God of Destruction

Chapter 4617: Festival Tongtian

Chapter 4623 Babel

After seeing Emperor Jiang Zuwu proving the Dao, Tongtian Cult Master felt the strongest, even if his two older brothers tried to prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal at the expense of opening the sky without the knowledge of themselves, there was no such time as Emperor Jiang Zuwu this time. The preaching of the Dao had a big impact. When Emperor Jiangzu Wuzheng, Tongtian Cult Master felt a faint crisis. This was a warning from the soul. There was not much time left for himself, and he had to speed up the pace, but Tongtian Cult Master did not Knowing what changes will happen to his own preaching, what crisis will there be, and whether there will be three ways of heaven and earth to stop it, it is hard to say. Tongtian sect master also thought about asking two brothers to protect the law, but this thought disappeared in an instant. What happened before? The sect master of Tongtian has not forgotten, it is obvious that this is impossible.

"Don't I also need to pay for the merits of opening the sky to prove the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian, but this is not what I want. Opening up the inner world to prove the Dao Hunyuan is the most suitable choice for me, but I only have one chance. There is a slight mistake, I need to think about it carefully, no matter what, I can't be like Emperor Jiang Zuwu, and finally rely on the luck of the air to succeed, and luck is unreliable!"

For Tongtian sect master, he didn't want to put his own life and death, as well as the life and death of interception, on the air of nothingness, and he was not the ancestor of Emperor Jiang. , If you don't have the attention of the great luck, you will be dead, and the master of the sky doesn't want to accept such a failure.

In a cautious way, the sect master of Tongtian thought about the problems that would arise in his preaching as much as possible, the crises he would face, and perfected all the preparations for his preaching as much as possible. It is only possible to save the vitality of the interception in this world catastrophe, so that one can have the opportunity to detach!

The Master of Tongtian is not as generous as Empress Nuwa, and can give away the two worlds in vain. Although the Master of Tongtian is also ready to give up this world that he has opened up, the resources of this world must also be used to the maximum. All treasures are transferred to one's own inner world, and then 'give away' the remaining world body!

Yes, the sect master of Tongtian also thought of giving it away. The goddess Nuwa gave away the two worlds she created to cut off the old self and all causes and effects, while the sect master of Tongtian 'sent' the world he created in order to get It is merit, and his gift is also different. After thinking about it, Tongtian Sect Master came up with a crazy idea!

"Are you all ready? Once you start proving the Tao, you can't stop. If you are willing to leave, it's too late. Even if you leave now, you won't blame you!" The Master Tongtian looked at his disciple and asked in a deep voice. Let's give them the last chance to choose, after all, this is not a trivial matter, and it is related to the life and death of the disciples of Intercept!

"The disciple follows the master with no complaints and no regrets, and will never retreat!" I have to say that the influence of the Tongtian sect master on the disciples is still very strong. No one of the disciples stood up and left, even if they all understood this decision once they made it There is no room for repentance, they still do it, and they are still willing to follow Tongtian Sect Master to face this crisis!

"Okay, since you are not worthy of being a teacher, and being a teacher will not let you down, let's act, everyone will leave the world in an orderly manner, take everything that can be taken away in the world, and wait for the master to prove the Tao, the Primordial Golden Immortal. Moment!"

With the order of the Tongtian sect master, the disciples of the interception began to retreat from the world, without any panic, everything retreated in such an orderly manner, and when they retreated, they also followed the instructions of the Tongtian sect master. Everything that was taken away was taken away, and the vitality of this world was weakened by most. If it wasn't for the original source of this world, Tongtian sect master only extracted half, and did not move the remaining half, I am afraid that this world is intercepting the teaching. After the evacuation, it will fall into silence, and it will take endless time to recuperate before it can regain its original vitality!

The actions of the disciples of Intercepting Jiao were not concealed, and everything was going on in the light, so that the entire prehistoric beings knew that the sect master of Tongtian couldn't bear it, and he also wanted to prove the Tao, even though they had seen the disciples of Intercepting Jiao frantically. Searching around for resources, they knew that Tongtian sect master was preparing to prove Taoism, but they didn't expect this day to come so quickly. Emperor Jiang Zuwu had just successfully demonstrated Taoism, and Tongtian sect master couldn't help but jump out to prove Taoism Hunyuan. Jinxian!

"Crazy, Tongtian sect master actually chooses to prove Dao Primordial at this time, isn't he worried that he will be strangled by the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, or is Tongtian this lunatic already got help from Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun !" Some people secretly guessed that the action of intercepting the teaching brought them a huge impact.

"Fa Xiangtiandi, I am the sect master of Shangqing Tongtian, one sword will open the sky and the world will be born!" Just as everyone was speculating about everything with different moods, the roar of the Tongtian sect master resounded through the heavens and the earth. The prehistoric sky is the sky of its own inner world. A sword is swung, and the sword light rips open the void. One inner world begins to form in the body of the Tongtian sect master. The origin of the half of the world that was originally extracted by the Tongtian sect master is instantly and this side. The new inner world merges, and those innate spiritual treasures that were once bestowed on the disciples are also madly integrated into the inner world opened up by Tongtian Sect Master with one sword!

"Crazy, really crazy, Tongtian is actually opening up the inner world, and has integrated so many innate spiritual treasures into the new inner world, what does he want to do, even if he wants to prove Dao Primordial Primordial, there is no need to be so crazy , this price is too high!" Zhunti was a little dumbfounded when he saw Tongtian Sect Master's generosity, is such a huge investment worth it, losing these innate spiritual treasures, the strength of the entire Intercepting Sect disciple has been weakened by more than half, in order to gain Just to open up one inner world!

For Zunti, it may not be worth it, but for Tongtian sect master, everything is worth it. Only when so many innate spiritual treasures are integrated into one's inner world can they be consummated, have endless potential, and have a stronger foundation. It can better shelter the disciples of the interception sect and become a place for the disciples to recuperate and avoid disasters!

"A good Tongtian sect master, a good swordsman, a sword to open the sky, it seems that Tongtian sect master has walked out of his own way on kendo, this sword is the expression of his strength, and it is also the manifestation of his avenue, it seems Tongtian is really good It's amazing, in such a short period of time, I got rid of the shackles of the original Dao and walked out of a road of swords that really belongs to me! Junior brother, we must speed up our practice, we can't continue to drag it on, or we will fall behind Sanqing and the others. !"


When the receptionist said this, he turned his attention to Zhunti, then shook his head gently and said: "Don't pay attention to the temporary gains and losses, in your opinion, the price paid by the Tongtian sect master is a bit high, but as long as you can save the disciples, this point The price is not worth mentioning, and have you forgotten the price we paid before to open up the Paradise of Elysium? We can all be willing to give it up. What is the reluctance of the leader of Tongtian? With such an inner world with infinite potential, as long as the leader of Tongtian does not die, stop the sect To be able to survive in this natural catastrophe, isn’t this price worth the price compared to the life and death of the entire Intercepted Sect?”

As pieces of innate spiritual treasures continue to be integrated into the inner world, the aura of the Tongtian sect master is also increasing crazily. The inner world will become the core of the Tongtian sect master, and its existence can provide the Tongtian sect master with a steady stream of energy. The origin of Jue is only that the aura of Tongtian sect leader is constantly increasing, but he still has Taoist Primordial Primordial, as if he is still waiting, waiting for all the innate spiritual treasures to be integrated into the inner world, waiting for the moment when his fleshly body transforms on its own!

The growth of the inner world is a growth of the body of the Tongtian sect master. The stronger the inner world, the stronger the power mastered by the Tongtian sect master, and now that the inner world is still growing, the breath of the Tongtian sect master is naturally impossible to weaken. It will only continue to strengthen, and it will continue to cause terrible shocks to others!

When the last innate spiritual treasure and the last resource were integrated into the inner world, the Tongtian sect master showed energy in his eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "At this moment, give me proof of the Dao of Primordial Primordial, broken! Yuan Jinxian!"

When Tongtian Sect Master’s shout fell, the whole world was in turmoil, and endless karma rushed towards Tongtian Sect Master. This was the negative karma carried by Tongtian Sect Master. With this terrifying karma, Tongtian Sect Master thought It is not an easy thing to preach, and it will be cursed by everyone, because the action of the Tongtian leader is too crazy.

There was a loud bang, and the sect master of Tongtian felt the pressure from the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings. Yes, when he preached the dao, not only did he not resolve the cause and effect with the prehistoric world, but he also used the opportunity of the dao to seriously affect the balance. , This is the biggest mistake, and the appearance of this mistake caused a faint sneer on the face of Tongtian Sect Master!

Merit, qi and luck are good things. Although I have the merit of opening the heavens, I cannot lose this merit. If I lose it, I will lose the initiative. Compromising with the three ways of heaven, earth and human is not what Tongtian sect master wants. Tongtian sect mainly takes the two. between!

Facing the ever-increasing pressure, the Master of Tongtian sneered: "The Great Dao is on the top. My Master of the Supreme Qing Tongtian is willing to integrate this world into the wild land, strengthen the origin of the earth, consolidate the Dao, and the power of the world!"

I saw that with a wave of the Tongtian sect master, the world where the disciples of the sect had originally lived was melted into the prehistoric land by the Tongtian sect master. The power of one world, the atmosphere of humanity is increasing, and it becomes a little weird, while Zhunti and Jieyue are dumbfounded. After being shocked, they can't help but yell at Tongtian Sect Leader for their stupidity, because the strong humanity puts pressure on them. !

"Damn Tongtian, he actually dared to plot against us, and even integrated the world he opened up, the empty shell world that had no much value, into the prehistoric world, he is cutting our way of preaching!" Zhunti Very excited, if possible, he has the intention to stop all this, but he can't stop all this, he can only watch everything happen!

"No, junior brother, you are wrong, the Master Tongtian is not intending to deceive us, to stop us from proving the Tao, but his strategy. He wants to learn from Emperor Yama, and wants to use great merit in exchange for the approval of the Dao, no Attacked by the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings! To strengthen the origin of the prehistoric world, this is great merit, and this is his true idea!"

Compared with Zhunti's anger, Yingyue sees deeper and sees directly through the calculations of the Tongtian sect master, but it is useless to see through. Many people in the entire prehistoric world have the ability to see through everything, but who would dare to actually implement it, but The Tongtian sect master did just that, facing the huge pressure and threat of the three worlds, and directly integrated the world he originally opened into the prehistoric world!

When the world merges, the power of humanity is fading, and humanity will no longer embarrass the leader of Tongtian. Such a world is integrated into the origin of the prehistoric world. This is a huge nutrient. But it doesn't work, if Human Dao does this, what awaits him is not to destroy Tongtian Sect Master, but to be punished by catastrophe!

What are Heavenly Dao and Tundra doing at the moment? Heavenly Dao intends to teach Tongtian Sect Master a lesson and make him pay a heavy price, but the power of Heavenly Dao just surged, a golden light appeared, Tongtian Sect Master gave up the world's merits and appeared, as for Underworld, before with Wu In the confrontation of the clan, his vitality has been greatly damaged, and he can no longer make a big shot against the Tongtian sect master.

In that golden light, the Tongtian sect master accepted the gift of the Great Dao with a smile on his face. With the great merit of this contribution to the world, the attack of the Heavenly Dao naturally ceased to exist, and the merits were dissipating the troubles of the Tongtian sect master. Fruit Karma!

After proving the Dao, the Tongtian Cult Master had no difficulty in proving the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian. Like the previous Emperor Yama, he directly eliminated the heavenly punishment with great merit. Although this was largely cheating, the Tongtian Cult Master succeeded. Now he is a mixed golden immortal.

"This is the end. If we knew that we could use such tricks, why should we waste our own merits and luck? We can do the same!" Watching Tongtian Sect Master passing through the calamity of proving the Tao without any difficulty, Yuanshi Tianzun and The old gentleman was a little unacceptable. This result had a great impact on them, but this is the truth. The Tongtian sect master succeeded in proving Dao Primordial Primordial. It sacrificed to the prehistoric world, obtained great merits, used great merits to eliminate the calamity of proving the Dao, and enjoyed the approval of the Dao. The process was so simple and so clear that the saints of the heavenly way were dumbfounded, and they couldn't help but have it in their hearts. A thought, let me come, I can do it, and I can also prove the Dao Primordial Golden Immortal.

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