God of Destruction

Chapter 4646: Section responsibility

Chapter 4652 Responsibilities

"Two fellow Daoists, time is limited, you have to make a decision quickly, there is not much time left for us, of course, if you really have to refuse, we have nothing to say, the power is your own, and your thoughts are also your own. Yes, we can't force you to accept the suggestion, it's up to you to decide your own future and your own destiny!"

As soon as the words of Taishang Laojun fell, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master were all startled. It is too abnormal to receive and lead. You must know that this is playing with fire. If you are not careful, you will be quasi-cited and lead to seize the opportunity to get out of the crisis!

Yes, in the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master, as long as Zhunti and Jieyin can be ruthless and pay some price, they can get rid of the current predicament, ignore their oppression, and ignore any righteousness. , you can do whatever you want!

In the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master, this is because they look at problems from their own standpoint, but Taishang Laojun sees things in different positions. Don't be afraid that they will give up their responsibilities, because this is a catastrophe that will destroy the world, everyone is in the catastrophe, and the cause and effect of catastrophe cannot be eliminated at will. Living beings, let them bear the heavy karma of karma, but this is only on the surface. When the catastrophe breaks out, everything will be different. When the power of destroying the world falls, when all the karma will be liquidated, it is their calculation. No matter how good they are, they will be targeted. They can deceive all beings in the world, they can deceive the prehistoric land, but they cannot deceive the final reckoning. When the day of reckoning comes, they must face all this as long as they cannot escape from the prehistoric world!

"Okay, we agree with Daoist Taishang's suggestion, but we can only ensure the safety of the West, and we can only ensure that the West will not collapse in advance, and the first order will not collapse. We can't guarantee everything else!" It was difficult for him to say this decision, and it was very clear to him how amazing the cause and effect and pressure he had to bear in making this decision!

At this time, Zhunti can only lower his head and sigh, he deeply understands that this is due to the general trend, and he has no choice. No matter how unwilling or unwilling he is, he must accept it. This responsibility will be deeply imprinted. On his own body, imprinted on his senior brother's body, as long as he does not repay the karma he owes, he must bear this heavy responsibility!

Yes, this is a huge responsibility, a heavy responsibility. Once you bear it, you must persevere to the end. It is impossible to let go in the middle. Unless you die, this responsibility will always accompany you. It is the pressure that Zhunti and Jieyin must accept, and it is also the responsibility that they must bear. At the moment when the words fall, Zhunti and Jieyin both feel the heavy burden on their bodies and the heavy pressure from the great land. Heavy pressure on your heart!

When he heard this sentence, a smile appeared on the face of Taishang Laojun. This is the result he wanted. With the power of judging and eliciting, he doesn't need to worry about the changes in the West, and worry about the living beings in the West. Shock, it can be said that a quarter of the pressure is instantly removed from his body, making Taishang Laojun feel much more relaxed physically and mentally!

Of course, the same is true for Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master. With the help of Zhunqi and the lead, and when they shoulder the responsibilities belonging to the West, part of the pressure on them instantly dissipated, but they still need to take on the rest of the prehistoric land. Responsibility, and now they can't find someone to share the responsibility with, which makes them still unable to relax!

"Hey! It would be great if those saints of the Heavenly Dao hadn't given up their positions as saints. With their order in the prehistoric world, they can withstand more shocks. Now that they let go, the whole prehistoric world will face terrifying disasters. Now they want to It's very difficult to find someone to share the pressure!" This is Sanqing's voice, and also the voice of Zhun mentioning and receiving, when they took on the responsibility of the great land, they couldn't help but think of finding someone else to share their pressure.

Zhunti and Zaiyin naturally thought of the White Tiger Saint, but unfortunately the other party also gave up the holy position, and was hit hard. Even if Zhunti and Zaiyin came to the door, it was impossible to win over the other party. After all, Baihu did everything he could do. , he already has no karma on his body, and it is impossible for him to help Zunti and Jiecai bear the pressure of the West!

"Fellow Daoist, maybe we can find a way to change the current situation. Blind force suppression will not work. The more we suppress the thoughts of these creatures, the more amazing resistance we will receive. If we can guide them to our Looking forward to the direction of development, maybe you don't need to bear such amazing pressure and bear this terrible responsibility!"

Taishang Laojun shook his head gently and said, "Fellow Daoist, I understand your idea, but it won't work. Although your idea is good, the premise is that you can collude with those people. Under the circumstances, do you think we have this ability? Those souls are already full of greed, they have long been affected by the catastrophe, and what we say is useless, they will not believe it, in their eyes Anything we do is to suppress them."

Taishang Laojun is right. Under the current environment, no one will believe them at all. Under the temptation of the world-destroying catastrophe, under the temptation of the Hunyuan Dao, no one will believe in Sanqing, Quanzhi Mentioning and citing their persuasion, they will not believe their so-called guidance. What they have in their hearts is just to prove the Tao, and this requires endless resources, and the resources Qiaqia come from the wild land, and plundering is the most important thing. A good choice, whoever stops oneself is one's own enemy, and the enmity of blocking the way will never end!

"Fellow Daoist Sanqing, do you think it is possible for us to take the lead, occupy the nether world before the tunnel responds, drive those **** **** into the nether world, and let them have a showdown with the creatures of the nether world, This resolves the disasters on the prehistoric land and relieves the pressure on us? You must know that the nether world is not weaker than the prehistoric land!"

When Zhunti's words fell, Sanqing was dumbfounded, and Yingyin was also dumbfounded. Neither of them thought that Zhunti, this bastard, would be even crazier than himself, that he could come up with such an outrageous idea, and he became a ghost. The idea of ​​the world!

auzw.com "Daoist Zhunti, do you think this is possible? Is the tunnel a fool, will he not be aware of the changes in the nether world, and will it give us such a chance, and I don't think so either? We have such an ability. Not everyone can master the Netherworld. Without the original source road that is compatible with it, we cannot control the authority of the Netherworld at all. Even if Emperor Yama gave up the authority of the Netherworld, it does not mean that we can Master the power of authority in the underworld!"

With the idea of ​​Zhuangti, Taishang Laojun mercilessly pointed out the shortcomings, which is not practical at all. If they do this, the only thing they can get is authentic anger, and only the madness from authentic Counterattacking will cause them to fall into even more trouble. They have not solved the problem in a vast land. If there is another Netherworld, they will be even more unable to solve it. Doing so will only make them bear big trouble and endure more. pressure!

"Fellow Daoist, don't think about the idea of ​​attacking the Netherworld, it's not something we can touch, nor is it a power we can master. What we need most now is to stabilize the vast land and prevent the continued expansion of the world-destroying catastrophe. But if there are new changes, the first to be hit is the Great Wilderness, and we will face even more terrifying pressure and bear the backlash from the source of the Great Wilderness. Once such a crisis occurs, we will be in great trouble! "

Yuanshi Tianzun was worried that Zhunti was too crazy, so he had to open his mouth to mention him. Don't pull everyone into crisis because of a momentary impulse. The prehistoric world has reached the most dangerous moment, and everyone can't stand a new round of shocks. If the prehistoric land cannot be stabilized, all the creatures in the prehistoric land will suffer annihilation!

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but envied the twelve ancestor witches. Before this world-annihilating catastrophe came, he was able to evacuate the witch clan from the vast land before the catastrophe of the annihilation of the world. The connection between the prehistoric land is not affected by the prehistoric land. If I had known that this day would appear, I should have cut off this cause and effect earlier. Unfortunately, it is too late now, and I am already in the calamity. It has long been restrained by the cause and effect of the great land!

"Okay, don't think too much. At this time, under this situation, it's useless to think too much. What we need to do now is to try our best to wipe out the terrible calamity in the great land. Qi, don’t let the world-destroying catastrophe continue to expand, as long as we can limit its development, we can stabilize the general trend of heaven and earth, and this requires our concerted efforts!”

Hehe, let's work together! The old gentleman is too embarrassed to say this. Do you believe what he said? Even he himself has never had such an idea. Responsibility is not voluntary, but is forced by Taishang Laojun to do nothing. Under the pressure, it is impossible to say that we will work together!

Of course, for Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master, they never believed in this nonsense. They have differences in the three clears, not to mention the many disputes with Zhunti and Jieyin. The so-called concerted efforts are just a joke. , a big joke.

"Fellow Daoist, we don't need to waste our precious time. Maybe for you, we have a deep foundation and are not afraid of this consumption, but for me and Junior Brother Zhunti, we need to prepare. Since everyone has Once the agreement is reached, then we will act separately, and if there is a real danger, we will each secure our destiny and see how each other's luck is!"

Xieyin is unwilling to continue to communicate with Taishang Laojun about matters related to the great land. For him, he has nothing to talk about with Sanqing. The two sides have never been friends, and they have nothing to do with each other' Friendship can be said that what they have is just a fight with each other, a pursuit of interests, and there is no such thing as a concerted effort.

Being rejected directly by Yeyue, and still being rejected directly like this, made Taishang Laojun extremely annoyed, but now Taishang Laojun doesn't dare to turn against Yeyin and Zhunti, and he still needs these two to bear the burden. The responsibility of the West can only snort, express his dissatisfaction, then turn around and leave, and can't make any counterattacks at all!

When Taishang Laojun turned around and left, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master could only shake their heads lightly when they saw this. They followed Taishang Laojun to leave this place of right and wrong. Everything in the West!

Looking at Sanqing's back, Zhunti snorted disdainfully and said, "These three **** are too shameless, we have all made compromises, they are still not satisfied, they still want to plunder more interests from us, They want us to share more pressure for them, and they don't even look at what's going on, the environment has changed a long time ago!"

Jie Yin shook his head lightly and said, "Junior brother, don't say that, although Taishang Laojun is a bit too much, but don't forget, we still owe them a great cause and effect, if we can use this opportunity to repay this cause and effect, too. Yes, it's a pity that Taishang Laojun doesn't think so, just wants to squeeze us blindly, and doesn't want to give us any benefits at all!"

Cause and effect, the previous cause and effect still exists, which is a big threat to the introduction. As long as the cause and effect are still there, when they face the three cleanliness, they are inherently disadvantaged and must be controlled by the three cleanliness. He had paid back, but Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Cult Master did not give him this chance at all. Turning and leaving from Taishang Laojun can explain this problem.

"Junior Brother, this time we will do our best to suppress all living beings in the West and ensure that the Western order will not collapse. No matter how much we pay, as long as we still bear this responsibility, we must do our best to pay!"

As soon as the words of the reception and quotation fell, Zhunti's expression changed greatly, and he said anxiously: "Senior brother, how can this be possible, isn't it a waste of money for us to do this, and it's too expensive for us to do so. Now, with our origin, we can't hold on for a long time, even if the inner world evolves, we can't support such consumption!"

"If there is a cause, there will be an effect. In order to prove the Tao, we owe the cause and effect, and we must pay it back. The small measures before are not to really eliminate this cause and effect, but to allow us to smoothly pass through the Primordial Heaven. Jie, now is the time to repay everything, no matter how much the consumption is, this is what we must face and must pay back!"

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