God of Destruction

Chapter 4648: Festival Soul Shock

Chapter 4654 Soul Shock

When they heard the words of Daoist Yin-Yang, everyone nodded to show their understanding. For them, it is certain that there are great dangers in the ancient star field. Everyone knows it well, but in their hearts, Daoist Yin-Yang The decision has a huge impact on them. In their opinion, as long as the Yin-Yang Taoist does not refuse, it means there is vitality, and vitality means a chance!

"Fellow Daoist, do we still have a way out now? You have even abandoned the Netherworld. If we retreated before the ancient star field, I'm afraid we won't be able to go back to the Netherworld. The tunnel has already mastered everything in the Netherworld, and we can only move forward. this way!"

Although Empress Nuwa's voice was plain, there was a hint of nervousness in her eyes. She was still a little worried that the Yin-Yang Daoist would not be willing to go all out. The hidden secrets made Empress Nuwa worry even more, fearing that there would be unexpected appearances!

"Haha! This is a disappointment to fellow Daoists. According to my perception, today's Netherworld is still as calm as usual, the Six Paths of Reincarnation has not changed at all, and even the Witch World remains the same, and the Underworld does not occupy the Netherworld as you think. world!"

When Daoist Yin-Yang said these words, everyone's eyes showed a look of shock. This was not what they imagined. In their hearts, they all thought that as long as Daoist Yin-Yang, Emperor Yan Luo and Houtu Zuwu left, Dao Dao would definitely be destroyed. Occupy the entire Netherworld at the first time, refine the Netherworld, and cut off the retreat of Yin-Yang Daoists and Houtu Ancestral Witch!

"How is this possible, how can the tunnel be so careless, doesn't it know the danger of doing so, obviously there is a chance to directly seize the entire Netherworld, firmly grasp the Netherworld in its own hands, but make a move of ignoring it, This is so abnormal, so unbelievable, what is it thinking and worrying about?"

Yes, the occurrence of such an accident made everyone doubt the idea of ​​the tunnel, wondering if it was worried about any danger. The secrets of the nether world are secrets to these people, but for the tunnel, everything has long been grasped. , the hidden secrets of the nether world may be dangerous, which can threaten the safety of the tunnel, so that the tunnel does not take over everything at the first time!

"Nothing is impossible, even we are forced to make a choice to give up, and the tunnel naturally has its own ideas and plans. The nether world may not be as important as you think, just like this shock in the heavens. , if the heaven is very important and indispensable to the heaven, will it allow such a split to appear, and it will make the ancient star field break away from the heaven, even if there is a big secret in the ancient star field, the heaven should not let it go so easily! "

Compared with everyone's worries and fears, Daoist Yin-Yang's mood is very calm on the contrary. For him, no matter what changes in the nether world, it can no longer affect his mood. When he makes the choice to give up, no matter what happens in the nether world. He can face everything calmly, no matter how unpredictable the situation is, he can face everything with a normal mind!

"Daoist friend's state of mind, we are not as good as it is. Facing such a change, Daoist friend can treat it calmly is really amazing!"

"I'm not as good as you all think. It's not how great my state of mind is, but when it's time to give up, don't regret it, and don't have any other thoughts. Shaking for the previous decision, how can you go further on this road with no end in sight? When you make a choice, you must calmly face everything that may happen, no matter what kind of change there is, don’t do it Shake your faith!"

That's what I said, but it is very difficult to do it. How many people in the entire prehistoric world can do this, everyone thinks that there are not many people, after all, when the situation related to their own interests changes unexpectedly, It is very difficult for most people to deal with it calmly. Looking at the development of everything calmly, it is bound to be shaken. This is human nature!

"Let's go, let's go and see the changes in the ancient star field together, let's face this unknown change, no matter what changes it has, no matter what situation we have to face, we need to face everything calmly!" Having said that, the Yin-Yang Taoist took the first big step into the ancient star field, and rushed into the unknown place of the ancient star field without a trace of fear!

When they saw the Yin-Yang Daoist enter the ancient star field fearlessly, everyone looked at each other and followed closely. For them, no matter whether there is any danger in the future, they must keep up with the Yin-Yang Daoist. You can't fall behind in your footsteps, or you will miss this opportunity, you will completely distance yourself from everyone, and you will be completely blocked from this team!

Yes, in the eyes of everyone, the ancient star field is a place of great opportunity, and the most confident among these people is the ancestor of Ming He, because he has been in contact with the small world of chaos, and he deeply understands that there are benefits in such a world. How amazing. If I can touch it again and have time to understand the rules of the Dao, the ancestor of Ming He believes that he can break through a higher realm, and can prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian without being trapped in Hunyuan Jinxian. Among the fairy!

Interest is the best temptation. When faced with huge interests, no one can resist its temptation. In the face of interests, everyone will compromise. This is the reality, and the reality is so cruel and ruthless. There is no friendship or concern in the face of interests. There is only that naked, naked, naked greed and madness, and this is the most terrible side of human nature.


When stepping into the ancient star field, the Yin-Yang Daoist shuddered instantly, and a strong evil came from all directions. The endless negative force seemed to destroy his soul. This was the impact from the soul. From the blow of the mind.

"The power of the soul, it seems that everything is as I guessed in my heart. The ancient star field has a close connection with the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. This thick cracked malice is enough to explain the anger and madness in his heart, and the crazy killing of all beings. I mean, there is such a terrifying impact on the mind in such a short time. It seems that the power of this ancient chaotic **** and demon is extremely powerful. What are Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao wanting to do? Strength to resist the impact from the chaotic beast?"

Thinking of this, the Yin-Yang Taoist quickly shook his head and denied the idea. If he just resisted the impact of the chaotic beasts, he didn't need to do this at all. Although those chaotic beasts were terrifying, they were not enough for Hong Jun to talk about danger. Daozu's worry is not enough to worry Tiandao. There must be other reasons for this, but what is this?

It is a pity that there is not so much time for Yin-Yang Daoist to think, just when faced with the impact of endless negative forces, when Yin-Yang Daoist was shocked, exclamations sounded, followed by those who came behind him. They all felt the sudden impact of the soul, and they couldn't help but lose their voices. They didn't have the calm heart of the Yin-Yang Taoist. soul!

Fear surged into the hearts of these people in an instant. Among them, the most affected were the Twelve Ancestral Witches, not only because they had no primordial spirit and the weakest defense of their souls, but also because of their origins. They are the authentic Pangu, inheriting the blood of Pangu, so they have a strong Pangu aura, and Pangu Qiaqia is the most hated existence of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. When the blood inheritor of Pangu appeared, the chaotic breath The killing intent is stronger, more domineering and crazy.

When such a sudden change occurred, when hearing the exclamations of the crowd, and discovering the plight of the Twelve Ancestors, the Yin-Yang Daoist could not turn a blind eye. The Twelve Ancestors were his firm allies and could not be around at this time. In the ancient star field, no matter how powerful the chaotic gods and demons hidden in the ancient star field are, the yin and yang Taoists must stop all this, prevent the twelve ancestors from being devastated, end their crisis, and turn the enemy's attack. completely eliminated.

"Hum! Arrogance, this is not your era, your era is over, destroy it for me, and the Yin-Yang Dao will obliterate everything!" With a deep shout from the Yin-Yang Taoist, a terrifying aura burst out from his body, Yin-Yang The power of the Great Dao is turned into a grinding disc that wipes out all the negative forces that come from the impact. No matter how powerful that negative force is, it will be wiped out by the power of the source evolved from the Yin-Yang Dao, which also makes the crisis of the Twelve Ancestral Witches instant. Dissolve!

"Hey! The terrifying power of the source of the Yin-Yang Dao, is this the true power of the Yin-Yang Daoist? Without the Taoist Primordial Primordial Golden Immortal, he has a power beyond that of the Primordial Primordial Golden Immortal. This source is too pure and terrifying! It seems that The Yin-Yang Daoist has come a long way in the cultivation of Yin-Yang Dao, and has already gained his own insights and walked out of his own Dao!"

Among all the people who feel the deepest feeling is the Empress Nuwa. If among the people who is the closest to the Yin-Yang Daoist in the cultivation of the Dao, it is naturally the Empress Nuwa who has also stepped out of her own way. , And it is precisely because she has walked out of her own road, that Empress Nuwa can deeply understand how terrifying and terrifying the yin and yang Taoists are at this time!

The gap, Empress Nuwa deeply understands how amazing the gap between herself and the Yin-Yang Taoist is. On the Dao cultivation, even a slight gap is a huge difference, but the gap between herself and the Yin-Yang Taoist is even bigger. So even if the Yin-Yang Daoist did not prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, he was still the Daluo Golden Immortal, but his strength was incomparably powerful. He thinks that Yin-Yang Taoists disdain to take shortcuts and first prove the Dao Hunyuan Jinxian, but want to cross the great realm in one step, directly prove the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and directly transcend the prehistoric world!

With the help of Taoist Yin-Yang, the Twelve Ancestral Witch quickly woke up from their predicament, and once again felt their own inadequacies, and deeply understood how terrifying the danger of their Witch Race was when the world-destroying catastrophe arrived. , understand how amazing their own hidden dangers are, if they are just competing with the same powerhouses as Honghuang, they are not afraid of each other, but in the face of the drastic changes under the annihilation of the world, when facing those enemies who are more hidden, their shortcomings will be ignored. Invisibly magnified countless times.

"Fellow Daoists, you should pay attention to the defense of your own souls in the future, otherwise, when the world-annihilation catastrophe breaks out, this will become your biggest hidden danger. You can't be lucky like today every time. The enemy has locked your weakness, and what awaits you must be death and destruction. For any ancient chaos gods and demons, they all have endless killing intent on you, the inheritors of the Pangu bloodline, and you are powerless in the face of their attack. Resist!"

As an ally, the Yin-Yang Daoist pointed out the shortcomings of the Twelve Ancestors. After all, in the current environment, if the Twelve Ancestors still can't find a way to resolve their biggest shortcomings, what awaits them will be death and death. Destruction, and how to resolve their own shortcomings, this has become the biggest problem of the twelve ancestors, causing them the most headache!

"Don't ask me, I don't know how to resolve your flaws. The law may be a good way, but I don't think it's the whole story. The real solution to the crisis should be in your inheritance. Thinking of this, it is impossible for your bloodline inheritor to have such a terrifying flaw, but you did not find it yourself, perhaps because you only saw the cultivation of the physical body at the beginning, and did not realize that there was still something in your inheritance. There are other powers!"

For Yin-Yang Taoists, they do not think that the Pangu bloodline inherited by the Twelve Ancestors will have such a big flaw, nor do they think that Pangu Great God will have such a bloodline inheritor, and it is not Pangu Great God who caused such a result, but The Twelve Ancestors themselves did not find all the power in the bloodline inheritance. Maybe they were too superstitious about the power of the flesh and ignored the cultivation above the soul, or maybe this power has not been discovered by them, and it is still hidden. In the bloodline inheritance!

When I heard Daoist Yin-Yang's words, not only the Twelve Ancestors were thoughtful, but the others were also thoughtful, whether it was Empress Nuwa or the ancestor of Ming He, in fact, they all had a trace of Pangu's heritage. , especially the Old Ancestor Ming He. The words of Taoist Yin-Yang are not only instructing the Twelve Ancestors, but also instructing them.

In contrast, Yin-Yang Daoists are the ones who pay the least attention to the inheritance of blood. Although he has obtained the inheritance of the time gods and demons, this inheritance has long been wiped out by the Yin-Yang Daoists with the opportunity of their own transformation. All the imprints left by the gods and demons have been wiped out, so the so-called bloodline inheritance has long since disappeared. He has truly walked out of his own avenue to the sky, and he has long cared about the power of the bloodline inheritance.

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