God of Destruction

Chapter 4658: Festival Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 4664: Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Tribulation

After the loud noise of "Boom!", the Thunder Sea of ​​Heavenly Tribulation condensed, and the boundless thunder waterfall was forming, covering the entire ancient star field, and the seats were boundless. At the center, Lei Ru torrential rain madly drowned the Yin-Yang Daoist in this sea of ​​thunder. It was just that there was such a terrifying thunder calamity at the very beginning of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Tribulation. Can't help taking a breath of air, if they were to face this thunder calamity, no one would have the confidence to get out of this thunder calamity, and this is just the beginning!

"Is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian really so powerful, and can attract such a violent thunder calamity, does such a thunder robbery really have the opportunity to prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?" Mother Nuwa couldn't help but feel doubts in her heart, and felt a little bit about Hunyuan Dao. Confused, such a thunder robbery suddenly made her heart become extremely fearful, and this is just the beginning of the robbery of the Primordial Great Luo Jinxian!

"Perhaps the Daoist Yin-Yang guy is too powerful, and the source of accumulation is too powerful, so it has attracted such a thunder tribulation. If it is a normal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian robbery, it should not be so powerful, after all, Hunyuan Dao is not A dead end is not a dead end, there is bound to be a chance of life, and those of us are dead in the face of such a thunder calamity!"

Ancestor Ming He persuaded Empress Nuwa, but while persuading, he was also comforting his own heart. For him, this was also a huge impact. If he hadn’t been enveloped by the aura of heavenly robbery, Ancestor Ming He would have been long ago. Just losing his mind, this shock is too terrifying, so that the ancestors of Ming He can't feel at ease, and the ancestors of Ming He can't help but shake his heart for it!

Before, Ancestor Ming He always had an inexplicable feeling in his heart. The gap between himself and the Yin-Yang Taoist was not big, but he was not as lucky as the Yin-Yang Taoist. For a moment, he deeply understood how ridiculous his previous thoughts were. Daoist Yin and Yang could face such a catastrophe, and could he do it? The Yin-Yang Daoist can endure the temptation of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and can always accumulate power to point directly at the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he can't do it himself. Now the Yin-Yang Daoist has begun to prove the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he is still far behind!

When the calamity fell, the Taoist Yin-Yang realized that he did not have a treasure that he could shoot. Because of the previous madness, all his treasures were integrated into the chaotic world and the world-annihilation grind, but the world-annihilation grind was too terrifying. People, this Chaos Treasure will be his most powerful killer. It cannot be used until the crisis of life and death, and his own Chaos World also needs it to suppress. Although he has created a Chaos World, this world is too violent. Everything was forcibly created by the Yin-Yang Taoist at the expense of the sacrifice of the three avatars, which requires endless years of polishing.

The calamity of crossing the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian may also be an opportunity to re-refine the original treasure, but this time, there is nothing that the Yin-Yang Taoist can take out as the main body, but the catastrophe has come, and there will be no time for the Yin-Yang Taoist to prepare. There is no treasure in the hands of Emperor Yan Luo, and everything can only be solved by the Taoist Yin and Yang himself!

It doesn't matter if there are no treasures. The Taoist Yin-Yang directly pulled out the two ribs of his chaotic **** and devil's real body, and used the two chaotic **** and devil bones as the core. The people who watched this catastrophe were dumbfounded, they didn't understand what the Yin-Yang Daoist was doing, and suddenly they self-harmed!

Amidst the doubts of the crowd, the Yin-Yang Daoist shouted: "Refining for me!" As the voice fell, the two ribs quickly turned into a treasure map and a Yin-Yang treasure map under the sacrifice of the Yin-Yang Daoist. This treasure was sacrificed and refined by Yin-Yang Daoist with his own ribs, so he can control it freely, and this is just the beginning, just the Yin-Yang Treasure Map can't carry his own Dao, and soon Yin-Yang Daoist took out two ribs from his body. , refining into two yin and yang orbs, into the treasure map.

"Damn, it's still not enough, four ribs can't bear the origin of their own Yin-Yang Dao!" At this time, the Yin-Yang Daoist's face turned pale, you must know that bone twitching is also a huge trauma to Chaos Gods and Demons. It shook the physical foundation of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and also seriously damaged the chaotic gods and demons of the Yin-Yang Daoist!

"Blood refining, this madman is actually refining the treasure in blood. Could it be that he gave up the treasure of his life before, how is this possible!" In an instant, many strong people understood the intention of the Yin-Yang Daoist, which shocked them all. Frightened by the madness of the Yin-Yang Daoist, no one thought that the Yin-Yang Daoist would self-mutilate in order to sacrifice the original treasure.

"No, maybe it's not that the Yin-Yang Taoist is too crazy, think about what kind of treasure can communicate with your own soul, it is naturally the treasure of blood refining, in addition to the companion treasure, no matter how good the innate treasure takes time to run in, and it can't be combined with You can communicate with your own mind, but it is different to use your own body to refine a treasure of origin. Once you succeed, you don’t need time to sacrifice at all, you can directly communicate with your mind, you can master it freely, and you can exert its greatest power.”

"But the price is too high. Such crazy self-mutilation will greatly damage one's own vitality. Even if the true body of the Yin-Yang Daoist is strong, pulling out so many ribs in a row will severely damage one's vitality, and even shake his own body. foundation."

The Yin-Yang Daoist would not care about what outsiders think or see. When he found that it was still not enough to withstand his own Yin-Yang Dao Dao, the Yin-Yang Daoist shot out a ray of essence in his eyes, which could not be broken or stood up. Since the strength of the ribs was insufficient, then use his own blood make up!

With a thought, the powerful blood essence poured into the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' in front of him from the body of the Yin-Yang Taoist. ' Above, under the blessing of this powerful blood essence, one after another ancient runes poured out, merged with the blood light, and merged into the treasure map in front of the Yin-Yang Daoist!

"Crazy, this guy is really crazy, and he continues to invest, using his own blood to enhance the power of the treasure, this is the calamity of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he is really crazy to do such crazy things in the midst of the catastrophe. Don't die!"

auzw.com Many people think that Daoist Yin-Yang's actions are too crazy, and doing such a move under the catastrophe is undoubtedly suicide, but Daozu Hongjun, who is in the ancient star field, sighed deeply. , Others can't see the thoughts of Yin-Yang Daoist, but Hongjun Daozu understands a little bit. Yin-Yang Daoist wants to unite people and treasures. Heavenly Tribulation, to combine the two Tribulations, truly complete the supreme cultivation of the unity of human and treasure. Even Daozu Hongjun felt that the Yin-Yang Daoist might use the robbery of the Primordial Great Luo Jinxian and the opportunity of blood sacrifice to complete the transformation of the real body of the chaotic gods and demons!

This is how Daoist Yin-Yang felt to Daozu Hongjun. Unfortunately, in the face of such a shock, Daozu Hongjun was powerless and unable to stop it, but if he intervened a little, it would attract Terrible punishment, at that time, he will also be involved in the calamity of the Yin-Yang Daoist's Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

"Maybe this bastard's robbery in the ancient star field is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against me, this bastard's blood refining the source treasure may be trying to lure me to take action and pull me into this place. In the midst of a terrifying catastrophe!" In an instant, Daozu Hongjun began to doubt the intentions of Daoist Yin-Yang, and for an old fox like Daozu Hongjun, even if there was a slight chance, he would be extremely cautious to prevent him from being plotted against. !

"Dare to do something that will kill you and live again. This bastard, Daoist Yin-Yang, may have a trump card. He has the confidence to make a comeback. No matter how terrifying the catastrophe is, he has the confidence to succeed in proving the Tao. What is his trump card? Is it just time? What are the foundations left by the gods and demons? This foundation alone is not enough to make the Yin-Yang Daoist so crazy!"

The more he thought about it, the heavier Daozu Hongjun felt, and the more he felt that his conjecture was right. Daoist Yin-Yang just wanted to tempt himself into the game, to pull himself into this crazy Primordial Tribulation, and even Daozu Hongjun wondered if the Yin-Yang Daoist wanted to use the power of the robbery to destroy himself, the enemy of life and death.

With the **** creation of the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map', the body of the Yin-Yang Taoist became weaker, and his aura was not as domineering as before, as if his own energy was consumed so much that he could no longer support it!

"Pretend, just pretend to me, if you want to plot against me, you are still far away!" Looking at the weak appearance of Yin-Yang Daoist, Hongjun Daozu sneered again and again, and was not moved by it at all. Come here, this is a trap, this is a conspiracy, I can't participate in it, and I can't be plotted by this **** bastard, the Yin-Yang Daoist!

With a loud bang, a thunder light pierced through the void and landed heavily on the **** 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map'! Yes, the Yin-Yang Daoist completed the sacrifice of the "Yin-Yang Treasure Map", the ultimate treasure of his life. This treasure map carries the power of the Yin-Yang Daoist's Dao, and the birth of the treasure map also attracted the heavenly punishment, the supreme treasure of the heavenly punishment.

In an instant, the Thunder Sea of ​​Heavenly Tribulation slammed down madly, the boundless thunder sea was boundless, and the thunder light instantly drowned the Yin-Yang Taoist and the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' in front of him. Together, a strange thunder tribulation was formed, and under this thunder tribulation, everyone felt the trembling of their souls and the breath of death!

If I say the deepest feeling, it is naturally the three people who are Hongjun Daozu, Nuwa Empress, and Ming He Old Ancestor. They are all in the ancient star field. Of course, there is also the star saint, but now he is no longer a saint. Abandoning the sage status, although the Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Punishment did not fall on them, they could deeply feel its horror.

This Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Punishment is not only aimed at the flesh, but also at the soul. It seems that they want to completely destroy the Yin-Yang Daoist and the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' that he has cultivated. Their existence is taboo. The Taoist touched the power of the taboo, attracted the dissatisfaction of the gods, and led to this terrifying thunder tribulation.

"Come on, let this thunder calamity come more violently!" The Yin-Yang Taoist roared, holding the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' in one hand and continuously devouring the power of thunder calamity to refine the treasure, and at the same time, he opened his mouth and took a breath, giving slices of the thunder sea to the Swallow it into your own mouth, and use the origin of the thunder sea as your own nutrients to restore your previous consumption, and you don't care about the damage caused by the thunder tribulation of God!

"Hey, lunatic, this lunatic is so crazy, he dares to provoke the Thunder Tribulation of Heaven's Punishment, he is afraid that he will not die fast enough, no matter how strong he is, he should not be so crazy, this is simply killing his life, using himself life is a joke!"

For many people, the calamity of proving the Tao is a disaster, but in the yin-yang Taoist, this proving robbery has become a means of playing with them, which makes it difficult for many people to accept, but this is the fact, the fact that cannot be changed, the yin-yang Taoist really He was about to die, and he was about to die, causing everyone to see that their scalps were numb and their hearts trembled.

"You said that the Yin-Yang Daoist is trying to do this, this is the robbery of the Daluo Jinxian of the Hunyuan, and if there is a slight error, he will die and his soul will disappear. He shouldn't be at this time. Against all forces!"

After seeing the Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Punishment in the Ancient Star Region, Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help sighing, and he was very puzzled by the former ally of Yin-Yang Daoist. became like this.

"Perhaps this is not madness, but the calculation of the Yin-Yang Taoist. He wants to use his own proving the Tao to calculate some people, but his plan did not succeed, and no one wants to enter the game. Of course, it is also possible that the Yin-Yang Taoist wants to To die and then to live again, to break and stand, and to use the power of the Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Punishment to complete a new round of transformation and evolution! This is just the beginning, we still can't see the true intentions of the Yin-Yang Daoist, waiting for this Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Punishment After the full outbreak, we may be able to know why!"

At this time, the ancestors of Houtu frowned, and there were many doubts in his eyes. He couldn't see through the calculations of the Yin-Yang Daoist. So many things have caused the entire ancient star field to be turbulent, and the entire prehistoric world is shaken. This is the real calamity of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and it has a huge reference for the entire prehistoric life. If someone can comprehend something from this thunder tribulation, they may be able to walk out of their own path and be able to prove the Way. The chance of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. The Yin-Yang Daoist is guiding them and guiding the way forward for the cultivation of the Primordial Dao. As for how much they can gain from this Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Punishment, it all depends on their own abilities!

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