God of Destruction

Chapter 4616: preaching

Chapter 4622 Sermons

In this small preaching, there are unimaginable waves. If Emperor Jiang Zuwu knew in advance that he would face so many difficulties and dangers, I am afraid that he would not take that risk. It is a pity that it is too late now, he can only hope that Pangu Qi will help him succeed in proving the Dao, and he can only continue to work hard, not to bring despair to the Wu clan!

At this time, the other ancestors were no longer in the mood to watch Emperor Jiang Zuwu's preaching. They were restrained by the raid of the tunnel, and they threw themselves into the defense of the witch world, resisted the constant attacks from the tunnel, and maintained The stability of the Wuzu world will not let the souls of the people in the Wuzu world be impacted and hurt by the authentic!

At this time, the face between the tunnel and the Wu clan was finally torn apart, and the two sides no longer had room for relaxation. Under the guidance of the ancestors, the entire Wu clan was gathering the strength of the race to fight against the tunnel, and as the ancestors Wu's Houtu and Xuanming also had to participate in the war, and had to use the power of the six paths of reincarnation to attack the tunnel, attracting part of the tunnel's power!

While Houtu Zuwu mobilized the power of the reincarnation of the six realms, he also sent a request to Emperor Yan Luo, hoping that Emperor Yan Luo could join the war and help the Wu people survive this catastrophe with the power of the underworld, and resist the attack of the tunnel. At this time, Houtu Zuwu has not discovered that the source of everything is Emperor Jiang Zuwu, but even if it is found, it is useless, and she will not back down. The entire Wuzu world has fallen under the control of the authentic!

For Emperor Yan Luo, when Emperor Jiang Zuwu began to preach the Tao, he was already caught in this mess, and whether it was for himself or the deity, he had to do his best to prevent the tunnel from taking over the world of the witch race. , Once there is the Wuzu world, the power of the tunnel will no longer be controlled or suppressed, the world of the Wuzu will become the base camp of the tunnel, and the entire Wuzu will become a **** in the hands of the tunnel, for it to attack the enemy, and The nether world naturally bears the brunt!

"Tian Dao, let it go. You can't win this battle. You are not in the world of the Wu clan. The law of the netherworld has come to protect the common people!" With the deep voice of Emperor Yan Luo, the power of the law of the nether world came to the Wu clan. The world instantly formed a powerful barrier, helping the Wu people to resist the attack from the tunnel.

"The law of the netherworld, it seems that you really have to be one with the netherworld world, and hold the true source power of the netherworld world in your hands. Haha, it's interesting, but do you think this can stop me? It's too naive. Authentic rules, regardless of the Netherworld, the Wuzu world, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation must be under my control. If you don't take the initiative, I have no way to deprive you of your authority. This time, you gave me the opportunity to strip away the origin and break it! "

When Tun Dao's voice fell, without waiting for Emperor Yan Luo to react, a terrifying force poured directly into the Netherworld. This is the source of Tun Dao's power. Now Tun Dao gave up the attack on the witch world and turned to Seize the origin of the nether world, and point directly at the core of Emperor Yama, once the authentic conspiracy succeeds, the entire nether world will be changed!

"Is this your plan? Use the Witch World as a bait to draw out the power of my source and start the six paths of reincarnation. Unfortunately, you are too arrogant. Even if you are the master of one path, so what if you are in charge of the primordial realm, I As the lord of the world, everything is under my control. Under the unity of origin, there is no force that can cut off my connection with the nether world. Unless I go to destruction myself, otherwise no one can take my honor. Just let you see the most powerful force in the underworld world, in the underworld world, I am invincible, I am the master, cause and effect backlash, reverse yin and yang, kill!"

When Emperor Yama's words fell, he who mastered the Dao of Karma mobilized the power of Karma, the origin of Karma counterattacked wildly, reversed Yin and Yang, instantly swallowed and transformed the power of tunnel invasion, and evolved into a counterattack, pointing directly to the root of the tunnel.

Where the tunnels are hidden, Emperor Yan Luo does not know, and no one knows. Just like the Tao of Heaven, no one knows the real hiding places of the three Taos of heaven, earth and human beings. What everyone knows is only their authority. Maybe there will be more ancestors of Hongjun Tao Know less, after all, he is a saint of the Tao of Heaven and should have a close connection with the Tao of Heaven!

"The power of karma, just relying on it can also delusionally reverse yin and yang. It's ridiculous, the tunnel descends, suppresses Daqian, and suppresses!" The tunnel is not to be outdone, and directly mobilizes the power of the tunnel itself to suppress the power of karma. No matter how powerful the road of cause and effect mastered by Emperor Yan Luo is , can't cause any damage to the tunnel, and the power of cause and effect can't restrain the tunnel's counterattack!

Once the power of the authentic came, Emperor Yan Luo looked extremely solemn. No matter how strong he was, he could still feel the anger of the authentic, and the origin of the authentic was shaking his own origin, as if he wanted to swallow everything up. The tunnel gave Emperor Yan Luo a real sense of stability. The tunnel was greedy, domineering, and vicious. There was hardly a trace of kindness in him, but only the negative power of being naked, naked, and naked, as if he was the aggregation of negative forces. body!

"What kind of existence is the tunnel, and why can't he feel a trace of kindness in him? Could it be that the tunnel is completely eroded by the power of chaos, and there is no chance that it has truly transformed into an existence like a beast? "Emperor Yama couldn't help frowning, but once the tunnel was completely demonized, it was impossible to awaken it with his own power.

When the situation enters into confrontation, the two sides compete for endurance and the strength of the source. If the confrontation continues like this, the first person to fall is not Tun Tao, but Emperor Yama, even if he has mastered the nether world. The source, but he still can't fight against the tunnel, the power of the tunnel is beyond everyone's imagination, making the whole world shake up and down!

auzw.com "Prove me the sermon, give me the power to burn blood!" Emperor Jiang Zuwu was also shouting frantically, he also understood how bad his situation was, but once he was beaten When you have to lose motivation, it will become dangerous, which means that your own preaching fails, and your ignorance and stupidity will make the entire racial civilization bear a black cauldron.

The power of the bloodline is burning. This time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu took the initiative to do so. The power of burning bloodline will not only affect his own strength, but also affect his state of mind. Under the burning blood, Emperor Jiang Zuwu felt Pangu. He felt the power of God Pangu in his blood, and this power was his first contact!

In an instant, Emperor Jiang Zuwu seemed to have returned to the place where Pangu created the world. A giant axe fell from the void and slashed into the chaotic void. Chaos was split open. The power of the primordial world, and the power of those chaotic gods and demons has also been sucked into the world that is taking shape.

Before Emperor Jiang Zuwu could feel the divine might of Pangu opening the sky and splitting the earth, a huge force gushed out from his blood, making Emperor Jiang Zuwu roar involuntarily, the gods and demons went to Renyang to burst out with all their strength, and the terrifying aura swept across. In the entire void, everyone was stunned by the sudden burst of power of Emperor Jiang Zuwu. This was the power of Pangu. Just a trace of breath leaked out, making the void tremble, and Emperor Jiang Zuwu seized this opportunity. Shen Sheng shouted: "Cut!"

When the word 'cut' fell, an unparalleled divine power slashed heavily on the shackles of the space rules. In the face of absolute power, the shackles collapsed instantly, making Emperor Jiang Zuwu feel light and did not wait. When he reacted, the space shackles turned into the origin and merged into the body of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, into his origin!

When the origin of this space is integrated into itself, a chaotic aura permeates from the body of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, and he proves the Tao. Emperor Jiang Zuwu proves the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, but he proves that he is the fleshly Primordial Golden Immortal, breaking the It must be the shackles of the flesh, but at the moment when the shackles were opened, the Yin-Yang Daoist saw a trace of Pangu's breath on the body of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, and there was a terrifying demonic breath fighting against this Pangu's breath. Jiang Zuwu said that Hunyuan still did not get rid of the curse of the Chaos Demon God.

When Emperor Jiang Zuwu was proving the Dao, the Dao of the Earth was shaking, the Dao of Heaven was roaring, the Dao of Humanity was silently unchanged, the Dao of Heaven and Dao of the Earth were not reconciled, but they could not stop all this, the chaotic atmosphere sheltered the Zuwu of Emperor Jiang, and The chaotic atmosphere made them feel uneasy, and this trace of aura changed a lot, not only has the atmosphere of the Wuzu world, but also has the essence of chaos.

"Proving the Dao, Emperor Jiang Zuwu actually proved the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian, how is this possible, the earth is shaking, the heaven is roaring, how can he prove the Dao Hunyuan with his own strength, how can he break through the earth's strangulation? "Many people were screaming, this result made them unacceptable, because before the Emperor Jiang Zuwu was only the perfect realm of Daluo Jinxian, but he succeeded in proving the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, although his proving is similar to that of the ancestors of Ming He and the daughters. Empress Wa is different, but she is still a golden immortal!

For ordinary powerhouses, they naturally cannot see through the struggle behind this, but for powerhouses such as Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti, they can clearly feel the difficulty of Emperor Jiangzu in proving Taoism, if it is not a coincidence, if it is not The Wu clan is fully prepared. This time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu will surely die. It can only be said that the Wu clan has paid a heavy price for Emperor Jiang Zuwu to prove the Tao, and also has the help of Emperor Yan Luo. If there is less luck, Any power, Emperor Jiang Zuwu will be defeated!

"Is it worth it, Senior Brother, do you think it's worth it for the Wu people to pay such a large price to help Emperor Jiangzu to prove the Primordial Primordial Dao? It's too crazy to bet the life and death of a racial civilization, if I'm not mistaken about Emperor Jiangzu The witch has obviously divided the origin of the world of the witch race. I don't understand what he wants to do, what the witch race wants to do. Are they opening up the world of the witch race for the sake of today's preaching? For the sake of preaching, it can divide the origin of the world of the witch race and hinder it. development of the world?"

At this time, Zhunti's eyes were filled with endless confusion. He didn't understand the intention of the Wu clan, and he did not understand that a Hunyuan golden immortal was really worth the price the Wu clan paid. The damage to the world and the consumption of many ancestor witches, the price is too great, so big that Zhunti feels a little distressed.

Xie Yin sighed softly: "Junior brother, nothing is worth it or not, as long as the Wu clan thinks it is worth it, it is worth it, and if they think it is not worth it, naturally it is not worth it, we outsiders can't prove it, because we It is not the Emperor Jiang Zuwu, not the Wu clan, we have no idea what their plan is, what they are calculating, so we cannot make a correct judgment, and our judgment cannot affect the Wu clan. For us, we only need Just watch it quietly, and feel your own path of enlightenment!"

When he heard these words, Zhunti's eyes narrowed, and he instantly woke up from his confusion, and said in a deep voice: "Senior brother, Emperor Jiang Zuwu's proving Taoist Primordial Jinxian is obviously different from Ming He and Nuwa Niangniang. , and it's a bit weird, there seems to be a weird curse power on him, have you seen what kind of power it is?

Jie Yin shook his head lightly and said: "I didn't see it clearly, the power flashed by, it came and went faster, and there was no way to catch it, but this power is terrifying, if we face its surprise attack, I'm afraid It is very difficult to get out of the body, making Emperor Jiang Zuwu so anxious to prove the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian, it seems that there are reasons we don't know, we also need to speed up the pace of cultivation, we can't keep dragging it on, only the proving Dao mixed Yuan Jinxian, we have the ability to protect ourselves!"

When I said this, I couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and a trace of loss flashed in my eyes. This is the cruelty of the prehistoric world. Without strength, there is nothing. In contrast, they are the weakest forces. Once a crisis comes , I am afraid that their Western Paradise of Elysium will be destroyed as soon as possible, and Di Jiangzu Wu Zheng will attract an authentic attack, and the Wu clan world will be attacked. In the future, will he be attacked by humanity?

It's not that he has to think about things in a bad way, but he has to think so. The Wu clan has six reincarnations, the Wu clan world, and the help of Emperor Yan Luo, the master of the nether world. Luck accounts for a large part, but who should I and my junior brother Zhunti ask for help?

Jie Yin was thinking about the countermeasures, why should Zhunti not have a headache for this, only then did they realize that they could not find a helper besides their own strength, and there was almost no other world in the prehistoric world that had a relationship with them. Goodwill, I don’t even have friends in the prehistoric world. This discovery makes Zhunti and Yingyin even more distressed. If they can’t find friends or helpers, they won’t have the chance to prove the Tao, unless there is another big chance. come!

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