God of Destruction

Chapter 4643: Festival looting

Chapter 4649 plunder

"Let's start, don't worry about it anymore, don't have any ideas, we only have this way to go, open it to me, the origin is connected!" As his shouts fell, his own source instantly burst into its final potential, directly connecting with the source of the western land, and the endless source of the primordial land was absorbed by him and quickly turned into his own nutrients, allowing his dry source to recover quickly.

As soon as the lead shot, Zhunti was stunned at first, and then acted immediately without hesitation. The origin of the two was instantly connected to the prehistoric land with the help of the backhand left in the original paradise, and the two began to frantically extract the prehistoric land. The origin of the Origin, this moment triggered the change of the prehistoric world. The western land was already very fragile, and the crazy operation of being quasi-raised and elicited immediately caused the western origin to be greatly damaged, and the whole prehistoric land trembled.

"Damn Zhun mentioning and receiving, how dare they do this!" In an instant, countless Western creatures were yelling at Zhun mentioning and receiving. Originally, they thought that the West had ushered in a great opportunity, and everyone could Gaining huge benefits from the Western world, you no longer have to envy the creatures in the Eastern world, but such an earth-shattering change happened in an instant. The two bastards, Zhunti and Jieyue, did something unimaginable for them. Not only has the Western world not recovered, but on the contrary, it has become weaker. The origin of the entire Western world is being lost at an accelerated rate, which makes them not resentful!

"Fellow Daoists, don't give the opportunity to plunder and plunder our Western origin. Let's cut off their connection with the Western world together, and teach these two **** **** a profound lesson!" Suddenly, someone stood up. Come out and want to unite all the creatures of the Western world to resist the crazy plunder of Zhunti and Yingying, and want to fight against it!

It's a pity that the idea is good, but the reality is cruel, and no one responded to his call. It's not how timid these people are, and they are afraid of the strength of the two, but after seeing such a situation happen. , and endless greed arose in their hearts. Although some people were yelling at quasi-promotion and receiving, but they also wanted to do the same in their hearts.

Yes, for most of the western powerhouses, they all want to learn the madness of quasi-examination and reception, and they are all thinking of the origin of the Western land, and quasi-examination and reception have given them such opportunities, there are In order to quanti and Jieyin in front of the lightning resistance, they can take the opportunity to also quietly invade the origin of the western land and plunder the origin of the prehistoric world.

It’s better to take action. When you see such an opportunity, there are already people who take action. They are yelling at Zhunti and Jieyin, but they are following Zunti and Jieyin secretly. Sneak into the origin of the western land, plunder the origin of the western land, rapidly grow your own strength, and enhance your own potential and heritage!

"Damn, these ants dare to compete with us for the origin of the western land, they should be damned!" When he realized that the origin of the western land had been plundered by some people, and the origin that could be plundered was reduced, Zhunti couldn't help but be furious. , there is endless murderous intent in his eyes, this is the murderous intent for those who dare to compete for their own interests!

"Okay, Junior Brother doesn't need to be so annoyed, all this was as early as I expected, when we plundered the origin of the western land, there would naturally be some people who couldn't bear the temptation of interest and would join in, this is a good thing for us, With their participation, we can share the pressure on us, and if we can operate properly, not only will we not lose any benefits, but we can also let these **** ants take the blame for us and let them bear all the causes and effects of the weakness of the western land. !"

As soon as the quote fell, Zhunti was shocked. He never thought that his senior brother had so many calculations, even the reactions of Western creatures, and he was going to use these people as shields. , be a scapegoat!

"Okay, let's do it, teach these **** **** a lesson, let them know what the outcome of competing with us is!" Zhunti made a choice in an instant, he didn't have so much kindness, let alone stupidity To feel that there is something wrong, since someone can stop the disaster for themselves and take the blame for themselves, this is the best thing!

"Quickly concentrate on absorbing the source and complete this demonstration. As long as we survive the calamity, nothing will be a problem!" Jieyin once again warned Zhunti. As for him, he has always been worried that Zhunti will meet once again. Because of the issue of karma, time is affected by external forces, and it is plunged into this world catastrophe, and it ends up in the end of death!

Zhunti and Jieyin madly devoured the source of the prehistoric land, and the last wave of catastrophe finally fell. When the terrifying catastrophe fell like a torrential rain, Zhunti and Jieyin suffered a huge impact. One after another wounds appeared frantically, blood kept falling, their bodies were hit hard by the catastrophe, and their hearts were also suffering a terrible impact. If it wasn't for the two of them, they would help each other and share part of the pressure. , At this time, the quasi-early has been unable to hold on.

Under the huge impact, Zhunti's mind was constantly shaken, and each time it brought him a huge disaster, causing his body and mind to suffer a lot of impact and damage. The creatures also noticed that after the outbreak of the robbery, Zhunti and Reception had been seriously affected by the plundering source, and they were gradually surpassed by them. This made many Western creatures excited and made them feel that they had a chance to surpass them one by one. Accurately mention and receive, you can have the opportunity to prove the Tao!

It's a pity that these stupid guys didn't think about things in a deeper direction at all, never thought how such a good opportunity would fall on them for no reason, and plunder the origin of the western land so madly, would they bring endless endless Cause and effect, will there be a great cause and effect with the prehistoric world, how can I bear such a terrifying cause and effect, and how can I repay it!

auzw.com "Okay, it's now, the junior and the younger brother will change the cause and effect, move the flower and connect the tree!" With the deep shout of the receptionist, Zhunti instantly woke up, and immediately followed the instructions of the receptionist and acted frantically. Transfer your own cause and effect to the source of the world of bliss, and at the same time transfer your original source breath out, and the newly born avenue source is completely disconnected from it!

This is one of the calculations of judging and receiving. When they saw that the mother of Nuwa gave up the original way of cultivation, they could not help but have a lot of ideas, but they did not have the background of the mother of the goddess, let alone that Their strength, so they thought of a way to move flowers and connect trees. Before they crossed the Primordial Tribulation, they had already thought about many possibilities. Once something was impossible, once there was a change, they would use what they imagined. plan, and that's part of the plan!

With the transfer of cause and effect between the introduction and Zhunti, the original aura of their bodies disappeared, and all the bad things they did before and all the karma they caused were transferred to the Western source. Before that, Zhunti and Zhunti disappeared They cut off the connection with the western land. Since then, their own cause and effect have been completely cut off, and those unknowing western creatures are still frantically plundering the origin of the western land. It is precisely because of their ignorant actions that Unconsciously, they also absorb the karma transferred from the quasi-examination and reception, so they have a greater karma of karma on their backs!

"Damn, why did my heart suddenly tremble, what happened? Could it be that our actions caused the backlash of the source, but why did I not feel the anger from the source of the great land!" Someone finally felt To a hint of crisis, just because of his strength, he did not feel where the crisis came from!

Back off? No, under the influence of greed, although these people felt the warning from the heart, they did not let go because of it. In their opinion, even if there is a problem, there are quasi mentions and acquaintances in front of them. , they will have no problem, they don't need to stop, so they are still frantically plundering the origin of the great land!

These people do not know that because of their ignorance, they are falling into a terrible desperate situation step by step, so that they are deeply remembered by the great land, their breath is completely locked by the origin of the great land, they have become As the scapegoat for the two of them, they have endless karma, and they can't escape!

"What a quasi-promotion and introduction, who actually thought of such a method, the two of them are really sinister and vicious, and they have such a powerful grasp of people's hearts that they have calculated all the living beings in the West, and let these people take the blame for them. They endure the endless karma of karma, good calculations, good conspiracies, these two **** are too insidious!" Seeing the changes in the origin of the Western world and feeling the wrath of the Great Wasteland, Tongtian Sect Master couldn't help but let out a sigh .

Although the background of Zhun mention and introduction is not enough, their calculations are unparalleled, they can wipe out all the Western creatures, and they can make these Western creatures take the blame for them. This method, this trick really shocked him. With the idea of ​​​​cooperating with these two bastards, Tongtian Sect Master felt a little uneasy in his heart, worried that he would be plotted against him!

Not only Tongtian sect master has this idea, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun also have this idea, but they can't let go now. If they really have to let go, they are worried that Zhunti and Jieyin will die. After all, this is the last wave of catastrophe. The power of the robbery is beyond imagination, once the three of them let go, the quasi mention and reception will be directly destroyed by the robbery!

insist! Although there are endless worries in his heart, Sanqing must continue to persevere. No matter how insidious and sinister Zhunti and Zaiyin are, they are standing together now, and they cannot let go. For the terrifying catastrophe, with their restraint, quasi-promotion and reception will have more vitality, and oneself will be less stressed!

"Proving the Dao Heavenly Tribulation is coming to an end, give it up!" With the stern shout of the Yin-Yang Taoist, the ancestor of Ming He stopped, the mother of Nuwa stopped, the twelve ancestors stopped, and Emperor Yan Luo also gave up on the seal. Crack, quickly separate from the origin of the nether world, part of the origin and soul of oneself remain in the origin of the nether world, and master the power of the authority of the nether world!

Yes, Emperor Yama gave up the Netherworld, and his abandonment was not only the abandonment of his origin and authority, but also his own power. The origins of his are already less than one, he just barely saved his life, and he did this not for himself, but for the Yin-Yang Daoist, for the final decisive battle, in order to be able to detonate everything in the Netherworld at a critical moment.

"Let's go, let's get out of the nether world!" When the residual power of Emperor Yan Luo returned to himself, the Yin-Yang Daoist let out a deep shout, and there was a hint of reluctance in his shout, and there was also a hint of faintness Losing, giving up the Netherworld like this is also a great impact on Yin-Yang Daoists, and the mind has also been greatly affected!

At this time, the ancestors of Houtu and Xuanming also sighed and cut off their connection with the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Although they were also reluctant to part, fortunately they were prepared for the worst before. Unlike Emperor Yama, their strength was not affected, but they were a little unwilling to give up the Six Paths of Reincarnation just like that.

Who is willing to give up such great interests and the dojo that he has run for so long, but this is the reality, the reality is so cruel, everything can't be controlled by oneself, when the world-annihilation catastrophe comes, everything is involuntarily, no matter how unwilling, no Willing to give up, this is the general trend of heaven and earth, in front of the general trend of heaven and earth, they are all just ants, they are all just obedient!

Looking at the Netherworld in front of them, looking at the Witch World that revolves around the Netherworld, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh, and there was a faint sense of loss in that sigh. To end in failure, but to give up everything, this makes their hearts extremely heavy, but they have no choice but to accept their fate!

"Tundao, everything is yours. You have calculated endless years. I really want to know what choices you will make when everything returns to your control. You face the hidden source of the nether world. What is the secret? Does it really have to be a world? If so, what kind of world is this? There are such secrets in the underworld, and what are the secrets of the great land? What are the secrets of the heavens, and what are the calculations of Daozu Hongjun, I hope you can solve all these secrets for me!"

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