God of Destruction

Chapter 4625: Sections and trade-offs

Chapter 4631 Choices

Anger, endless anger rose from Zhunti's heart in an instant, not only Zhunti had such anger, but Sanqing as well. Emperor Yan Luo made it clear that he did not put them in his eyes, and there was no so-called 'sincerity', everything It's all just what he is saying. It seems that the right to choose is in the hands of everyone, but in fact, everyone has no right to choose at all. 'Selfish'!

Yes, in the minds of Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin, Emperor Yama is too selfish, Yin and Yang Taoists are selfish, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches are selfish. They only consider the safety of the Netherworld and the Witch World, but do not put themselves in their shoes. These people considered, but did not consider the life and death of their disciples, which attracted their endless anger and dissatisfaction!

At this time, although Sanqing, Zhunti, and Receiver had a thousand words to say, they couldn't say anything. Emperor Yan Luo had already expressed his unwillingness to waste time entangled with them. Everything was up to them, no matter how they chose, The other party would not care and ignore it, and the situation was in a predicament, which made them very annoyed!

"Let's go, since Emperor Yan Luo has said it for this sake, what else can we say, it is our responsibility to suppress the prehistoric world!" Taishang Laojun glanced at Zhunti, and then the first Leaving the Netherworld, and Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master followed closely, this cooperation collapsed, and their selfishness prevented them from cooperating with each other!

Jie Yin couldn't help sighing at the moment, everyone is selfish, and they are not willing to pay too much price. It is precisely because of this selfish idea that this cooperation that should have been successful collapsed directly, and it directly ruined everyone's 'beautiful' ideas!

With the departure of Sanqing, Zhunti and Xieyin, the expressions of the Twelve Ancestors, Old Ancestor Minghe, and Empress Nuwa became extremely solemn. This was a result they did not expect. They originally thought that Sanqing, Zhunti and If they can make the right choice, they will have to compromise under the threat of the catastrophe, but they are all wrong, and their selfishness has ruined everything!

"Everyone has seen that we can't put our so-called hope on others, we can only rely on ourselves, they are all selfish, and there is no cooperation at all. Next, we need to act alone, and Taoist Styx must do a good job Prepare for the worst, if things don't work, you need to make a choice, life is more important than everything!"

Old Ancestor Ming He understood what Emperor Yan Luo was referring to, so he nodded and said, "Thank you for reminding me, I know how to do it, if I really get that moment, even if I don't want to give it up, I have to give up, and I can't sacrifice my own for it. life!"

"Fellow Daoist Houtu, your witch clan must also prepare for the worst. If possible, you'd better cut off all the causes and effects of yourselves, prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, there is not much time left for us, if you can. , The Witch World is ready to merge with the Netherworld at any time, I need to prepare for the worst, and I need to find the ultimate secret hidden in the Netherworld!"

The worst preparation is to give up everything. What Houtu Zuwu will give up will be the authority of the six realms of reincarnation. It seems that this meeting made Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin Yang completely disappointed in Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin. The performance of Tongtian sect master is very good, and he is willing to take on this heavy responsibility, but the attitude of Taishang Laojun and Zhunti and receiving is too bad. Just want to let others charge ahead.

Daoists are different and do not conspire with each other. Since the situation has reached such a point, Yin-Yang Daoist and Yama Emperor must make a choice, even if they do not want to see the collapse of the prehistoric world and the rupture of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, but they really want to. Can't make choices for others, and can't stop all of this, it's not them who control fate, but Sanqing, Zhun mention and lead themselves, even they themselves are unwilling to pay the price, how can Yin Yang Daoist and Yama Emperor be willing to help !

"Go, I am here, there will be no problem, master all the power of the nether world, find out the secrets we want to find, this is our last chance, now we can't count on those people, we need to decide for ourselves Our own destiny decides our life and death, don't think too much about the rest, everything is borne by me!"

The Yin-Yang Taoist said this to Emperor Yan Luo. This is his farewell to Emperor Yan Luo. When Emperor Yan Luo goes, I am afraid that he will never have the chance to meet again. If he wins, there may be a chance of life. If he fails, everything will be lost. will dissipate the smoke.

Reluctance, the Daoist Yin-Yang has a strong feeling of reluctance on his face, but he did not open his mouth to retain it. This is fate. When the situation develops to this stage, everything can no longer be controlled by himself. In the face of the general trend of the world, he is only a small one. The 'ants', unable to shake the general trend of the world, can only go with the flow!

Emperor Yan Luo nodded lightly and didn't say anything. It's useless to say anything at this time. In the face of fate, they have no strength to resist. They can only survive in this world-destroying catastrophe and compete for the last line. Vitality, relying on others is worse than relying on oneself. Empress Nuwa's suggestion still failed. Sanqing, quasi-promotion and reception are unreliable and unreliable!

At this moment, Empress Nuwa sighed softly. She still overestimated the kindness of Sanqing, Zhunti, and Receiver. Pay attention to Emperor Yama's warning, if they don't do anything, the time for the collapse of the prehistoric world is not far away, and everything will be too late by then!

auzw.com "Yes, fellow Taoist is right, we shouldn't have pinned our hopes on others, and it's time to cut off everything, it's time to let go, we need to prove the Tao, let go Give it a try, prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal!" As soon as Hou Tuzu Wu said these words, her body exuded endless fighting intent, at this time she no longer had any selfishness in her heart, only endless fighting intent!

Today, the netherworld is still calm, and the changes in the prehistoric world have not directly affected the netherworld. There are Emperor Yan Luo and Taoist Yin and Yang, as well as Emperor Jiang Zuwu guarding the world of Wuzu. It is indeed time to let go, even if it fails in the end. , must also give it a go, this is the last chance, once it is lost, there will be no more.

It seems that the other ancestors have also felt the mind of the Houtu ancestors, each with a crazy smile on his face, and all of them are filled with endless fighting spirit, the words of the Houtu ancestors are completely Ignite the fighting spirit in their hearts, the Wu people are never afraid of death, even in the face of the catastrophe, they are not afraid of death!

"Okay, very good, fellow Daoists have such a belief that they will definitely succeed. There are great dangers in your blood, and the power of Pangu is your way to resolve the crisis. This is the last trump card, if it is a last resort, the Houtu Taoist friends can give up all the merits of the six reincarnations, the merits of Pangu's opening of the sky, and the luck of the Wu clan. If I am not mistaken, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun. It is at the cost of Pangu's merits of opening the sky and his own qi fortune, without disturbing the world and people, proving the Dao, the Primordial Golden Immortal!"

At this time, Daoist Yin-Yang didn't want to hide the news of Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun's demonstration, and directly pointed out the shortcut of proving the Tao. Although luck is no longer in full bloom, and there is no Pangu Kaitian merits and virtues at its peak, but with the help of the merits condensed by the six reincarnations, all this can be achieved! It is indeed a shortcut to cut off one's own shackles with great merit and great luck!

Emperor Jiang Zuwu was overjoyed, nodded and said: "Fellow Dao Ming, this really works, if you really can't stand it, you can use the luck of the Wu clan and the godfather to open the sky, and have the protection of the godfather. , this is indeed not dangerous!"

At this time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu didn't care about the luck of the Wu clan. Although racial luck was important, it could be discarded compared with the Taoist sage. And if this world-destroying catastrophe broke out, no one would know about the Wu clan's luck. Can his luck be able to protect the safety of the Wu clan? Does the Wu clan world still exist, so Emperor Jiang Zuwu feels that this is the best choice!

Later Tuzu Wu is still a little hesitant. She deeply understands the consequences of doing so. If you lose Pangu's merits of opening the sky, lose the racial luck and the merits of six reincarnations, it will be a catastrophic blow to the Wu people. The opportunity for development will be completely lost. Before the end of the world-destroying catastrophe, the rest of the Wu clan will no longer have the possibility to grow. Without racial luck, the strength of the Wu clan will be fixed. See, because this means crisis and demise, a race that has lost the ability to develop may go directly to death in the catastrophe, directly facing destruction!

"Little sister, we have no choice, just like I forcibly proved the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal before, the general trend of heaven and earth forces us to do this, if we all fall, we will all die in this world-destroying catastrophe. Do you think that the Wu clan still has life, only when we are alive, can the Wu clan have hope and a future, otherwise there is only one death!"

What Emperor Jiang Zuwu said was right. The life and death of the Wu clan is not based on the luck of the race, but on their twelve ancestor witches. If the twelve ancestor witches die, the Wu clan will also lose everything. I have to say that after proving Dao Primordial Primordial Emperor Jiang Zuwu has made obvious progress, and can see through the root of the problem and point directly to the core!

"Don't hesitate, divide the origin of the Wuzu world, I'm here to suppress the Wuzu world, with all the fellow Daoists here, at this time, the chance is even greater! If you miss this opportunity, there will be no more, take action. Bar!"

Although he was still hesitant in his heart, but under the urging of Emperor Jiang Zuwu again, Houtu Zuwu nodded, and the other ancestors also nodded, and then the twelve ancestors disappeared in the nether world in an instant, with the help of With the power of Emperor Yama's world, return to the Wuzu world, complete the final preparations, and make the final arrangements!

After the Twelve Ancestors left, the figure of Emperor Yan Luo disappeared and entered the origin of the nether world. At this time, only the Yin-Yang Daoist, the ancestor of Ming He and the Empress Nuwa were left. Their expressions were at this time. They have become extremely dignified, and then they will face a crazy battle of preaching, and no one has full confidence in this battle!

"Friend Yin-Yang, can the Twelve Ancestral Witches succeed? Although the Witch Clan has the merits of Pangu's opening of the sky, it has already consumed a lot. Even if they have the merits of racial luck and six reincarnations, it is impossible to support them all in proving the Tao. It is impossible to allow such a situation to happen, and fellow Daoists are not worried about the backlash of the Tao, and are they not worried that the Six Paths of Reincarnation will fall into the grasp of the Tao?"

Empress Nuwa looked at Taoist Yin-Yang suspiciously, wanting to know his opinion and what preparations Taoist Yin-Yang had for this. If it was not possible, she hoped that the twelve ancestors could give up this crazy act of preaching and prove ten times at once. A Hunyuan Jinxian, this is crazy and unacceptable, even she herself can't accept it, let alone authentic.

I saw that the Yin-Yang Taoist smiled lightly and said, "Fellow Daoist's worries do exist, the luck and merit of the Wu clan are indeed not enough to support them to fully prove the Tao, but now they have a choice, and even if they don't prove the Tao Hunyuan Jinxian, Tundao will give up targeting the Wu clan and the six-path reincarnation, and targeting the nether world, no, Tundao will not give up, rather than waiting for the enemy to come to the door, it is better to take the initiative to attack, in fact, I hope Tundao can endure. Living at this time, perhaps our chances will be greater, we are not ready, and the tunnel is also unlikely to be ready."

When neither side is ready, it is the best choice to attack first and take the initiative in your own hands. Although this move is very dangerous, there is also a huge opportunity behind the danger. If this time Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yan Luo would be very willing to see an authentic attack, and early decisive battle is the best chance!

"I'm afraid that fellow Daoist's thoughts will go wrong. It is not only the Tao that is disturbed, but also the Tao of Heaven and Humanity, as well as the Dao Ancestor Hongjun, who has never appeared. If such a situation occurs, I am afraid that the entire Wu clan will face extinction. The calamity will destroy their bodies and souls. They have no ability to resist the combined attack from the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings. Even if Emperor Yan Luo sacrificed his own life, he could not stop this crazy attack. The behavior this time is too crazy. I don’t think it’s advisable. We can completely avoid such extreme methods. There is no need to fight to the death. Opportunity, it's not a good thing, at least not for us!"

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