God of Destruction

Chapter 4652: section failed

Chapter 4658 failed

No one objected to Daoist Yin-Yang's suggestion. Before they really came into contact with the Chaos Gods and Demons, they all felt that they were very powerful. When they really faced the power of Chaos Gods and Demons, they really discovered their own shortcomings. Only then did I realize how ridiculous my arrogance is. The lack of soul is the biggest hidden danger of the witch clan, which has brought a huge impact to them. At this time, the Twelve Ancestral Witch will not choose to hold the opposite opinion with the Yin-Yang Taoist. It is far from being on a par with the Yin-Yang Daoist. If they were allowed to walk alone in the ancient star field, they would not have the confidence to retreat completely!

"Everyone, be careful, don't let the aura of chaos erode yourself, whether you are a golden immortal of Primordial Primordial or have no proof, don't easily erode yourself by the aura of chaos, this is the power of chaos gods and demons, to you Pangu The bloodline inheritor is the biggest threat. Once you are invaded by this power, it will affect your future practice. Every chaotic **** and demon has unimaginable power, and every chaotic **** and devil hates Pangu. I don't know what happened to Pangu after he created the world, but these chaotic gods and demons have been cursing him and all his inheritors. You are the most affected Pangu Zhengzong. Don't be sloppy in the slightest. , this is related to your life and death!"

When the Yin-Yang Daoist said this, the expressions of the twelve ancestor witches were all condensed. Although the Yin-Yang Daoist had also reminded the cause and effect between the Chaos God and the Great God Pangu before, they also understood that they were hated by the Chaos God and Devil, but they did not Thinking that even the breath left by the chaotic gods and demons will cause unimaginable harm to themselves, if it wasn't for the reminder from Yin-Yang Daoist, they really didn't pay attention to this, especially those ancestor witches who proved the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, they are even more The threat was not perceived.

After proving the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, for these ancestor witches, there was a faint sense of arrogance in their hearts, thinking that with their current true body strength, they can completely resist the erosion of all external forces, so even if they were previously affected by The impact from the soul, but they are only strengthening the defense of their soul, but they do not feel that there is any power to break through the defense of their flesh, they can cause damage to themselves from the flesh, and form a threat!

Unfortunately, they were wrong. It can be said that the twelve ancestors were wrong. They all underestimated the power of the chaotic gods and demons, even if the aura of the chaotic gods and demons in the ancient star field was not fully stimulated, but only the ones that appeared now. The source of chaos is also enough to cause irreparable damage to the twelve ancestors. You must know that the relationship between the chaos gods and Pangu is endless, but once the power of the rules left by the chaos gods invades the body of any Pangu inheritor Will cause devastating damage, not to mention the authentic descendants of the Twelve Ancestors who inherit the blood of Pangu. Once the power of the blood in their bodies is detected, what awaits them will be a battle of death. The real A never-ending battle, and the result will be their death.

Yes, in the eyes of yin and yang Taoists, once the power of the chaotic gods and demons invaded the body of the twelve ancestors, the result must end with the death of the bodies of the twelve ancestors, and the twelve ancestors could not resist the gods and demons from chaos. Because there is the curse of 3,000 chaotic gods and demons in the blood of the twelve ancestor witches, if they don't really come into contact with the rules and powers of chaotic gods and demons, the power of this curse will not fully erupt, but once When their fleshly bodies come into contact with the power of the chaotic gods and demons, they will inevitably be activated by the power of the curse in their blood, even if it is Hunyuan Jinxian who is not worth mentioning in the face of the curse of three thousand chaotic gods and demons!

In front of the chaotic gods and demons, the Twelve Ancestors are just ants. This is a qualitative gap. Even if there is only a trace of source erosion, it is enough to bring devastating disasters to the Twelve Ancestors, and now the ancient star field is developing in this direction. , the power of the source law left by the gods and demons of the stars is spreading. For all the prehistoric creatures who step into the ancient star field, this will be a devastating blow!

"The source power of the gods and demons of the stars, does Daozu Hongjun want to capture the source of the gods and demons of the stars, but is it worth it for him? Even if the source of the gods and demons of the stars is captured, it is not easy to refine, after all, refining a **** of chaos The original power of the devil needs time, and now that the catastrophe has broken out, he does not have enough time to digest it, Hongjun Daozu, what do you want to do?"

The Yin-Yang Taoist was thinking in his heart. For himself, this is not a trivial matter. In the face of an existence like Hongjun Daozu, no matter how careful he is, he can't be too careful. Yin-yang Taoist does not believe that Hongjun Daozu is really bound by heaven. Although the origin of the heaven was swallowed up by Hongjun Daozu, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not believe that Hongjun Daozu would have no backhand and would really be subject to the way of heaven.

"Could it be that Daozu Hongjun wants to reunite with the real body of the chaotic gods and demons?" In an instant, such a crazy idea suddenly appeared in the heart of the yin-yang Daoist. If this is the case, it can also explain why when the chaotic beasts attacked the prehistoric world. , Hongjun Daozu turned a blind eye, let them destroy, everything is for the origin of the chaotic beast!

If you are confronted with chaotic beasts in the chaos, even if the realm of Hongjun Daozu is higher than that of the chaotic beasts, and he holds the power of powerful laws, he cannot destroy this group of chaotic beasts, even if he was not born in chaos. In the middle, in the middle are the chaotic beasts transformed from the prehistoric creatures. That is also a beast, and it is not something that Hongjun Daozu can hang, but if you lure the enemy into the depths, and lure these chaotic beasts into the prehistoric world, everything will be fine. The difference is that even if the ancient star field has completed the separation from the heaven, it can still suppress the power of the chaotic beasts. Over time, the power of those chaotic beasts will inevitably be weakened.

"Hey! It's so insidious, like a vicious calculation. If all this is true, Hongjun is too crazy and too vicious. For his own selfishness, he has pulled the entire prehistoric life into danger, exposing the prehistoric world to chaos. In the middle, bear the impact from chaos!" The more he thought about it, the more shocked the Yin-Yang Daoist was, and the more cautious he treated Hongjun Daozu!

"Unfortunately, all this is just my conjecture, and there is no way to confirm it. If it is confirmed, everything is over. If a group of chaotic beasts can be completely swallowed, this is a huge source of chaos. It is possible to use the power of this group of chaotic beasts to devour the origins left by the stars and demons and let them evolve. Perhaps the group of chaotic beasts will go further and complete a new round of transformation, with more powerful potential, and even a hint of it. The essence of chaos gods and demons."

auzw.com "Maybe I really have to discover the secret of Daozu Hongjun, understand his calculations, but pay such a huge price and make such a big move just to reunite the chaos gods and demons The real body?" The Yin-Yang Daoist still had doubts in his heart, and always felt that something was wrong. He didn't really see everything completely. It is impossible for Hongjun Daozu to only have such a little calculation. Daoist's limit, if you want to calculate, you need more information!

"Everything is too chaotic. With my background, I can't deduce more things. If the origin of the chaotic beast can be reunited with the real body of the gods and demons, then can it also repair the loss of the origin of Emperor Yan Luo? It seems that I need to catch a few chaotic beasts and do a small experiment, if it works, this may be my biggest chance!"

Yes, now Yin-Yang Daoist is eyeing this group of chaotic beasts. Although this will be dangerous for Yin-Yang Daoist people, once it succeeds, the benefits are amazing. The most important thing is that if the chaotic beasts are really good to Hongjun Daozu. It's very important, this shot of yourself will inevitably force Daozu Hongjun out of the dark, and you can take the opportunity to learn more secrets!

I don't know why, after stepping into the ancient star field, after understanding that the ancient star field is the evolution of the stars and demons, there is an inexplicable sense of urgency in the heart of the Yin-Yang Taoist, as if a crisis will break out at any time. In front of everyone, waiting for oneself will be death. This is not just an ordinary catastrophe, but also a terrifying cleansing! The plan of the three worlds has succeeded. Although I don't know what the other party's plan is, it is obvious that my previous guess was wrong. The nether world has not been mastered by the tunnel, and the tunnel does not care about the existence of the nether world.

Of course, Hongjun Daozu also lied that the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings did not really want to seize the heaven, the nether world and the prehistoric land, and he did not intend to divide the prehistoric world into three. Everything was just a conspiracy of Hongjun Daozu, against himself The deception, but now I don't know what the plan of the three worlds is, is it the seal in the source?

Soon the Taoist Yin-Yang shook his head and gave up the idea. If it was a seal in the origin of the world, when he gave up the world of the nether world, it was impossible for the tunnel to not care. Obviously, this idea was wrong, and the tunnel did not care about the nether world. The seal in the origin of the world, or the authentic way is more aware of the power in the seal of the origin of the world.

"It seems that my plan failed. Emperor Yan Luo wasted his previous power in vain, and Tun Dao never thought about mastering the nether world. Perhaps the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, like the ancestors of Hongjun Dao, sought detachment, and detachment from the prehistoric world may be This is their ultimate goal, and everything before is just for detachment, but their way of detachment is different from what I imagined!"

At this time, Daoist Yin-Yang was even more certain that many of the secrets that Daozu Hongjun said before were false, in order to confuse himself and cover up the real purpose of his and the three ways of heaven and earth, although Daoist Yin-yang never believed in Daozu Hongjun, Hongjun Daozu has always maintained a strong vigilance, but no matter how careful Yin-Yang Daoist is, he is still calculated and influenced.

Yes, Hongjun Daozu used the Yin-Yang Daoist and his former disciples. The saying that the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings valued the three realms are all false. The three realms of heaven, earth and human are not really dependent on the three realms. For them, the origin of the world did not think of it. So important, the three ways of heaven, earth, and people may be the avenues of chaotic gods and demons. They have mastered the power of the origin rules of the chaotic gods and demons!

When he had such an idea in his heart, the Yin-Yang Daoist suddenly felt that perhaps the reason why the source of the time gods and demons he got was so weak was not because of the annihilation of endless years, but more because he was swallowed by the tunnel, and what he got was only With a little body, the real source of time gods and demons has already been swallowed up by the tunnel. If this is the case, it can explain why I feel the time gods and demons are so weak and killed by such a small 'ant'.

"This **** tunnel may have been using itself from the very beginning, deliberately leading me in the wrong direction, deliberately weakening my perception of the Chaos Gods and Demons, if it wasn't for the trip to the sea of ​​​​blood, I got that opportunity, and I saw it. The small world left by the chaotic gods and demons feels the power of the original rules. Maybe I have no idea how powerful the three thousand chaotic gods and demons are, but the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings are really the evolution of the three corpses of the great **** Pangu? If the Great God Pangu really still exists, why hasn't the curse in the blood of the Twelve Ancestors been removed, and why can the Great God Pangu ignore the decline of the descendants of the bloodline?"

The Yin-Yang Daoist still has many unsolved doubts in his heart, and he can't find the answer. He knows too few secrets, and he knows too little about the prehistoric world. According to legend, Hongjun Daozu was once the master of three thousand chaotic gods and demons. First, if it is true, it can also explain why Hongjun Daozu's calculation is so powerful, and it can be so great under the existence of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings.

But if Hongjun Daozu was one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, he would have taken the road of chaotic gods and demons from the beginning, why did he fit in with the way of heaven, and what kind of relationship did he have with the way of heaven? All three want to detach from the prehistoric world and walk out of their own avenues. Why should they block the birth of the Primordial Dao in the prehistoric world? What secrets are behind all this?

The Yin-Yang Daoist really wanted to find out all of this, but after a little thought, the Yin-Yang Daoist had to give up. How can he figure out all of this, whether it can bring him huge benefits or let him go further in his practice, he has so much Can a lot of time be wasted on this? If you waste your precious time exploring the secrets of ancient times instead of cultivating yourself, maybe you will face true death when the world-annihilation catastrophe hits you. destruction!

The catastrophe is not an ordinary disaster, but the real world destruction, the death of the extinction of life, both the world and the life will die in this catastrophe, and the life that can break free from the catastrophe is the most Strong existence, perhaps this is also the direction of detachment, but it is not an easy thing to achieve detachment. Before detachment, you need to go through endless trials and disasters!

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