God of Destruction

Chapter 4671: block

Chapter 4677 Blocking

"Damn Heaven, you dare to plot against me, I really thought that with a little benefit, I could confuse me and make me foolish enough to fight against Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment. I, Hongjun, are not stupid enough to see the situation clearly. Taking action at this time is equivalent to By directly exposing myself to the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation, all my secrets will be exposed due to the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation. Daoist Yin-Yang is a lunatic who dares to resist the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation and exposes world-destroying supernatural powers. I dare not do this. , I don't want to be the target of the prehistoric world, a forbidden creature!"

For today's Hongjun Daozu, a little benefit cannot impress him, let alone risk his life to intervene in the yin and yang Daoist's proving the heavenly tribulation. Terrifying, I don’t know how terrible the thunder and punishment of heavenly robbery is. The entire ancient star field is shrouded in the thunder and punishment of heavenly tribulation. Daozu Hongjun can deeply feel the terribleness of it. What Daoist Yin-Yang can do is not necessarily Daozu Hongjun. can also do it.

For Daozu Hongjun, although he has a high self-esteem, he understands that he is different from the Yin-Yang Daoist. The Yin-Yang Daoist can frantically ignore all the rules and move forward under endless pressure and danger, but he can't do this, he can do it himself. No, once you do this, only yourself will fall in the end, and you will only lose your life!

To temper the body with the punishment of thunder and tribulation, Daozu Hongjun also wanted to do the same, and also wanted to polish a real body of a chaotic **** and demon with unparalleled strength, but he really couldn't do it. Luo Jinxian, and Hongjun Daozu are different. Once the hidden power in his body is exposed to the thunder and punishment of the robbery, it will inevitably be a more terrifying destruction of the catastrophe. Without the protection of the heaven, he only relies on his own strength. Daozu didn't think he could get away with it!

For an old fox like Hongjun Daozu, he would not easily put himself in danger, let alone under the terrifying thunder and punishment of the heavenly tribulation, so let the heavens set out the best conditions, Hongjun Daozu Neither will be moved by it.

It's a pity that the power of the thunder and punishment of the calamity is not enough for me to do this. Feeling the transformation of my body, the Yin-Yang Daoist sighed secretly in his heart. He originally hoped to rely on the power of the thunder and punishment One step beyond the limit of the physical body, it is a pity that the Thunder Punishment of Heavenly Tribulation feels the thoughts of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and the source of Thunder Punishment is rapidly draining.

Yes, it is a loss. The Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment does not want the Yin-Yang Daoist to break through himself, and does not want to give the Yin-Yang Daoist the opportunity to temper his physical body. He directly dissipates the power of the source of the Thunder Tribulation. Condensation, if it was said that the Innate Five Elements Great Array was working frantically before, continuously feeding the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment, but now the Innate Five Elements Great Array is reversing, constantly repelling and dissipating its own Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment West Lake.

"Damn Heavenly Tribulation, it's so insidious, even the rules want to go against it, it seems that Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment really have power to control, the entire prehistoric world is controlled by external forces, and who controls all this, is it Pangu, or is it Dao Dao, or the so-called Prehistoric World Consciousness?" The Yin-Yang Daoist was thinking in his heart, but he still wondered who the existence behind this power was!

At this time, the Yin-Yang Daoist has vaguely sensed in his heart that his Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment may be terminated, his own proving the Heavenly Tribulation will not be consummated, the black hand hidden in the dark is preventing his cultivation, and he does not want to give it to himself. further opportunities. Perhaps his own existence has really become a taboo, and only then will the power of the thunder and punishment ignore the rules!

Not reconciled, to be honest, Taoist Yin and Yang are really unwilling in their hearts. It is obviously a great opportunity. Under the thunder and punishment of heaven, he can quickly use the power of thunder and punishment to strengthen himself, but if the punishment of tribulation and thunder is going to retreat today, it must be dispersed. , This made the Yin-Yang Daoist very angry, but he was powerless. At this time, the Yin-Yang Daoist also understood that no matter how much he provoked the thunder and punishment, it was useless, everything was over, and the thunder sea in the void was rapidly dissipating!

When Daoist Yin-Yang felt extremely depressed, the entire prehistoric beings were shocked. No one thought that the Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Tribulation would dissipate on their own initiative. He was a little unacceptable. This was against the rules. The occurrence of such a mutation brought a huge impact to Daozu Hongjun!

"Damn, how can the thunder and punishment of the robbery disperse on their own? If I knew it would be like this, I should have promised the way of heaven, but now it's too late!" Daozu Hongjun thought fiercely in his heart, such a large amount of benefits. It just slipped away from his eyes in vain, making him a little unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. After all, no one knew that the thunder and punishment of the heavenly tribulation would soften and dissipate on their own initiative. This is a major event that has never happened before. But it was the first of its kind!

"It seems that the existence of the Yin-Yang Taoist taboo has made the consciousness of the entire prehistoric world feel threatened, and such changes have to be made. What kind of path is the Yin-Yang Daoist going? It will shock the consciousness of the prehistoric world. Do not give Yin-Yang Daoists more opportunities to strengthen themselves?"

Hongjun Daozu frowned and thought to himself, but although the Yin-Yang Daoist revealed a lot of power in this battle, it was also because the Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder Punishment took the initiative to spread out, so that the Yin-Yang Daoist still concealed a lot of power, just in front of him. After the change, it is still impossible to determine how powerful Yin-Yang Daoist is, and he has reached that step!

"The heavenly tribulation has retreated, the heavenly tribulation thunder penalty actually disperses on its own initiative, the yin-yang Daoist actually forced the heavenly tribulation thunder penalty to disperse on his own initiative, and did not give him the opportunity to use the heavenly tribulation thunder penalty to temper his body, his madness made the heavens This madman is really terrible, and soon this madman will take a crucial step to prove the truth of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop!"

"Yeah, he will soon prove the Dao Jinxian Hunyuan, and the success of the Yin-Yang Daoist has also opened up a new path for us, allowing us to see the cultivation of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. As long as there is enough strength, we can Able to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! In the face of absolute power, even the thunder and punishment of heaven and earth have to give in!"

Experience, can the people from Honghuang get the experience of proving the Taoist Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian from the yin and yang Taoist crossing the Taoist Tribulation? If you can't do it, there is nothing to learn from the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment of Yin-Yang Daoist. From beginning to end, Yin-Yang Daoist has been provoking the Heavenly Tribulation, and in the end, the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment has no choice but to take the initiative to disperse. This is anyone. Can't be imitated.


Although there is a lot of anger in his heart, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not have time to waste in this anger. After the tribulation and thunder punishment voluntarily dissipated that day, the black in the void dissipated, the imprisoned void returned to normal, and the ancient star field was also recovering. The sound of the gods roared, and after the sea of ​​thunder dissipated, a ray of light fell from the void and shone on the body of the Yin-Yang Daoist, which was a gift from the Dao.

When the gift of the Dao falls on the body, the yin and yang daoists feel the power of destruction and new life, just like the great mill of yin and yang, constantly changing between destruction and vitality, life and death, yin and yang, constantly changing, while It is the power of endless destruction, and on the one hand is endless vitality, making the Yin-Yang Daoist go a step further on the perception of the Yin-Yang Dao!

This is the Dao meaning of Yin-Yang Dao. Under this powerful Dao Dao, the flesh of Yin-Yang Daoist also begins to be washed by the source of Yin-Yang Dao, but this time is different. The true meaning of Yin-Yang Dao is integrated with God-given power. Let the origin of the Yin-Yang Daoist transform, as if to let the body of the Yin-Yang Daoist be reborn from the ashes.

Unfortunately, because the world consciousness interfered with the yin and yang daoist's proving the tribulation and interrupted the yin and yang daoist's tribulation, so the stamina is insufficient. Although there is a god-given power, the yin and yang daoist can clearly feel that his physical body cannot complete the final transformation. , The lack of origin has seriously affected his transformation and evolution, which cast a shadow over the hearts of Yin-Yang Daoists!

"Is this your calculation, in order to prevent me from going further, interfere with the power of the rules, to block the path of transformation and evolution, what is the secret of the real body of the chaotic gods and demons? It's worth paying such a heavy price!" The Yin-Yang Daoist muttered to himself in his heart, to be able to stop the robbery and thunder punishment, no matter how powerful the black hand behind the scenes is, he will inevitably suffer the backlash of the rules, but the other party still remains in this way. Also did it!

"Hahaha! It's interesting, it's really interesting, the world consciousness has come, blocking the Daoist yin and yang's proving the heavenly tribulation, and even the world consciousness is violating the rules of heaven and earth, it seems that this world annihilation catastrophe is really unpredictable! Hong! That **** Jun rejected our good intentions before, but now I'm afraid I can't regret it, it was a big opportunity but he gave up on his own initiative!"

"No, we shouldn't be happy, on the contrary, we should be more cautious. Now the world consciousness is taking the initiative to prevent the yin and yang Taoist's proving the catastrophe and interfere with the operation of the rules. Now that it can target the yin and yang Taoists like this, it can also target us in the future. , this is an even bigger disaster for the entire prehistoric world, and the order is being shattered!"

"Yeah, we really shouldn't be happy, even if the world consciousness doesn't obey the rules, what qualifications are there for the entire prehistoric creatures to obey? Once the rules are broken, the order will inevitably become more chaotic, the situation will be more dangerous, and our time will be shorter. !"

"So what? This is not something we can stop. Today's environment has long since deviated from our plan. What we have to face should no longer be the previous plan, but should continue to change the original plan over time. , Yin-Yang Daoist can change the rules, so can we do the same?"

"Tian Dao, what do you want to do, but don't ruin the big event on a whim! You must know that this is a catastrophe that will destroy the world. If you are not careful, you will really die. In front of the world-destroying supernatural power, we all have the possibility of being strangled."

"Nothing, I just want to know if we let go of our influence on the prehistoric world and stop suppressing the general trend of the prehistoric world, what will happen to this prehistoric world, will the power of the world-destroying catastrophe fully erupt, and will it sweep through the whole world? world!"

"What, you are crazy, you have such a crazy idea, without our suppression, the entire prehistoric world will collapse, the power of destruction will instantly sweep across the prehistoric world, and countless creatures will be swallowed up and become the nutrients of the world!"

"No, I'm not crazy. This series of changes has had a huge impact on us. We can't hold on to it any longer. Otherwise, we will only suffer in the end. Maybe that **** Hongjun has seen through this. Therefore, we will take the initiative to withdraw and get rid of the many shackles, and if we cannot do this, we will always be subject to the shackles of the prehistoric world!"

"But it's too risky. Once we do this, there's no turning back. Once the situation happens, we don't even have a chance to recover. It's catastrophic for us. I haven't completed the final transformation yet, I haven't perfected myself, authentically, do you really have to do this?"

"Yes, I really have to do this. Maybe letting go is the new beginning of everything. It has been unable to let go, which restricts our practice and puts us in the current dilemma. Although I do not agree with the Yin-Yang Daoist This madman, but his madness also gave me a huge inspiration, we can't always seek stability, stability is a good thing, but it also limits us. I want to break free from the shackles of the world, we break out, I want to see what this deity is It's not that I really have left behind in the prehistoric world!"

The authentic voice shocked Tiandao and Humanity. They did not expect that the madness of the Yin-Yang Daoist would arouse the madness of the authentic. They wanted to stop it, but they swallowed the words again. They also eagerly wanted to use the tunnel to test the prehistoric world. They also wanted to know what the current situation of the world is. After making a choice, will there be any accidents?

To the reaction of Heaven and Humanity, Tun Dao sneered in his heart, and naturally understood the thoughts of these two bastards, but Tun Dao didn't care. Although Daoists will have great dangers, great dangers also come with great opportunities, as long as they can persevere. , there is a chance of success, and the first person to stand up will get the greatest benefits!

If you have to pay, you will gain. If you don’t do anything, there will be no benefit. Look at the development of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and you can understand all this by looking at his practice. Although the Yin-Yang Daoist walks a crazy death Journey, but with his firm belief, he has overcome the crisis one after another, and then used the great opportunity that accompanied the crisis to strengthen himself once and for all, and now he has to give in to the thunder and punishment, and he has to take the initiative to disperse the sky. The power of robbery, in order not to give him the opportunity to continue to grow himself, this is enough to show that this crazy road is feasible!

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