God of Destruction

Chapter 4659: zodiac treasure

Chapter four thousand six hundred and sixty-five

Although there are too many doubts in his heart, the Houtu Ancestral Witch still gave up the secret of calculating the Yin-Yang Daoist, and devoted himself to the understanding of the Dao. The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. There will be no second robbery of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! If this opportunity is ruined because of temporary curiosity, Houtu Zuwu is not willing to accept it!

Provoked by the Yin-Yang Taoist, the power of the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation became violent, and the thunderstorms fell one after another like a waterfall, slashing towards the Yin-Yang Taoist with an endless aura of destruction, and this was just the beginning, and more. The horror is still to come, this is the end of the provocateur, the punishment of the sky with the breath of destruction is like destroying the world, and the people who cross the tribulation are not allowed to live. It still came, even if it violated the rules of the avenue, it still crashed down.

Forbidden creatures, this is the decision of Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment to Yin-Yang Daoist. The existence of Yin-Yang Daoist destroys the rules of the prehistoric world. , let the situation get out of hand, so there is this terrifying thunder punishment!

In the face of the increase in the thunder and punishment of the heavenly tribulation, the yin and yang Taoist did not shake his heart for it. He was using the power of the thunder and punishment of the heavenly tribulation to begin to temper his soul and temper his origin. Similarly, the flesh of the yin and yang Taoist was also swallowing the thunder. The origin of robbery, tempering the physical body, restores the huge source that Yin-Yang Daoist consumed before. You must know that in order to sacrifice the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map', Yin-Yang Daoist took out four ribs and paid a huge amount of blood. This price is really too big!

When the first turbulent thunder wave passed, the Yin-Yang Taoist felt that his blood, soul and physique had increased considerably, and the Yin-Yang Taoist also noticed that the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' in his hand had changed. , After this wave of heavenly tribulation and thunder punishment, there is an additional Dao Yun on the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map', and this Dao Yun is the evolution of the Yin-Yang Dao.

Yundao, now the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' in the hands of Yin-Yang Daoist is in the process of Yundao, if the previous 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' was only forcibly refined by Yin-Yang Daoist, after experiencing the tribulation and thunder punishment, this treasure has completely changed. The metamorphosis of yin and yang has truly become a treasure. Although it is an acquired ritual, it has extraordinary power. If the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' completes the accumulation and condenses the real Yin-Yang Dao accumulation, then it will transform and evolve. , will become a real treasure of chaos.

Just when Taoist Yin-Yang wanted to breathe a sigh of relief and wanted to study the mutated Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment, there was another burst of thunder in the void, and the thunder wave that had just dissipated condensed again, and this time to More powerful than before, there is a thunder pool faintly appearing in the boundless thunder sea, which is controlling the changes of the thunder sea and triggering the changes of the world.

"Lei Chi, I didn't expect that this bastard, Daoist Yin Yang, can actually mobilize the power of Lei Chi. It seems that he has really walked out of his own avenue on the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but I don't know how far he will go on this road. I hope to be able to resist. Living in the attack of the Thunder Pond, the Thunder Pond came out, proving that the Yin-Yang Daoist would face a terrible punishment, nine for extreme, ten for perfection. A terrifying shock, but this shock disrupted my plan, I hope that the ancient star field will not be affected by this thunder and punishment, and there will be no accidents!"

The appearance of the Thunder Pond represents the appearance of the rules, and it is also the beginning of the obliteration of taboos by heaven and earth. This will be the most terrifying thunder tribulation, so at this moment, Hongjun Daozu has a slight idea of ​​giving up the ancient star field, he I am afraid that I will be implicated by the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist. If he is locked by such a thunder and punishment, Hongjun Daozu does not think that he can get out of his body!

It seems that Heaven and Earth felt the essence of the great Dao practiced by the Yin-Yang Daoist. This time, the thunder and punishment of the robbery was not simple. The Yin-Yang Divine Thunder came to obliterate the origin of the Yin-Yang Daoist body, wipe out the lives of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and destroy them in this thunder and punishment of heavenly tribulation!

"Hmph, if you want to restrain my Yin-Yang Dao with Yin-Yang Divine Lightning, this power is far from enough, open it to me, the Yin-Yang Treasure Map will devour all spirits!" As the Yin-Yang Taoist snorted, he waved his hand. , the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' instantly flew out and turned into a great formation of Yin-Yang swallowing the sky, frantically swallowing up the Yin-Yang Divine Thunder that was condensing in the void.

The Yin-Yang Taoist is interfering with the cohesion of the thunder and punishment of the heavenly tribulation, and it is necessary to temper the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' with the Yin-Yang Divine Thunder, so that this treasure of destiny, refined by the blood of his own ribs, is further transformed into a more powerful treasure, just every yin and yang. Divine thunder contains the will of heaven and earth, even if Yin and Yang Taoist masters the 'Yin and Yang Treasure Map' freely and can exert all their powers, it is very difficult to destroy the will of heaven and earth in Yin and Yang Divine Thunder, and it also needs to pay a huge price. Massive source.

Now, what supports the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' is not the origin of the Yin-Yang Dao, but the power of the Yin-Yang Daoist's own qi and blood. After being hit hard, after all, the consumption of qi and blood has exceeded the range that he can bear. If this goes on, the chaotic gods and demons of the Yin-Yang Daoist will be swallowed up. This situation makes the Yin-Yang Daoist feel a lot heavier.

This is the insufficiency of the foundation. If you have a strong enough foundation, you can use the endless supply of heaven and earth to restore your own consumption, instead of using this crazy method to squeeze the origin of the body and let the body fall into crisis. , Although the power of Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment is also enhancing the physique of Yin-Yang Daoist, this is a limited increase, but the energy consumption of Yin-Yang Daoist is not infinite. Weak day.

"The taboo should be destroyed!" A low voice sounded from the void. As soon as the voice came out, the Yin-Yang Daoist's mind was instantly hit by a terrifying critical blow. The soul seemed to be frozen in an instant, and his mind instantly lost its strength. The Yin-Yang Daoist Being directly fixed on the spot by this power, there was no power to resist at all, and he completely fell into a terrifying passive.


Only then, a ray of light like the sun appeared and fell directly into the body of the Yin-Yang Daoist. Only with a soft sound of 'bang', the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' cultivated by the Yin-Yang Daoist shattered into pieces. Before everyone could wake up, the body of the Yin-Yang Daoist also collapsed under this terrifying force. The real body of the Chaos God and Demon suffered a devastating blow in an instant, and the Yuanshen of the Yin-Yang Daoist also suffered disaster. The physical body is much better, although the physical body was smashed badly by the thunder tribulation, but the primordial spirit is still intact, and he has not been affected by the power of the thunder tribulation!

The heartbeat of "dong dong" suddenly sounded, and at the moment when the fleshly body collapsed, the heart of the yin and yang Taoist was beating wildly, the broken body, the broken bones, began to reorganize, a perfect chaotic **** and demon real body once again Appeared, and this time, the chaotic gods and demons of Yin-Yang Daoist are more perfect, and the power of blood is stronger.

Under the guidance of the Yin-Yang Daoist, the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' was also quickly recovered, and a few breaths were completed. Without waiting for the Yin-Yang Daoist to cheer, another Yin-Yang Divine Thunder fell directly on his body, causing the The Yin-Yang Daoist didn't even have a chance to react, the flesh body and the treasure map collapsed again, and the flesh body that was finally condensed was broken again!

Although the condensing and destruction of the physical body is only a matter of a moment, the Yin-Yang Daoist feels a different breath. When the physical body is condensed again, the Yin-Yang Daoist realizes that his origin is much purer, and the impurities in the blood are washed away, and the whole person seems to be It is a new birth, and in fact it is so, the reunion of the physical body is a new birth.

This is not the rebirth of the flesh **** from a drop of blood, but a transformation of a higher level. When the yin and yang **** thunder falls, the yin and yang daoists can clearly feel that the flesh body is completely scattered, and the essence of the flesh body is destroyed by the 'yin and yang treasure map' Devouring, although it is only for a moment, the Yin-Yang Taoist can clearly feel that the current natal treasure 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' has changed into a 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map', and the line in the middle of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map is the Yin-Yang Divine Thunder evolved from the origin.

As for how the physical body transformed successfully, the Yin-Yang Taoist still had no feeling, but it was vaguely related to his own chaotic world. At the moment when the physical body collapsed, the chaotic world gave him the power of vitality, allowing his physical body to go further!

Thunder, with two sides in one body, coexisting with destruction and creation, is the mystery of yin and yang, born in yin and yang. Since yin and yang can generate thunder, naturally it can also obliterate thunder. And this time, the Yin-Yang Daoist faced the Yin-Yang Divine Thunder again, and the power of Yin-Yang was even more amazing, so this Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment is both a destruction and an opportunity. If you seize the opportunity, you can go further!

At this moment, the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram devoured all the origins of the Yin-Yang Divine Thunder and evolved into a dividing line that balances its own Yin-Yang Dao, allowing destruction and vitality to coexist, so that the Yin-Yang Dao can be fully expressed. Create the infinite vitality of the world, this is the Yin-Yang Dao that the Yin-Yang Daoist realizes, even if there is destruction, there is also vitality!

When the fleshly bodies of the Yin-Yang Daoist are reunited, the bloodlines are purified, and the fleshly body and the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram are even more closely connected. The vitality of the flesh is constantly growing, and it also has a faint connection with the chaotic world in the flesh!

At this moment, the Yin-Yang Taoist can't care too much, his mind is completely devoted to his own life treasure 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram', which has evolved from the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Diagram' to the "Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram", which is a qualitative transformation. In my understanding, I thought that the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' would directly evolve into a 'Yin-Yang Dao Map' to carry the origin of the Dao, but under the bombardment of the Yin-Yang Divine Thunder, it underwent a new transformation, and this transformation far exceeded the plan of the Yin-Yang Daoist. .

Perhaps the 'Yin-Yang Treasure Map' can directly evolve into the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map', which also has the powerful source power of the Yin-Yang Taoist body. After all, it devours not only the Yin-Yang Shenlei, but also the Yin-Yang Taoist's origin, a chaotic figure. The source power of the real body of the gods and demons has extremely powerful energy, and it is normal for such a huge influx of energy to cause qualitative changes!

The Yin-Yang Daoist is happy, the ultimate treasure of life has completed the evolution, and the physical body has gone further, but his survival has attracted even greater anger from the catastrophe. Even more turbulent, the violent aura filled the heaven and the earth, and the Yin Yang Divine Thunder was undergoing qualitative changes, growing exponentially!

There was a loud bang, and dozens of terrifying yin and yang thunders fell down, directly hitting the 'Tai Chi Yin and Yang Diagram'. The origin of the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram' makes this newly evolved treasure face a terrifying disaster once again, and the terrifying power is frantically impacting the core of the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram'.

Faced with such an attack, the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map' remained motionless, but the Yin-Yang Taoist dared not take it lightly, and frantically colluded with his own chaotic world, connecting the chaotic world with the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map', and devoured it with the power of the chaotic world. Digest this crazy yin and yang thunder bombardment, and use the chaotic world to refine this terrifying thunder and punishment!

Many heavenly tribulations, thunder and punishments were quickly swallowed up and absorbed by the chaotic world, and turned into a steady stream of vitality that poured into the flesh of Yin-Yang Daoists, constantly washing the new-born chaotic gods and demons of Yin-Yang Daoists, and constantly flushing into the flesh. Although the Yin-Yang Daoist used great magic power to wash the flesh more than once, even with the real body of the chaotic gods and demons, there are still many impurities in the flesh and blood, and when it reaches the level of the Yin-Yang Daoist, every trace of impurities is very difficult to remove. , And under the thunder punishment of this heavenly tribulation, Daoist Yin and Yang found an opportunity to use the power of thunder tribulation to wipe out those impurities little by little, and let their bloodline continue to sublimate.

In this way, under the protection of the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map', the ultimate treasure of life, not only did the Yin-Yang Daoist not suffer any damage from the heavenly tribulation thunder penalty, on the contrary, the vitality on the flesh became stronger and stronger, and the power of qi and blood became more and more pure. , even his own soul has a faint aura of transformation. Under such a strong scouring of thunder and punishment, the soul has also been washed and upgraded, but the sublimation of the soul is not as good as the sublimation of the flesh, the sublimation of the soul It is more difficult, and the source that needs to be consumed is even more terrifying, that is, there is an endless stream of thunder and punishment power in the thunder and punishment of heaven. There is no such strength, nor so much time!

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