God of Destruction

Chapter 4647: festival secret

Chapter 4653 Secrets

"Don't think too much, for us now is a crisis and an opportunity, how to choose depends on ourselves, we just need to be ourselves, there is no need to worry too much, it is not us who bear the fate of the entire prehistoric land, but It is Sanqing, no matter what happens, they are always at the forefront, this time we are indeed defeated, but we are also victorious!"

The words of reception and quotation fell again, making Zhunti thoughtful. Many words are not suitable for words at this time, because they are on the land of the wild, and once they are spoken, they will inevitably lead to unnecessary troubles. , it will cause the situation to reverse unexpectedly, and this is not an invitation, nor is it the result that Zhunti wants to see, so they can only maintain such a tacit understanding with each other!

Being on the great land, Zhun Ti and Jie Yin had to be cautious. After all, this is a catastrophe that will destroy the world. A little mistake will make you fall into a place of doom. , but this does not mean that Sanqing has no plans for himself, does not mean that the danger has passed, and all this has just begun.

Yes, Zhunti and Jieyin are not stupid enough to think that the danger is over, they all deeply understand that the danger of the world-destroying catastrophe has just begun, and no one knows the horror of the world-destroying catastrophe better than them because they are crossing At the time of the Primordial Tribulation, I felt the horror of the world-destroying catastrophe, and deeply understood how terrifying the power of the world-destroying catastrophe is. If you dare to underestimate the world-destroying catastrophe, you will definitely pay a heavy price!

"Senior brother, do you think the Yin-Yang Daoists have discovered something? Otherwise, why would they suddenly give up the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation? There must be a secret behind such a big sacrifice that we don't know?"

"Secrets naturally exist. As for what they found, it must be there, but it is impossible for us to know. Don't think that the Yin-Yang Daoist invited us to discuss the countermeasures of the world-annihilating catastrophe before, and feel that we are with them. Any friendship between them is just an illusion. In fact, for Yin and Yang Daoist people, they have never regarded us as allies, not even Sanqing. Conspiracy!"

"Senior brother, I understand what you said, but I don't understand why the Yin-Yang Taoist can accept the mother of Nuwa and the ancestor of Minghe, you must know that they are not the same people, especially Nuwa, who have obviously walked out of their own way. , is very different from the Yin and Yang Daoists, but they are walking together at this time?"

"Survival, they do this just to survive, it is precisely because of something important happened to the Yin and Yang Daoists, they have to accept Nu Wa and Ming He, and strengthen their own strength, in order to be able to survive this world-annihilating catastrophe. For them, cooperation is only for survival, that's all, there is no other reason!"

The quote makes a lot of sense. Survival is the common expectation of all living beings in the prehistoric era, but not everyone has the qualifications to pursue survival in the catastrophe. Many people will be killed in the catastrophe. Cleaning, there are very few creatures who can escape from the world-destroying catastrophe, and even if you lead yourself, you don't have the confidence to face this crazy world-destroying catastrophe!

"Hey! This is crazy. The Yin-Yang Daoist originally had Emperor Yama and the Twelve Ancestral Witches as helpers. Their strength is extremely powerful, and such a powerful force cannot guarantee their safety in the world-destroying catastrophe. Accepting Mother Nuwa and the ancestor of Ming He, it seems that the catastrophe is more terrifying than we imagined, and they have discovered a more terrifying crisis! Brother, we need to be prepared, we cannot be completely unprepared, we cannot be sanctified To be dragged in the West!"

At this moment, a crazy look appeared in Zhunti's eyes. When he knew that there was such a terrible crisis, Zhunti couldn't help but want to go back and repent, and he didn't want to be restrained by Sanqing in the West again, and he didn't want to continue to bear the heavy burden. responsibility!

"Haha! Junior Brother, there is no need to be so nervous. Although the situation is very dangerous, we are not incapable of resisting, and the West is not necessarily our burden. Maybe it will become our turning point. Become our greatest protection, with this protection, maybe we can explore the secrets of the great land, the secrets of the three worlds! As for the ancient star field, we don't need to care, no matter what is there, we don't We need to intervene, our 'good teacher' has already made arrangements, and no one can take this opportunity away from him!"

Although the time was very short, the receptionist still saw through the development of the situation. When he learned that the ancient star field was separated from the heavenly realm, the first thing he thought of was his 'good teacher' Hongjun Daozu, the means of Hongjun Daozu How powerful it is, the introduction is naturally clear, so he did not want to explore the secrets of the ancient star field, but made the idea of ​​​​the great land!

Sanqing wanted to share the pressure and take over this heavy responsibility. Naturally, he also had his own plans. He saw the opportunity behind this heavy responsibility and wanted to use it to understand the secrets of the wild land, and Sanqing stood in front of him. , the impact on oneself will naturally be much smaller, once the secret appears, maybe you can take a benefit from it!

"But now our situation is very dangerous, and we will die if we are not careful. We have been dragged deeply on the great land and have been restricted by the great land. Under such circumstances, what kind of resistance can we take? , unless it is to use the ultimate power, and this is the power that you have repeatedly opposed to use, brother?"

auzw.com At this time, Zhunti once again mentioned the ultimate power. What kind of power does Zhunti and Jieyin have to be able to call him the ultimate power again and again? How terrible is this power? Above which, is this power really able to fight against the power of extinction? If you really have this power, what is the reason for the repeated compromises between Yingyue and Zhunti?

"The ultimate power is not our means, but our heritage. This power cannot be used to attack, but to deter the existence of the enemy. Even if we are dragged on the wild land now, so what? It's not just us. , Sanqing is also the same, we don't need to be the first bird, we have Sanqing to take responsibility, we have Yin-Yang Daoist and other lunatics to take responsibility, we just need to wait quietly, waiting for them to reveal all the secrets Come out of the water, wait with peace of mind, it will not be long before the secrets of the prehistoric world will emerge on the surface of the water under their mad attack, then we can truly understand everything, and now we will see how the 'teacher' responds This sudden change, watching how the tunnel brought the nether world into his control, watching the entire prehistoric world step by step toward an unknown direction!"

Unknown, in his heart, even though the situation is so clear now, he still calls it unknown, which shows how dangerous, how terrifying, and how strange and changeable the situation in Honghuang is now. It's so obvious that they don't dare to make a judgment easily, and Hunyuan Jinxian can only give them a little self-protection.

Under everyone's attention, the Taoist Yin-Yang group finally came outside the ancient star field and reached the dividing line between the celestial realm and the ancient star field. When they stepped into this area, the Taoist Yin-Yang and the ancestor of Ming He The expression changed greatly, and the expressions of everyone were also horrified. The atmosphere of chaos, they felt the atmosphere of chaos in this area, and it was even more profound for Daoist Yin-Yang and the ancestor of Ming He, it was not only the atmosphere of chaos. , is the breath of the ancient chaotic gods and demons, the breath of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons!

"Damn, how could this be? There is the aura of the chaotic gods and demons between the heaven and the ancient star field. Tian Dao and Hongjun Daozu tried their best to separate the heaven and the ancient star field because of the reappearance of the aura of the chaotic gods and demons. Is it? What secrets are hidden in the ancient star field, is it related to the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, and Pangu's creation of the world?"

In an instant, many thoughts flashed in the mind of Taoist Yin-Yang. Unfortunately, although he felt the aura of three thousand chaotic gods and demons, he could not really be sure that it was the aura of that chaotic **** and demon. I don't know why this breath suddenly appeared in the area of ​​the dividing line, let alone where the power came from?

Yes, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't be sure where the breath of the chaotic gods and demons came from, whether it was brought by the chaotic beasts that broke through the defenses of the ancient star field, or was it always hidden in the heavens, like the tunnels suppressing the time gods and demons. The same, but one thing shocked the Taoist Yin-Yang. The aura of the gods and demons of chaos here is stronger, more terrifying, and more pure than the aura of the gods and demons of time that I once felt. Three thousand chaotic gods and demons in the world!

"The endless years have passed, what kind of power can preserve such a pure and powerful aura of chaos gods and demons? Could it be said that there are still three thousand chaos gods and demons who have not died and have always existed in the prehistoric world, or Is it in the heavens that suppresses the existence of a world like a chaotic small world, and there are three thousand ancient chaotic gods and demons in this world?"

The Yin-Yang Daoist was meditating, the ancestor Ming He was meditating, and the others were also meditating. This discovery had a huge impact on them. For all of them, it was an incredible discovery. Complete recognition disrupted their understanding of the prehistoric world, and also made them deeply worried about this world-destroying catastrophe!

"It seems that the changes in the celestial world are far beyond our imagination. From the drastic changes in the celestial world, we can learn a piece of news. The secrets in the origin of the nether world may really be related to chaos, and it is related to the chaotic world. There may really be a chaos sealed there. Heaven and Earth, one side was opened up by the gods and demons of chaos, or the world created by the great **** Pangu!"

As soon as Daoist Yin-Yang's words fell, everyone's eyes were condensed. The pressure on them instantly doubled, and they couldn't help frowning. Anything related to chaos is no trivial matter, and anything related to chaos gods and demons is incomparable. Dangerous, such as the changes in the world today make them feel deeply uneasy, and make them a little worried about whether the previous decision was right!

"If Daoist Yin-Yang is true, the change in the heavens this time has shown a problem. Our former 'teacher' hid too many secrets from us. Such a drastic change in the heavens may be his plan all the time, and all this is his The desired result is also the result that Tiandao wants, maybe we need to understand the change in the heavens, the change in the ancient star field, and truly understand where this chaotic aura comes from and what kind of impact it will have on us!"

As a former saint of the Tao of Heaven, Empress Nuwa opened her mouth to express her thoughts. She needs the support of everyone, because she alone cannot explore the secrets, nor can she alone fight this battle. Earth-shattering changes, unable to face this terrifying chaotic aura, even the three thousand chaotic gods and demons! To understand all this and explore the secrets of everything, you must step into the ancient star field. This is too stressful for everyone, the impact is too great, and it is extremely dangerous!

At this time, Empress Nuwa's eyes turned to the Yin-Yang Daoist, and everyone's eyes were focused on the Yin-Yang Daoist for a moment. They were all waiting for the Yin-Yang Daoist's decision. The existence that understands the most secrets is also the existence that understands the most chaotic gods and demons. Everyone needs yin and yang Taoists to decide everything!

"I don't have any problems, as long as everyone is willing to go, I will naturally not object!" Facing the gazes of everyone, the Yin-Yang Taoist made a decision without any hesitation. Empress Nuwa wanted to set foot in the ancient star field, while the Yin-Yang Taoist made a decision without any hesitation. There is also such a thought, no matter how dangerous the ancient star field is, he will not back down, because the Yin-Yang Taoist deeply understands that if you want to understand the conspiracy and tricks of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, you must set foot in the ancient star field and understand everything. This is The most basic needs!

Hearing the answer of the Yin-Yang Daoist, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. For them, they were deeply worried that the Yin-Yang Daoist would refuse or object. This was not because the Yin-Yang Daoist was timid, but worried that the situation would exceed everyone's imagination. Daoists have to choose to retreat, which means that there are great dangers in the ancient star field, the dangers that Yin and Yang Daoists dare not face, and the dangers that they are all afraid of. Ancient secrets pass by!

When he saw everyone's relief, Daoist Yin-Yang's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't be too happy, everyone, although I accept this suggestion, it does not mean that there is a threat in the ancient star field. Smaller, on the contrary, its threat is very terrifying. To me, it is unknown, and the unknown power is also the most terrifying. You don’t know what kind of changes it will have in the next moment, and what amazing crisis will break out!”

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