God of Destruction

Chapter 4633: section evolution

Chapter 4639 Evolution

"Where does the power of destroying the world come from? Who is in the hands of this power? What does he want to do? Why does he interfere with the Primordial Tribulation of Zhunti and Reception? What secrets are hidden behind this? , what are you hiding from me?" The Yin-Yang Daoist was murmuring and thinking constantly, for some reason, in the Yin-Yang Daoist's heart, there was always a feeling that as long as he found a clue, he might be able to open up the backstory. All the hidden secrets, can know everything hidden by the three worlds, can know the calculations of Hongjun Daozu, and even know whether Pangu Yuanshen really exists!

Unfortunately, no matter how hard the Yin-Yang Daoist tried, he couldn't find any clues or clues, as if everything had fallen into the fog, and he was just looking at flowers in the fog. The ancestor came to shake the chaotic little world, and wanted to let this little world rush into the prehistoric world quickly, but the bastard, the ancestor of Ming He, obviously didn't take it to heart.

For the **** Ming He, the Taoist Yin-Yang has nothing to do with him. This **** doesn't want to take risks, so he can't force him to do it, and the Taoist Yin-Yang doesn't want the entire prehistoric beings to know the existence of that chaotic little world. There is a clone of its own in the chaotic little world, but once everyone knows its existence, it is very detrimental to their clone!

In the worries of the Yin-Yang Daoist, Zhunti and Jie Yin ushered in a new wave of Primordial Tribulation, and things are really as worried as the Yin-Yang Daoist, the power of destroying the world really has to be integrated into the Primordial Tribulation. As soon as a wave of Primordial Primordial Tribulation came out, you could clearly feel a trace of the power of destroying the world hidden in it, and the power of destroying the world now has obviously been enhanced.

Bad thing, bad thing! This is the first thought of yin and yang Taoists. If they can't stop the power of destroying the world from growing, they will die and die. When the last wave of Primordial Tribulation appears, I am afraid that they will face the real world-annihilation. Law, and at that time, perhaps the entire prehistoric world will suffer the disaster of extinction, and it will be shrouded in the death penalty!

At this time, the Yin-Yang Taoists couldn't help but wonder if this world-annihilating catastrophe was initiated by Zhun mentioning and receiving, and whether it was only when they crossed the Primordial Tribulation that the real world-annihilating catastrophe was triggered, or why would it be the case when other people cross the border? There was no such change at the time of the Primordial Tribulation, but there was a change when they crossed the Primordial Tribulation. If this is the case, what secrets are hidden in the two of them, which will lead to the advent of the World Destruction Tribulation. , subject them to such a terrible crisis.

The Yin-Yang Daoist wanted to find out all of this, but Zhun mentioning and receiving are in the Primordial Tribulation, and there is no way to ask. The outbreak will only make the situation uncontrollable, and it will only make Zhunti and Jieyin die faster, unless there will be no other gains!

Daoists of Yin and Yang don't want to see Zhun Ti and Jie Yin die. It's best for these two **** to survive. Only when they are alive can they know what happened to them, what secrets they hide from everyone, and why they Can trigger the power of destroying the world, why can they let the situation get out of hand!

Zhunti and Jie Yin also wanted to figure out why their Primordial Primordial Tribulation had the power to destroy the world, but unfortunately they couldn't ask aloud at all, they had already fallen deeply into this dangerous catastrophe. , already involuntarily!

"Senior brother, maybe we should ask Sanqing for help. The outbreak of the Primordial Tribulation is not normal. This is related to Sanqing and the great land. We are relying on humanity to open up the world of bliss, and the root of humanity lies in the great land. , now Sanqing has not taken action to suppress those lunatics who destroy the prehistoric land, which will lead us to face such a crisis! If they took action to suppress and stabilize the prehistoric land, maybe everything would be different. In the world of the underworld, if we can't be stable, anyone will suffer from their backlash, and we are in the human world, it is inevitable!"

When Zhunti's words fell, he was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that it made sense. If the prehistoric world could not be stable, it would be a big trouble for them who are in the human world and bear the burden of humanistic cause and effect, and this It is directly reflected in one's own Primordial Primordial Tribulation, directly allowing oneself to face this terrifying danger and the terrifying power of destroying the world!

However, another question is placed in front of the reception and the Zhun mention, how to ask Sanqing for help, how to agree to his own help, how to do his best to stabilize the prehistoric land, and how to weaken the Primordial Tribulation that he is facing. But a very troublesome problem, they don't have such a good relationship with Sanqing, they can make Sanqing obey!

"I also want to do this, but now we can't contact Sanqing at all, now we can only rely on ourselves, our Primordial Tribulation has mutated, and it has become a punishment, now we have to be careful, maybe this is related to us The ultimate power is related, if it is not a last resort, the junior brother should not use it, its existence is our greatest reliance, if we lose it, we will also lose the greatest trump card!" Yieyin reminded Zhunti again, and This time, he clearly noticed the problem of his own, and he also had a little guess about the appearance of the power of destroying the world. If the guess is correct, this time they are in big trouble!

"What, senior brother, can you be sure, but how is this possible, it's just power!" Zhunti's expression changed instantly, and a trace of shock and fear couldn't help but in his eyes, if this is the case, their trouble big!

"I'm not entirely sure, but it's definitely related to that power. Otherwise, it can't be explained that the Primordial Primordial Tribulation we are facing will be so terrifying, and other people have not had the same changes as us, so we must be cautious, once Using that ultimate power, perhaps when our bodies and souls disappear, the prehistoric world will not be able to accommodate us, even if we escape from the prehistoric world, we cannot use it. With it, we will have a chance to survive and climb to the top. possible!"

"I understand!" Zhunti nodded cautiously and said, with endless anger in his eyes. For him, there was too much resentment in his heart, dissatisfaction with the prehistoric world, dissatisfaction with all beings, and dissatisfaction with Sanqing and The resentment of others!


Yes, it's resentment. In Zhunti's view, the reason for such a change is because of those bastards. If Sanqing could suppress all beings in the prehistoric world in time, and stabilize the prehistoric land, this would not happen at all. Due to the accident, he and his senior brother can easily survive the proving of the Primordial Primordial Tribulation and become a Golden Immortal of Primordial Primordial cultivation.

Zhunti has never thought about what others owe him, all this is their own cause and effect, caused by themselves, and has nothing to do with others. If they did not prove the Tao, naturally there would not be this disaster, after all Everything is their own responsibility!

"You can understand, this is a threat, but it is also an opportunity. If we can use the power of the catastrophe to wash ourselves, we will be stronger than others and have a more solid foundation after proving the Tao, so we can't take the road of trickery. , consolidating yourself is the best choice!" Having said that, you must have this strength, or you will only fall under this Primordial Tribulation!

When Yingyin and Zhunti once again blocked this wave of Primordial Primordial Tribulation, a trace of surprise appeared on their faces. This time they had different feelings, and this time the reason why they were surprised Yes, his inner world has actually changed. After resisting the Primordial Primordial Tribulation, the inner world he opened up has actually grown, and the inner world is evolving!

Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes, Zhunti said in a deep voice, "Senior brother, what's going on, how can there be such a change, could it be that this is our chance? "

Jie Yin shook his head lightly and said, "I don't know, maybe this is our chance, but we can't be careless, what we have to face is not only the Primordial Tribulation, but also the power to destroy the world, maybe it is because Only by resisting the power of destroying the world will the inner world evolve, the power of destroying the world can destroy the world, but eliminating the power of destroying the world can also benefit!"

"If this is the case, the mutation of the Primordial Tribulation is a great good thing for us. The inner world we created was originally incomparable to others due to the lack of origin, and now we can finally Its perfection, or even a step further, surpasses others, I believe that we will be able to succeed!" When he saw the huge benefits, Zhunti's heart no longer had any resentment, but only endless desire and greed. Excited by the huge benefits in the Yuantian Tribulation!

This kind of feedback is indeed a big opportunity for the mention and introduction, but there is also a huge danger hidden in this big opportunity. If you want to get this opportunity, the premise is that they can be in this Primordial Tribulation. Survive and have the last laugh, or else they are still waiting for death, and this chance has become their deadly hand!

"Junior brother, don't think too much, no matter whether he is a chance or a crisis, we must face it squarely, be careful, and not be sloppy in the slightest, otherwise we will eventually fall, Hun Yuantian. The robbery is still there, the world-destroying catastrophe still exists, and we are still in danger!" Seeing the excited Zhunti, he couldn't help but sigh, and he was a little worried about the current Zhunti, and his mood was damaged. Below, the change of quasi-mentioned is too great!

Before Zhunti could answer, a new round of Primordial Tribulation fell again. Although this Primordial Tribulation has become weird, terrifying and dangerous, everything has a chance of life. The same is true for the introduction, their Primordial Tribulation has mutated, but in this Primordial Primordial Tribulation, the power of that Tribulation does not fall in a series, there is a gap in the middle, leaving Zhunti and Jiyue to breathe With recovery time, that's where their silver lining lies!

Facing a new round of Primordial Primordial Tribulation, Zhunti and Reception are keeping their minds tightly, and they continue to break out one after another attacks to destroy the Heavenly Tribulation that falls from the void and eliminate the destruction contained in the Heavenly Tribulation. The power of the world, because of the previous conjectures, this time Yingyue and Zhunti are carefully feeling their own changes. If you want to know whether the evolution of the inner world is due to the existence of the power of destroying the world, you can only clarify this question. , so that they can feel at ease and let them know where the changes are.

Soon, Jie Yin and Zhunti found the answer, and the result was correct. Every time a world-destroying power was wiped out, their inner world would grow a little bit. The power of destroying the world in the Yuantian Tribulation is too terrifying to consume. Even though they have been prepared for a long time, they still feel huge pressure. This is indeed a good chance, but here There is also endless pressure behind the opportunity!

"Unfortunately, if our inner world can be improved a little bit more, it would be great if we can have more genius treasures and innate spiritual roots, so that we don't have to worry about the shortage of the source, but now the inner world can absorb the power of extinction, but the development It's still too slow!" Zhunti sighed secretly in his heart, this is the consequence of his own lack of knowledge, compared to Sanqing, compared to the strong men like Nuwa, the background of Zhunti and Jieyue are really different. It's big, and it's not even on the same level at all!

Complaining is complaining, but Zhunti also understands that this is the truth. He can't change the truth, and he can only accept it silently. Fortunately, now he can nourish and strengthen himself by erasing the world-destroying power in the Primordial Tribulation. The inner world opened up, as long as your inner world can continue to grow, you will definitely have the opportunity to catch up with others.

There are indeed opportunities, but the cost is also huge. The Primordial Tribulation is not just for decoration, but to give them benefits. It is also a kind of deterrence, a kind of destruction. If you can block this power, you will be able to get rewards. , can't stop this terrifying impact of power, waiting for them must be death, and there will be gains and evolution only if they pay.

Zhunti understands this point, and Yingyue also understands that for people like them with insufficient background, although this test is extremely dangerous, they don’t care about the danger, they only care about the harvest, as long as they can get a huge harvest, It is enough to be able to get the benefits that others do not have from the Primordial Tribulation, even if they have to face the dangers and crises again and again, this is nothing to them. No need to care!

Interest is eternal. As long as there is interest, everything else is not a problem. As long as you can make yourself go further and become stronger, there is nothing wrong with a little test. They long for more such good things. Only Only in this way can I become stronger and become the real powerhouse in the prehistoric world!

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