God of Destruction

Chapter 4649: parting ways

Chapter 4655 parted ways

"Thank you for your guidance, we understand what to do!" Under the guidance of the Yin-Yang Daoist, everyone immediately understood what they should do. In the face of such a crisis, how to do it would be beneficial to them, not just a clue no! As wild creatures, all of them have the inheritance of Pangu in their bodies, and they all have Pangu's breath, so the most important thing for them is how to hide their breath from being detected by the outside world, and how to ensure their own safety.

Of course, there is no such danger for Yin-Yang Daoists. After all, Yin-Yang Daoists do not have the blood of Pangu, and Yin-Yang Daoists have walked out of their own path, and they have refined the origin of time gods and demons, so it is dangerous for Yin-Yang Daoists. Much lower than others, but the Yin-Yang Daoist also understands that this is not the reason for his relaxation. In the world-annihilation catastrophe, everything is possible, and the crisis exists everywhere, and it will suddenly erupt at no time.

When everyone calmed down, when everyone had a little understanding of the ancient star field, looking at the expressions of the people in front of them, the Yin-Yang Taoist sighed softly and said, "Fellow Taoists want to join hands to explore together. Ancient Star Territory, we still act alone. If we work together to ensure safety, after all, it is the power of all of us. Even if we face the ancestors of Hongjun, we also have the power to fight, but the result of this is that everyone has limited gains. , acting alone is better than freedom, but the danger is great!"

Without waiting for others to speak, the Yin-Yang Taoist first proposed such a choice. Although it seems that everyone entered the ancient star field together, and there is a tacit understanding and goodwill between each other, the Yin-Yang Taoist deeply knows that this is only a superficial situation, in the face of interests , This so-called tacit understanding and goodwill are not worth mentioning, and they cannot withstand the impact. Once there is a conflict of interests, their team will collapse in an instant, and it will disappear. For the sake of interests, there may be fights!

It is precisely because the Yin-Yang Daoist understands the dangers hidden in the crowd, so they put forward this opinion before everyone opens their mouths, let everyone decide how to act, and let them choose their own routes, rather than forcibly gathering everyone together. , forming that hidden crisis, making everyone fall into an inexplicable danger!

"Don't be in a hurry to make a statement, think carefully before making a decision. Although we don't have enough time, we are not in a hurry. It is not too late to make a decision after careful consideration, so as not to make a wrong decision on the spur of the moment. Choice, after all, people are different and have different ideas from each other, which is related to everyone's future development, so be careful!"

When they see someone rushing to make a decision, the Yin-Yang Daoist preemptively speaks out. It is not that the Yin-Yang Daoist cannot trust them, but that anything can happen under the temptation of interests. At this time, they are eager to make a choice. Accidents may cause unnecessary losses. This is not the result that Yin-Yang Daoists want to see!

Time is passing little by little, and when they heard the persuasion of Daoist Yin and Yang, everyone calmed down and thought carefully about whether to join forces with everyone to explore the secrets in the ancient star field, or to act alone, carefully weighing the two. The pros and cons between the two, choose the direction that is most beneficial to you, after all, this is not a trivial matter, it is related to your future!

Among the crowd, the first decision was made by the Twelve Ancestors of the Wuzu. As the representative of the Wuzu, after the Houtu Zuwu communicated with other ancestors, the Houtu Zuwu stood up and said: "Daoist yin and yang, we have been attached to each other since the underworld world, and we have been supporting each other until today, and we also understand each other. We decided to continue to follow the daoist friends. No matter what happens next, we will not betray, we will not betray. Do things that are not conducive to cooperation!"

When Tuzu Wu's remarks fell, the mother Nuwa and the ancestors of Ming He were very shocked. In their opinion, the Wu clan is the most powerful and most powerful party among the crowd, and they should choose to act alone. That's right, after all, there are twelve of them, and with the cooperation of the twelve, they can resist even if there is danger. As the main body, the power of the 'Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons' is absolutely amazing!

"I didn't expect your fellow Daoists to believe me so much, so let's explore the secrets together!" When he said this, a faint smile appeared on the face of the Yin-Yang Daoist, as he expressed the choice of the twelve ancestors of the witch clan. express approval.

In contrast, Empress Nuwa and Ancestor Ming He are very hesitant. Empress Nuwa is hesitant because she is afraid of conflict of interests. After all, it seems safe for everyone to join forces, but when there is a chance, how much can you get? This is a It’s a big problem, and Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa’s thoughts are somewhat similar, and they are also hesitating for their own interests, but for Ancestor Ming He, they feel that they have had an experience once, and they should have a certain understanding of the ancient star field. Understand that acting alone can get more opportunities, and his only concern is safety, because there is Hongjun Daozu in the dark, this extremely dangerous enemy exists.

Daoist Yin-Yang is worried that there are real bodies of chaotic gods and demons in the ancient star field, or even living chaotic gods and demons, but to the ancestor of Ming He, he does not think so. In his opinion, the great **** Pangu has already cleaned up the ground. Three thousand chaotic gods and demons, even if there is a chaotic aura here, it is only the breath and inheritance left by those chaotic gods and demons who died and disappeared. The biggest enemy is the unknown existence of Hongjun Daozu, which is unknown and hidden. Where does it exist!

For Empress Nuwa and Ancestor Ming He, who had not made a decision for a long time, Taoist Yin-Yang did not urge them, not even the slightest impatience on their faces, they were still quietly waiting for them to make a decision, as if a little Don't worry, let the two continue to think, the whole person is very relaxed and comfortable, so calm!

The more calm the Taoist Yin-Yang behaved, the more uneasy it made Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He feel, and the more they dared not make decisions lightly. They were deeply afraid that they would make a wrong decision and put themselves in danger. among! Yes, for these two, deep down they still want to go it alone, just out of fear of danger.

"Daoist yin and yang, I wonder if we can continue to keep in touch in this ancient star field, not affected by external factors, and if there is danger, can we help each other?" After a while, Ming He The old ancestor couldn't bear the greed in his heart, and he asked the Yin-Yang Daoist. It was obvious that he chose to act alone, but he didn't want to face danger!


As soon as Patriarch Ming He said this, Empress Nuwa's eyes lit up. This is indeed a good way. If you can maintain contact with the Yin-Yang Taoist, you can use the power of the Yin-Yang Taoist when danger comes. It's not a good choice, it can protect its own interests to the greatest extent, and it will not be subject to the yin and yang Taoists!

When hearing these words, Daoist Yin-Yang's expression did not change, and he said with a slight smile: "If the ancient star field is completely the situation we are suffering from now, it is not too difficult to keep in touch with each other, just pay attention to It’s enough to keep everyone’s distance, but I can’t guarantee whether there will be other mutations, so I can’t give a definite answer and promise to fellow Daoists!”

In this matter, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not hide it, and directly told the ancestor Ming He, how to choose needs to be judged by himself, the Yin-Yang Daoist cannot give him a clear answer! In response to this answer, Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa sighed secretly. They also understood in their hearts that they couldn't blame the Yin-Yang Daoist, but their own thoughts were too embarrassing, and they didn't dare to make any guarantees. After all, this is a world-annihilation catastrophe. This is an ancient star field that has been separated from the heavens. It is a dangerous place with a chaotic atmosphere of gods and demons. No one knows what will happen here in the next moment.

For a moment, Ancestor Ming He turned his attention to Empress Nuwa. Among the crowd, Empress Nuwa’s strength was second only to Taoist Yin-Yang. Ancestor Ming He wanted to see how Empress Nuwa decided, if there was a possibility If so, Old Ancestor Ming He would like to cooperate with Empress Nuwa and act together, so as to reduce the conflict of interests and increase the chance to obtain it!

When Ancestor Ming He's eyes were fixed on her body, Empress Nuwa immediately sensed it. She knew very well what Ancestor Ming He wanted to do and what Ancestor Ming He meant, but it was not easy to make such a decision. , Empress Nuwa also needs to be cautious, not to make a decision just because of impulsive impulse, this is not a trivial matter, once a choice is made, it cannot be changed.

"I'm really sorry, fellow yin and yang, I choose to explore alone. After all, if we are united, although the safety is guaranteed, the scope of exploration is pitiful. Once we have the chance, it's not enough for us to share, once or twice. Everyone may be able to endure and compromise, but over time it will inevitably leave unpleasant thoughts in their hearts!"

Hearing this, Daoist Yin-Yang smiled lightly and said, "There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's normal to have different ideas. The purpose of exploring the ancient star field is to benefit. It's normal for fellow Daoists to have such thoughts. I can understand it."

When she heard Daoist Yin-Yang's answer, Empress Nuwa breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a flash of joy in her eyes, and then said, "Thank you for your understanding, if possible, it is still necessary for us to keep in touch. If you gain something, you can communicate with each other, and if there is danger, you can help each other!"

"No problem, in this dangerous and unpredictable environment, it is necessary for everyone to keep in touch, and it is more appropriate to help each other. Perhaps this will allow us to find the information we want faster, and find hidden hidden in ancient times. Opportunities in the Star Territory! As fellow Daoists said, there is a limit to what joint operations can explore!"

When he saw that Daoist Yin-Yang did not react at all, Old Ancestor Ming He moved in his heart and said, "Fellow Daoist Nuwa, it's better for the two of us to act together, so that we can take care of each other, even if there is danger, we can Resist!"

When Old Ancestor Ming He said this, Daoist Yin Yang couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "As expected, Old Ancestor Ming He really had his own thoughts on the ancient star field. It seems that the chance in the chaotic small world gave He's so confident!"

Madam Nuwa was not surprised by the suggestion of the ancestor Ming He. She had already guessed when she felt the gaze of the ancestor Ming He, but now she just confirmed her conjecture. When Ancestor wanted to join his own actions, Empress Nuwa had no reason to refuse, just as Old Ancestor Ming He said, one more person would bring more vitality.

"Okay, I am willing to unite with fellow Daoist Ming He. After all, there are many dangers in this ancient star field, and I may be attacked by chaotic beasts at some point. With my fellow Daoist, there is more safety!" Without hesitation, Empress Nuwa immediately agreed to the suggestion of Ancestor Ming He, everything was under her control, and everything went so smoothly!

The Twelve Ancestors have different views on the choice of Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He. For Houtu Ancestral Witch and Emperor Jiang Ancestral Witch, they do not approve of such a move. Important, but your own life is more important. Today's ancient star field is not the ancient star field that everyone knew in the past. There are too many dangers in it, and a slight error will pay a heavy price, even your own life. , it's not worth risking your own life in this terrifying catastrophe!

Of course, there are also people who agree with the choices made by Mother Nuwa and the ancestor of Ming He, and feel that if everyone can act in small groups, they can better explore the ancient star field and find opportunities better. It’s a pity that these ancestors did not dare to speak. , dare not oppose the decision of Houtu Zuwu and Emperor Jiang Zuwu, even if they have any thoughts in their hearts, they can only press them in their hearts!

"Okay, that's what we've decided. The two Daoists take care. I'll take the first step. If there is anything, keep in touch. As long as there is a need, the two Daoists can speak up!" After speaking, the Yin-Yang Daoist looked condensed and cautious. I found a direction to start my new journey, began to explore the ancient star field, and also started this dangerous journey!

When the Twelve Ancestors saw the Yin-Yang Daoist move, they all bowed to Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He, and hurriedly followed. For them, it was better to follow the Yin-Yang Daoist closely. It seems that Taoist Yin-Yang is more reliable than Empress Nuwa and Patriarch Ming He. Even if there is any danger, they will be able to resist with their combined strength. They are not afraid of even a life-and-death battle with Taoist Hongjun. Confidence can be completely withdrawn. This is their trust in Yin-Yang Daoist. No one can shake the trust. In their opinion, Yin-Yang Daoist is the most trustworthy. Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He are too ignorant!

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