Yan Luo stared closely at the tunnel to explore the secrets of the tunnel, while Taoist Yin and Yang paid attention to other issues, especially Everything that Emperor Jiang Zuwu has demonstrated is very important, after all, Emperor Jiang Zuwu has the blood of Pangu flowing on his body!

The Yin-Yang Taoist is recording all the changes in the Emperor Jiang Zuwu, and every change is not missed, especially the three thousand shackles, which are the evolution of the real rules of heaven and earth. Let the Yin-Yang Daoists feel the rules of the prehistoric world. If it wasn't for the Emperor Jiang Zuwu who was going through the calamity of his own Taoism and could not be affected by external forces, the Yin-Yang Daoists would have the heart to directly face the power of these three thousand shackles and understand the rules of heaven and earth behind it!

The more carefully one observes the changes of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the more shocked the Yin-Yang Taoist is! Yes, the Yin-Yang Taoist also perceives the power of the curse in the blood of the Emperor Jiang Zuwu. In contrast, the Yin-Yang Taoist knows the source of the curse more clearly than the Emperor Jiang Zuwu. It is the curse of the chaotic gods and demons, let alone It is Emperor Jiang Zuwu, even if it is very difficult for Pangu to destroy it, it is precisely because of the existence of this curse that the Wu clan cannot give birth to the primordial spirit, unless there is great merit!

"What a powerful chaotic **** and demon, it seems that the legend of the battle of opening the sky is true. Three thousand demon gods really fell under Pangu's axe. In the blood of the Wu clan, it seems that they do not want Pangu to reappear, so what will Sanqing look like if the Wu clan is like this, don’t they bear the curse from the chaotic gods and demons?” The power of the curse from Emperor Jiang Zuwu , The Taoist Yin-Yang thought of Sanqing. If Sanqing was not cursed by the gods and demons of chaos, then one thing can be confirmed. Pangu's most important thing is not Sanqing, but the Wu clan, more precisely the Twelve Patriarchs. Witch, perhaps only the Twelve Ancestors can truly inherit the inheritance of Pangu. It is a pity that they were cursed by the chaotic gods and demons, and the inheritance they obtained was flawed. There is also a one-point calculation of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings!

"I hope that Emperor Jiang Zuwu can successfully prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal. If he fails this time, he will not only lose himself, but also the future of the entire Wu clan. The luck of the Wu clan cannot be damaged, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!" Having said this, the Yin-Yang Taoist sighed and used the luck of racial civilization as a killer. He can only succeed and not fail. Failure is not a matter of one person, but the entire racial civilization, so this time Emperor Jiang Zuwu failed to prove Taoism, The power of the rules of heaven and earth will be transformed into a terrifying power of seal and imprinted in the blood of every Wu clan, and the development of the Wu clan will also be disrupted.

Emperor Jiang Zuwu also understands his own situation, and understands his own ignorance and arrogance, which has caused the entire Wu clan to fall into a huge crisis. When mobilizing the luck of the Wu clan, Emperor Jiang Zuwu immediately felt the power of the curse from the bloodline. The power of the curse was trying to merge with his own tribulation of Taoism, blocking the path of all the witch tribes. The reason is very good. its own ignorance. Using power that should not be used, the power of luck of racial civilization can not be used at any time, and to mobilize the luck of racial civilization in this proving catastrophe, this will not be a matter of one person, but the entire civilization of the race. Things, once the consequences of failure are unimaginable, when Emperor Jiang Zuwu understands all this, it is too late, his retreat has been cut off, and he can only bite the bullet and continue!

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