God of Destruction

Chapter 4626: Festival pros and cons

Chapter 4632 Pros and Cons

"Daoist Minghe, do you think it's right or wrong for the Twelve Ancestors to break out in advance? Is the advantage outweighing the disadvantage for us, or the disadvantage outweighing the advantage?" The Yin-Yang Taoist did not answer Nuwa's concubine, but turned his attention to Styx. Old Ancestor, I want to hear the views of Old Ancestor Ming He, and how he thinks of this life-and-death battle!

Ancestor Ming He smiled indifferently and said, "I support fellow Daoists' suggestion and support the Twelve Ancestral Witches to give it a try. Since the situation has reached a level that is very unfavorable to us, and the situation of the Witch Race is even more dangerous, why don't we let go and fight? , I believe that Emperor Yan Luo was already ready to sacrifice. If Heaven, Earth and Human beings are all at the same time, it is impossible for them to break through the defense of the nether world without damage! In fact, it is not only Emperor Yan Luo who is ready for sacrifice, Jiang Zuwu is also ready to sacrifice, so is the Houtu Zuwu, they have a tacit understanding with fellow Daoists, don't you know what I said?"

The Yin-Yang Taoist nodded lightly and said in a deep voice: "Yes, we have a tacit understanding for a long time. It is impossible that no one will sacrifice in this battle. Since there are sacrifices, someone must stand up. If it is impossible, if the enemy does not give The only way we can survive is to give it a shot. Emperor Jiang Zuwu sits in the Wuzu world not to protect the safety of the Wuzu, but to die together with the enemy in the end. The suicide of a Hunyuan Jinxian will cost everyone a heavy price. The price is the same for the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the same is true for the Netherworld. If Daoist Nuwa has not seen the danger of the situation, I hope you can let go of everything. Times have changed, and we must follow the changes of the times. If there is no deadly battle The determination is that there is no hope of victory in sight!"

Empress Nuwa looked at Daoist Yin-Yang and Patriarch Ming He with a bit of shock. She was shocked by the tacit understanding of these two people, and also shocked by their madness. She only saw the danger of the witch tribe, but did not think of all this The Second Ancestor Wu knew for a long time, and they were also prepared for the worst, and the worst preparation was at the expense of the sacrifice of the two most powerful witches, and even the Emperor Yama, the ghost of the underworld world. Lord, this is crazy and unbelievable!

Immortals are precious, and Empress Nuwa has mastered the avenue of life. She cannot accept such madness and sacrifice. This is the difference in concept. Whether it is the Wu clan, or the ancestor of Ming He and Emperor Yama, they are all related to death. In dealing with them, death is nothing to them, as long as the sacrifice is worthwhile, that's enough, others don't need to care, even if it's their own life and death, this is the gap, the essential gap!

"Is the situation really going to be so crazy? Is there no other way to stop this?" For Empress Nuwa, she still couldn't accept such a cruel and ruthless decision. This is too crazy, too terrifying, this is a life gamble, and for the Empress Nuwa, who masters the avenue of life, she cannot accept it!

The Yin-Yang Taoist took a deep look at Empress Nuwa and said in a deep voice: "The rules of the world have changed, if we can, we are not willing to do it. For us, even if it is a clone, it is the power of our own origin. We also have our own soul, and we don’t want to watch them die, but in such a cruel and merciless catastrophe, we have no choice. If we want to live, if we want to fight for a chance, we can only Fighting to the death, and this will inevitably require someone to sacrifice, the sacrifice of Emperor Yan Luo is for my survival, the sacrifice of Houtu Zuwu and Emperor Jiang Zuwu is for the survival of the entire Wu clan, Daoyou Minghe also has his own ideas, if the goddess It is unacceptable, and the only one who will suffer in the end is yourself, if you don't prepare for the worst, when that day comes, we won't even have a chance to resist, and we will be taken away by this cruel and ruthless world!"

Daoist Yin-Yang's remarks are very serious, and they have a great impact on Empress Nuwa, but this is the reality, and you have no choice but to accept the reality. If Empress Nuwa can't change her mind quickly, this world-destroying catastrophe may be for her. It is death, and it is impossible to take life from this terrifying catastrophe. The last life will only be lost in this war!

Today, the three ways of heaven, earth and people have not yet taken action, and the ancestor of Hongjun is still hidden in the dark, and such a terrible war has broken out in the prehistoric world, and the situation is so dangerous. You can imagine how terrifying the crisis everyone is facing. As an ally, Daoist Yin-Yang kindly reminded Empress Nuwa!

While Empress Nuwa was contemplating, streaks of rays of light appeared in the nether world again. Those were eleven ancestral witches. Under the leadership of the Houtu ancestral witch, they returned to the nether world again. The atmosphere has changed obviously, and it seems that they have made the final preparations, while Emperor Jiang Zuwu stayed in the Wuzu world, suppressed the Wuzu world, and protected the safety of Wuzu beings, although the time was short. , but the Twelve Ancestral Witch clearly understood the danger of the situation!

There was no verbal communication. When seeing the Yin-Yang Taoist, the Houtu Ancestral Witch just nodded slightly and disappeared from everyone's sight, returning to the cycle of reincarnation. Yes, the Houtu Ancestral Witch will be the Twelve Patriarchs. The last person who preaches the Tao among the witches, she must ensure the safety of the six paths of reincarnation, and she must work with the Emperor Jiang Zuwu to stabilize the overall situation of the witch family!

Although this is in the nether world, with the help of Emperor Yan Luo and Taoist Yin and Yang, Emperor Jiang Zuwu and Houtu Zuwu still do not dare to be careless, and still have to be cautious to prevent any crisis that may arise at any time and ensure that other ancestors Witchcraft succeeded!

"See, this is the Wu clan, this is the Zuwu, for them they are never afraid of death, even if their souls are scattered, they are still fearless. In such a short time, there are very few things they can prepare. And they are not in the best state themselves, but they still dare to face death and preach to this madness!"

auzw.com The words of the Yin-Yang Daoist fell gently, and it became a thunder in the ears of the mother of the goddess Nuwa, which made the goddess of the goddess begin to reflect on herself and her own way. Everyone understands that in this At that time, in this situation, the Proving Dao Primordial Primordial is in danger, as long as there is a little mistake, the body will die and the soul will disappear, but this group of crazy ancestor witches of the Wu clan did not flinch!

The first one to jump out was Zhu Jiuyin. This Ancestral Witch, who holds the Dao of Time, lives in the Netherworld and has the blessing of luck in the Netherworld. Although it is dangerous to prove the Dao, it has a greater chance of success. After all, this is just the beginning. , the first to prove the Tao must have certain advantages, and the more dangerous it is, it is precisely because the twelve ancestors know this, so they choose Zhu Jiuyin, the time ancestor. The law of time is one of the laws against the sky. If there is a Primordial Golden Immortal who has mastered the Dao of Time, it will be of great help to the entire Wu clan, allowing the Wu clan to have more chances to survive.

Seeing the unity of the Wu clan, and thinking about the demon clan, Empress Nuwa couldn't help but sighed, people's hearts and people's hearts are the key, unfortunately, the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi did not think that if the demon clan could With the unity of the Wu clan, perhaps the previous catastrophe would not have had that series of turmoil, and the situation in the prehistoric world would not have gotten out of hand until this world-destroying catastrophe came!

Facing the temptation of proving the Tao and the temptation to survive, the Twelve Ancestral Witch can give in to each other, but is it possible to appear among the demon clan? No, this is unrealistic, the demon clan is just a piece of loose sand, even if the demon emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi have paid a huge amount of effort, the demon clan is still a piece of loose sand, each race has mutual interests, and there are also strong people. With their own selfishness, unity is just a joke to them, a joke that can never be achieved!

Because of Emperor Jiang Zuwu's experience in proving the Tao, coupled with the help of everyone and the protection of the nether world, Zhu Jiuyin's preaching has no trouble at all, and everything is very normal. Zhu Jiuyin follows the instructions of Emperor Jiang Zuwu. Guidance, it is easy to prove the Dao Primordial Golden Immortal. Although the Wu clan's great fortune was consumed in this demonstration, the moment he succeeded, the Wu clan's luck was also recovering rapidly, and his proof Dao exacerbated the changes in the prehistoric world and exacerbated the madness of those careerists.

Yes, today's prehistoric world has become crazier and more violent. There is no so-called peace between living beings and living beings. What is good is just killing. All living beings who are not determined have been affected by the negative forces in their hearts, and they are all madly. Killing all the creatures around, they are destroying, destroying everything in the prehistoric world, and they will push the prehistoric world to death!

At this time, Sanqing also had disagreements with Jieyin and Zhunti. As far as Zunti and Jieyin were concerned, they had to prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal in order to gain the power to protect themselves, but Sanqing felt that the Zhou Shan's threat, they must attack quickly, kill all the creatures that destroy the prehistoric world with the fastest speed, and reverse this world-destroying catastrophe. Every extra point is a huge threat to them!

Pangu Zhengzong has both advantages and disadvantages. At this time, Sanqing felt the pressure from the prehistoric world, and they could only attack, so the two sides could not reach an agreement. Yin proving the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian, this result made Zhunti and Jieyin dumbfounded. When was it so easy to prove the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian? Could it be that the sky has changed, the world-destroying catastrophe happened, and the rules of the prehistoric world have changed? As long as you have the ability, you can prove the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian!

Action, we must act quickly, we must prove the Dao Primordial Golden Immortal! This is the real thought of Zhunti and Jie Yin at this moment. They instantly put the three cleanliness behind them, the world-annihilation catastrophe, and frantically went to the Paradise of Elysium. In one fell swoop, he broke the boundary of Hunyuan and became a Golden Immortal of Hunyuan in one fell swoop!

"How is this possible, Zhu Jiuyin succeeded in breaking through the realm in such a short time, proving the Dao Primordial Golden Immortal, how did the Wu people do it, they have so much luck to complete the breakthrough?" Taishang Laojun said There are endless doubts in their eyes, and also the Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master are also puzzled. Even if the Wu clan escaped the Lich War, their strength has not been seriously damaged, but they have already escaped from the prehistoric land. The Wu clan should not have such a strong luck!

It's a pity that no one can give them the answer, everything needs to be found by Sanqing themselves, but they can vaguely guess that there must be the great work of Emperor Yan Luo behind this, and the entire Netherworld as a support, and the Netherworld as one of the three realms , There is great luck and great merit. If there is this world source as a barrier for the people, it can naturally weaken the danger of proving the Tao, but the premise is that it can resist the erosion from the tunnel and can not be disturbed by the tunnel!

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin, the two great ancestors of witches proving the Tao of the Primordial Golden Immortal, the success of time and space, it seems that the witches are really crazy, the twelve ancestors are determined to give it a shot, they are taking the whole witch The survival of the clan is a bet. They made the same decision as us, at the cost of consuming Pangu’s merits and their own luck, in exchange for the success of proving the Tao, but I don’t know how many people’s testimony can be supported by today’s Wu clan’s luck. Dao succeeds, and how much will Emperor Yama in the nether world pay for them!

Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun looked at each other, and they could see a trace of fear in each other's eyes. They were all shocked by the madness of the Wu clan, but this is the benefit of the general trend, the more the Wu clan is Powerful, the more amazing the luck, the more ancestor witches can prove the Tao. If Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun can have such a powerful force as the Wuzu, there is no need to pay the price of Pangu's merits and virtues, and they can be used completely. Their own luck was the price to complete the preaching, but unfortunately they didn't. Even in the Three Purities, the strength of the two of them was weak, and there was no comparison with the interception of the Tongtian Sect Master!

Regret, at this time, Taishang Laojun has endless regrets in his heart. If he knew that building a powerful force would have such great benefits, he should not give up, but try his best to develop human education. Unfortunately, everything is too late. Shang Laojun couldn't do it if he wanted to establish a great sect. The human race has its own great world, and he no longer takes him as the leader of the sect, and he has few disciples, which makes it even more difficult. Taishang Laojun is distressed!

Without disciples, it is useless to establish a sect no matter how big it is, how to teach disciples, Taishang Laojun is distressed, Yuanshi Tianzun is also distressed, only the eyes of Tongtian sect master show a ray of joy, with Intercepting teaching Wanxian in his hand, The sect master of Tongtian believes that his own way of practice is the most correct one, and that the savior of the prehistoric world is the savior of the sect, whether it is humanism, interpretation, or Buddhism, they are not strong enough to shake the savior. The general trend of the world, so luck is intercepting the teaching, the Dao is intercepting the teaching, only the teaching can save the world today, and only the teaching is the protagonist of the world!

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