God of Destruction

Chapter 4650: selfish

Chapter 4656 Selfishness

Looking at the backs of Daoist Yin-Yang and the Twelve Ancestral Witches leaving, Empress Nuwa smiled lightly and said: "Daoist Minghe, I don't know why you chose to join forces with me, you must know that my strength is far less than that of Daoist Yin-Yang. Danger occurs, only the two of us are very dangerous, a little carelessness will kill our lives, aren't you afraid?"

"Fear? No, I don't know what fear is. In my opinion, although danger exists, chance is more important. The Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch have a tacit understanding. Once they find the opportunity, they will take the big buck. And the benefits I can get are limited, I don’t want myself to be subject to such constraints all the time, which means that I will be in danger in the annihilation of the world!”

In the face of Empress Nuwa, Ancestor Ming He did not lie, and directly expressed his own voice, and this was also the voice of Empress Nuwa, both of them were reluctant to accept sharing opportunities with too many people. As a result, more people means less benefit for them, which is why they choose to go it alone.

"Fellow Daoist Minghe, since we decided to act together, we should not hide anything. I don't know how much you know about the ancient star field, and what preparations you have for this earth-shattering change. Don't know anything about it!"

Ancestor Ming He smiled indifferently and said: "If you say you know something about the ancient star field, it is a lie. In fact, I almost know nothing about the ancient star field, but there is one thing that I know better than Daoist Nuwa. , I once entered a chaotic little world with Emperor Yan Luo, and the entrance to this little world was once sealed in the sea of ​​blood, and now the secrets in the origin of the nether world and the changes in the ancient star fields are extremely similar to the original ones. , and that Chaos Xiaotiandi originated from Pangu!"

"It turns out that, so everything can be explained, Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu paid such a big price to be the chaotic world sealed behind this, if the entrance to such a small chaotic world is also hidden in the ancient star field, Hongjun Jun Daozu will naturally fight for it with all his strength, but there is such an entrance in the sea of ​​blood, the nether world also has it, and the ancient star field also has it. How many such chaotic little worlds are hidden in the entire prehistoric world, what kind of trouble it will be for us!"

Although I understand that there may be a small chaotic world hidden in the ancient star field, the first thing Nuwa's mother thought of was not the interests hidden in it, but her own safety. With the existence of such a world, they must face Hong Kong. Jun Daozu, can he fight against Hongjun Daozu only with the strength of himself and the ancestor of Ming He?

When he saw the worried look on the face of Empress Nuwa, Ancestor Ming He smiled indifferently and said, "I know what Daoist Nuwa is worried about, we really can't compete with Daozu Hongjun with our strength, but we are not We must confront him head-on, according to my past experience, as long as we can find the entrance and find a way to open it, there is no need to confront Hongjun Daozu head-on."

Empress Nuwa shook her head gently and said: "No, things are not as simple as Daoist thinks, since you all know this secret, it is impossible for Yin-Yang Daoist not to know, do you think he will give up his search for that world, and This secret seems to be clearer to Hongjun Daozu, we are not as good as we thought, so we have such an advantage!"

"Alas! It's precisely because I know that the Yin-Yang Taoist also knows this secret, so I don't want to walk with him. That will only reduce my gains. If it wasn't for the Twelve Ancestors, maybe I wouldn't choose to walk with fellow Taoists. After all, the strength of Daoist Yin-Yang is unfathomable, and there is the Yama Emperor who has never appeared, I don't think he has fallen, and the death of a Hunyuan Jinxian will definitely have a strange change!" The ancestor Ming He sighed. , there was a hint of loss in his eyes.

For Old Ancestor Ming He, making such a choice is also very helpless. If possible, he is not willing to risk his own life. He also understands how dangerous the decision he made is. In this unknown ancient star field. Among them, there will be danger at any time, and you may face the threat of death and terrifying mutation at any time!

"Daoist Minghe, what is in the chaotic small world you have been in contact with, can you still feel its existence now? If possible, we should probably give up the exploration of the ancient star field and choose that chaotic world. !"

"I also want to explore it. Although I can feel its existence, I just regretfully tell fellow Daoists that it is impossible. It is in chaos, and I can only vaguely feel its existence. What, the endless rules of the Great Dao, and it is very likely to be a world that broke apart when Pangu and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons fought, and I can feel its existence, do you think the Yin-Yang Daoist and Yama Emperor will not be able to sense it? Even they didn't choose to explore that chaotic world, which shows how terrifying the dangers are, so that they dare not act rashly, let alone me!"

Speaking of this, Ancestor Ming He couldn't help but gently shook his head, a helpless look flashed in his eyes, there was a chance that he was familiar with, but there was no way to explore it. This is really too sad. But this is the reality. In the world-annihilation catastrophe, there are many dangers, and any carelessness will lead him to a point of no return. Before the Yin-Yang Daoist did not take action, the ancestor Ming He would not choose his own actions. He deeply understands that chaotic world. Danger in!

It is a pity that the ancestor of Ming He is afraid that he will never wait for this day. The Yin-Yang Taoist will not explore the chaotic world he has been longing for. This world has already fallen into the grasp of the Yin-Yang Taoist. There is no need at all. Waste of time and energy!


When Daoist Yin-Yang parted ways with Empress Nuwa and Patriarch Ming He, Daozu Hongjun, who had been hiding in the ancient star field, immediately noticed the change. When Daoist Yin and Yang entered the ancient star field, Daoist Hongjun Hongjun I felt this change, but Hongjun Daozu didn't rush to take action, but waited quietly. Although the appearance of so many people would affect his plan, Hongjun Daozu didn't care too much. There are more people and more people, and even if there is no external force to disturb, Hongjun Daozu has no confidence to swallow the ancient star field, and the plan in his heart is not to capture everything in the ancient star field!

"Hehe, this is human nature, this is the fickleness of people's hearts, under the temptation of interests, anything can happen, but unfortunately today's ancient star field is not as simple as you think, chaotic beasts are not kind people, these used to be The **** of the creatures in the prehistoric world have long lost their original nature after their transformation. They are only the ferocity of chaotic beasts. If you encounter them, you will know what regret is. Any creature contaminated with the word chaos is extremely terrifying. Chaos Jinxian is only at the bottom of the food chain of chaotic creatures, I hope you can escape the slaughter of these chaotic beasts!"

Speaking, Hongjun Daozu gently shook his head and withdrew his gaze on Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He. For Hongjun Daozu, he didn't care about their existence or what they would do. What kind of extreme actions will break the balance of the ancient star field, they do not have such strength, nor do they have such qualifications!

In contrast, Daozu Hongjun dared to pay attention to Empress Nuwa and Patriarch Ming He, that is, he did not dare to observe the Yin-Yang Daoist group. Daozu Hongjun was confident that he could ignore the counter-detection of Empress Nuwa and Patriarch Ming He. , But I don't have the confidence to face the counter-detection of the Yin-Yang Daoist. Since the Yin-Yang Daoist was born, Hongjun Daozu has never seen through him, so Hongjun Daozu is very cautious about the Yin-Yang Daoist and his group, and dare not act rashly, this is the strength. gap!

When Hongjun Daozu's eyes were fixed on himself, the heart of the goddess Nuwa was warning, and she felt the gaze from the void, but the goddess Nuwa was unable to find the gaze that was watching her through the void, she just felt its gaze. exist!

After Hongjun Daozu's eyes dissipated, the expression of Mother Nuwa instantly changed greatly, which made Ancestor Ming He couldn't help but wonder, and said in a deep voice: "What's wrong with Daoist Nuwa, is there something wrong?" Instinctively, Old Ancestor Ming He felt the danger and made him feel heavy. After all, this is the ancient star field, and there are many dangers!

"Someone is watching us in the dark, this breath makes me feel very familiar, maybe it is our 'good teacher', it seems that when we entered the ancient star field, we have already fallen into his sight, when the yin and yang Taoist As soon as we left with the Twelve Ancestors, we were targeted by this 'good teacher', it seems that you and I need to be careful, so as not to accidentally fall into a desperate situation!"

When Empress Nuwa said these words, Ancestor Ming He's eyes became gloomy. This news was very dangerous to him. If Dao Ancestor Hongjun's eyes were fixed on the two of them, things would be troublesome. I am afraid that if I find the entrance to the chaotic world, it will be difficult to get everything I want. The existence of Hongjun Daozu is my biggest threat!

"Damn, how could this be, how could he find us so quickly and lock us in!" At this time, Old Ancestor Ming He had a trace of madness and unwillingness in his eyes. This was the result he never expected, and it was also the result of disaster for him. . However, Old Ancestor Ming He soon calmed down. It had already happened. No matter how angry he was, it was useless. This was the result of lack of facts. He could only endure being monitored by Dao Ancestor Hongjun, who made himself unable to shield himself from the outside world. surveillance!

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa, what should we do now? If we have been under the surveillance of Hongjun Daozu, even if we find the opportunity, we will only make wedding dresses for others. Is Hongjun Daozu leaving a spirit on us now? Branding?" Yes, Old Ancestor Ming He was worried that he would be left with a mental brand on his body, and his whereabouts would be completely exposed to the other party's sight!

"No, Daozu Hongjun didn't leave a mental imprint on us, he just took a look at us and then withdrew his eyes, but we can't relax, this is not a small matter, it is related to your life and death, you know this There are not only our 'good teacher' in the ancient star field, but also more enemies. Hongjun Daozu can find us, and other enemies can also do it. What we have to face is even more dangerous. surroundings!"

The ancestor Minghe also understood who the enemy Nuwa was referring to was not the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but the chaotic beasts that broke through the defenses of the prehistoric world. Although these **** were born in the prehistoric world, they are changing. After becoming chaotic and murderous, they have become the enemies of the entire prehistoric world. Their existence is the destruction of the prehistoric world. Any creature in the prehistoric world encountered by them will be slaughtered endlessly. There is no second way. go!

Remorse, for a moment, Ancestor Ming He couldn't help but feel a hint of remorse in his heart. This sudden crisis was something he did not have, and the appearance of this crisis also deeply made Ancestor Ming He feel threatened. It happened that everything had already happened, and he couldn't help but regret it. At this time, even if he wanted to return to the team of Yin-Yang Daoists, it was too late. The Yin-Yang Daoists and the Twelve Ancestral Witches had already left, and they would not wait for them to return to the team once they left the big team. , there is no possibility of returning!

The Yin-Yang Taoist is not a talkative person. Before, the ancestors of Ming He and Nuwa chose to act alone for the so-called 'interests'. Now they have found the danger and want to return to the big team. This is impossible, even if the Yin-Yang Taoist agrees. , The Twelve Ancestors will not agree. You can't think about leaving when there is no danger. If you are in danger, you want to return to the big team and let others help you through the crisis of life and death. The Twelve Ancestors will not accept the result.

"Okay, don't complain anymore, it is also a great fortune for us to be able to detect the danger in advance. Now we can only be cautious and not be sloppy. After all, we have no helper, and all dangers need to be faced by ourselves. No matter the Yin-Yang Daoist or the Twelve Ancestral Witches, they will not be our real help. Maybe when we face the crisis of life and death, we can get a little help from them, but now we don’t have to think about it. Are these bastards? It may be for us to fight against Hongjun Daozu, let alone fight against Hongjun Daozu for us, now we can only rely on our own strength to change the crisis!"

The words are so, but it is very difficult to do this. The Empress Nuwa said it very lightly, but all this needs to be implemented at a huge price, and this is something the two of them cannot do for the time being. The only thing that can be done is to be more vigilant. You can sense it in advance before Hongjun Daozu makes another shot, and you can take precautions early. Don't give Hongjun Daozu a chance to watch yourself, avoid Hongjun Daozu's monitoring and tracking, just do it. Getting to all this is not easy!

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