God of Destruction

Chapter 4642: Festival decision

Chapter 4648 Decision

Among the twelve ancestor witches, not everyone can have the wisdom and calmness of the Houtu ancestor witch. Although the Yin-Yang Taoist had told them to prepare for the worst, when this moment came, There are still Zuwu unable to accept this reality, unable to accept such a shock, and unwilling to prepare for the worst!

"Enough, how long has it come, you are still here ignorantly clamoring, who do you think you are, the Father God, can you really be fearless if you can prove the Tao for yourself, and you can talk about security? In the Witch World, do you have such an ability? Do you think the two lunatics, Daoist Yin-Yang and Emperor Yama would make such a choice? That is, Daoist Yin-Yang will inform us at this time if there is no malicious intent. With a little bit of malice, he can completely hide all this, and let our Wu clan act as a shield, do you understand, don’t let the entire Wu clan fall into desperation because of your ignorance!”

The words of Emperor Jiang Zuwu fell ruthlessly, which brought a huge impact on all Zuwu, because he deeply understood that the Wu clan's time was running out and could not be wasted in this ridiculous argument, which is meaningless, It will only waste the precious time of the Wu clan, and it will only make the Wu clan fall into a state of doom. The strength of the Wu clan is not as strong as they imagined!

"What do the three worlds want to do, and what the Daozu Hongjun wants to do? With their strength, it is impossible to stop the attack of the chaotic beasts, but they let the barrier of the prehistoric world break and let the chaotic beasts enter the chaos and disrupt the entire prehistoric world. The order of the world, to accelerate the development of the world-annihilation catastrophe, what is the benefit to them?" The Yin-Yang Taoist was thinking, if he could figure out this problem, he might be able to find a way to break the situation, and then he would be able to understand the enemy's calculations. In today's environment, in the eyes of Yin-Yang Daoists, their enemies are no longer the world-destroying catastrophe, but the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, and the ancestors of Hongjun Dao. The problem, their existence seriously threatens their lives!

"Yan Luo, give it up, we don't have so much time to decipher the secrets in the origin of the underworld world, if you can, you are also ready to give up the origin and authority of the underworld world, we give up the underworld world, give up everything here, I think Knowing what the tunnel will do, I want to see how the tunnel will deal with the secrets in the origin of the nether world without our restraint!"

When Daoist Yin-Yang said these words, Emperor Yan Luo's expression froze, and he instantly thought of Daoist Yin-Yang's intentions, nodded and said, "Okay, but do you think our plan can really succeed? Tun Dao will take control. Will the Netherworld find out the secrets in the source of the Netherworld, and will it give us new guidance?"

"I don't know, at this time, under this situation, no one knows what will happen, and we don't even know what the tunnel is. Since we don't have time to crack the secret, it's better to just let go and give up the entire nether world. Give up everything, if we can draw the tunnel and understand the secrets in the source of the nether world, everything is easy to say, we can see new hope, if not, you can detonate the source of the nether world and give the tunnel a fatal blow. We can ignore the balance of the prehistoric world, and we can also, if the tunnel is severely damaged, what will happen to the way of heaven and the way of humanity, and what will happen to the ancestor of Hongjun, who has been hiding in the dark, maybe this will allow us to see everything clearly!"

"Abandoning the Netherworld, we will lose our foundation, our base camp, and no safe place to rest. You are sure to do this, and what do you think we should do once we give up?" Emperor Yama asked. The worry in my heart is that in such a catastrophe of heaven and earth, it is not easy to have a safe place to rest, and it is impossible to get it back when you go there. Can't take it all!

"If you pay, you will gain. Now we have no choice. Since the situation is very unfavorable for us, we have to give up and give up the nether world. We can go to the ancient star field. For the nether world and the tunnel, I always feel that there are Some things are wrong, this is not a good place, and the tunnel is probably not for suppressing the time gods and demons, and even I doubt whether the time gods and demons are really chaotic gods and demons, a being standing at the top of three thousand chaos gods and demons, Even if it is the annihilation of endless years, it should not easily die in my hands, perhaps the time gods and demons I have experienced are not complete!"

At this time, Taoist Yin-Yang doubted the time gods and demons that once existed in the nether world, and suspected that the chaotic gods and demons they inherited were not complete bodies. The secret that he knows, and this secret may be related to his own life and death hatred, and also related to the way of cultivation!

The Twelve Ancestral Witch could not bear the impact from the prehistoric world, so the Yin-Yang Daoist made this cruel decision. He could not pin all his hopes on the Twelve Ancestral Witch, nor dared to do so. At that time, Taoist Yin-Yang also began to warn the ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa. Although such a decision has a huge blow to everyone's confidence, compared with life, this blow is not worth mentioning. What is more important than your own life!

"Why? Daoist Yin-Yang, why did you make such a decision, and overturn the previous decision in such a short period of time, this is not your person, we paid such a huge price, and it is too cruel to give up like this. It's gone!"

Old Ancestor Ming He was unwilling. He clearly had a great opportunity in front of him, but he had to give up. This made him unacceptable. Even if he knew in his heart that Daoist Yin and Yang must have his own reasons, and there were very good reasons, but in the face of interests, Old Ancestor Ming He was still unable to resist its temptation, so he raised his doubts to Daoist Yin-Yang!

"There are not so many reasons, the general trend of the world is changing, we have to change, the barriers of the prehistoric world have been broken, and the chaotic beasts have attacked the prehistoric world. This forces us to give up, no matter how much we paid before, we can only give up!"

auzw.com Old Ancestor Ming He could not accept such a result. In his opinion, all this was just the self-protection of the twelve ancestor witches. They were not willing to do their best, they were not willing to take risks, So forcing everyone to give up, this is unacceptable to him!

"We have already agreed that we will divide our work and be responsible for one side. All the twelve ancestors of the witch clan have powerful powers, and there are also a large array of gods and gods in the twelve capitals, and there are several golden immortals. I don't believe it must be their intention to preserve their strength by insisting on Emperor Yama to decipher the secrets in the origin of the Netherworld!"

Empress Nuwa also sighed and said, "Yes, fellow yin and yang daoists, this result is unacceptable, we bear such a lot of pressure, but we have to end up giving up, which really cannot convince us. It's hard to convince us!"

Seeing the doubts of Old Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa, Taoist Yin-Yang sighed and said, "I can also understand the doubts of the two fellow Taoists, but all of this is not the intention of the Twelve Ancestors to protect themselves, and they are unwilling to bear their responsibilities. The obligation to fulfill, but the fact is too terrifying, the appearance of chaotic beasts, the collapse of the defense of the heavens, and even the collapse of order, all these are happening, if they break out completely, let alone the twelve ancestor witches, even the entire The power of the Wu clan can't bear this impact, let it go, don't lose your mind for the benefit in front of you, if possible, I don't want to give up, but this is the reality, accept the reality, don't be because of that in your heart. Be willing to affect your normal judgment!"

In order to prevent Ming He's ancestor and Mother Nuwa from continuing to entangle with this uncle, the Yin-Yang Taoist took a deep breath and continued: "To tell you the truth, I have already prepared for the worst, Once nothing can be done, we will completely abandon the netherworld and hand over everything to the tunnel. The Wu clan has also prepared for the worst. This is not because we are timid and dare not take responsibility, but the situation has reached this terrible step, and we must not Don't prepare for the worst, no matter what the two have in mind, but this is the fact, we must accept the fact, and face the cruelty of reality, not all efforts will pay off!"

Yes, not all hard work will pay off! More often, there is no return for the effort, and now they are facing such a situation, no one can change it, the Yin-Yang Taoist can't change it, and neither can the Empress Nuwa and the ancestor Minghe.

Although there are a lot of unwillingness and reluctance in my heart, when Daoist Yin-Yang said it for this sake, either Empress Nuwa or Old Ancestor Ming He can only accept it. The crisis is coming to everyone quickly, and they can't keep going. Entangled in this issue, you can't waste your precious time. In this crisis-ridden environment, the more preparation, the more vitality.

The changes in the heavens, the changes in the prehistoric world will not be affected by everyone, whether the prehistoric people are willing to accept it or not, whether they can accept it or not, the general environment is changing, the entire prehistoric situation is accelerating collapse, and the order is a little bit. The world is collapsing little by little, and the world is also heading for destruction step by step. In this prehistoric world, it seems that the last vitality is being swallowed up by the power of the world. The impact of the world-annihilation catastrophe is getting more and more terrifying!

Time waits for no one. In the face of sudden changes, Zhunti and Jieyin are frantically accelerating their own transformation and evolution, because they know in their hearts that Sanqing will not sacrifice too much for them. Sanqing completes the preaching within the scope of what Sanqing can bear, waiting for them to be abandoned, and Sanqing will definitely give up their support.

Braving the bombardment of the heavenly tribulation, Zhunti and Jieyin are frantically exploding their own potential, speeding up the pace of preaching, one after another thunderstorm falls, their own origin is madly consumed, they are under endless pressure, It has to be just proof of Taoism.

Soon, under the frenzied outbreak of quasi-promotion and reception, under their frantic release of their potential, frantically consuming intentionally under their own origin, waves of heavenly tribulations were blocked, and their The inner world is also growing and expanding, but their own source is also rapidly being consumed, and the pressure they bear is also skyrocketing wildly.

"Senior brother, there is only the last wave of catastrophe left. This will be our biggest crisis. Now our source has been exhausted, and we only rely on the power we have left. I'm afraid we can't persist until the end. We need to use that power, only in this way can we have a chance to survive, and can we seize a chance in this heavenly change!"

"No, we can't do this. This is not the time to use it. Once we use it, we will die. This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy of the prehistoric world against us. If we do this, we will not be able to. There is vitality, don't forget the existence of Hongjun Daozu, don't be tempted by that power, it is not something we can control."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either. What should we do? Soon the last wave of catastrophe will come. Could it be that we are going to die under this catastrophe?" At this time, Zhunti was already a little crazy. The mind can no longer bear the more and more terrifying impact, it is difficult to accept this terrible pressure, and the mind is collapsing little by little!

"No, we are not in a desperate situation, we still have the strength, and there is a strength that can make us sink through a catastrophe. Since the heaven and the earth don't give us life and don't want us to prove the Tao, we don't need to care about the so-called karma. , there is no need to contribute to the prehistoric world, we can integrate the world of bliss into the West, or we can take its origin back and integrate it into the blissful world in the west, which is our last dependant and our last. Hole card!"

Western Origin, I have to say that the reception is crazy enough to actually start the idea of ​​Western Origin. Perhaps when he integrated Elysium into the West, he made such preparations. This is the killer he has always prepared for himself. It's just that once they extract the origin of the West, they will inevitably have a great cause and effect with the prehistoric world, which will also exacerbate the great shock of the prehistoric world and increase the pressure on Sanqing. If they cannot complete the preaching in the shortest time, once If Sanqing lets go, they will die! It is crazy to extract the power of the origin of the great land to help oneself fight against the heavenly robbery and the proving of the Tao. Opportunities, can not have much danger must be done!

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