God of Destruction

Chapter 4637: Festival Action

Chapter 4643 Action

Regarding the promise of Houtu Zuwu, Taoist Yin and Yang lightly clicked the button to express his approval, but it is not enough for only Houtu Zuwu to express his position. More expressions are needed, otherwise only one person cannot bear the burden. The responsibility of the enemy is that they cannot maintain the safety of everyone's life and let everyone live to the end, because everyone knows how terrifying and terrifying the enemy is. As long as there is a little mistake, they will pay a heavy price!

The Yin-Yang Daoist turned his attention to other Ancestral Witches. At this time, they needed to stand up for themselves. They did not speak. Only the Houtu Ancestral Witch would not do. The Yin-Yang Daoist would not accept it, and neither would others. After all, this is not an ordinary war. It is related to the life and death of everyone. There cannot be the slightest carelessness or the slightest mistake!

"Please rest assured, fellow Yin-Yang Daoists, we all agree that we will never back down from the battle until the last moment of our lives!" At this moment, all ancestor witches made promises to the Yin-Yang Daoists, and this commitment is not easy to make, they said If they do, they must do it, otherwise they will all be attacked by the oath, and even the entire witch clan will be implicated.

With the statement of the Twelve Ancestors, Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He looked at each other and smiled bitterly: "We also agree, since the situation has reached this stage, we have no reason to object, since everyone stands together, naturally Let’s guard each other, let’s start, we can’t waste any more time, once we are ready to mention and extradite the Primordial Tribulation, there may be new changes!”

It's not impossible, even the Primordial Tribulation can mutate, and what can't happen, Yin Yang Taoist naturally understands the tension of the situation, understands the urgency of time, nodded and said: "Okay, let's start, Netherworld The world is sealed!"

With a heavy shout from the Yin-Yang Taoist, all the passages of the Netherworld were forcibly sealed. For the sake of safety, the Yin-Yang Taoist had to do this to prevent the enemy from attacking them, and to seal the breath of the Netherworld, so that no one else would be allowed to sneak up on them. Be aware of what's happening in the underworld world, and buy more precious time for everyone!

As soon as the Yin-Yang Daoist made his move, the twelve ancestor witches looked at each other, and then they each acted and began to guard the nether world. At one time, the eyes of the Twelve Ancestors showed a faint vigilance. They were prepared for the worst, and they could enter the state of the 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons' at any time. The real power of Pangu!

This change in the Netherworld did not disturb the powerhouses in the prehistoric world. If anyone noticed the changes in the Netherworld, only Tun Dao was the only one. When the Nether World was blocked, the Tunnel felt a slight change, but now the Tunnel did not have time to explore the Netherworld. With the changes in the world, his energy was devoted to Zhun mention and acquaintance. He wanted to see to what extent the power of the world-destroying catastrophe could explode. If the world-destroying power was too strong, they would need these forces to weaken it. , can't let the entire prehistoric world collapse, at least not yet, the tunnel still needs to rely on the hands of quasi-lifting and receiving to understand the world-destroying avenue!

The Yin-Yang Daoist does not know the authentic thoughts at this time, nor does he want to know that when everything starts, the Yin-Yang Daoist needs to devote himself to it, carefully guide the power of the source, and continuously supply the Emperor Yama, so that the Emperor Yama does not have to worry about the lack of the source. , you can devote yourself to the cracking of the origin of the nether world.

When everyone took action, Empress Nuwa also snorted loudly, and a powerful source of life energy was transported to Lord Yan Guojin in the source of the nether world with the help of the body of Daoist Yin and Yang, giving Emperor Yan Luo the greatest life help. At the same time, the ancestor of Ming He also launched his own power to give the greatest support to Emperor Yama!

When the power of the ancestor Minghe and the goddess Nuwa poured into the body of Emperor Yan Luo along the body of Taoist Yin and Yang, they could vaguely feel Emperor Yan Luo's talk, feel the pain of Emperor Yan Luo, feel The endless killing intent that came from Emperor Yan Luo's heart was not aimed entirely at them, but aimed at Emperor Yan Luo. Only then did they realize how amazing the pressure that Emperor Yan Luo was under and how terrifying the danger he faced.

"Damn, how could this be, just facing the tunnel, we all felt such an amazing backlash. Is this the backlash of the origin of the nether world, or from the prehistoric world, or even the tunnel?" Old Ancestor Ming He was thinking, because He is an auxiliary attack, so the pressure he faces is stronger than Empress Nuwa. Fortunately, Old Ancestor Ming He also has a backhand, and he was not affected by the power of the reaction in the first place, so he quickly got rid of his mind. control!

"What a powerful Emperor Yama, who can face such a terrifying impact alone, just by connecting the qi and the machine, and just feeling the slightest breath, it made my mind suffer such a shock. It seems that the power of the origin of the nether world is beyond imagination. The secrets in it are also astonishingly large, I don’t know if Emperor Yan Luo will be able to persevere to the end, and if he can crack all the secrets in it, if he fails, I am afraid that all the costs he paid before will turn into running water!”

Empress Nuwa sighed in her heart. Like the ancestors of Ming He, they were all shocked by the power of Emperor Yan Luo. If Empress Nuwa were to face off against Emperor Yan Luo, she would not have the confidence to stand up to Emperor Yan Luo. Resisting the backlash from the origin of the nether world, and even less able to crack the power of the seal in the origin of the nether world!

"Open it to me, the Dao of Karma destroys everything!" With the roar of Emperor Yan Luo, the power of the Dao of Karma fully recovered in him. The power of the seal in it, although it was only a short-lived confrontation, but Emperor Yan Luo had already endured a great impact. It was just the first battle that made Emperor Yan Luo frown. This is the source power of the nether world. It's the hidden power!

auzw.com "What's the secret behind this? Let me see what happened back then, that the situation went out of control, and such a shocking change occurred!" Emperor Yan Luo cautiously He guides his own source to constantly crack the sealing power in the source of the nether world. If he wants to swallow and absorb this power, perhaps if he can devour it from the sky, his cultivation path will go more smoothly, even if Emperor Yama is just a statue Clone, but his existence is the best protection for Yin-Yang Daoist!

The power of the source is continuously injected into it. With the concerted efforts of everyone, the power that Emperor Yama can grasp is getting stronger and stronger, and the influence that can be affected is also amazing. The **** of the Primordial Tribulation will have good luck and be able to get a share of power. After all, Emperor Yan Luo and Daoist Yin-Yang have powers that no one else knows about, and even more powers in the Netherworld. If he If you are willing to be cruel, you can completely leave everyone in the nether world, become the nutrients of the nether world, and strengthen the power of the Yin-Yang Daoist!

A loud noise of "Boom!" came from the depths of the Netherworld. Emperor Yama's attacking power was blocked by the source of the Netherworld, and two powerful forces broke out in the core of the Netherworld. Once such a change appeared, it instantly affected the Primordial Tribulation of Zhunti and Jieyue. As all the yin and yang Taoists were worried about, the Primordial Tribulation of Zhunti and Jieyin was related to the secrets in the origin of the Netherworld, although The current connection is not strong, but it does exist, and it is precisely because of its existence that the pressure on Emperor Yama in the Netherworld is multiplied! .

"Damn, how could this be? If we allow the power of World Destruction to increase, we will not be able to resist its attack!" Zhunti's strength still has a big gap with Jie Yin. He can't hold on anymore, although it has something to do with the previous injury, but in general, he still has enough strength.

"Junior Brother, we have no choice. This is not something we can decide. Don't be shaken by external forces. If you continue like this, without waiting for your inner world to complete, you will fall into a desperate situation because of the loss of your soul. In the middle! No matter how the Primordial Tribulation changes, my brother has the confidence to survive this catastrophe!"

At this moment, Yie Yin's mood is extremely heavy. He is already worried about Zhunti's life and death. At this time, Zhunti's mood fluctuates again, which is very abnormal. If this continues, he really has no choice but to die. If you lift your body and die, the reception will also be affected, and this Primordial Tribulation will inevitably fail. At that time, the two of them really have no life at all!

"Senior brother, please stop comforting me, we have known each other for so long, how can we not know about your situation, in fact, if it continues like this, we will not see any vitality, and Qiaqia is that I am burdening you, if you continue, It's not just me, but you too, I don't want you to be in a desperate situation because of my problems!"

When he was a little awake, Zhunti shook his head lightly and said what was in his heart. He didn't want to continue to be involved!

"Enough, do you know what you're talking about, my brother hasn't given up on you yet, and you have forgotten that we used to be saints of Tiandao, and what did we get from Tiandao when we were saints of Tiandao? Don't Because we gave up the identity of the Heavenly Dao, we thought that everything in the beginning was gone. Although we lost the power of the Heavenly Dao, the power we gained from our own cultivation has never disappeared, even if the Primordial Tribulation is stronger, we There is a silver lining!"

When he mentioned the Heavenly Dao sage, Zhunti's eyes were bright in an instant. In an instant, he thought of what his brother's confidence was, but was this really feasible? Without the origin of the Heavenly Dao, with their current strength, they really have to be able to control this power. Yes, although this power is not as good as the forbidden power hidden by myself and my senior brother, its power is also terrifying.

"Senior brother, can we really control it? Without the origin of the Dao of Heaven, we will inevitably suffer the backlash of the Dao of Heaven when we control such a power, and if we are not careful, it will lead to the Dao of Heaven. After all, we are traitors in the eyes of Dao of Heaven?"

"At this time, what else do we have to take care of? Instead of dying under the Primordial Tribulation, it is better to give it a shot. The big deal is that we break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world and retreat into chaos. With this power Now, we will be able to have a chance of survival. What you need most now is to keep your mind tight and not be affected by external forces again. Otherwise, my brother will not be able to wake you up again. The next Primordial Tribulation will be even more terrifying and crazy. You need to work hard for your brother, do you understand?"

How could Zhunti not understand that if he once again affected his senior brother because of his loss of mind, he would only kill him. The Primordial Tribulation is not a decoration, but a real destruction. Even more terrifying, Zhunti naturally knew how terrifying the pressure on the senior brother under this situation, so he also made up his mind that no matter what, he could no longer affect the senior brother because of his own reasons, and he could not harm the senior brother because of his incompetence. life!

"Even if you pay a huge price, even if you fail to prove the Dao, you can't kill your senior brother!" Zhunti secretly decided in his heart that Jie Yin could risk most of the attacks of the Primordial Tribulation for Bao Zhunti, and Zhunti can also sacrifice his own life in order to save the life of the lead. For them, they do not want to see the other party fall and die in the Primordial Tribulation, so they would rather sacrifice themselves to keep The life of each other, this is the brotherhood between them!

"Look, the situation of quasi-promotion and reception has changed, their counterattack has slowed down, it seems that they can't hold on anymore, in this mutated Primordial Tribulation, they have consumed too much of their origin. , let them go to the realm of exhaustion!"

When this voice suddenly sounded, everyone could not help frowning, especially Sanqing, they felt a huge pressure, if they did nothing, let Zhun Ti and Jie lead their bodies to die in the Primordial Tribulation They will face all the pressure of the prehistoric world alone, no one can share a little pressure for them, then they will inevitably become the enemy of the whole prehistoric beings!

"We can't watch Zhun Ti and Jie Yin fall. If we let the power of destroying the world continue to grow, they have only one dead end. We need to help them to reduce the power of destroying the world in the Primordial Tribulation. We need Suppress the great land and create opportunities for Zhun Ti and Ying Ying, so that they can have a chance at this catastrophe!" Soon, Tianzun Yuanshi expressed his thoughts, and this was the only way they could help Zhun Ti and Ying Ying. The way to lead!

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