God of Destruction

Chapter 4666: Festival Imprisoned Void

Chapter 4672 Imprisoned Void

It seems that the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation had already thought that the Yin-Yang Daoist would make a move of resistance. When the magical power evolved from the killing intent broke out with a terrible blow, the innate Five Elements Great Array also reacted instantly, and the five elements began to operate and turned into innate. The Five Elements Extinction Divine Light, all supernatural powers are wiped out under this Extinction Divine Light, this is the destruction supernatural power evolved from the most basic five elements origin, even if the Yin-Yang Taoist evolved into the killing supernatural power with killing intent, it is still no match for the five elements extinction. Divine Light!

In an instant, Daoist Yin-Yang's expression became gloomy, his eyes showed a terrifying fighting intent, the 'enemy' was more terrifying than he imagined, and this Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation was obviously prepared, and he had long anticipated his own counterattack. .

"What a five-element robbery, a good robbery and thunder punishment, it seems that I really underestimate your strength, well, since you want to fight, let's have a decisive battle, let me see your Five Elements Extinguishing Divine Light Energy You can't stop my attacking power, come on, see if you are powerful with the power of destruction evolved by the Five Elements Dao, or my supernatural power of killing!" Soon the eyes of the Yin-Yang Taoist once again exuded endless fighting intent and murderous intent, At this moment, the Yin-Yang Daoist is really about to explode.

The yin and yang Taoists with infinite fighting intentions, infinite killing intent, and endless killings are never afraid of challenges, even if they are faced with the calamity of proving the Dao, they are facing a conspiracy, and they are in the trap of the other party. But this is not enough to make the Yin-Yang Daoist retreat, not enough to make the Yin-Yang Daoist terrify, on the contrary, all this arouses the endless fighting spirit of the Yin-Yang Daoist.

"The fighting spirit is infinite, and the murderous intention is infinite. It seems that Taoist Yin and Yang is really angry, and he really needs to fight a battle. I hope he can win this battle, be able to survive the thunder and punishment of the heavenly tribulation, and be able to defeat the five elements and heavenly robbery!" Feeling the turbulence of the void, feeling the changes in the world, Houtu Zuwu couldn't help but sighed, everything was beyond her imagination, this Taoist tribulation went beyond the original trajectory, making everything violent, become dangerous and terrifying. But the Hou Tu Zu Wu understands that the Yin-Yang Taoist will not back down. This battle will be an endless decisive battle, and it may be even more crazy and terrifying under the first battle!

Not only did the ancestors of Houtu feel a strong crisis, but the Empress Nuwa and the ancestor of Minghe who were in the ancient star field were deeply disturbed. They understood that if this crazy confrontation continued to break out, In the ancient star field, they may fall into a terrible crisis, and they will be hurt by the terrible shock caused by this duel.

Retreat, exit from the ancient star field! This is the idea of ​​Mother Nuwa and the ancestor of Ming He, but when they wanted to retreat, they suddenly found that they had no way out. The entire ancient star field had already fallen into this terrifying confrontation, and their retreat was robbed by the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation. The power is locked, and the void is being imprisoned by the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation. If you want to get out of trouble, you must break the power of imprisonment, and doing so can easily cause the outbreak of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, and let yourself be involved in this terrifying Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment!

"Damn, how could this be, how could we be imprisoned by the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, how could such a huge world of the Ancient Star Region be imprisoned from the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, what do the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment want to do? Are all the ancient star regions involved in this terrifying showdown, and all beings in the ancient star regions should be dragged into this terrifying showdown!"

Empress Nuwa couldn't help the anger in her heart and cried out loudly. At this time, she was really panicked. This kind of situation was something she had never imagined. It was obviously only a yin and yang Taoist's proving the heavenly tribulation, but it affected the In the entire ancient star field, the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation actually imprisoned the void of the entire ancient star field, trapping everyone in it!

"It seems that the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation is in a hurry, and I can't wait to kill the Yin-Yang Daoist, otherwise I wouldn't make such a crazy move and use such a terrible power to involve the sentient beings of the entire ancient star field. In this terrifying showdown, I just hope that the showdown between Yin-Yang Daoist and Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment will not affect us, otherwise we will be in big trouble!"

Ancestor Ming He's eyes flickered with fear at this moment. Such a change would be a disaster for him. He never imagined that the situation would change so dramatically after parting ways with the Yin-Yang Daoist. If he hadn't done that before. A foolish choice, perhaps as long as the Twelve Ancestral Witch has gotten out of this crisis!

Does regret work? It's useless, everything has already happened, and today's Ancestor Ming He can't help himself. He will bear the consequences for his wrong choices and pay the price for his stupid choices. At this time, only himself can save him, no one can save him. It is impossible to lend a helping hand, no one dares to intervene in this robbery and thunder punishment, dare to take action against the imprisoning force of the ancient star field, even Hongjun Daozu, who is also trapped in it, dare not do this risky move. Don't dare to let yourself get caught up in this showdown!

In the face of the general trend of heaven and earth, any force must be treated with caution, even if it is a strong man like Hongjun Daozu, and he does not dare to fight against the general trend of heaven and earth. Intervening will inevitably lead to the wrath of the heavens and the earth, and the terrible punishment of the heavens, and let oneself fall into a terrible disaster. The consequences of such horrors are unbearable and unbearable by the ancestors of Hongjun. The situation means the arrival of death and destruction!

At this time, those chaotic beasts who invaded the ancient star field and stepped into the great wilderness also felt the threat of death, and did not dare to continue to frantically destroy the ancient star field, and they were also afraid of the terrifying Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation in the void. , I am worried that if one is not careful, one's madness will touch the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation and lead to the death of oneself!

auzw.com The slaughtering supernatural power of the Yin-Yang Daoist is fighting against the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, but no matter how crazy the Yin-Yang Daoist fights against it, he cannot draw out the power hidden behind the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation. It seems that this power will not appear until the moment of life and death. Perhaps the serious consequences caused by the yin and yang Taoists who have survived the four-symptom catastrophe before, this power will not move, one movement must end the lives of the yin and yang Taoists, and the yin and yang Taoists must be killed. To the point of death, do not give it a little way to live!

After dozens of confrontations, Daoist Yin-Yang frowned. Although he had the chaotic world as his support, continuing to do so would not make much sense. It would only waste his time and energy. Weakened by constant confrontation, I will inevitably fall into crisis, or even fall into desperation. Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment may not be delayed indefinitely, but my energy is not infinite, and it will eventually be exhausted at the moment!

Incapable of being the enemy, there is only outsmarting. Although this is not a situation that Yin-Yang Daoists are willing to accept, but when things reach this stage, Yin-Yang Daoists cannot help them. If they want to survive this Dao Dao Tribulation, this must be faced. The Yin-Yang Taoist would not be stupid enough to put himself on the edge of danger and death for the sake of a little face, and let himself face the impact of death!

"The two divine beasts suppressed in the chaotic world are not a big problem. They can't turn the waves due to the destruction of the world, but the two divine beasts in the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map' are different. If you want to quickly turn them into nutrients, this It takes time, and what I lack is time, and now the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation is growing, which is a huge threat to me, if I can use the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, it may be able to speed up the transformation and evolution of the treasure of my destiny."

Although this idea is a bit crazy, it is an opportunity for Yin-Yang Daoists. If you don't have enough time, you can use external force. The Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation can temper your body and five internal organs, and it can also temper your own life treasure. When the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation broke out again with a terrifying attack, the yin and yang Daoist thought to push the natal treasure 'Tai Chi Yin and Yang Diagram' to the top. Mysterious and extraordinary, you must know that the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map' was originally made by Yin-Yang Daoists with their own ribs and blood essence, which is different from the ordinary treasures of life. Impossible to cut.

When the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation fell, the Taoist Yin-Yang led the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation to pour into the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map', attacked the two suppressed cars, and used the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation to destroy these two divine beasts, forcibly Transforming them into the nutrients of the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram', when guiding the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, the terrifying force of destruction is also impacting the minds of Yin-Yang Daoists. Just this one time of guidance will make his mind severely damaged, and even a part of his soul will be wiped out by the power of destruction.

"What a terrifying Five Elements Extinguishing Divine Light, I didn't feel its terrifying in the confrontation with supernatural powers, but only after I really touched it with my heart did I discover its horror. Once entangled by this Five Elements Extinguishing Divine Light, both my mind and soul will suffer terrifyingly. Shock, if you are not careful, you may be wiped out by the Five Elements Extermination Divine Light, the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation is much more powerful than the Four Elephants Heavenly Tribulation!"

In fact, it is not that the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation is stronger than the Four Signs Heavenly Tribulation, but that the Four Signs Heavenly Tribulation has not completed the cohesion at all, and now the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation has absorbed the experience of the failure of the Four Signs Heavenly Tribulation, and has not given the Yin-Yang Daoist a chance to crack it. Even if the Yin-Yang Taoist took the initiative to enter the game, they were all in the calculation of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation and could not cause harm to them at all.

A loud noise of "Bang!" broke out in the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram', and a divine beast was directly destroyed by the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation. Powerless to fight, just at the moment when this divine beast was destroyed, the source of the terrifying thunder sea also broke out, and the powerful shock wave frantically impacted the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map', causing the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map' to suffer a little damage.

At this time, everyone can clearly see that there is a deep crack in the 'Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram', the treasure of destiny. Worrying about the safety of Yin and Yang Daoists.

"How could this be so? In such a short period of time, the Daoist Yin and Yang's natal treasure was severely damaged. What is going on? Could it be that the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation is so terrifying that it can even swallow the divine beasts evolved from the Four Elephants Heavenly Tribulation. Heavy damage? If this continues, Taoist Yin-Yang cannot find a way to break the situation, and maybe he will be in a desperate situation!"

For the Twelve Ancestors, they were worried about the life and death of the Yin-Yang Daoist, while for other powerhouses, they were shocked by the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, while Hongjun Daozu frowned at this time. The sudden change in front of me felt a little bit of doubt. No matter how much power the Yin-Yang Daoist had consumed before, it was impossible to have such a shock. There must be a secret that you don't know!

Daozu Hongjun wanted to know this secret very much, but the yin and yang Taoists were in the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation and were besieged by the Innate Five Elements Great Array. Anyone who dared to attack the Innate Five Elements Great Array would trigger more terrifying thunder and punishments, and even would be punished. Let yourself be caught in the thunder and punishment of the Heavenly Tribulation. If the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation is so terrifying, even the yin-yang Daoist's life-saving treasure can be severely damaged. There are life worries!

The Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation is a barrier that blocks all living beings from exploring Yin-Yang Daoists. Even Daoist Hongjun does not dare to act rashly. act rashly.

What happened in the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, and what kind of damage the innate Five Elements Great Array has caused to Yin and Yang Daoists, this is not something outsiders can detect, and just when everyone was shocked, another wave of Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation broke out madly However, the Yin-Yang Daoist still did not make any changes, and still let the natal treasure 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Map' stand in front, as if he wanted to sacrifice the natal treasure to give himself time to breathe. The picture' This natal treasure sent out bursts of sorrow in a loud noise. When the attack of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation dissipated, there was another deep crack on the 'Tai Chi Yin-Yang Picture', the light of this natal treasure It also became extremely bleak, and it was obviously hit hard!

"Crazy, Yin-Yang Daoist is really crazy, even his own life treasure can be sacrificed, is he really not afraid that the destruction of the life treasure will cause a terrible backlash and let himself fall into an even more terrible disaster, or is this lunatic? Is there a way to counteract the backlash from the destruction of the ultimate treasure?" At this time, the entire prehistoric beings were shocked by the madness of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and they all felt that the Yin-Yang Daoist should make changes, otherwise they would fall into a desperate situation!

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