God of Destruction

Chapter 4651: section hidden

Chapter 4657 is hidden

"No, we need to hide ourselves now, instead of consuming our own origin. Today's ancient star field has already changed, and we are not familiar with it at all. If we look at it by borrowing past experience, we will definitely die without a burial place. We need Only in this way can we survive in the ancient star field, we can truly adapt to it, and truly find the opportunity we want from the chaotic atmosphere of the ancient star field!"

Old Ancestor Ming He spoke up against the suggestion of Empress Nuwa. In his opinion, Empress Nuwa's suggestion was a bit extreme. Now what they need is not to change the crisis, but to protect themselves, to hide themselves and adapt to The changes in the ancient star field, only when you really adapt to the ancient star field can you find the opportunity you want, and you can really get the opportunity here!

When she heard the words of Ancestor Ming He, Empress Nuwa couldn't help frowning. She didn't expect Ancestor Ming He to object to her suggestion. If Empress Nuwa's own situation was considered, she could change her strength with her own strength. Crisis is more suitable, because she is practicing the Dao of Life and has a strong self-protection power, and in her opinion, the ancestor of Ming He, the golden immortal who has mastered the origin of the blood sea, also has the same self-protection ability. Attacking is the best choice, but the ancestor Minghe chose to hide himself!

"Daoyou Minghe, with our strength, we can take the initiative to attack and change everything at the fastest speed. There is no need to waste precious time. It is not suitable for us to adapt to the changes in the ancient star field. , it will only drag down our practice, and it will only allow us to distance ourselves from the Yin-Yang Daoists once again, your choice is a little too cautious!"

"No, Daoist Nuwa is wrong. I am not being cautious, but I can recognize myself. In the eyes of Daoist friends, I feel that this chaotic aura of the ancient star field is nothing, and I can completely resist it with my own life source. , even digestion, but I want to tell you, if you face this journey of exploration with this idea, you will only lose your life in the end, the chaotic atmosphere is more terrible than you think, don’t take your own Looking at the current environment from experience, the chaos we have experienced in the past is only the product of the weakening of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. The real source of chaos is more terrifying than you think. I have more experience than you. Feeling the pure origin of chaos, the origin of the Dao and the power of rules left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, with our current strength, it is not easy to protect ourselves!"

"Friend Minghe, what you said is true?" Regarding the remarks of the ancestors of Minghe, the mother of Nuwa needs to confirm the truth again. After all, it is related to her own life and death, so she cannot be careless. I think that my combat power is stronger than that of Ancestor Ming He, but Ancestor Ming He has experience that he has never had before, which is very important to me!

"Really, I can assure fellow Daoists that everything is true. I have no reason to deceive fellow Daoists. It doesn't do me any good. What we are seeking is a chance. The chaotic atmosphere is far beyond your imagination. We need to be careful. After all, there are only two of us. No matter how careful we are in the face of such a crisis, we are responsible for our own lives. We cannot lose ourselves and lose our vigilance because of our immediate interests. !"

"Okay, everything listens to the Taoist friend, I hope everything can be as the Taoist friend thinks, and everything can go smoothly!"

When he heard the consent of Empress Nuwa, Ancestor Ming He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the look in his eyes became much more relaxed. There was no tension and anxiety like before. In his heart, he was really afraid that Empress Nuwa would refuse. , this will break his plan, and even make him have to choose to give up the union with the goddess Nuwa.

Yes, in Ancestor Ming He's heart, if Empress Nuwa chooses to reject her suggestion, she will give up this cooperation. He doesn't want to risk his own life and put himself in danger. After all, life only exists once. , there is no need to take such a risk, fortunately, nothing happened, and the Queen Mother still listened to her persuasion!

Acting recklessly without strength will only end in the end of a dead soul. Ancestor Ming He doesn’t want to accompany the mother Nuwa to seek death. In this terrifying ancient star field, a slight accident will lead to a death and a soul disappearing! Before, Ancestor Ming He hadn't noticed the danger of danger, but when Empress Nuwa had a sense of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, Ancestor Ming He realized how dangerous the situation he was facing, and when he really realized it. The terror and danger of the ancient star field!

Chaos aura, after being vigilant in his heart, the ancestor Ming He gradually realized that there are too many chaotic auras in the ancient star field, and this chaotic aura is not only one, but dozens of hundreds, and each one is different, It is obvious that there are many mutations in the ancient star field. Perhaps those breaths come from chaotic beasts, and the biggest chaotic breath makes the ancestors of Ming He feel terror, the terror from the depths of the heart, and This breath is connected to the origin of the ancient star field!

Chaos gods? The first thing that came to mind in Ancestor Ming He's mind was the Chaos God and Demon, one of the three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons who fought against Pangu, and this breath Ancestor Ming He also had vague contact with, which made Ancestor Ming He more fearful in his heart.

I have been in contact with the breath of this chaotic **** and demon. This is definitely not in the prehistoric world. The only possibility is the chaotic small world that I have entered, that is to say, the terrifying chaos of the ancient star field. The breath really came from a chaotic **** and demon who had fought with the great **** Pangu, one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. How could the ancestor of Ming He not be shocked by this news!


Chance, this is indeed a big chance. The inheritance of one of the ancient three thousand chaotic gods and demons is extremely tempting to the ancestors of Ming He, but behind this inheritance there is endless murderous intent. He deeply understands how terrifying and cruel this kind of inheritance is. If it is just a incomplete inheritance, it is okay to say, but it is obvious that this is not a incomplete inheritance, but a complete inheritance of a real chaotic **** and demon. I have to let the ancestors of Ming He think deeply!

"The chaotic gods and demons, the ancient starfield turned out to be the evolution of a chaotic gods and demons. Could it be that the creation of the world by Pangu is false? The prehistoric world is not entirely created by the great **** Pangu, and the chaotic gods and demons evolved. If In this way, everything can make sense, whether it is the heaven, the nether world, or the vast land, there is a chaotic **** and demon breath, because it also has the origin inheritance of three thousand chaotic gods and demons, Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao separates the ancient star field from the heavenly realm. I am afraid that they are also fighting the idea of ​​this chaotic **** and demon. Maybe they don't care about the inheritance of this chaotic **** and devil, but the origin left by a chaotic **** and devil is also tempting enough. Man, whoever gets it can go further!"

The origin of the chaotic gods and demons is a great temptation for the ancestor of Ming He. He who has really come into contact with the laws of the origins of the chaotic gods and demons deeply understands the temptation of a chaotic gods and demons. If he can refine this chaotic statue The origin of the gods and demons, it is possible to directly prove the Dao Jinxian of Hunyuan, you must know that this is the real chaotic gods and demons, and the chaotic gods and demons who master the rules of the Dao are far from those chaotic beasts transformed from the wild creatures can be compared.

There is an essential gap between the chaotic beasts and the chaotic gods and demons who are in charge of the rules of the Dao and those who do not have the rules of the Dao. Mastering the rules of the Dao can completely crush any enemy who does not have the rules of the Dao. With the treasure in the body, it is difficult to resist the suppression from the essence. This is the suppression of the innate nature, and no one can resist it.

"Could it be that Hongjun Daozu came for the origin of this chaotic **** and demon, but is the origin of a chaotic **** and demon really enough to make Hongjun Daozu desperate? Will there be other secrets hidden behind this?" Ancestor Ming He was constantly thinking in his heart, trying to find a solution, but he was afraid of everything. Will end up with a result of the death of the soul!

Old Ancestor Ming He did not tell Empress Nuwa what he had guessed in his heart. This news was too horrifying. If he really had to tell Empress Nuwa, he might end up in danger of waiting. For Old Ancestor Ming He, But I don't have the strength to face the inheritance of this chaotic **** and demon, let alone refining this source of power, so that I can be an enemy of anyone!

For the performance of Ancestor Ming He, Empress Nuwa saw it in her eyes. For such a change, Empress Nuwa naturally felt it, but Empress Nuwa was not in a hurry to let Ancestor Ming He share the news. It’s a pity It was the ancestor Ming He who was wary of the Empress Nuwa in his heart. He did not know and did not dare to share this secret, for fear that one would accidentally cut off his own plans and arrangements, and let himself and the Empress Nuwa fall into danger together. In desperation!

It can't be said in words. In the perception of Ancestor Ming He, if he opens his mouth, he may lead to more crises, or even fall into even greater trouble! Of course, this also has his selfish intentions, but more of it is fear. Being in the ancient star field, the ancestor of Ming He was really afraid that when he opened his mouth, he would lead to a big riot in the ancient star field and put himself in a desperate situation. After all, today's star field There are too many dangers in the ancient star field, and there are also terrifying chaotic beasts!

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa, we should act, we can't stay in one place all the time, even if we want to hide ourselves, we can't stay in one place for too long, it's very dangerous, we don't have the absolute power of Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch. Combat power, we can face any enemy, and caution is what we should do the most!"

Soon Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa also disappeared in the ancient star field. Ever since they learned that Dao Ancestor Hongjun was watching him in the dark, Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa tried their best to restrain their breath and try their best to do their best. Don't let your own aura leak out, and work harder to feel the chaotic aura of the ancient star field, let yourself integrate into this chaotic aura as much as possible, and be compatible with it! Only by truly integrating into the ancient star field can we get rid of the investigation of Hongjun Daozu and escape the siege of the chaotic beasts that invaded the prehistoric world. Although today's ancient star field has been separated from the heaven, the ancient Star Territory is still in the prehistoric world, if their breath is perceived by the chaotic beasts, it must be an endless pursuit!

One or two chaotic beasts, Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa were able to deal with them comfortably and would not be afraid, but these chaotic beasts that invaded the ancient star field were not one or two, but a large group, and they were scattered. Instead, they chose to act collectively. Perhaps when they broke the defense of the prehistoric world, this group of chaotic beasts noticed the existence of Hongjun Daozu.

For Hongjun Daozu, in such a big environment, he did not dare to ignore the existence of this group of chaotic beasts. If he had absolute strength and absolute certainty that he could kill this group of chaotic beasts, Hongjun Daozu would not. Show mercy, the only explanation is that these chaotic beasts have the ability to threaten the life of Hongjun Daozu, and the ancient star field is more terrifying than imagined.

When Old Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa gathered all their auras and hid themselves in the dark, the Yin-Yang Taoist immediately felt that the connection between themselves and them was interrupted. This was not caused by the environment, but Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa took the initiative to cut off the connection with them, which made Ancestor Ming He shook his head involuntarily!

"Really cautious, just for a little while, they quickly restrained their breath and cut off the connection with us. It seems that they really discovered the secret of the ancient star field, but I don't know how long they can hold on and act alone. Although they can get greater benefits and move freely, they will also increase their own dangers. I hope they are lucky and can survive this amazing upheaval, and can block the erosion from the source of chaos in the ancient star field!"

Compared with the ancestors of Ming He and the goddess Nuwa, Taoist Yin-Yang has a stronger perception of the ancient star field. He who really devoured the source of time and demons can naturally feel the chaotic spirit of the ancient star field more clearly. Determine its identity, the ancient star field, in fact, the name has already exposed the identity of this chaotic **** and demon, yes, the ancient star field was evolved by the star gods and demons, when the origin of the ancient star field was determined, Yin Yang Taoist They also have their own ideas, but they are different from the ancestors of Ming He. The Yin-Yang Taoist did not want to explore the deeper secrets hidden in the ancient star field, but wanted to find the chaotic beasts, this group of chaotic ominous invaders. The beasts are not really ferocious beasts born in chaos, but transformed from the primordial creatures, and the Yin-Yang Taoist wants to determine everything from them!

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