God of Destruction

Chapter 4664: phagocytosis

Chapter 4670 Devour

"Yeah, if the Yin-Yang Daoist can remember our benefits, he will naturally help us, but if he doesn't think so, we won't get anything, and we have parted ways with the Yin-Yang Daoist, even if it is beneficial, the Yin-Yang Daoist also We will not be the first to think of us, but the Twelve Ancestors. Look at the current situation of the Twelve Ancestors. They have already mastered the Netherworld. They are much luckier than us, so even if there are benefits, Yin Yang Daoist It will never be the two of us, but the Twelve Ancestors, the Twelve Ancestors are the most trusted existences of Yin-Yang Daoists, we are just allies!"

Ancestor Ming He also knows the embarrassing situation between the two of them. It is almost impossible to get benefits from the Yin-Yang Daoist. Although they separated peacefully from the Yin-Yang Daoist on the surface, they all knew in their hearts that the moment they left Since then, the two sides only have a little bit of affection left on the surface. It is impossible and unrealistic to want more things!

The Twelve Ancestors got the Netherworld from the Yin-Yang Daoist, and they have a stable foundation. Maybe in the future, the great catastrophe will affect the Netherworld, and it will also affect the Twelve Ancestors and the Wuzu, but now the Wuzu and the Twelve Zu Wu has had a good development. No one knows what the results will be in the future. For now, they have received huge benefits. Without the approval of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and without the offering of Emperor Yan Luo, even if someone found the Netherworld, it would be impossible to grasp the authority of the world. Unlike the Twelve Ancestral Witch, they completely took over the Netherworld from the Yin-Yang Daoist. hidden danger.

To the Yin-Yang Daoist, the Twelve Ancestral Witch has nothing but gratitude. Although the Yin-Yang Daoist has now ascended to the sky in one step, proving the Taoist Primordial Dao Jinxian, the First Ancestral Witch did not feel that there was anything wrong with this, nor did he feel that the yin-yang fatigued person was hiding it intentionally. After all, their paths are different from those of Yin-Yang Daoists. Yin-Yang Daoists have walked a very dangerous and dangerous road, and they have always danced on the edge of danger, while the Twelve Ancestral Witches want to walk on the stable avenue to the sky. The way is different, so in the end They parted ways.

"I hope the Yin-Yang Daoist can persevere and survive this terrifying Taoist tribulation. If the Yin-Yang Daoist succeeds, we also have a chance to succeed. I believe that the Yin-Yang Daoist will not refuse our request, but I don't know why the Yin-Yang Daoist wants to You have been provoking the Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment like this, and you have been putting yourself on the verge of danger!"

Looking at the Yin-Yang Daoist who repeatedly provoked the thunder and punishment in the void, Houtu Zuwu couldn't help shaking his head. With the strength of the Yin-Yang Daoist, he could safely pass through this Dao-Proving Daoist Tribulation, but because of his repeated efforts Crazy, let the danger break out again and again, and now the Yin-Yang Daoist is frantically dying again, once again swallowing a divine beast condensed by the source of the thunder sea, which makes her very uneasy and speechless, and she cannot understand this behavior. madness.

For many people, this is crazy and unreasonable, but for Yin-Yang Daoist people, this is an opportunity to strengthen themselves. It is an opportunity that cannot be missed. It will never come again. If you don't work hard and take risks at this time, how can you catch up with Daozu Hongjun, if you can face the three ways of heaven, earth and people.

There is always a sense of urgency in the hearts of Yin-Yang Daoists. They always feel that the three Daoists of Heaven, Earth and Humanity and Hongjun Daozu have no good intentions. They have always been calculating the entire prehistoric beings. If they can't have enough power, they will destroy the world. When the full outbreak occurs, that is, when he dies, he is not the opponent of Heaven, Earth, Ren San, or Hongjun Daozu.

Has Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian really never appeared in the prehistoric world? Daoists of Yin and Yang don’t think so. Perhaps the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has already appeared in the prehistoric world, but all information has been obscured by Tiandiren San and erased by Hongjun Daozu. Tiandiren Sandao and Hongjun Daozu absolutely possess it It is the strength of suppressing Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

When he directly swallowed the Suzaku mythical beast and suppressed it in the chaotic world, a crazy look flashed in the eyes of Taoist Yin-Yang. Although the chaotic world could no longer suppress the divine beast, this was not the chaos he created. The world is too weak, but I dare not take risks with the safety of the chaotic world, but just give up the origin of a divine beast with a chaotic Daluo Jinxian level, the Yin-Yang Taoist is also reluctant, so the Yin-Yang Taoist once again thought of the treasure of his own destiny 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map' '!

"If I can devour the source power of another divine beast, maybe my 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map' can go a step further, have a deeper understanding of the Yin-Yang Dao, and be able to go further on the cultivation path of the Yin-Yang Dao! If you don't go crazy, you can't become a demon. Harvest, if you want to gain an advantage and take the initiative in this terrifying catastrophe, how can you do it without taking risks, come on, let’s go crazy again, let’s join forces to devour this four-image catastrophe and dominate ourselves fate!"

As the Yin-Yang Taoist muttered to himself in a low voice, he exuded endless fighting spirit. Even if his situation was not ideal, the Yin-Yang Taoist still made such a decision and waved his hand "Tai Chi Yin-Yang". The figure flew out again and madly rushed towards the last divine beast. When the power of the 'Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram' was fully activated, the terrifying force slammed into the entire void frantically, and the terrifying suction force came from the 'Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram'. When it erupts, it is necessary to swallow the foot-and-mouth disease in front of you into your own world space, and use the power of this divine beast to further enhance the background of the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map'!

"What a yin and yang Taoist, such a resolute heart, such a powerful idea, he even swallowed two divine beasts himself, even his life treasure 'Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram' has achieved this level, if we wait for this life treasure 'Tai Chi' After absorbing two divine beasts of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level, this treasure of destiny will definitely increase its strength!"

"Hmph, there is nothing to envy about this, if you want to do it, you can do it. The premise is that you have this power, but do you have it? Don't think too much about it. The fastest speed to grow itself, waiting for the final battle to come to the void, this is the most important thing."

auzw.comAs an ancestral witch, Di Jiang has been suppressing the thoughts of other ancestral witches, not letting them continue to go crazy, so as not to affect the development of the underworld world, not to mention letting these ancestral witches go crazy. The witch leaves the underworld world, the underworld world needs their strength, and the twelve ancestors need to work together to protect the safety of the underworld world and prevent the underworld world from falling into crisis!

"Don't compare with the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, we are not as crazy as him, and we don't have the strong strength and heritage of him. If it were you, do you think that even if it were a dead beast for you, can you swallow its origin? You must know that one has the combat power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the Yin-Yang Daoist did it, and swallowed two ends in a row, his life treasure also did the same, such a crazy thing, such a terrifying combat power, we can do it Is it?"

Just as the Twelve Ancestral Witches were talking, the yin and yang Taoist's ultimate treasure 'Tai Chi Yin and Yang Diagram' completed the devouring of the last divine beast, so this four-symptom catastrophe was shattered. The Taoist broke through in one fell swoop, and the origin of the four divine beasts was directly swallowed by the Yin-Yang Taoist and transformed into their own nutrients.

Slap in the face, this is the face of hitting the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation naked, naked, and naked. It doesn't take this skin's loss of calamity seriously at all. How can such behavior make the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation stop? If you don't teach Yin-Yang Daoist a profound lesson, I'm afraid that all the creatures in the prehistoric world will not take the catastrophe in their eyes, and they will think that they are easy to bully.

In fact, the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment thinks too much, not everyone in the prehistoric world is as crazy as the Yin-Yang Daoist, and not everyone dares to do such crazy things. The Yin-Yang Daoist is not afraid of death, but other creatures are very afraid of death. They don't dare to provoke the heavenly punishment, even if they don't provoke the heavenly calamity, they just face the ordinary preaching heavenly tribulation, and they have no confidence to go through it. !

Yes, in the eyes of these prehistoric creatures, the Yin-Yang Daoist is a lunatic, doing stupid things, obviously can easily survive the catastrophe, can prove the Dao Jinxian Hunyuan, stand on the top of the world, But he just wanted to provoke the heavenly tribulation, attract heavenly punishment, make the situation crazy, make everything enter into such a terrible disaster, and even let everyone have no chance to learn from it. , it should have been an ordinary proving the Tao, but it evolved into a heavenly robbery and thunder punishment, so that everyone in the prehistoric world did not know what the normal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's proving heaven was like, and what should they pay attention to, which made everyone's I also hate the Yin-Yang Daoist in my heart!

People are like this, even if they know that this has nothing to do with them at all, everything is their own business, but when their interests are involved, they will take the initiative to put all the responsibility on the other side, the Yin and Yang Taoist should help Do they understand the reference of the Dao Jinxian Proving the Dao Hunyuan? Do Yin-Yang Daoists have this obligation?

No, but these people took the initiative to forget all of this. They only felt that the madness of the Yin-Yang Daoist ruined their good deeds and made them miss a big opportunity. They all hated the Yin-Yang Daoist. This is the selfishness of human nature, this is the heart of the people the sinister.

When the last divine beast disappeared, the Yin-Yang Daoists had no time to pay attention to what other people thought, how they looked at it, swallowing and suppressing the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level divine beasts in a row, which required the Yin-Yang Daoists to suppress and refine their power. Even if it is only a part of the strength, it is good, and it can also make oneself stronger, so that one can face the next crisis!

Now that there is the Heavenly Tribulation of Four Elephants, Taoist Yin-Yang believes that the situation will not get better in the future, it will be even more crazy and cruel. For him, every minute and every second of time is extremely precious. Waste, just when the Yin-Yang Daoist stepped up to recover and digest the harvest of this catastrophe, the sky above the void was changing again. It used to be the catastrophe of the four elephants, but now it has evolved into the catastrophe of the five elements, metal, water, and wood. , Fire, Earth, the Five Elements Laws condensed, and this time the Heavenly Tribulation is no longer condensed by divine beasts, but directly evolved from the void of an innate Five Elements Great Array, and the foundation of the Great Array is the origin of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation.

"Hey! This bastard, the Yin-Yang Daoist, is in a lot of trouble. He was so arrogant before and madly devoured the divine beast that evolved from the Four Elephants and Heavenly Tribulation. Now that he has the previous experience, the Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment are also taking the initiative and will no longer evolve the divine beast. , to give the Daoist Yin-Yang a chance to break the game, but to directly evolve the innate formation, the origin of the five elements, and the formation of the innate five elements, and it is an innate formation that evolves with Heavenly Tribulation. If the Daoist Yin and Yang can still break out of the formation, then It's really awesome!"

At this time, no one is optimistic about the Yin-Yang Daoist anymore. They do not think that the Yin-Yang Daoist has the ability to break through the innate Five Elements Great Array, and has the ability to break the attack and kill of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment. It's not worth mentioning, and it's also not worth mentioning in front of the Innate Five Elements Great Array. This time, the Yin-Yang Daoist is dead!

Is this really the case? Is there really no chance for the Yin-Yang Daoist to turn around? Is the innate Five Elements Great Formation really incomprehensible? In the eyes of these ordinary people, Ling is a lore situation and an irresistible disaster, but in the eyes of Yin-Yang Daoists, this is not the case. Although the Innate Five Elements Great Array is powerful, the Yin-Yang Daoist is not without the ability to resist. For the Innate Five Elements Great Array, The Yin-Yang Daoist is not ignorant, but also has some understanding, even if the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment is prepared, and the Yin-Yang Daoist is also prepared.

"Four images into five elements, it's ridiculous, do you think you can kill me like this? It's really ignorant. No matter how strong the innate five elements are, it is not without flaws. No matter how it evolves, it is only the basic source of the five elements. Ke, as long as there is enough strength to shake the formation base of the innate Five Elements Great Array, there is a way to break the game!”

For this new Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, the Taoist Yin-Yang is not thinking about breaking out of the situation at the first time, but how to use the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation to temper himself, if he can use the power of the innate Five Elements Great Array to temper his own The real body of gods and demons, thoroughly tempering the five internal organs, will make one's own chaotic gods and devils real body further, and make one's own way of the fleshly body further.

Of course, the Yin-Yang Taoist also understands the danger of doing this, and also knows how terrible the danger will be to temper oneself with the power of tribulation and thunder punishment, but this is indeed a big opportunity, and one cannot miss it. It will only appear during the Heavenly Tribulation of Proving Dao, and it is very difficult to have such an opportunity if it is missed. Therefore, no matter how terrifying the thunder and punishment of the next Heavenly Tribulation is, and how amazing the dangers you have to face, you must do your best to pay for it. , to complete your vision!

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