God of Destruction

Chapter 4632: The power to save the world

Chapter 4638: The Power of Destruction

Soon the second wave of proving the catastrophe came, with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, I don't know if it was the anger of Tiandao caused by Zhun mention and receiving, or if Tiandao had the intention to cause them to die, the second wave of proving the catastrophe directly occurred. The level of the first wave has doubled, and just the terrifying aura overwhelmed the entire prehistoric beings out of breath. At this time, everyone woke up with a start, proving that the Primordial Tribulation is not as simple as they thought, what? You can do it yourself, but it's just an illusion. Heavenly Dao has never been merciful to those who practice the Primordial Primordial Practice. Without great merit, the dangers faced by quasi-promotion and acceptance are beyond everyone's imagination!

"Senior brother, it seems that the way of heaven does not give us a way to live, we need to make a choice, we can't go on like this, otherwise we must be a dead end, just the second wave of calamity is so terrifying, with our origin, it is impossible To survive this proving catastrophe, we must prepare for the worst and use our last strength!"

Jie Yin shook his head lightly and said, "It's not at that moment yet, this is just the second catastrophe, it's no big deal, unless it's a last resort, or we can't use it, once we use it, even if we can Successfully surviving the Primordial Primordial Tribulation will also lead to the strangulation of the three worlds, and even become the target of public criticism!"

What kind of power can make the pick-up and lead so cautious, and what are the trump cards of quasi-prompt and pick-up? It's a pity that no one knew. After hearing the rejection, Zhunti sighed lightly, with a little worry in his heart. He was not optimistic about this sermon. Their strength did not reach perfection at all. Yuan has only one dead end, and only by using the final trump card can there be a chance of life, but his senior brother is unwilling to use it, and is unwilling to expose it in front of everyone!

Zhunti couldn't forcefully use this power, but he made up his mind secretly in his heart that once the situation changed, no matter how much he had to pay, he would have to activate it, and he had to make sure that his senior brother proved to be a golden immortal. Even if it is to sacrifice himself, he will not hesitate to sacrifice himself. As Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yama said, there is always someone to sacrifice. If sacrifice is really necessary, Zhunti is willing to take up this heavy responsibility and sacrifice himself to help his senior brother. !

For the powerhouses like Zunti and Jieyue, they all have their own trump cards, even if it is the three ways of heaven and earth, even if it is Hongjun Daozu, it is impossible to know, especially Zunti and Jieyue, from the very beginning. Without really believing in Hongjun Daozu, they have been secretly guarding against Hongjun Daozu. Although they were finally calculated by Hongjun Daozu, they still retained their trump cards. Now, when facing the proving Dao Primordial Tribulation, Zhun mention wanted to use this heritage.

"Junior brother, don't think so much. For us, even if we face the calamity of proving the Dao, so what if we don't have merit, since we ruled the West, have we ever been treated fairly? As long as we persist, as long as we don't give up, If we can succeed, our faith will not fall, we will have the last laugh and get everything we want!”

The words of this are very nice, but in fact, persistence may not be successful. This is a crazy and terrifying catastrophe. They are just 'ants' in the catastrophe. Now What they endured was only the power of the Tao of Heaven, and the Tao of the Tao and the Tao of Humanity did not take action, but as they continued to prove the Tao, they would inevitably be attacked by the three Taos of heaven, earth and human. Is there a **** way out?

If you say you have absolute confidence, you can’t believe it yourself, but no one has such confidence in proving the Taoist Primordial Tribulation, unless he can have the magical means of Tongtian sect master, can obtain boundless merit, and use great merit to cleanse himself The cause and effect, eliminate the proving Dao Primordial Tribulation, so that oneself can directly prove Dao Primordial Tribulation without the Heaven Tribulation.

In fact, in the midst of the calamity, I vaguely understand a truth. For the proving Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, the sooner the better, because every more Primordial Golden Immortal, the calamity to be faced will be stronger. One point, if there is no special means to eliminate the strength of the catastrophe, it will be more difficult for people to prove the golden immortal in the future. The power of Yuantian Tribulation will be more terrifying and terrifying every time.

Of course, this is not all the case, there will be exceptions, but how the exceptions appear, and the introduction is not clear, he only knows the changes under normal circumstances, if there is no major cause and effect between himself and the prehistoric world, if he can leave the prehistoric world and enter the In the chaotic void, there is no need to face the Primordial Tribulation. The Primal Chaos does not exclude the Dao of Primordial Primordial, but just entering the Primal Chaos void to prove the Dao of Primordial Primordial Jinxian will inevitably be repelled by the prehistoric world, and it is very difficult to enter the prehistoric world again. It will be blocked by the prehistoric world, and like those chaotic beasts, it will become the target of the prehistoric world, the target of destruction!

"Junior brother, in fact, even if it is really unrealistic, we still have a way back, we can withdraw from the prehistoric world, the ultimate power can not be used, it is best not to use it, that power is not something we can control, once it is activated, we will never have a way back. In contrast, I would rather give up the prehistoric and enter the chaos than start it and enter the chaos. As long as the world-destroying catastrophe breaks out, the power of the beasts of chaos will inevitably tear apart the barriers of the prehistoric world, and we still have the opportunity to return to the prehistoric world. Come, but with that power, I am worried that we will really lose everything, and there will be no life!"

Xie Yin was a little worried about Zhunti, and then persuaded him, reminding Zhunti not to be too crazy, the Primordial Tribulation is not their limit, there is no need to put yourself in a desperate situation, the big deal is to give up everything in the prehistoric world and enter chaos in the void.

Zhunti shook his head lightly, he didn't care about the suggestion, and he couldn't accept it. He would not give up everything in the prehistoric world and paid an endless price to get all this. How could it be because of the Primordial Tribulation? If you give up all this, even if you destroy the prehistoric world, even if you let the world enter the world, you can't give up, it is shameful to escape!

Yes, in Zhunti's mind, escaping is shameful and unacceptable. He can't accept such a result. He clearly has strength and strength. Why should he escape? When he really got the time to do something, he was willing to destroy everything and pull everyone to death, and he was not willing to run away!


There were no surprises, and Jieyin and Zhunti still survived the second wave of catastrophe, but now their appearance is a little horrible, and they are no longer as relaxed and unrestrained as before. At this moment, their faces have become extremely solemn, and their eyes There was a hint of shock. In the second wave of catastrophe, they felt different powers. This power was not the power of the heavenly way they thought in their hearts, but the power of destroying the world, the power of destroying the world. , I have crossed the Primordial Tribulation, how can I have the power to destroy the world? Could it be that because I was in the Tribulation of the World Destruction, I triggered the power to destroy the world?

"Senior brother, why is this happening? Has the Primordial Tribulation mutated? It has the power to destroy the world. Although it is very weak, it does exist. If it will continue to increase with the catastrophe, we will be in big trouble, no Knowing that this is just for us, or that all Daoist friends have to face the same situation, I knew that I should communicate with the Twelve Ancestors, and I should be prepared, now it's too late!" Zhun mentioned in the Asked to receive, there was a hint of unwillingness in his eyes!

"Perhaps our Primordial Tribulation has really mutated. Whether it is only aimed at us, or all fellow Daoists have to face, we have no choice. The robbery will not disappear, unless we enter the chaos when we leave the prehistoric world, otherwise the Primordial Tribulation will not disappear!"

"Let's look at it again, if the Primordial Tribulation really changes, we have to prepare for the worst!" Zhunti mentioned the worst preparation again, wanting to use the ultimate power, it seems that this has become his Obsession in the heart.

Zhuangti's reaction to this, he couldn't help sighing secretly. At this level, no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it was useless. , And whether there is a conspiracy behind this, this moment cannot be taken carelessly, and I have to think of the word conspiracy, which is too coincidental!

If all this is a conspiracy, which means that the power mastered by him and Junior Brother Zhunti is detected, the other party wants to use Junior Brother Zhunti to complete the destruction of the world, making this world-annihilation catastrophe even crazier and more terrifying, Let the whole flood into destruction, let all living beings be destroyed in this natural disaster, and let the world start anew.

Who dares to do such crazy calculations? Tiandao, or Hongjun Daozu, or someone else? He couldn't figure it out for a while, but he understood that the situation was getting more and more dangerous and weird. If even the power to destroy the world was controlled by the other party, it would be even more terrifying. The threat of himself and his junior brother Zhunti was too great.

"What secrets are hidden in the prehistoric world? Emperor Yan Luo can make the decision to sacrifice himself and have the heart to die. Is it really impossible to change everything? Is everything really going to be destroyed?" He was shaken, under such circumstances, he couldn't help but be unshakable, who would make one so strange and terrifying!

Has anyone noticed that there is a problem with the Primordial Tribulation of the Primordial Tribulation? Is it only the quasi-promotion and reception who are in the calamity to know, or are many powerhouses outside also aware of it? Yingyin really wanted to know this question, but he couldn't open his mouth. Whenever he wanted to ask, he could feel the warning from his soul, as if he would suffer a devastating blow as soon as he opened his mouth. In this Primordial Primordial Tribulation, the dead souls have no chance to escape!

Nowadays, almost all the powerhouses in the prehistoric world are watching the Dao-Proving Heavenly Tribulation of Zhun mentioning and receiving, but there are not many people who feel the change of the Heavenly Tribulation, because the power of destroying the world is not so easy to perceive. The Yin-Yang Daoist felt the slightest change, and felt the existence of the power to destroy the world in the outbreak of the Primordial Tribulation. One, you can use all the power in the prehistoric world!

"Daoyou Minghe, have you noticed that the prehistoric world is changing, the chaotic small world we have been to is fighting against the prehistoric world, it is going to enter the prehistoric world, and the force that caused all this turned out to be the power of extinction. , this is really weird!" Yes, when the power of destroying the world appeared, the chaotic little world became more violent, which made the Yin-Yang Daoist somewhat incomprehensible.

"Yeah, I also feel its existence. What is going on? Why is there such a change in the judging and extradition of a proving Taoist Primordial Tribulation? Could it be that there is a black hand behind all this? However, who has such power, is it Hongjun Daozu, or Tiandao, or other powers, the existence of this power is a threat to us!"

Ancestor Ming He also felt boundless pressure at the moment. Such a strange situation would be very unfavorable to him. It would break the rules and order of the prehistoric world. Although the current prehistoric world order no longer exists, it has not completely collapsed. If the rules and order of the entire world are shattered, it will be a real disaster, a real catastrophe!

what to do? Old Ancestor Ming He is also constantly thinking about how he should face this changing trend, and how to find a ray of life in this crazy world-destroying catastrophe. On the Yin-Yang Daoist, or in the chaotic little world that he had been to, the ancestor Ming He could not be sure about this, because this is the chaos of the world-destroying catastrophe, and it is impossible to calculate the correct path and know where the vitality lies. !

"Forget it, what do I want to do so much, even if the sky falls, as long as there is enough strength, everything is nothing, and even if there is really a big crisis, the one who stands in the way is the Yin-Yang Daoist, and it is also the Mother Nuwa. There are also Sanqing and the others, which have nothing to do with me, I just need to save myself!" Ancestor Ming He quickly gave up thinking and put all the responsibilities on others, he didn't want to take any responsibility, any danger !

Can things really be as Ancestor Ming He wants, and can he escape his own responsibility like this? Impossible, if Old Ancestor Ming He has such an illusion, it can only be said that he is too naive. If he insists on doing this, what awaits him must be death and destruction. No one can save him. Come, all the prehistoric creatures will face, no one can be an exception!

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