God of Destruction

Chapter 4618: festival

Chapter 4624 The Great Calamity

Let me come, I can do it too! These ignorant people think everything is too simplistic. They only see the success of the Tongtian sect master, but they do not see how much the Tongtian sect master and the interception have paid behind this success. It is not an easy task to integrate into the great land, and it is not something that anyone can do.

How much preparation did Tongtian Sect Master and Intercept Sect disciple do in the world that the other side gave up, so that the two worlds could be integrated without any rejection. All, they only saw that the Tongtian sect master easily passed through the calamity of proving the Tao and became a golden immortal! Let them seem to see hope, and see the shortcut to successfully proving the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, as long as they also learn the appearance of Tongtian Sect Master and do it again!

The merit is not so good, and the recognition of the Dao is not so easy to appear. The price paid by the sect master of Tongtian is that those who are ignorant and stupid cannot know it. Regarding his own preaching, the sect master of Tongtian has a vague guess in his heart. It plays a very important role. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to integrate the two worlds so easily with one's own strength, and the integration of the worlds is almost completed in an instant, without a bit of running-in, and if the time drags on a bit long , Perhaps before the Dao proves the Dao, he will be destroyed in the strangulation of the Heavenly Dao.

Merit is not omnipotent, but without merit and protection, it is absolutely impossible. With merit and great luck, everything has a chance. If you lose merit and fortune, the last chance of life is in front of you, and you can't. catch!

When he had so many thoughts, the leader of Tongtian couldn't help but sighed secretly. It was not worth proving the chaotic golden fairy for the two brothers, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun, at the cost of opening the sky and their own luck. It will not reappear, without the merits of opening the sky, it is the biggest loss for them, and the merits of Pangu's opening of the sky are their biggest reliance in the prehistoric world.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was an authentic Pangu and had the blessing of opening the sky, how could the fusion of the two worlds be completed so easily? Sure, after all, that moment was too fast, and the Tongtian sect master had no way to find his roots.

Tongtian sect master believed that he felt the power of Pangu at that moment, felt the blessing of luck and the merits of opening the sky, but unfortunately there was no way to find it, Tongtian sect master had to let go, even if he was a proving Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, he still felt it. To the strength of the power of Pangu, of course, after the complete transformation, Tongtian sect master also felt the difference between the saint of heaven and the golden immortal Hunyuan. With the power of heaven!

The success of Tongtian sect master has brought a stronger impact on the prehistoric world than any other golden immortal, because it is easy and the steps are very clear. Everyone can succeed as long as they follow the pattern. This is the majority of the prehistoric people. The idea of ​​​​Qiaqia, and this idea of ​​​​Qiaqia, has caused the whole great upheaval, and the general situation of the world has changed again.

I don't have so many treasures in the hands of the Tongtian sect master, what should I do if I don't have so many origins? Snatch, in order to prove Dao Primordial Primordial, these guys don't have any consideration, and frantically grab all the resources that can be grabbed, they all believe that they can also succeed and prove Dao Primordial Primordial, and Qiaqia is this stupid idea to speed up the world shattered!

Originally, the prehistoric world had already endured repeated shocks and suffered great damage, but now the madness of these people has intensified the destruction of the world and the destruction of the world. Yes, the heavenly realm is now being targeted by those lunatics. Although the heavenly realm has been shattered once, there are still ideas for those lunatics, not to mention the prehistoric land. It is frantically destroying the vast land, the development of the whole situation is getting more and more crazy, and the situation is getting more and more dangerous.

No one dared to take the idea of ​​the Netherworld, they all knew the horror and horror of the Netherworld, and even Daozu Hongjun did not make a big move on the Netherworld today, let alone them, those who knew more about the situation were also strong. I know that when Emperor Jiangzu Wu was proving his way, he got the help of the Netherworld. In this case, the Netherworld's situation is very safe, and even the Wuzu world's situation is very safe, because they all have mixed ups behind them. Yuan Jinxian exists!

It's not that no one wants to fight the human race and the demon race. After all, there is one world in both of them. If they can capture this world, it will have a huge effect on them, and it will make their own preaching more powerful. It's easy, it's just that the world that the human race and the demon race got are given by the goddess Nuwa. No one is willing to risk their own lives before they find out the true thoughts of the goddess Nuwa, so the situation between the human race and the demon race is not bad, but This situation won't last long. Human beings are endless, and even Empress Nuwa can't stop the greed of these lunatics!

Tongtian sect master, this proving Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, brought about a drastic change in the entire prehistoric world, made everyone feel the horror of the catastrophe, and made everyone understand that in the catastrophe they would face terrible disasters, This is a catastrophe of destruction, a catastrophe of destruction, even the saints of heaven have a chill, because they feel the breath of death!

Danger is coming, death is coming, this is the current situation of the entire flood, and what caused all this is those crazy greed, killing, in order to prove the Tao, those stupid, ignorant, self-righteous **** are madly sweeping away The prehistoric world will cause even more terrifying destruction to the prehistoric world, causing the world to be in turmoil!

auzw.com Originally, Haotian and Yaochi thought they still had a chance to breathe, but they didn't expect the danger to come so suddenly, the enemy would be so crazy, and they desperately attacked the heavenly world with the protection of heaven, and beat their own The face of the Lord of the Heavens! Yes, at this time, Haotian and Yaochi were beaten in the face. Before they could gather an army to protect the heavenly world and strengthen themselves, the heavenly world was attacked by those lunatics from the prehistoric world, and the heavenly world was once again destroyed, which made the original The weak heaven is even weaker!

The weakness of the celestial world has also affected the prehistoric world. The originally weak light of the stars can no longer be sprinkled on the prehistoric land. Even because of the turmoil in the celestial realm, the ancient star field was shaken, and the shock of the ancient star field caused The frenzied attacks of those chaotic beasts seem to be that these beasts felt the weakness of the prehistoric world, and rushed into the prehistoric world in a hurry to break the boundary wall.

Cause and effect, great cause and effect, this is the great cause and effect of throwing the sky, and all these cause and effect must fall on the body of the leader of the sky? All by the Tongtian sect master? No, although the origin of all this is from the Master Tongtian to prove the Tao, Hunyuan Jinxian, but this huge karma is not borne by the Master Tongtian, but those who are mad themselves, and the responsibility cannot be attributed to the Master Tongtian!

In any case, the Tongtian sect master is also responsible for this, and also bears part of the responsibility. Who let this storm be caused by him, he is the source of the storm, it is a pity that the Tongtian sect master does not care about this earth-shattering change now, but is in the After proving the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, like Empress Nuwa and Patriarch Ming He, they all hurriedly left to stabilize their realm to prevent their realm from being destroyed.

Seeing Tongtian Cult Master successfully escaped, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun finally couldn't bear it anymore. The temptation of the inner world for them was also huge. They started their own world road. After proving the Dao, he immediately used his own power to blast away the source of the fleshly body, creating an inner world that carries his own Dao's inner world.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun can't compare to Taishang Laojun in terms of background, he still has the ability to open up his own inner world after he is truly determined, and he has also opened up his own inner world in this silence, because the two inner worlds are the same. It was completed after they proved the Dao and Primordial Primordial, so Heaven and Earth did not impose a calamity punishment, but directly ignored it! The most important thing is the inner world, which only exists within themselves and will not be affected by the prehistoric world, so there is no response from heaven and earth.

At this time, the Yin-Yang Daoist in the Netherworld is also becoming more and more uneasy, and the pressure on his body is getting stronger and stronger. If he does not find a way to break the situation, the entire prehistoric world will usher in destruction. The next round ends, but for Sanqing, for the Wu clan, the Yin and Yang Taoists believe that their luck is not long, and they need to speed up their pace.

What happened to the human race and the demon race, the human race is good to say, in the first time, follow the leader of the human race into the world given by the goddess Nuwa, and save a force for the human race. For the demon race, their situation is a little bit. Poor, the failed masters again and again made them have serious dissatisfaction with the prehistoric world. Those who have retreats, naturally want revenge in their hearts, but withdraw some of the weak demon clan to the world belonging to the demon clan, and the rest. The demon clan who came down are all avengers with death intent!

The madness of the demon clan is not entirely because of hatred, but more for self-protection. As a demon master, Kunpeng fully understands that if the demon clan does nothing at this time, it will only end in a genocide result. Those lunatics are afraid Keep your eyes on the Yaozu, but if the Yaozu shows the determination to fight to the death, everything will be different! Of course, they do have thoughts of revenge and hatred in their hearts, and this is their only chance, even if it is for the sake of understanding, they have to fight to the death.

What are the Dao of Heaven, Dao of Earth, Dao of Humanity doing? Why didn't they stop the destruction of the prehistoric world by so many lunatics? Even the saints of the Dao of Heaven didn't stop it. What secrets are hidden behind all this? Why are these crazy people so indulgent, why let the prehistoric world fall into such a disaster?

There is only one reason. The three ways of heaven, earth and human beings have reached some kind of agreement. They indulge these people to destroy the prehistoric world. They are testing the existence of Pangu Yuanshen. They try to use these ignorant and stupid lunatics to find Pangu Yuanshen, right? For them, it doesn't matter if the prehistoric world is damaged, the key is that Pangu Primordial Spirit is there.

"Pangu Yuanshen, is it true that what Hongjun Daozu said is true, Pangu Yuanshen really exists in the prehistoric world, when the catastrophe comes, the three worlds will use the power of these ants to force out Pangu Yuanshen. God, or weakening Pangu Yuanshen? The more damage the prehistoric world suffers, the weaker Pangu Yuanshen will be, and Pangu Yuanshen has a close connection with the prehistoric world?" The Yin-Yang Taoist frowned and pondered, the current situation is getting worse and worse. Getting crazier and more dangerous, maybe just an excuse, or even a little spark, can directly detonate the catastrophe of this prehistoric world.

When the prehistoric world was traumatized again, the Yin-Yang Daoist vaguely felt the aura of destruction, the aura of destruction from the world, the whole prehistoric world seemed to be unable to withstand so many creatures, as if to give the creatures between heaven and earth a destruction Natural disaster, although the aura of destruction is very weak, the Yin-Yang Daoist can still feel it. The most important thing is that these lunatics are constantly destroying the prehistoric world, so that their sense of the chaotic little world is getting clearer and clearer!

The weaker the prehistoric world, the clearer his sense of the primordial world. This shows that there is some connection between the primordial world and the primordial world. Perhaps the primordial world was once a part of the primordial world. Its appearance is the judgment of the primordial world. Perhaps this chaotic little world is the real source of world destruction, because there is a terrifying power to destroy the world!

It is a pity that the Yin-Yang Daoist cannot be connected with the clone of the King of End. If you can contact the King of End and understand his current situation, maybe everything will be clear, but now the power of the prehistoric world is still repelling Chaos Xiaotiandi! Maybe when this catastrophe of heaven and earth, the catastrophe of the world comes, everything will be clear, but what the whole prehistoric world will look like at that time, the Yin and Yang Taoist can't tell, maybe things will be really cruel as Emperor Yama said. , In the end, he needs the sacrifice of Emperor Yan Luo to be able to save himself and to gain a ray of life in this catastrophe.

"At this time, what is Daozu Hongjun doing? Why did he have no news at all after he left the Netherworld? If he really wants to fight against Tiandao, why hasn't he made a move? This time is also an opportunity to weaken Tiandao. If he is willing to come forward , is absolutely capable of winning the heaven, Haotian and Yaochi are his boys!" In an instant, Daoist Yin-Yang thought of Hongjun Daozu, who had been silent, and felt that he must be arranging some conspiracy and tricks in the dark, and he was calculating something else. People, perhaps Daozu Hongjun is also the black hand in this crisis!

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