God of Destruction

Chapter 4621: festival

Chapter 4627 Discuss together

The Yin-Yang Daoist's words are somewhat credible. This is the key point of everyone's thinking. They are not suspecting that the Yin-Yang Daoist has ulterior motives, but are worried that the Yin-Yang Daoist has been affected by the world-annihilating catastrophe, and that there is a big problem with the Yin-Yang Daoist himself! Who made these remarks so shocking, even the Twelve Ancestors, Old Ancestor Ming He, and Empress Nuwa couldn't believe it!

Seeing the expressions on the faces of everyone, Taoist Yin-Yang sighed inwardly, this is the catastrophe of heaven and earth, this is the catastrophe of the world, even if the situation is so dangerous, these people still have all kinds of suspicion in their hearts, But the Yin-Yang Taoist understands that this is human nature, and if he is standing in their position, he will have the same idea, and he will also doubt whether he is affected by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, or whether he has been hit by the calamity. , will have such crazy ideas, after all, these people do not know that they have many memories of later generations, and they can infer some things with the help of those memories!

"I know that everyone has suspicions in their hearts, but what I want to tell you is that it is not those prehistoric creatures who really promote the annihilation of the world, but the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings and the ancestors of Hongjun Dao. Why do they do this, I also I don't know, but I think it may happen. They want to split the prehistoric world. The heaven, the prehistoric earth, and the nether world are splitting. More precisely, the heaven is rising, the nether world is sinking, and the power of Buzhou Mountain is no longer able to suppress. World!"

In an instant, everyone gasped, their eyes widened, and they looked at the Yin-Yang Daoist in disbelief. They couldn't believe it was true. The Yin-Yang Taoist smiled lightly and turned his attention to Emperor Yama, the lord of the underworld, only he can prove everything!

Emperor Yan Luo let out a long sigh: "Yes, the nether world is sinking, the heavenly world is rising, and the two worlds are separating from the great land, and it is the power of Mount Buzhou that caused all this, and it is the beginning of the great calamity that destroys the world. As the Lord of the Netherworld, I can clearly feel the horror of the crisis, in fact, it is not only the Netherworld, but also the Witch World, all the worlds entrusted in the prehistoric world will change with the changes of the prehistoric world!"

"How is this possible, what good are they doing?" Empress Nuwa asked, with endless horror in her eyes!

"The advantage, I don't know, maybe they can get freedom, real freedom, freedom without any pressure, the heaven will evolve into a complete world on its own, the same is true of the nether world, the great land may also be, the three worlds All Daoists can be free, as for what Hongjun Daozu can get, I don’t know!”

The Houtu Zuwu took a deep breath and said, "According to the opinion of the Taoist friends, what should we do, how can we save this crisis and prevent the prehistoric world from splitting? If we can do it, we can do as much as we can. !"

The Twelve Ancestors nodded in agreement with the opening of the Houtu Ancestor Witch, while the Nuwa Empress and the Stygian Ancestor looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Everyone pinned their hopes on Yin-Yang Daoist and Yan Luo. On the emperor's body.

"Stop this world-destroying catastrophe, let those ignorant and stupid **** stop, if they don't stop, destroy them, and don't let these **** continue to cause harm to the prehistoric world, otherwise the first to split is the heaven, the heaven The lords Haotian and Yaochi have already died. Without the suppression of the lord of the world, the heaven is the most likely to have an accident! I don't know what happened to Buzhoushan, and I don't understand what happened to Pangu Yuanshen. This world-destroying catastrophe It's a little weird, we have to deal with it carefully! Now it's best to consolidate the stability of the Three Realms, and only when the Three Realms are stable can we have time to find a solution to the crisis!"

It's easier said than done. Stabilizing the Three Realms. Under the current environment, how can they stabilize the Three Realms? Those lunatics have lost their minds by the Proving Dao Primordial Jinxian and can't listen to any words at all, even if it is them All the forces at their disposal can't stabilize the overall situation, and if all this is really driven by the three Daoists of Heaven and Earth and Hongjun Daozu, how can they give them a chance to stop them? If they want to make a move, they must also consider how to face it. The counterattacks of the Three Daoists of Heaven, Earth and Humanity and Daozu Hongjun, no one feels that they have the ability to protect themselves in such a big environment and can ignore the enemy's counterattack!

"Stabilize the Three Realms? It's very difficult for us to do this kind of thing. Even if fellow Daoists have mastered the Netherworld, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation are in the hands of fellow Daoists in the Houtu, we can't do things to stabilize the Three Realms. The power of the Three Realms is not something we can shake!" Empress Nuwa objected to Emperor Yama's suggestion, which is indeed not something they can do.

"Of course I understand that all of this is not something we can do. I have never thought about saving all living beings. I just need the three realms to be inseparable and the prehistoric world to be one. As long as the overall situation is undefeated, we have a way to change the others. If you guess wrong, both the heaven and the underworld have secrets that we don’t know, and these secrets are in the hands of heaven and earth. As the master of the world, I can’t grasp the secrets of the underworld. What do you think it would be? what?"

When Emperor Yan Luo made such a statement, everyone was shocked. They all knew the power of the Lord of the Netherworld, especially the ancestors of the Houtu. In her opinion, Emperor Yan Luo had already mastered the whole process when he was born. Netherworld, but why did he say such a thing? Could it be that the Netherworld really has a big secret?

"Fellow Daoist said that both the heaven and the nether world have great secrets, which the lord of your world has not grasped. In this way, humanity also grasps the secrets of the great land. What is this secret? actions?"

Faced with the question from Empress Nuwa, Emperor Yan Luo shook his head and said: "I don't know, I don't know if everything has anything to do with it, the great land has secrets that are even more difficult for us to understand, we must know that all living beings in the world are born from the great land. This is even true for fellow Daoists. If one of the three worlds has the greatest secret, it is naturally the human world. Daozu Hongjun once said that Pangu's primordial spirit is still there. As for right or wrong, there is no way to judge!"

auzw.comHongjun Daozu is an unavoidable big problem for many strong people in the prehistoric wilderness, especially the Queen Mother Nuwa, who was once a disciple of Hongjun Daozu, but was also trapped by Hongjun Daozu The worst one, she is the most vigilant of Hongjun Daozu! When she heard Emperor Yan Luo mention Hongjun Daozu, she couldn't help frowning, instinctively making her feel a little pressure on her shoulders!

For a moment, Empress Nuwa took a deep breath, calmed her turbulent state of mind, and said in a deep voice, "According to my fellow Daoists, what are the secrets of these three realms, it is worth their fight, if it is just about Pangu Yuanshen, I'm afraid this is not normal. How can Pangu Yuanshen go through endless years without dying? I don't believe that Pangu Yuanshen still exists in the prehistoric world. The existence of Sanqing is the best proof. The Second Ancestor Wu also has the merits of opening the sky, which is enough to prove that the great **** Pangu has died after opening up the prehistoric world, and it is impossible for the primordial spirit to exist, this must be fake!"

"Yeah, if all this is false information, if the great **** Pangu really falls, what is the purpose of Daozu Hongjun using Pangu Yuanshen to deceive us? What is the benefit of him doing this, dividing the prehistoric world and letting the world be divided among the three Dao is a world of its own, how does this help Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and what is the secret of the Three Realms?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Emperor Yan Luo sighed and said again: "Perhaps there is only one possibility, and that is related to the Primordial Dao, more precisely related to the Chaos Gods and Demons. You all know that the Tunnel once suppressed the Time Gods and Demons, but time Are the gods and demons really just the only chaotic gods and demons that have been suppressed, can three thousand chaotic gods and demons really be eliminated from death?"

When hearing these words, everyone's expressions changed greatly! Yes, Pangu died and there were still authentic inheritances such as the Sanqing and the Twelve Ancestors. Will the three thousand chaotic gods and demons have nothing left, just the beasts at the beginning of the prehistoric world? This is impossible and unrealistic. If it is said that the three thousand chaotic gods and demons have inheritance, or even the remaining gods and demons, it must be related to the prehistoric world.

"Could it be that there are things related to the chaotic gods and demons hidden in the Three Realms!" Empress Nuwa couldn't help muttering to herself.

There was no drastic reaction to Empress Nuwa and the Twelve Ancestral Witch, but it was completely different for Old Ancestor Ming He. For a moment, he thought of the small world of chaos, the small world of chaos that Fang himself had entered in person, and Now I can vaguely sense its existence. Could it be that this Fang Xiaotiandi is what Hongjun Daozu was looking for?

Although there are doubts in his heart, the ancestor Ming He has also experienced countless storms. No matter how shocked his heart is, there will be no change in his face, and since Emperor Yan Luo said these words, it also proves that he is in him. He also had doubts in his heart, even Emperor Yan Luo was unwilling to tell, why should he tell this secret!

"I can't be sure, but I believe it has something to do with chaos. Don't forget that Hongjun Daozu used to be in chaos. He knows best what chaos has. If there is a secret in the Three Realms, it must be related to it, and we must ensure that The three ways of heaven, earth and human will not split from the prehistoric world. If the prehistoric world exists, we will have a chance to survive. If the prehistoric world is destroyed, we will all face the catastrophe of the destruction of the world and the threat of death. , There are also those of us who are in the prehistoric world. The prehistoric world is destroyed, and all of us have to bear the backlash from the destruction of the world, because we are all part of the prehistoric world. Losing the prehistoric world, we are all abandoned children, Abandoned by the world!"

Being abandoned by the world and becoming an abandoned child of the world is not detachment from the world, it is a fundamental difference! No one is willing to accept such a result, but it is up to them to make the decision. If they want to prevent the world from being destroyed, the only choice is to resist, and only in this way can they have a chance to survive this outbreak of the world-destroying catastrophe!

The abandoned children of the world are the creatures who survived after the world of their birth was destroyed, and these creatures will be backlashed by the world of their birth, leaving the imprint of the world on their bodies. This is the curse of the world. Carrying such a curse, for any creature They are all great disasters. If the curse cannot be lifted, the path of cultivation will be completely cut off!

"Fellow Daoist, do you think that the three ways of heaven, earth and man are really like what Hongjun Daozu said, the good thoughts, evil thoughts and obsessions of the Father God? If so, why do they do this? There is the primordial spirit of the Father God, why are they destroying the prehistoric world and dividing the prehistoric world, what reason do they have to do this?"

Faced with the question of Houtu Zuwu, neither Yin Yang Daoist nor Emperor Yan Luo could answer. They were not the three Daoists of Heaven and Earth, nor were they the ancestors of Hongjun Dao. Daoist Yin and Yang had to convene everyone to come up with countermeasures and discuss the grand plan to resolve the crisis.

"Fellow Daoists, should we contact Sanqing and Zhunti, receive and lead, maybe they can know something, especially Sanqing, even if what Hongjun Daozu said is true, they are part of Pangu Yuanshen , and know the secrets that we don't know, even if they don't know anything, we can cooperate with them!"

Although Empress Nuwa's invitation was good, everyone present couldn't help frowning. If they cooperated, everyone still had some connection with each other and could trust each other. , Everyone dare not have such illusions, and if you can't trust each other, is such cooperation necessary, and you even need to be distracted to guard against them!

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa, can you guarantee that Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti can be trusted? If not, then there is no need to invite them. I don't want to be on guard against attacks from behind when I'm fighting. This is not an ordinary war, this is a life-and-death battle, we can't be careless, or we will be the only ones who will be unlucky!"

Ancestor Ming He, who had not spoken for a long time, finally spoke up, directly questioning Empress Nuwa. Ancestor Ming He deeply understood that if everyone could not trust each other, there would be no need for cooperation, and one person would be safer!

When Old Ancestor Ming He said this, Empress Nuwa was under a lot of pressure. How could she make such a guarantee, not to mention that she didn't have much friendship with Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin, even if it was Yes, in this great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and it is still in the catastrophe of the world, it is impossible to guarantee anyone, to put a heavy shackle on one's back, let oneself be controlled by others, and make it difficult for oneself to get rid of the entanglement of cause and effect, female. Empress Wa doesn't want to be added by Karma again!

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