God of Destruction

Chapter 4636: Let's die and then live

Chapter four thousand six hundred and forty-two

"Fellow Daoists, there is such a terrifying secret sealed in the origin of the Netherworld. Where did this secret come from, and when did it exist? We don't know, maybe only the Tao knows, maybe this is what the three worlds have been thinking about. What they want is also their goal to promote the annihilation of the world, and it may even be the goal of Hongjun Daozu. Now we have discovered the secrets of the origin of the nether world. Is there the same secret in the origin of the heavenly world? No, if there is, what kind of changes will this bring to this world-annihilation catastrophe, and what will the world look like?"

Yes, now that such a terrifying secret has been discovered in the origin of the nether world, will there be none in the origin of the heavens and the origin of the great land? If these secrets are the goals of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, or even the goal of Hongjun Daozu, it will be a big trouble for them, and the crisis they will face will be even more terrifying, even more terrifying, and even the world-destroying catastrophe will be more dangerous. direction development!

"Fellow Daoists, what is in front of us now is what to do, how to face the danger that is about to break out, once the secrets of the nether world are beyond our imagination or even our ability to bear, how should we face it? The accident made everything uncontrollable, and I might as well tell everyone that Emperor Yama said that even if he sacrificed himself, he could not guarantee the safety of the nether world, nor would he be able to reduce the danger to a level that we can accept!"

With a swipe, everyone's faces became extremely pale, this is the worst news they have heard! If even Emperor Yan Luo sacrificed his own life to reduce the danger to a level that everyone can bear, it can be seen how terrifying and brutal this world-destroying catastrophe is. This is great bad news for everyone. Will be in such a hurry to inform everyone!

what to do? Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they couldn't think of a way to break the game. There was endless shock and fear in their eyes. Even Empress Nuwa couldn't bear it. She originally thought that she had mastered the avenue of life, and then united with everyone. , there should be enough strength to face this world-annihilation catastrophe and be able to seize a chance of life in the world-annihilation catastrophe. Now she has no such confidence, nor dare to have such self-confidence, she does not think that she is Can be stronger than Emperor Yama!

"Fellow Yin and Yang, we have discussed with Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin before, but now the situation is so dangerous, should we have a good talk with them, even if we can't contact Zhunti and Jieyin for a while, but we We should negotiate with Sanqing, after all, they also have great power, if we can join forces with them, our chances of survival may be even greater!" Under this huge pressure, the first thought of the Nuwa Empress was Unite other forces, and Sanqing is the best choice!

Without waiting for the Yin-Yang Daoist to speak, the ancestor Ming He said with a solemn expression: "No, Daoist Nuwa, we can't do this, if we people do our best to pay and there is still a chance of life, then contacting Sanqing will only ruin it. Losing this chance, facing this dangerous catastrophe, it is not that the more people the better, Sanqing and we are not the same way, their selfishness is too heavy, and they are not worthy of our trust at all, if in such a big environment Also distracted, we have no life at all, I am against your suggestion!"

As soon as Old Ancestor Ming He said this, the twelve ancestor witches also nodded, not only Old Ancestor Ming He could not believe in Sanqing, but they also couldn't believe in Sanqing. The previous meeting made everyone see Sanqing. They all don't want to pay too much price for mentioning and absorbing their selfishness, and they all want to take advantage of the fisherman!

"Yes, Daoist Minghe is right, we are not the same as Sanqing, we can't pin our hopes on them, that would be irresponsible to ourselves, and if such an accident occurs, what we need is unity, since Emperor Yama cannot ensure safety. We need to prepare for even worse. Everyone must be prepared to sacrifice. If things don’t work, I can sacrifice the six reincarnations, and the Wuzu can sacrifice the Wuzu world. What are the preparations for the two fellow Taoists? "

At this time, the Houtu Zuwu took out the determination of the Wu clan. The Wu clan can bear such a big sacrifice. If the ancestor of Ming He and the mother of Nuwa want to continue to stay in this team, they must also make some sacrifices. It is impossible for them to only enjoy the benefits without paying at all, and let the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Wu clan bear everything!

For a moment, Mother Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He frowned. They were all thinking about their responsibilities, and they all understood that this was not because the twelve ancestors were dissatisfied with them, but they had to accept it. Responsibility!

"If things really get out of hand, I can pay for the monster world, but the human world must be preserved, leaving a ray of life for the monsters. After all, I can't watch them all go to destruction!" After some thought, Empress Nuwa made a decision that she didn't want to make. For her, this decision was too cruel.

Ancestor Ming He also sighed and said: "If it really comes to that moment, I can detonate part of the negative origin of the prehistoric world, but once we do this, it means that we are the enemy of the entire prehistoric world, and we will bear endless burdens. Karma!"

Karma, whether it is Emperor Yama's destruction of the origin of the Netherworld, or the destruction of the Witch Race's own world, the destruction of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, or the destruction of the Monster Race's world, there will be great cause and effect, great karma, no one can get rid of it, but This is what everyone must face, because what they have to face is not an ordinary crisis, but a real catastrophe.

auzw.com I saw that the Yin-Yang Taoist sighed: "If possible, I don't want to see such a situation happen, and I don't want everyone to bear such terrible karma, but we There is no other choice, everything is not in our control, you have all seen the Primordial Tribulation of the Primordial Tribulation, I believe that everyone feels the variation, the power of destroying the world and the Tribulation of Heaven, is this? Is it not enough to make you vigilant, such power has appeared, do we have any other choice, let us die and then live again, this is our only hope, if you don’t even have such determination, this world-destroying catastrophe will only be feared It's life and death!"

Silence, everyone was silent for a moment, they all understood that the Yin-Yang Taoist was right, but it was really difficult to make such a determination, and it was difficult for everyone to accept, after all, no one wanted to see this terrible When the situation occurs, they are unwilling to accept such serious consequences, even if they all understand that their situation is terrifying and dangerous, this is human nature, this is the selfishness in human nature, and no one can avoid the situation, not all Everyone can be as crazy as Emperor Yama!

"Fellow Daoist Yin-Yang, the most important thing for us now is to do everything possible to help Emperor Yan Luo understand the secrets in the origin of the Netherworld. Only by doing this can we have room for maneuver, otherwise we will be prepared for the worst. It is also difficult to survive this impending world-destroying catastrophe!" Empress Nuwa's voice rang in everyone's ears, this was her sincere words, and it was also the situation she thought everyone should face the most, and they should go to the Things to do!

Daoist Yin-Yang sighed: "This is exactly what I wanted to gather everyone, but you must understand that doing so requires a huge price and requires everyone's concerted efforts. ."

Houtu Zuwu said in a deep voice: "Fellow Yin and Yang, please tell us what we should do. I believe that everyone understands the danger of the situation and the responsibilities to be undertaken. No one is stupid enough to be wise. At this time, under such circumstances Save your strength!"

"Yes, Houtu Zuwu is right, we will all follow the orders of fellow Taoists, this is our only chance of survival!"

"Okay, since everyone said so, let me tell you what I think, I need the power of the twelve ancestors and the entire witch clan to stabilize the nether world, because you are the most suitable, and I, the ancestor of Minghe, the Nuwa Fellow Daoists should fully help Emperor Yan Luo, give the greatest help to Emperor Yan Luo, and crack the secret of the origin of the nether world in the shortest possible time. We do not seek to master this secret, but seek to understand it. Only by understanding the secrets hidden in the nether world can we have A silver lining to find the right countermeasures!"

After hearing the arrangement of Taoist Yin-Yang, the eyes of everyone revealed endless pressure. They could all feel how much pressure they were carrying. The Twelve Ancestral Witches knew more about their responsibilities and stabilized the netherworld. , This is easy to say, but it is difficult to do. Even if the ancestors of the earth have mastered the six reincarnations, it is not an easy task to stabilize the nether world, not to mention that they can't get the help of others now.

No one knows what kind of counterattack he will receive once Emperor Yan Luo fully cracks the secrets in the origin of the Netherworld, nor does he know what kind of impact it will have on the entire Netherworld when such a situation breaks out, and what changes will occur in the Netherworld. , So in the face of the unknown, the mood of the twelve ancestor witches is extremely condensed, but they can't find a reason to refuse!

After seeing the solemn appearance of the Twelve Ancestors, Daoist Yin-Yang nodded lightly, then set his eyes on Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He, and said in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist Nuwa, this time Please open up the avenue of life and protect the life of Emperor Yan Luo. No matter how terrible backlash you face, you must ensure the safety of Emperor Yan Luo, and you must not let him have life worries. His existence is our vitality, and Styx Road Friends need to give full support to Emperor Yama, and I will be responsible for the supply of the source. This time, we have no retreat. Once we start, we cannot end at will. Only when Emperor Yama succeeds can we stop. I hope everyone can do this. Understand, be prepared!"

When Daoist Yin-Yang said these words, there was a hint of shock in everyone's eyes. There was no retreat from the beginning, so they had to persevere until the end. This was too big a shock for everyone and made them a little unacceptable for a while, because they They are all selfish, they are unwilling to face the threat of death, and they cannot retreat at any time, which means that their lives are not guaranteed, which makes the twelve ancestors hesitate, and also makes the mother Nuwa and the ancestors of Ming He have concerns. !

Seeing everyone's hesitation, Daoist Yin Yang couldn't help sighing in his heart. In the face of life and death, these people are still selfish and unable to do their best. This makes Daoist Yin and Yang speechless. The situation has reached this point. At this time And selfishness, is it worth working with these people, and is it worth paying such a big price? The Yin-Yang Taoist was asking about his own heart. The reactions of these people made him feel a little unworthy. In contrast, his own efforts were the biggest one, but these people did not see this at all. In their eyes, their What I have in my heart is only self-interest, and I have never thought about others!

"Fellow Daoists, I hope you can understand how dangerous our situation is now. If you don't even have this determination, we don't need to waste our precious time. It's better for us to disperse the secret. Life and death are all safe, and no one has to bear the huge cause and effect! If you can't fully devote yourself to this confrontation, it's better for us to give up. I don't want it to happen. Halfway through, some of you left the stage because of selfishness, harming others and yourself, causing everyone to suffer a devastating blow in vain!"

Speaking of this, the Yin-Yang Taoist paused, glanced at everyone, and then continued: "Everyone should consider carefully, and decide whether to participate in this confrontation, everything is up to you to decide, if If there is no belief in life after death, we still put it down and cannot let other people fall into a desperate situation because of the ignorance of one or two people!"

If you think about it carefully, this is not a good idea. You must know that everyone's time is very precious, but the current situation is also out of control. They don't have so much time to waste. Everyone is in the process of crossing the Primordial Tribulation. No one knows when this catastrophe will end. Once it ends, it will be a great shock to everyone!

"Don't think about it any more, my witch clan agrees with the advice of fellow Taoists. Even if we pay the price of staying here, we will never leave the stage, and we will not let all fellow Taoists fall into a desperate situation. Even if we face the tunnel, we will definitely stick to it. In the end, it will not cause any harm and influence to you, and will not let you fellow Daoists fall into the desperate situation of death, this is my promise, and it is also the promise of the Wu clan!" Houtu Zuwu was the first to stand up and express his sympathy. Daoist Yin-Yang made this promise, but she alone cannot represent the entire witch clan, nor the twelve ancestors. He can only represent himself, and others need to make their own decisions!

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