God of Destruction

Chapter 4670: taboo creatures

Chapter 4676 Taboo creatures

At this moment, the entire prehistoric creatures felt a trace of fear originating from their hearts. This is the shock of the three worlds of heaven, earth and human beings feeling the terrifying world-destroying supernatural power of Yin-Yang Daoist above the void, and it also stems from the world's killing intent towards the world-annihilating supernatural power. In any world, in the face of a creature that has mastered the magical powers of the world, it will inevitably give birth to killing intent. In the eyes of the world, such a creature is a forbidden creature, a creature with a heart of destruction to the world and creatures. A creature that should not have been born into the world.

Now that Yin-Yang Daoists are going through their own Hunyuan Great Luo Jin Tribulation, even if the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings have strong killing intent, but Yin-Yang Daoists can't do it. Dare to intervene in the heavenly tribulation, otherwise it will inevitably lead to heavenly punishment, which is a power they cannot bear. The most important thing is that the yin and yang Taoists are now in the void and are not affected by the prehistoric world. Can't do it.

"Threat, this is a big threat! You can't let this **** taboo come alive, you can't let him survive the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Tribulation, but once he succeeds in proving the Dao, a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who holds world-destroying magical powers is right. Our greatest threat, he will truly have the power to kill us, we must get rid of him, we must not let him become our disaster!"

"Kill him, how to kill, this **** is in the void, even if we have the intention to kill it, we can't do it, not to mention that under the thunder and punishment of the heavenly tribulation, we will surely disturb the origin of the heavenly tribulation when we make a move. We will also be involved in this thunder and punishment, are we able to survive this mutated and crazy thunder and punishment?"

"This won't work, that won't work, don't we have to watch this **** successfully survive the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian robbery, prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and eventually become our biggest threat, once he proves the Dao, will If he truly possesses the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, his world-destroying supernatural power will inevitably transform and evolve, and our situation will be extremely dangerous at that time."

"Talk to Hongjun, Tiandao, this requires you to come forward. Only Hongjun can help us at this time. We need his strength, we need him to clear this huge hidden danger for us and eliminate the danger!"

"Difficult, this is difficult to achieve. It's not that you don't know Hongjun's madness and insidiousness. You think he will agree with our suggestion at this time and will risk his life to do things for us. There are no opportunities for cooperation, you think Hongjun will ignore us, and for him, he would like us to die sooner."

"We naturally know that there are difficulties, but it is related to our life and death. No matter how big the difficulties are, you have to find a way to overcome them. Otherwise, we will be unlucky in the end. Now we can't stand the attack of a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If we can separate ourselves, the whole flood situation will not be what it is now, and it will not be out of control!"

"Give Hongjun a little favor, the Ancient Era Star Territory has given him, and it doesn't matter how much we give him a little more, as long as we can survive the world-annihilation catastrophe and get rid of the shackles of the prehistoric world, everything doesn't count. What, break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, everything is empty, detachment is our goal, and the rest can be put down!"

"Yes, detachment is our goal. Although this world-destroying catastrophe is brutal, and the development of this prehistoric world has exceeded our expectations, we have no choice. The same is true for that **** Hongjun, don't think he broke free. Once you are bound by the Dao of Heaven, you can be at ease, you can't break free from the shackles of the prehistoric, and in the end, there is still a dead end. When the catastrophe occurs, the entire prehistoric life will be in a desperate situation. The catastrophe will destroy all living beings and let the prehistoric world restart. !"

"Yeah, detachment is the most important thing, the others are nothing, it's no big deal to give Hongjun a little benefit, I'll contact him now, but even Hongjun can't stop this from happening, after all, this is Proving the Dao Heavenly Tribulation, under the Proving Dao Heavenly Tribulation, not everyone can intervene enough, unless you detach from the prehistoric world, or you will suffer the backlash of the heavenly tribulation, it is difficult for that **** Hongjun to accept our suggestion, this point You all have to be prepared. In the end, we can only rely on ourselves, not Hongjun. Although I plotted against Hongjun, he is also plotting against me. This **** is more sinister and vicious than you think. One of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, he should know a lot about our situation."

"Three thousand chaos gods and demons, this is indeed a big problem. The existence of this **** is also a big hidden danger for us. Unfortunately, we have no way to deal with him. We can't tell the strength to target him now. The world's calamity, under the calamity of the annihilation, the pressure we face will exceed all the prehistoric creatures. Those stupid **** feel that they are very powerful. If we didn't need to deal with the calamity of the world, how could we let them be so arrogant. !"

"Okay, don't talk about this, this is our life, who would have known that this damned world-destroying catastrophe would come so early, why is it that Hongjun's **** deliberately guided it, if it wasn't for this **** who kept watching, always tempting The world is going this step, how can the catastrophe of the world break out, this catastrophe should be the catastrophe of the lich!"

"Haha! The calamity of the lich, now that the demon clan has been destroyed, the witch clan has escaped the catastrophe, and they have also mastered the nether world. I am very curious about the yin and yang Daoist, who can start from the birth, only in such a short time. Can prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, what is his origin? If he really just got the inheritance of the time gods and demons, it is impossible to do this. We all know the body left by the time gods and demons. It's just an empty shell without much origin."

"I don't know, there is a layer of fog covering this kid, making people unable to see the reality. If he is the son of the Great Dao, I would believe it. After all, this bastard's cultivation speed is too fast. If it wasn't for him to interfere We have long been calculated to kill, and the twelve ancestors have long been shattered, and it will not be what it is now."

"Do you think it is possible that the deity is calculating everything, everything is the deity's calculation, in order to pull us into this terrible world-destroying catastrophe, you must know that the deity is not as simple as imagined, Bu Zhoushan Now, the deity has the ability to return, and we may be destroyed at any time, we can't be careless about anything!"


"It's hard to say that today's prehistoric world has fallen into chaos, and the power of the world-destroying catastrophe is constantly growing. Once the power of the world-annihilating catastrophe reaches its peak, it will be the time when all beings in the prehistoric world will be destroyed, and if we We can't break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world before all this comes, there is only a dead end waiting for us, and everything we have will turn into nothingness!"

"Speaking of which, I have always doubted in my heart that we may be the backhand left by this deity on purpose. Our existence is for this day. Once we are destroyed by the world-annihilation catastrophe, you said that this deity will not absorb our origin at all. Returning to heaven and earth, the destruction of the entire prehistoric beings may be an opportunity for this respect to return to heaven and earth."

"Forget it, don't say this, it's useless to say it, the most important thing for us now is to break free, let's see what Hongjun said first, if he doesn't accept it, we will find another way, Hongjun's The calculation is no smaller than us, and everyone should not forget that the space gods and demons escaped, what the space gods and demons can do, do you think Hongjun can't do it, can Moruo do it, Daomo The battle may be more interesting than we imagined!"

"Yeah, we are calculating everything, those **** gods and demons of chaos are also calculating everything, the gods and demons of time are calculating, the gods and demons of stars are calculating, almost all the gods and demons of chaos that perished were calculating everything, only the group Self-righteous, thinking that the God of Chaos, who escaped the catastrophe and fled, didn't plan the flood and didn't leave behind!"

"To be honest, I have some doubts about whether this **** Yin-Yang Daoist is the back-hand of the Yin-Yang Gods and Demons. If it wasn't for the fact that he did not have the aura of the Yin-Yang Gods and Demons, I would think that he might have obtained the inheritance of the Yin-Yang Gods and Demons, and his cultivation speed too fast!"

In the chaotic conversation, Tian Dao, who quickly got in touch with Hongjun Daozu, sighed again and said: "Hongjun refused, I said that this **** will not participate in it, his calculations are not at all comparable. We are few."

"Rejected, it seems that this **** doesn't want to be targeted by the thunder and punishment. The appearance of the taboo creature made him have to retreat. Once locked by the thunder and punishment, maybe all his calculations will be exposed. He doesn't need to. For the sake of a little benefit, we will die for the thunder and punishment of the heavenly tribulation, and become the enemy of the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, provoking a great enemy of life and death!"

"What should we do now, if we let this kid continue, the catastrophe will be more ferocious, and our situation will be more difficult, unless we can abandon those origins now, and by doing so, our losses will be great!"

"Wait and see, things haven't reached that stage yet, it's not the time when we have to give up everything, no matter who is behind it all, when the world-annihilation catastrophe breaks out, everything will be clear, then We also know the problem. Now we can only wait. I am ready to give up the world of the underworld. I never thought that I wanted to use him to calculate the Yin-Yang Daoist, but it ended in failure. Now the Yin-Yang Daoist is again Sending the Twelve Ancestral Witches to the Netherworld, it is hard to say what the Yin-Yang Daoist noticed, otherwise how could they make such a decisive choice!"

"Okay, don't think so much. The most important thing for us is to stabilize the overall situation. No matter what, we must delay the outbreak of the world-annihilation catastrophe. We are not ready for everything, we need time, and this is the most important thing. Yes, everything else can be discarded, and the three worlds of heaven and earth are also discarded. It's no big deal. The battle between us is over. When the world-destroying catastrophe appeared, the so-called battle became a big joke. ."

"Yeah, our previous fight was really ridiculous. If we didn't count each other, if we could work together, maybe we would have broken free from the shackles of the prehistoric world and got rid of the predicament long ago, instead of the miserable appearance we are now. We must be careful everywhere to prevent the outbreak of crises, and be careful of the irreparable damage caused to us by the annihilation of the world!"

"It is useless to say so much now, everything has already happened, we should continue to stabilize the overall situation, since Hongjun will not intervene, we will not intervene, he feels that he can use the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist to threaten us and force us to take action, but He was wrong, even if this lunatic, the Yin-Yang Daoist mastered the world-destroying supernatural powers, now this lunatic has not passed through the Heavenly Tribulation of Proving the Dao, and is not yet a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even if he succeeds, he will not be the first to be threatened. It's us!"

"Yes, the big deal is that we give up our origin in advance. Although it will affect us a little bit, it is not a big deal. Whether it is Hongjun or the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, they are not our real enemies. Hongjun wants to use us. It is impossible to plot against this lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, we will not fight for him!"

"Okay, everything is settled like this. Let's take action and stabilize the overall situation. I would like to see what will happen if the Twelve Ancestors master the Netherworld. Does the deity really have to calculate everything behind the scenes, the Twelve Ancestors, Sanqing, I hope they don't let me down, I'd love to see the moment when they succeed!"

With a burst of laughter, this conversation in the prehistoric world came to an end immediately. The three ways of heaven, earth and people seemed to have never appeared from beginning to end. The creatures in the prehistoric world were not aware of his existence, and the only person in the world who knew Only Hongjun Daozu appeared in the three ways of heaven, earth and people, and Hongjun Daozu did not tell any prehistoric creatures.

Everyone is calculating and preparing. As for what the final result will be, everything depends on their ability and their own means. This is the case of Hongjun Daozu, and the three ways of heaven, earth and people. This is the prehistoric world. Under the calamity, the greatest danger in the entire prehistoric world, these **** who are hidden in the dark are silently watching this earth-shattering proving catastrophe, and they are all looking forward to the end of the catastrophe, and they all want to calculate each other, If you want to seize everything you want in this world catastrophe, you all want to use each other, but it seems that none of them have the possibility of success!

No matter how good the conspiracy and tricks are, in the end, you still have to use your strength to speak. It seems that everyone is 'sincere' in the communication between heaven, earth and human beings, but their true thoughts are only known to them, and others will not. I believe, I can't believe it, if I really have to believe the other party, I'm afraid that what awaits them will be death and destruction!

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