God of Destruction

Chapter 4620: convocation

The fourth thousand six hundred and twenty-six chapters convened

With the turmoil of heaven and earth, the entire prehistoric wasteland was gradually shrouded in endless calamity, but in this calamity, there was a strong aura of annihilation, and the source came from Buzhou Mountain, as if it was going to clean the entire prehistoric world, to destroy the world Living beings are wiped out and reborn. Such a strong aura of world-annihilation makes the saints of Heavenly Dao feel the threat of death. They are afraid, uneasy, and complaining and hating Hongjun Daozu, because now they want to get rid of the status of saints. If you can't do it, you can only support it hard.

The power of the prehistoric world bound these heavenly saints in the world, making them unable to break free from the shackles of heaven, but these heavenly saints did not feel the blessing of heaven, as if heaven did not unite with these saints, they also Unable to borrow power from the Tao of Heaven, the Tao of Heaven seems to be breaking away from the prehistoric world.

As the lord of the netherworld, Emperor Yama also felt the changes in the prehistoric world. Although the world was sheltered by powerful world barriers, as the lord of the world, Emperor Yama could clearly feel the shock of the prehistoric world, and the nether world was constantly changing. Falling, as if to separate from the great land, the connection between the two is constantly weakening.

"What is the tunnel going to do? Could it be that the tunnel has the intention to separate from the prehistoric world, and he wants to be independent from the prehistoric world?" The Taoist Yin-Yang pondered in his heart that such a situation made Emperor Yan Luo feel uneasy, if the tunnel was independent of the prehistoric world In addition, it means that the world of the underworld and the witch world will be separated from the wild world, which will cause unpredictable crisis!

If the Yin-Yang Daoists were still thinking about the question of Pangu Yuanshen in their hearts, thinking about who would devour Pangu Yuanshen, now the Yin-Yang Daoists no longer have such thoughts. , This is a game, a game aimed at Pangu Yuanshen, and who is the layout, Yin Yang Daoist does not know, but behind this is the shadow of Hongjun Daozu!

Perhaps Pangu's primordial spirit does not exist. In the endless years, Pangu's primordial spirit has already been integrated into the vast land. Buzhou Mountain may only have the will of Pangu, and its existence is very important to Hongjun and the people of heaven and earth. All three paths are threats, so there is this crazy upheaval in the world, and this terrifying catastrophe has evolved.

The world-destroying catastrophe, this is not a cause and effect that anyone can bear. No one dares to do this world-destroying act in a large world, but now it is not someone else who is destroying the world, but Pangu, the world-opening Pangu, if it comes If the world is destroyed, there will be no cause and effect. Without cause and effect, the prehistoric world will naturally have more variables!

Cause and effect, destroying one great thousand worlds, no one can bear this cause and effect. Only the founder can have this qualification. At this time, the Yin-Yang Daoist somewhat understands the layout of the Hongjun Daozu and the Heaven, Earth, and Human, and the tacit understanding they formed long ago. , No one wants to bear the big cause and effect, so there is such a situation. Emperor Jiang Zuwu's proving of the Taoist Primordial Jinxian is not as simple as the surface. There are still countless calculations behind it. Trapped in the valley.

"I'm a good Hongjun, I'm a good person, I thought I paid enough attention to you, but now it seems that I don't pay enough attention to you. It's no wonder that the tunnel did not try to stop the Emperor Jiang Zuwu before, and did not attack the Wuzu world with all its strength. , in order for this day, you use the temptation of proving the Tao to let those ignorant and stupid **** enter the game, destroy the prehistoric world, force Pangu Yuanshen to attack, and start the world-destroying catastrophe on your own, so that none of you need Carrying the karma of cause and effect, everything is carried by the living beings in heaven and earth, good calculation, good sinister plan, it is a pity that this situation is beyond your control!"

Daoist Yin-Yang is sneering again and again. If he didn't have many memories of later generations, if he didn't know how insidious Daozu Hongjun was, Daoist Yin-Yang wouldn't be able to figure out the secret. For Daozu Hongjun and the three worlds, the relationship between them There is competition and cooperation. Generally speaking, cooperation is greater than competition. They have always maintained a tacit understanding!

Why do yin and yang Taoists have such a view, it is mainly the memory of later generations, the Lich War, the Wu clan's co-worker ancestor Wu smashed the Buzhou Mountain, and the power of Hongjun Daozu couldn't stop all this, but why Hongjun Daozu didn't take action, The Great Tribulation of the Gods, the Great War of Sanqing blew up the vast land, and Daozu Hongjun still did not stop it, but only cleaned up the mess after the event. Everything was a conspiracy. It was Sanqing who exploded the great land, and they were all Pangu authentics, and they all had the merits of Pangu opening the sky, and it was precisely because they were all Pangu authentics that they were able to do all this.

"Pangu's primordial spirit may not be as powerful as Hongjun Daozu said at all, its existence can only be attached to the prehistoric world, and even its power is limited, but its existence threatens Hongjun Daozu and the three worlds, as for Hongjun. What Jun said about the three ways of devoting the heavens, the earth and the human beings to devour Pangu's primordial spirit is only a fake and a scam. What Pangu has left is his will, and this will is in Buzhou Mountain, or in the wild land. And their purpose is to find Pangu's will!"

Daoist Yin-Yang felt that he had seen through the enemy's calculation and the conspiracy of Daozu Hongjun. Before, he wanted to disappear from the hearts of all living beings, which was part of the calculation. Unfortunately, it has now been shattered. Now Pangu in Buzhou Mountain The will is dispatched, and the world is destroying. This Qiaqia has achieved his wish. The world will be destroyed together, the three ways of heaven and earth, and the hopes of Hongjun Daozu have been completed. They just need to wait and see the changes and take advantage of the fisherman. Maybe this is the The results they want!

No matter whether his guess is right or not, Daoist Yin-Yang understands that he can't wait any longer, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. If the heaven, the prehistoric land, and the nether world are divided, and the whole prehistoric world is broken, it is impossible for him to restore the overall situation. At that time, the Netherworld, the great land, and the heavens will all fall under the control of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings!

"The Houtu Zuwu, call all the ancestors, we must act, the crisis has arisen, we need to do our best in this battle!" A low voice sounded in the ears of the Houtu Zuwu, which was the order of Emperor Yan Luo. .

auzw.comWhen Emperor Yan Luo sent a call to the Twelve Ancestors, Taoist Yin-Yang was also calling to the ancestors of Minghe and the goddess Nuwa. This is not a trivial matter, everyone is facing It will be the three ways of heaven, earth and people, as well as the ancestors of Hongjun Dao. You can't be careful. If you want to make a move, you must do your best and gather all the strength. Therefore, although the mother of Nuwa, the ancestor of Minghe, and the ancestor of Emperor Jiang need time To digest their own income, but time waits for no one, Yin Yang Daoist decided to alarm them!

"What happened, so that Emperor Yan Luo chose to call everyone at this time. Could it be that there is a terrible mutation in the world-annihilation catastrophe?" When receiving the call of Emperor Yan Luo, Houtu Zuwu couldn't help frowning. While thinking about it, although she didn't want to disturb the rest of the ancestors at this time, she had to do it. Instinct made her feel threatened and made her understand that there must be a big crisis behind this. If she delays time, it is very likely that Unfavorable for the witches!

Without thinking too much, the Houtu Zuwu still issued a call. Even the Emperor Jiang Zuwu, who had just passed the Dao, put down and stabilized his realm when he received the call, and came to the Netherworld to join the Houtu Zuwu. , At this time, Old Ancestor Ming He had already appeared in the Netherworld. After all, he was the closest to the Netherworld and had the fastest reaction!

Yes, for Old Ancestor Ming He, when receiving the summoning order from the Yin-Yang Daoist, he entered the cultivation without hesitation, went directly through the barriers of the Netherworld, entered the Netherworld, and came to see the Yin-Yang Daoist. He understands that Daoist Yin-Yang must have discovered a big problem and a big crisis when he called out at this time, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry!

Empress Nuwa is also coming to the nether world at this time. Although Empress Nuwa has cut off her old self and ushered in a new life, her instinct still makes her choose to accept the call, wondering what the Yin-Yang Daoist wants to do and why he does it. In such a hurry to convene everyone, when Empress Nuwa woke up, she had discovered the changes in the world of the witch clan, and discovered the actions of many ancestors!

When the Wu clan took action and Empress Nuwa went to the Netherworld, Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin all felt enormous pressure, and the saints of the heavenly way also felt uneasy, but they didn't stop them, for them The biggest threat is not in the Netherworld, but in Buzhou Mountain. It is the outbreak of this world-destroying catastrophe. They all think that Emperor Yama wants to convene everyone to discuss countermeasures!

Gathering everyone is indeed to discuss countermeasures, but it is not aimed at Pangu's will to launch the great catastrophe, but aimed at the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, and aimed at the ancestors of Hongjun. In the eyes of yin and yang Taoists, the three ways of heaven, earth and people and the ancestors of Hongjun Dao are the best. The core of this world-destroying catastrophe, if they can destroy their conspiracy, everything will change, and there is a chance to eliminate this disaster!

Not long after, everyone gathered in the Netherworld, looking at everyone's nervous expressions, the Yin-Yang Daoist took a deep breath and stood up and said, "Everyone, I invite everyone to the Netherworld today because I want to Let me tell you the bad news, we have been calculated, we are in a desperate situation, if we can't break out of the situation, we will all be liquidated. The world-destroying catastrophe is not only aimed at ordinary creatures in the flood, but also at us! "

When Daoist Yin-Yang said these words, everyone was shocked, and Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help but said: "Daoist friend is serious, we have already proved the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, how can there be a disaster, who would dare to destroy it? Against us?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong with the Yin-Yang Daoist? In today's big environment, who dares to target us, the Primordial Jinxian, how can we be calculated, this is a bit unacceptable!" Empress Nuwa agreed. After reading what Emperor Jiang Zuwu said, he did not understand the way of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and he did not agree with it.

However, Old Ancestor Ming He is different. He believes that the judgment of Daoist Yin-Yang is not how much Ancestor Ming He agrees with and trusts Daoist Yin-Yang, but that Old Ancestor Ming He senses the small world of Hunyuan and feels that the small world is actually Outside the prehistoric world, this has to be seen by the ancestors of Ming He, and he has to agree with the words of the Yin-Yang Taoist!

"I have no need or reason to deceive everyone. The situation has developed to the point where we can't handle it. This world-destroying catastrophe is not as simple as it seems. The enemy has calculated all of us. If we can't prevent the outbreak of the catastrophe, wait We only have a dead end. I can tell you clearly, for example, the world of today, the great land and the world of the netherworld are being separated. What consequences, what a terrifying threat it will bring to everyone!"

The Yin-Yang Daoist stared at the crowd and said without giving in, with crazy looks flashing in his eyes. When the situation developed to this stage, the Yin-Yang Daoist felt that there was no need to waste time and energy, and directly told the conspiracy behind it. For the better, it also allows everyone to be prepared and able to accept their own ideas.

"Impossible, how can the heaven, the prehistoric land and the nether world be separated? The heaven and the prehistoric land are supported by Buzhou Mountain. Without Buzhoushan, how could the heavenly world stay on the prehistoric land, and the nether world is even more impossible. The existence of the nether world, what will the sentient beings reincarnate in, the fellow Daoist must have made a mistake!"

Facing the doubts of Houtu Zuwu, Daoist Yin-Yang sighed and said: "I also hope that I have made a mistake, and I am not willing to face such a crisis, but facts are facts and cannot be changed, and all the circumstances converge. Coming together is enough to show the seriousness of the problem. I wonder if you have thought about it, why are we affected by the catastrophe of heaven and earth? Who is the one who committed the act of destroying the world? If you say it, everyone may not believe it. What we are facing is The will of Pangu!"

After a pause, Daoist Yin-Yang continued: "The prehistoric world was created by the great **** Pangu, and only Pangu Zhengzong can destroy the prehistoric world without being devoured by luck, and with all living beings in the prehistoric wilderness, now the enemy Qiaqia is using this power to take a step forward. One step pushes us to a dead end. We must resist, otherwise we will all die in this wild world! Once we fall, we will never be able to stand up again, and we will all turn into this The nourishment of heaven and earth!"

Facing the words of Daoist Yin and Yang, the Twelve Ancestors were silent, Empress Nuwa was silent, and Ancestor Ming He was silent. They were all thinking about everything behind this, thinking about what to do and what to choose, right? Standing on the side of Yin-Yang Daoist, fighting against the three realms of heaven and earth, and against Hongjun Daozu, if you let go of the confrontation, can you survive in this catastrophe that destroys the earth?

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