God of Destruction

Chapter 4665: Festival Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 4671: Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation

"Come on, let this Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation come more fiercely, so that I can take this opportunity to go further in the way of physical cultivation, so that my five internal organs can be tempered!" Looking at the Five Elements Heavenly Punishment that is constantly condensing in the void , Daoist Yin-Yang's eyes flashed with endless madness. He was not afraid of the power of the thunder and punishment, but longed to use the power of the thunder and punishment to make himself go further. If the real body of the chaotic gods and demons wanted to be perfected, he needed There are too many resources, and it is too difficult to just rely on your own strength to collect them. If you can use the power of Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment, this will greatly speed up your cultivation!

Of course, this is a crazy decision and a dangerous decision, but the Yin-Yang Daoist decided just like that, without caring about the danger behind all this, this is the Yin-Yang Daoist, this is the madness of a person who wants to break free from the world!

For the Yin-Yang Daoist, the proving catastrophe that he is facing now has almost come to an end, and the thunder and punishment of the cataclysm has also accumulated the proof catastrophe above the void to a terrifying level. It will be a challenge of life and death, and it is also a challenge of death if you don't advance. If you can't sublimate yourself in the calamity, you will only have to die.

Speaking of it, the reason why it is like this is that the Yin-Yang Daoist asked for it himself. It was because of his repeated provocation and proving the Heavenly Tribulation that this result was caused, and now the Yin-Yang Daoist has no choice. From the beginning of the Yin-Yang Thunder Tribulation, The Yin-Yang Daoist understands that he is advancing and not retreating, that he is being targeted by the heavenly tribulation and thunder, or even being targeted by the rules. He must sublimate himself and make his own strength go further. This is also the choice of the Yin-yang Daoist himself. In the calamity of heaven and earth, in this calamity of world destruction, Daoist Yin-Yang felt a sense of danger, making him vaguely worry about his own safety. , even accompanied by the destruction of the prehistoric world!

Especially when he found out that when he gave up the Netherworld, Tun Dao did not take the initiative to take over the Nether World, which made the Yin-Yang Daoists feel more alarmed about this world-annihilation catastrophe. What could make Tun Dao give up the Nether World? Maybe it was The destruction of the world, if the entire prehistoric world goes to destruction, will the creatures in the world still have vitality?

Feeling the power of the origin that is constantly condensing in the void, the power of thunder and punishment, the eyes of the yin and yang daoist are flickering with crazy light, the innate five elements are condensing, and I really can let the innate five elements complete the condensing, I really can. Did you break out of the formation with the help of past experience, is the innate Five Elements Great Formation really the core of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation?

When the breath of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation became stronger and stronger, Daoist Yin and Yang couldn't help but wonder, would Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment give him such a chance to successfully transcend the calamity? No, Taoist Yin-Yang won't believe it. If he really believes that the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation is only the innate Five Elements Great Formation, I am afraid that his end will be miserable. The Thunder Punishment of the Heavenly Tribulation will be completely irritated by himself, how can he give himself such a vitality , In the eyes of Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment, oneself has already become a taboo existence. For taboos, the entire prehistoric world is rejecting them. For taboos, death is the result expected by heaven and earth.

"No, there must be some power that I have overlooked. This Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment will never be so simple. The Innate Five Elements Great Array is only the power on the bright side, but what power is hidden in the dark? How to avoid me? Do I need to take the initiative to enter the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation and actively stimulate it so that I can truly discover the secrets hidden in the dark?"

The Yin-Yang Daoist muttered in his heart, thinking carefully, for himself, the current situation is very dangerous, and the Yin-Yang Daoist does not know what the consequences will be if he takes the initiative to enter the robbery, will it happen again? Infuriating the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation, will the power of the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation be escalated again, and even if there is a big conspiracy behind all this, and everything in front of me is to lead myself into the game and let myself take the initiative to step into the Five Elements Heaven In the calamity, I cast myself into this trap!

With the continuous expansion of the Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment, as the situation continues to intensify, the Yin-Yang Daoist has to prepare for the worst, and he has to consider the tribulation that he is facing in the worst direction. When it comes to one's own life and death, there can be no mistakes. Otherwise, what awaits you must be destruction and death. The existence of taboos has always only two paths, either life or death. There is no third path to take, victory or defeat, life. And death is such an extreme result!

I don't know why, the more you know about the prehistoric world and the chaotic gods and demons, the more fearful and uneasy the Yin-Yang Daoist is, maybe he has really touched the secrets of the world, he has really touched the power of rules, and he has fallen deeply into it. .

"Kill! If you are not crazy, you will not become a devil. Since you have already embarked on this crazy road, you have no retreat, and there will be no retreat. The four elephants are still going through the calamity, so what about the five elements, kill!" Yin-Yang Taoist No more hesitation, no matter if there is a conspiracy, a trap, or an opportunity ahead, you should go forward bravely, even if it is a trap or a conspiracy, you will use the belief in a decisive battle to fight your own blood. Be determined to go your own way!

No matter how dangerous the danger is, no matter how terrifying the crisis is, as long as you don't give up, as long as you are firm in your mind, you will definitely be able to walk out of your own path, and you will definitely be able to survive this calamity and thunder punishment. There is no force that can stop you from moving forward. There is no power to stop oneself, people stop killing people, Buddha should kill Buddha.

The endless killing intent condensed in the hearts of the Yin-Yang Daoists, and the terrifying killing intent turned into a terrifying sharp blade under the control of the Yin-Yang Daoists, waiting for the final blow, which would tear the Yin-Yang Daoists apart. A blow from the void, a blow that rips through all resistance, is also the way of slaughter in the evolution of Yin-Yang Daoist power!

"Humph!" With a cold snort, Taoist Yin-Yang's body instantly activated, stepped directly into the void, directly into the 'Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation', and headed against this new round of 'Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation', since he himself If there is no way to retreat, you should go forward bravely. The Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation will not give you a way out, and there is no need for you to wait for the birth of Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation.


"You are a yin-yang Taoist, with a resolute mind, no wonder you can become the first person among the younger generation, and you can surpass Sanqing and Nuwa in one fell swoop. You have a belief that cannot be shaken by external forces, and you will not be shaken by any force. It's amazing, but this time, do you really have to be able to get out of your body? The Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation is not as simple as you think, you really have to see through the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation, you really need to recognize yourself, if you can do it, and There is a silver lining, if you don’t have this ability, you are bound to die, and thunder and punishment for tribulation has never been as simple as it seems!”

At this time, the eyes of Daozu Hongjun flickered with light, and he was shocked by the yin and yang Taoist who resolutely stepped into the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation and took the initiative to enter the game. Under the circumstances of vitality, he fought a **** path and successfully cracked the Four Elements Heavenly Tribulation, but this time, Daozu Hongjun still felt that the Yin-Yang Daoist was a little too underestimated and a little arrogant. Take the initiative to enter the game, let yourself fall into a bigger crisis, and let yourself fall into the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation!

When the Yin-Yang Taoist stepped into the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, with a loud bang, the Innate Five Elements Great Array moved, and the Five Elements Origin began to operate frantically, destroying the power of the Innate Five Elements Great Array, frantically attacking the invaders, and also It is the Yin-Yang Taoist who launched the attack, the innate five elements moved, the entire void trembled, and the entire void was imprisoned.

Imprisoning the void directly cuts off the retreat of the Yin-Yang Daoist, so that the Yin-Yang Daoist has no chance to escape from the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation. Once the void is imprisoned, the Yin-Yang Daoist deeply feels the malice of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, and understands that this is really as he thinks. As I guessed, this is a trap, a trap waiting for him to be thrown into the net, and Qiaqia has taken the initiative to enter the game!

"What a five-element catastrophe, what a catastrophe and thunder punishment, proving that the catastrophe is really not as simple as it seems, there is an invisible black hand behind it, just such a power to delusionally control me to death is too naive, and also Too arrogant!"

Facing danger, facing the crisis of death, the Yin-Yang Daoist has no fear. All this was as early as he expected. Even if he fell into a crisis, it did not shake the Yin-Yang Daoist's heart, nor let Yin-Yang. The Taoist wanted to retreat immediately, wanted to break through the void and escape. The Yin-Yang Taoist didn’t want to run away. Escape was the choice of the weak.

"Chop!" With a low voice, he was ready to explode with the killing intent for a long time. The supreme magical power condensed by the killing intent directly slashed towards the 'Innate Five Elements Great Array'. The Yin-Yang Taoist wanted to see what was hidden behind the Innate Five Elements Great Array. Strength, if you want to directly stimulate this Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, since you are in the Heavenly Tribulation, there is no need to be careful, and a direct decisive battle is the best choice.

How to draw out the hidden power? The best way is naturally to brute force cracking, using the strongest force to directly impact the innate Five Elements Great Array, impact the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, and directly draw out the true power of the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation, so that this wave of Thunder and Thunder of Heavenly Tribulation will come early.

"Hey! What a lunatic, the Yin-Yang Daoist is really crazy, maybe there is no fear in his heart, and even he never knows what fear is, again and again, provoking the thunder and punishment of the robbery, maybe in the In his eyes, the thunder of calamity is just an ordinary and ordinary thunder calamity. Mention it!"

"Yeah, this is really crazy. There is no one in the entire prehistoric world who is crazier than him. I thought we were crazy enough, but compared to the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, our little thing is not worth mentioning at all. , this **** is the craziest and most terrifying, and he never had the word fear in his heart!"

Seeing the Yin-Yang Daoist erupting again and provoking the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation once again, Zhunti and Jieyin involuntarily let out a sigh, sighing at the madness of the Yin-Yang Daoist in their hearts. They want to have the invincible confidence of the Yin-Yang Daoist, but they all understand that this is something that they cannot do. It is impossible for them to have no fear in their hearts, and with fear, they will never be able to achieve the level of madness as the Yin-Yang Daoist. Crazy move.

In fact, the real situation is as powerful as Yang Chuan's mentioning and receiving. The yin and yang Taoist can do all this, not because he never really has no fear in his heart, but as the situation continues to develop, he walks step by step. At this level, it can be said that Daoist Yin-Yang has been pushed to this step by the general trend. Without being personally in the position of the Yin-Yang Daoist, it is never possible to know what the Yin-Yang Daoist is facing, and no one can understand how amazing the pressure on the Yin-Yang Daoist is, and it is impossible for anyone to truly understand the Yin-Yang Daoist to do this. Insane selection of series.

In the eyes of the powerhouses in the prehistoric wilderness, what they see is only the most superficial layer of this world-annihilation catastrophe. They have never seen the terrible crisis hidden below the surface, and that's why they can't feel the yin and yang. The pressure of the Daoist, unable to know the horror of this world-annihilating catastrophe, without really understanding the world-annihilating catastrophe, how could it be possible to understand the reaction of the Yin-Yang Daoist.

Speaking of which, the Yin-Yang Taoist was also forced to go step by step to the present, and what forced him was the general trend of the world. If he didn’t know anything, there would be no Taoist today. Qiaqia is because the Yin-Yang Taoist continued to explore the secrets of the wild. Continuing to understand, will allow yourself to come to today step by step, step by step into such a madness!

People only see the crazy side of Yin-Yang Daoist, the tough side, but never really understand how terrible the pressure Yin-Yang Daoist faces when he has reached this stage, how amazing the dangers he faces, and what shocking shocks he has suffered. It is because everyone has never understood the Yin-Yang Taoist at all, so they have one or another view and feeling about the Yin-Yang Taoist.

If someone really needs to understand the Yin-Yang Daoist bit by bit from the beginning, they will understand how difficult it is for the Yin-Yang Daoist today, understand how amazing the pressure and shock the Yin-Yang Daoist bears, and also understand how terrifying the entire prehistoric world is. In such a terrifying environment, how terrifying the pressure to bear on oneself, and what an astonishing change in the state of mind! It is precisely because Ren Shan has never understood Yin-Yang Daoist, so they only see the powerful side of Yin-Yang Daoist, not the hidden side!

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