God of Destruction

Chapter 4619: eradication

Chapter 4625 Destroy the World

What is Daozu Hongjun doing? It seems that everything has been washed away by the success of Tongtian Sect Master's preaching. Everyone didn't think about Hongjun Daozu at all, and he had already forgotten this Daozu who preached to all living beings! Yes, it is forgetting. Everyone seems to have forgotten the existence of Hongjun Daozu. If he hadn't felt the aura of destruction, he would have thought of more, and he would not have thought of Hongjun Daozu who left the nether world. The strong man in no time!

"Damn, how could this be, what method did Daozu Hongjun use to make everyone forget his existence without a sound!" After thinking about it, the Yin-Yang Daoist's face became extremely gloomy, he was calculated, and the whole All sentient beings in the prehistoric desolation have been calculated, and everyone has been unknowingly influenced by Daozu Hongjun, and is gradually forgetting him! How did he do all this, is it his own ability, or he has already made an agreement with the three worlds!

Daoist Yin-Yang wants to understand the root cause of this problem, and wants to understand how Hongjun Daozu did this. This is not an ordinary force, but a force close to Dao, which directly wipes himself from the minds of all beings in the prehistoric world. , to make everyone forget their own existence. Such power is too terrifying. If there is no defense, can he also erase other people from the minds of all beings in the prehistoric world? What is this power?

As the catastrophe of heaven and earth, or the catastrophe of the world, or even the great catastrophe of the world is getting closer and closer, many forces will gradually surface, but this method of Daozu Hongjun is too amazing. Yin Yang Daoist does not know that only he feels it The existence of this power is also felt by others. If it is only felt by himself, perhaps the power of Daozu Hongjun is more terrifying and terrifying than he imagined, and even his calculations are even more powerful. Showdown!

Daoist Yin-Yang wanted to summon the Twelve Ancestors, Old Ancestor Ming He, and Empress Nuwa to hear about their situation, but this idea was forced to give up. The Ancestral Witch is recovering and digesting the gains of the previous battle. The ancestors of Ming He and Mother Nuwa cannot be easily disturbed. After all, their identities are different. In such a dangerous environment, too much exposure is too early, right It's not good for itself, even if many people know that the Netherworld has contacts with the ancestors of Minghe and the mother of Nuwa, but they don't know how deep it is!

The more trump cards, the more vitality! In this catastrophe that is about to break out, you can't be careless, let alone be arrogant. No matter how amazing the means of Hongjun Daozu, what calculations, as long as you are careful, you don't have to be afraid, and Hongjun Daozu's goal is not It would be himself, not to mention other golden immortals!

"Roar!" When the destruction of the prehistoric world reached the limit, a roar of rage never rang through the prehistoric mountains, a terrifying shock broke out in the heavens, the natural disaster appeared, the catastrophe began, and a terrible anger swept across In the entire prehistoric world, all creatures can feel the anger from the world, and feel the meaning of destroying the world and destroying the earth in the anger!

"Pangu's power, could it be said that this is the power of Pangu Yuanshen, but why is there only slaughter in Pangu Yuanshen, like a puppet who only knows how to kill, what is going on? "When he felt the anger from Buzhou Mountain, there was a hint of doubt in the eyes of Taoist Yin-Yang. If it is said that this is Pangu Yuanshen, it is simply unacceptable. What is the use of swallowing Pangu Yuanshen like this? Is it just for Pangu Yuanshen?" The terrifying killing intent in God!

Destroying the world, the Pangu Yuanshen at this time has a strong meaning of destroying the world, as if he was born to destroy the world and destroy the entire prehistoric life, but why now the three worlds have not taken action, and Hongjun Daozu has not moved at all, What secrets are hidden behind all this, how credible what Hongjun Daozu said at the beginning!

Regardless of whether the yin and yang Taoists are willing to accept it or not, the world-destroying catastrophe roars. Originally, in the eyes of the yin-yang Taoists, the world-destroying meeting began with the actions of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, but they never thought that the real world-destroying would actually exist in Buzhou Mountain. Pangu Yuanshen, now it is estimated that he is called 'Pangu Yuanshen', because he possesses the power of Pangu, and the Yin-Yang Taoist does not know what he is.

As soon as the breath of destruction of the world moved, everyone who held the authority of the world felt the breath of destruction, and all living beings in heaven and earth felt death. This was not an ordinary catastrophe, but it evolved into a catastrophe of world destruction. The disaster that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, all living beings come from the fear in their hearts, facing the terrible power of Buzhou Mountain, they can't raise a little bit of resistance, as if it comes from the soul, from the fear of blood !

"My deity, the worst has finally happened. The power of the Netherworld is dissipating, and the Netherworld is being impacted. If this terrifying force of world-annihilation continues to sweep, it won't be long before the Netherworld's defenses will be pierced. At that time, the order of the nether world will completely collapse. Even if I am the lord of the world, I will not be able to stop it. We all underestimate the horror of Pangu Yuanshen. When the power to destroy the world is released, everything will be shattered. As the lord of the world, everything will be destroyed. Most affected!"

Just as Emperor Yan Luo's words fell, there was a loud 'bang', and a terrible mutation broke out in the heaven. One who couldn't bear the anger from Buzhou Mountain, couldn't bear the terrifying power of destroying the world, and died directly under the impact of the first wave!

"No, I'm not reconciled!" This was Haotian's last words. He was not reconciled, but he couldn't do anything. His death opened the prelude to this world-destroying catastrophe. Without the world's master, the heavenly world became even more violent. , the originally peaceful vitality of heaven and earth became violent and restless, and all the creatures in the heavens felt the terrifying killing intent in the vitality of heaven and earth!

Seeing Haotian's death, Yaochi murmured to himself: "This is the cause and effect of the heavens, this is the great catastrophe, before the catastrophe, we are just ants, and we don't even have the ability to resist. !"


At this moment, Yaochi also felt her own changes. Under the influence of the power of destroying the world, her own situation was also very dangerous. The terrifying power of destroying the world poured into her frantically, constantly destroying her origin, and this Shi Yaochi didn't stop her. When she saw Haotian's death, she already understood her own ending. She could only resist and live a little longer. Perhaps when they took over the throne of the Lord of the Heavens, they had already fallen into a state of doom. Fate has predestined it all!

"Haotian is dead, how is this possible, he is the master of the world, the power in charge of the world's authority, how can he die at the beginning of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, what is going on in this space, does the prehistoric world really have to face Is it a catastrophe?" At this time, Taishang Laojun's eyes also showed a trace of fear, although Haotian's cultivation is not strong, but as the master of the heavens, in charge of the origin of the heavens, he died in the beginning of the scene. , this impact is too terrifying.

"Teacher, Teacher Hongjun, what are you doing, what are you trying to do, and you are so ignoring Haotian's death? Could it be that Haotian is really just a chess piece in your heart, and when this chess piece is useless, just throw it away Let's go, Haotian and Yaochi are chess pieces, and our former heavenly saints are also chess pieces, what are you going to do with us?" Compared with the horror of Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun immediately thought of his own teacher' Hong Jun Daozu', the death of Haotian made Yuanshi Tianzun doubt the intentions of Hongjun Daozu, as well as the intentions of heaven, earth and humanity. If they were willing to take action, Haotian would not die, but unfortunately there is no such thing in reality, all this has already been done. It happened, and it can't be changed. Haotian, the lord of the heavens, really died!

For a moment, without any resistance, Yaochi also died in the heaven. The pair of them who held the authority of the heaven were all dead in the heaven, and their death made the whole heaven even more crazy. The power of destroying the world is constantly devouring all living beings in the heavens, destroying all living beings. The world is really not a lie, but it really appears in front of everyone's eyes. In front of this terrible power, there is no power. be able to stop it!

"Damn, brothers, hurry up and collect the origin of the world that belongs to you, don't hesitate any longer!" As the ancestor of Emperor Jiang who had just succeeded in proving the Tao, when he felt Haotian's death, he frantically yelled at the other ancestors. The Witch World was divided into thirteen parts, and the Dijiang Ancestral Witch took his share, and now these Ancestral Witches took their own share.

Emperor Jiang Zuwu is working hard to maintain the Wuzu world, preventing the aura of destruction from flooding into the world and turning this world into a dead silence, but the strength of Emperor Jiang Zuwu is limited and can't last for long. If other ancestor witches Don't hurry up, I'm afraid he won't last until the end. After all, Emperor Jiang Zuwu is still very weak and needs more nutrients!

When the situation suddenly reversed like this, the other ancestral witches did not hesitate, they all stretched out a giant hand and grabbed the world of the shaman tribe, while the Emperor Jiang zuwu who was in the world of the shaman tribe fully cooperated with them. Half of the origin of the world that has already been divided into the hands of these ancestral witches, and with the consumption of the world origin, the once prosperous Wu clan has once again fallen into crisis, the world of the Wu clan is shattering, and there is only one left. The power of the source is not enough to support the survival of this witch world. All the creatures of the Wu clan are in fear, such a heavenly change has brought them a huge impact, making them restless in their hearts!

If it is said that the Wuzu world is miserable, it is because the Twelve Ancestors divided the origin of the Wuzu world, and the quasi mention and reception are even worse at this time. Their Western Paradise of Bliss, the first interception, came from Pangu The attack of the power of destroying the world, even if they continue to improve the Western Paradise, they are still not enough to resist the attack of the power of destroying the world.

"Senior brother, this is the will of heaven and earth to destroy us, this is the will of heaven and earth, and it is full of destructive aura. If we don't do anything, the Western Bliss Polygonum will turn into nothingness. This is our root, and there cannot be the slightest mistake. We must We must stop the blind one from happening! Otherwise, Elysium will be damaged, and our accumulation of endless years will be in vain!"

"Shoot, what do we do? Fortunately, we are not the master of the world, and we have not been attacked by the world. Otherwise, we are afraid to follow in the footsteps of Haotian and Yaochi. Although the master of the world is very powerful, he holds the power of the world. , but it will also be destroyed by the threat from behind! We are not only facing natural disasters, but also man-made disasters. You will not forget the existence of those lunatics, and you will not think that Hongjun Daozu does not exist!"

In contrast, Yingyin should be more cautious. Although Elysium is suffering a huge impact, Yingyin is not too careless, but stares at everything, staring at the destruction of Elysium by the power of destroying the world, yes , At this moment, Jie Yin wants to take the opportunity to realize the Great Dao of World Destruction, even if it is just a sliver of fur, it will be a great benefit to him!

It is a pity that this power of destroying the world cannot be endured by Yingyin. After several consecutive contacts, Yingyin has not been able to feel the existence of the source of world-destroying. The origin of oneself, although the opportunity is in front of us, not everyone can comprehend the Dao of Destruction. If the Dao of Destruction is so easy to understand, the prehistoric world has already been destroyed countless times. Breath, but who is feeling it.

Although he is not reconciled, he understands that he must let go, and he can no longer waste his time and energy, waste his own origin, and know that every failure is not a small loss for him. Yin did not dare to continue, after all, this was the catastrophe of the destruction of the world, and once his strength was damaged, he would inevitably suffer death threats.

After receiving and letting go, I no longer fantasize about mastering the Dao of World Destruction, but to repair the Western Paradise of Bliss, but fortunately, the Western Paradise of Bliss is placed in the human world. Still, the Western Paradise has not suffered a devastating blow, of course, there is a price they paid!

In contrast, the human race and the demon race are in a much better situation. Their world was bestowed by the goddess Nuwa, created by the Great Way of Fortune, and has nothing to do with the prehistoric world. The human race and the demon race, the creatures who retreated into the world, got it. It is a very good shelter, but it is precisely the two worlds that have not been impacted by the power of the world, which makes many people excited.

Greed always exists, even if the two worlds carry the cause and effect of Empress Nuwa, but there are still people who are tempted, and there are still people who want to seize it in order to prove the Dao Primordial Golden Immortal. As for how serious the consequences are, this is not affected by these at all. Greedy people take it to heart, they only have profit in their eyes!

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