God of Destruction

Chapter 4634: Suppression of Heaven

Chapter 4640: Suppressing Heaven

There are many people who are watching the quasi mention and the introduction, and this mutated Primordial Tribulation has also fallen into the eyes of many people. Even those saints who have stabilized the heavens are also shocked by this sudden mutation. , they all deeply felt the terrifying breath from the Primordial Tribulation, and even the saints of the Heavenly Dao felt the breath of death.

Yes, these heavenly saints felt the breath of death without exception, and this made them angry, as if they had been deceived by the heavens. This means that the immortality of the immortal saints they rely on is false, and if they face to face the Primordial Tribulation, they will only have a dead end!

"Damn bastard, how many false lies have Tiandao made, the immortality of Tiandao and the immortality of saints are all lies. If we are in this chaos, there is only one way to die, and the saints of Tiandao are just a joke. No wonder Sanqing, Zhunti, Jieyin and Empress Nuwa would give up their status and authority as saints of the Tao of Heaven, they all understand the falsity of the Tao of Heaven!"

"Perhaps we should consider retreating. We can't be bound by the way of heaven, and we can't die in the calculations of the way of heaven and Hongjun. We originally thought that the saint of the way of heaven was the best way to save our lives, even in the event of a catastrophe. , Now it seems that we are all wrong, we need to prepare a retreat for ourselves, and cannot be restricted by heaven!"

"Yes, we should indeed prepare a way out for ourselves. The Primordial Golden Immortal is the real path of cultivation. The Saint of Heavenly Dao is just a false lie and is not trustworthy at all. Let's all think about it, Haotian and Yaochi died not long ago. , even they have been abandoned and become the abandoned sons of heaven, and we people are nothing!"

"There is a way to retreat, but we can't act in a hurry. After all, we don't have the strengths of Sanqing, Nuwa Niangniang, Zhunti, and Jieyin. If we dare to betray the way of heaven, I'm afraid that it will soon lead to death. , we must be fully prepared, and we can't act rashly on the spur of the moment and let ourselves fall into a desperate situation!"

"Well said, we should indeed act carefully. Now we are going all out to suppress the origin of the heavenly realm to ensure that the heavenly realm is not destroyed. When the heavenly realm is completely stabilized, before we want to retreat, we will make preparations to escape!"

For a time, many sages of Heavenly Dao lost their minds, even the most peaceful sages of the stars also thought of betrayal. No one wants to be deceived all the time. No matter how peaceful the old and good people are, there will be moments of anger. The person who has maintained the ancient star field also made a choice in anger. He has always maintained the stability of the ancient heaven wholeheartedly, maintained the barriers of the prehistoric world, and blocked the invasion of the chaotic beasts to the prehistoric world. What did I get in exchange for paying such a high price? It was a deception and a lie, which was unacceptable to the sage of the stars!

Even an old and good person like Saint Xingchen can't bear it, but one can imagine how crazy and insidious Tiandao is. This time, Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu really came to the end of betrayal and separation. They have always regarded everyone as ants, chess pieces, and considered themselves They control the fate of all living beings, and they control everything, but reality tells them that this is all false. When all lies are exposed, what awaits them will be the backlash of fate, and will be betrayal and separation!

"Stabilize the heavens and prepare for the escape in the future. This time we must unite. Only when we are united will we have a chance of life. Otherwise, we will only be consumed by the wild world and become a fool who is deceived by others. !"

Soon, all the saints of the heavenly realm will unite together, and they will work together to stabilize the origin of the heavenly realm. For them, the heavenly realm cannot be broken, and the origin of the heavenly realm cannot collapse, otherwise they will all suffer from the backlash from the origin of the heavenly realm and the backlash from the floods. Because they are heavenly saints, saints are born to serve the floods, their life and death are closely linked with the floods, the floods are destroyed, and they have only one dead end, so these heavenly saints are restrained by the heavens.

It is precisely because of the actions of these heavenly saints, precisely because they stabilized the origin of the lower heavens, that they did not let the heavens go directly to destruction, and did not separate the heavens from the prehistoric world. The pressure of mentioning and quoting makes them able to face this strange and terrifying Primordial Tribulation.

If the heaven collapses, although these heavenly saints will have to pay a heavy price, the quasi mention and reception who are also in the Primordial Tribulation will inevitably suffer the most terrifying backlash. The response workers, their fate is conceivable, and death has become their only ending, no one can face the backlash from the prehistoric world in the Primordial Tribulation, and no one can withstand this internal and external The attack of pincer attack, quasi-raise and lead-in can't be done!

With the continuous enhancement of the Primordial Tribulation, as the power of destroying the world continues to grow stronger, more and more powerhouses have gradually discovered the strangeness of this Primordial Tribulation, and discovered that hidden in The power of destroying the world in the robbery, when they saw such a situation, everyone was dumbfounded. Not everyone can have the concentration of Yin-Yang Daoist, and can not be shocked by this power of destroying the world. When many people see such a situation, they can't help but feel angry in their hearts. They are angry at the Dao of Heaven, the ancestors of Hongjun Dao, and the entire prehistoric world. The emergence of such a power makes them all deeply feel the power from the prehistoric world. Malicious!

"The way of the bastard, how could such a situation happen? This is the power of destroying the world. How could it appear in the Primordial Tribulation? What does it want to do? Could it be that he can't wait to let all the dead and souls disappear, it is really tolerated. Can't you get off Hunyuan Avenue?"

Countless people are shouting, but unfortunately, no matter how angry these people are, they can't change the situation in front of them, and they can't reverse the general trend. In the face of the general trend of the world, these people are just ants and can't reverse everything. For them, they can only accept it silently. Let them be the weak, the weak have no right to choose, and the weak can only bear all the crises silently.


Although everyone is very angry, in such a big environment, anger is useless, strength is the foundation of everything, without strong strength, no matter how much anger they have in their hearts, it will not change the situation, they want to master Their own destiny, only by strengthening themselves, only by enhancing their own strength, and only in this way, can they survive in the world-destroying catastrophe!

"Hehe, it seems that Sanqing took our words as a deaf ear, and even ignored our warning. At this time, under such circumstances, he was distracted, and instead of suppressing the creatures in the wild land, he ignorantly watched Zhunti and the The sermons quoted, it seems that they are really not afraid of death. They are ruining their own vitality. Once the situation gets out of hand, they will be the first to die. The great cause and effect, inherited the power of Pangu, inherited the luck of Pangu, they have to bear their own responsibility for all this, but they do this, they can't do it, so their ignorance makes them fall into In the real desperate situation, I really don't know what Boundless is thinking!"

Speaking of this, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help but sigh again, with a hint of loss in his eyes. The more the situation develops like this, this is a great threat to the prehistoric world and all living beings. Destruction is coming, but no one wants to believe in Yin-Yang Daoist people, even if they have seen the shocking changes in the prehistoric world, they still think in their own right that they are the strong ones who can get out of their bodies. A big joke!

Yes, in the hearts of many strong people in the prehistoric world, they all have the same self-confidence as fascination. They all feel that they are the protagonists of heaven and earth. In the end, don't you know that it is this stupid idea that will kill them and ruin their lives!

Just when the Yin-Yang Daoist was speechless, suddenly, a message came from the depths of the nether world, which was from Emperor Yan Luo. After receiving this information, the Yin-Yang Daoist's eyes became cold. The body exuded a strong killing intent, and the information from Yan Luochanjun was too amazing, which the Yin-Yang Daoist did not expect.

There is indeed a big secret in the Netherworld, and this secret is actually in the Netherworld, more precisely in the source of the Netherworld, if it wasn't for Emperor Yan Luo's decision to die, he would go deep into the Netherworld desperately. In the core of the enemy, the secret cannot be detected at all, and without knowing the secret, it is impossible to know the conspiracy of the enemy.

"It's troublesome, it's really troublesome, the secret is actually hidden in the source of the nether world, even if Emperor Yan Luo can't grasp this secret for a while, and can't find that ray of life for everyone from the darkness! It seems that the most Bad preparations are inevitable, sacrifices are inevitable, and everything is heading for the worst!"

Unwilling, Yin Yang Taoist is really unwilling to suffer such a shock, unwilling to be controlled by the enemy all the time, the nether world has always been under the control of the enemy, as long as the other party is willing, the entire nether world can be easily destroyed. The sentient beings were killed, and his own confidant was just a joke, a big joke!

"Houtu Ancestor Witch, summon the twelve Ancestor Witch to come to the Netherworld, we need to re-discuss the countermeasures, there is a big accident!" A low voice rang in the Houtu Ancestral Witch's ear, this is the Yin-Yang Taoist The voice of Houtu Zuwu can clearly feel the boundless pressure from this voice. The danger is coming, so that the Yin-Yang Daoist has to redo the preparations!

"Damn, what happened to make Daoist Yin-Yang make such a choice, calling everyone in such a sensitive period?" There was a faint shock in the eyes of Houtu Zuwu, she felt that the world was changing, The environment is changing!

Although I don't know what happened, the Houtu Zuwu understands the seriousness of the matter, otherwise the Yin-Yang Daoist would not do this, no matter how much danger the twelve ancestors will suffer after responding, but the Houtu ancestors will be in danger. They don’t know how to give up. If the Wu clan refuses in such a tense situation, perhaps the first unlucky one will be the Wu clan. They must stand with the Yin-Yang Daoist and with the Netherworld!

Soon, Houtu Zuwu notified other ancestor witches, even Emperor Jiang Zuwu, who guarded the witch world, was also notified and could not be absent from this conversation. Although the Yin-Yang Taoist did not issue a death order, Emperor Jiang Zuwu and others Zu Wu can refuse, but they all understand that if the Wu clan really has to do this, it also means that they part ways with the nether world, and this consequence is something they cannot bear, and it is also a consequence that the entire Wu clan cannot bear. After all, they do not have yin and yang. Daoist-like confidence.

Yes, after so long of understanding and running in, the Twelve Ancestral Witches deeply understand how powerful Yin-Yang Daoists are, how terrifying their backgrounds are, and how terrifying their powers are, and all of this is hidden. Knowing is not all, under such circumstances, how dare the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan refuse the Yin-Yang Daoist, how can they refuse!

The Twelve Ancestors have long set up a powerful teleportation formation in the Six Paths of Reincarnation. As long as they are willing to pay a certain price, they can quickly return to the Six Paths of Samsara from any angle in the prehistoric world. More precisely, they can return to the Six Paths of Samsara. The Witchman Dao in the reincarnation, because the Witchman Dao is the biggest source of the Witch Race, and it is also their final destination.

"Little sister, what is it that you are so eager to summon us to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, we are all running in the origin of the world in our bodies, and coming back at this time will seriously affect our running in and our chances of proving Dao Hunyuan. !" Those Ancestral Witches who have not yet proven the Dao Primordial Primordial feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts, but they are helpless!

When hearing the complaints of these people, without waiting for Houtu Zuwu to explain, Emperor Jiang Zuwu shouted in a deep voice: "Enough is enough, shut up for me, how did you get the opportunity to prove the Dao? Do you think that such an opportunity can be obtained casually? You still have the face to complain about Xiaomei. If Xiaomei hadn’t sacrificed so many benefits for us, she would have already proven Dao Primordial, instead of being trapped in the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Among them, it has not always been burdened with many causes and effects of the Wu clan!"

When Emperor Jiang Zuwu's words fell, the other ancestor witches did not dare to speak again. They were deeply intimidated by Emperor Jiang Zuwu, and they were also distressed by their ignorance, knowing that they said something that should not be said. , So all of them lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the ancestors of the ancestors, for fear that they would see the sad look in the eyes of the ancestors of the ancestors!

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