God of Destruction

Chapter 4644: give up

Chapter 4650 Abandoned

"Fellow Daoist Yin and Yang, where shall we go? The Great Land or the Heavenly Realm?" At this time, the ancestor Ming He asked the Daoist Yin and Yang. For him, he was very concerned about the choice this time. This is not an ordinary choice, but a It is related to everyone's development, and it is also related to the future. There can be no mistakes. He wants to hear the decision of the Yin-Yang Daoist!

"No, we will not go to the great land, nor to the heaven, but to the ancient star field!"

"Isn't the ancient star field the heaven?" Ancestor Ming He asked suspiciously, with a strange look in his eyes, and felt that the words of the Yin-Yang Taoist were a bit strange, maybe the ancient star field had secrets that he didn't know, so he couldn't help but feel heart!

"The ancient star field is the ancient star field, and the celestial realm is the celestial realm. The two cannot be confused. You have to distinguish this point clearly. Now the times are different, and the environment is also different. You can understand why I say this if you feel it carefully!" Old Ancestor Ming He continued to ask questions, and Taoist Yin-Yang directly gave a statement, which shocked Old Ancestor Ming He, Mother Nuwa, and the Twelve Ancestors!

Everyone immediately listened to what the Yin-Yang Taoist said and tried their best to sense the ancient star field. For a moment, their eyes showed endless shock, because at this time they noticed that there was a clear difference between the ancient star field and the heaven. The domain seems to be separated from the heaven by people, and there is an obvious dividing line between the two!

"How can this happen? It's just that such a short time has passed, and the heaven has undergone such a shocking change. What is going on?" Empress Nuwa cried out in a voiceless voice, and endless shock rose in her heart. , and in addition to the shock, there is also endless fear, all this is too sudden, this change is too fast, so fast that she can't accept it!

"It's Daozu Hongjun, he did all this, I don't know if I'm right?" At this time, without waiting for the Yin-Yang Daoist to speak, Houtu Zuwu sighed and said, with confidence in his eyes, Think your guess must be right!

The Yin-Yang Daoist nodded lightly and said: "Yes, it is Hongjun Daozu, but it is more correct to say that the result of Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao shot together, just Hongjun Daozu alone cannot separate the ancient star field from the heavenly realm. Come on, this requires the power of the Tao of Heaven. Only with the consent of the Tao of Heaven can he do this. Without the consent of the Tao of Heaven, no one can separate them. Under the connection of the origin, whoever moves will be attacked by the Tao of Heaven and the world. Backlash!"

"What do they want to do, what secrets does the ancient star field have that deserve such a big fight?" Empress Nuwa asked!

The Yin-Yang Taoist shook his head lightly and said, "I don't know, I can only understand one thing, Tiandao is unwilling to bear the backlash from the prehistoric world, and is unwilling to face the chaotic beasts, and what Hongjun Daozu thinks, only he himself knows. !"

Daoist Yin-Yang is right on this point. Tiandao is indeed unwilling to bear the backlash of the prehistoric world. By dividing the ancient star field from the heaven, this backlash can be avoided, and the ancient star field has its own master, that is, the star grass. A former saint of Heavenly Dao, since it has betrayed Heavenly Dao, Tiandao is naturally unwilling to help, let alone accept the disadvantages caused by the breakthrough of the ancient star field by chaotic beasts, and let himself suffer the terrible backlash!

"Now the ancient star field has become the defense place of the prehistoric world against the chaotic beasts. I really want to know what will happen to the ancient star field in the face of the chaotic beasts, and what does the ancestor Hongjun want from it, and what is the ancient star field? What secrets are hidden, it is worth letting him make such a compromise with Tiandao, maybe if we can understand the secrets, it will be more beneficial for us to face the world-destroying catastrophe in the future, and it is also possible to find the three worlds from the ancient star field. The secrets of the Tao, find the secrets in the heaven, the prehistoric land and the nether world, even if we can't find it, we can also get in touch with these chaotic beasts transformed by the prehistoric creatures, and learn more from them. We know more about the prehistoric world!"

When they heard the words of Yin-Yang Daoist, there was a hint of shock in the eyes of everyone. They were all shocked by Yin-Yang Daoist's wisdom and also shocked by his strength. Jinxian, but he knows more about what happened in the ancient star field than himself, the Primordial Golden Immortal. This has to shock them. They all want to know how powerful Yin-Yang Daoist really is, even if there is no Proof of Primordial Primordial Gold Immortal, can still be stronger than Hunyuan Jinxian, or is it that Yin-Yang Daoist has half footed into the door of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and has already walked out of his own way of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

It's a pity that although they have friendship with the Yin-Yang Daoist, they can't ask about the practice. This is everyone's secret, and no one can ask about personal secrets, otherwise it will only ruin everyone's feelings. It will only make each other more embarrassed, and even make everyone's relationship dangerous.

Although there are many doubts in their hearts, for everyone, they did not reject the suggestion of Daoist Yin-Yang, and went to the ancient star field together with Daoist Yin-Yang. This time, they did not cover their whereabouts and directly broke away from the nether world. , I don't care about the opinions of all living beings in the prehistoric world, and I don't care about everything in the nether world.

"Crazy, Yin-Yang Daoist people are crazy, and the Twelve Ancestral Witch is crazy, they even abandoned the nether world and went to the ancient star field, aren't they afraid that the whole nether world will change its owner and fall into the tunnel. Under control, what do they want to do?" Looking at the sudden change in front of him, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but lose his voice, all this made him unbelievable!

"Maybe they are really crazy, they are not afraid that the nether world will be mastered by the tunnel, because they really have to give up the nether world and the six realms of reincarnation. Obviously the source has changed, and the only possibility is that they gave up all this!"

auzw.com When Taishang Laojun's remarks fell, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master were both shocked and unacceptable. This is really crazy. The price is too high. If they give up all of this, it also means that they have given up their own dojos and their bases, and they really want to wander in the prehistoric world!

If Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master stand in the position of Yin-Yang Daoist and Wu clan, it is difficult for them to make such a choice. They cannot give up this resource. You must know that this is one of the three realms of the prehistoric world. This is the reincarnation of the prehistoric life So, letting it go so easily is too crazy, too unacceptable, in their eyes, this is simply unreasonable!

"What do these lunatics want to do? Once they give up the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Tunnel will become stronger in an instant. Accepting all this, then it will be impossible for them to regain the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

"Hehe, maybe they didn't even think about taking it back. In our eyes, they are lunatics, but they definitely have ideas in their own hearts that we don't know about, and it is precisely because their ideas are different from ours that Such a crazy choice will make us feel incomprehensible and unacceptable, wait and see what these lunatics are going to do, what is there in the ancient star field to be so crazy, what does our teacher want to do !"

Taishang Laojun raised his head and looked in the direction of the ancient star field, looking at the backs of the Daoist Yin and Yang, his eyes flashing with light, for him, he really wanted to know what his 'teacher' Daozu Hongjun wanted to do, the ancient star What secrets does the domain hold!

Yes, at this time, Taishang Laojun also felt the changes in the ancient star field, and felt the generosity of the 'teacher', which made him want to know the secrets hidden behind it, and wanted to know his own teacher's ' Calculation', I want to know what the ancient star field is? I don't know why, when the ancient star field was separated from the heaven, there was a faint hostility in Taishang Laojun's heart, and this trace of hostility passed in a flash, if it wasn't for the primordial spirit of the Taishang Laojun was extremely powerful, the induction was powerful. , unable to grasp the fleeting change at all, unable to perceive the existence of that trace of hostility at all!

Although Taishang Laojun felt something, he didn't say it. He didn't want to tell Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master. He wanted to hide this situation and bury this secret in his heart. He was selfish, even if Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master are his younger brothers, and Taishang Laojun does not want to share this secret. He instinctively makes him feel that it is very likely to be related to his own practice, related to the secret of the Daluo Jinxian Dao of Hunyuan, even the prehistoric one. The fundamental secret, if one more person knows, there will be one more enemy, more pressure, and even more competition. This is the result that Taishang Laojun does not want to see.

"Let's go, don't think so much, even if these lunatics have any secrets, it doesn't have much to do with us for the time being. For us, the most important thing is the changes in the great land, not the heavens, let alone the ancient stars, now Let's go see Zhun mention and receive, and listen to their thoughts on the great land, we must know that the way they played before was very insidious!"

Taishang Laojun seems to be unwilling to continue talking on this topic with Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master, and directly changed the topic, aiming at the two people, Jie Yin and Zhun Ti, and mentioned the sinister and sinister nature of these two **** before. Calculate.

"That's right, we really should have a good talk with these two **** now. We can't afford to pay such a huge price and get nothing in return. These two **** have now proven the Primordial Golden Immortal, so they should give us a certain amount of money. s return!"

When it comes to mentioning and quoting, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes are also a little more solemn. He also has a strong vigilance in his heart for these two bastards. After all, these two **** are too sinister and vicious, and it is possible to be a little careless. Conceived by them!

"There is no need to return it, but the damage they caused to the prehistoric land must be repaid. The cause and effect cannot end like this because they are passed on to others. They proving the Tao on the prehistoric land and relying on the original proof of the prehistoric land. Dao Hunyuan, they must assume their responsibilities, which no one can escape!"

Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Taishang Laojun is righteous and awe-inspiring. There is a clear gap between the two. Yuanshi Tianzun used it for personal issues and personal cause and effect, while Taishang Laojun used great righteousness and completely abandoned it. 'selfishness', but this 'righteousness' is more terrifying than 'selfishness', making it even more irresistible for Zhun mentioning and receiving quotations, and under this 'righteousness', the cause and effect between them and Zhun mentioning and receiving quotations still exists, Not affected by it at all!

"Okay, what the senior brother said is true, it's my fault!" In an instant, Tianzun Yuanshi understood the intention of Taishang Laojun, and there was a faint smile in his eyes. Mentioning and quoting cannot get rid of this responsibility no matter what, unless they dare to directly cut off the connection with the prehistoric world and cut off all cause and effect, and in doing so, they will inevitably suffer backlash from the prehistoric world, and now they But if you don't stabilize your realm, your realm will fall if you're not careful!

In this aspect of insidiousness, Taishang Laojun is not weaker than quan mentioning, receiving and citing, and he has 'righteousness' in his hands. No matter how hard they struggle, it is useless. They must accept it, or they must face it. Unbearable consequences!

"I'm afraid that these two **** are too selfish and will not accept it at all. They are now the golden immortals, and they already have the ability to protect themselves. If they just don't take up this topic, we can't do anything about them. We can't directly It's impossible to force these two **** to accept it all, they are not fools and will not give us such a chance!"

"Tongtian, you are wrong. Zhunti and Yingyin will definitely accept our 'good intentions'. They have no reason to refuse, and they cannot refuse. They cannot refuse all this. This is the general trend, and no one can go against the general trend. It's not even better than getting in touch!"

Taishang Laojun said with a smile on his face, there was no pressure at all, his eyes were full of confidence, and Yuanshi Tianzun also nodded lightly to express his approval, and he was not worried about the problems that Tongtian sect master said. Mention and reception are already people in the net, unable to break free from the general trend of the prehistoric world, they have been entangled in the big net of the prehistoric world!

Seeing the smiling faces of Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, the Tongtian sect master couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and his heart was heavy. Compared with the two brothers, Tongtian sect master understood that he was inferior in calculation. It's too far, and in today's big environment, this is his biggest weakness. If you are not careful, all the advantages you have accumulated before will no longer exist!

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