God of Destruction

Chapter 4680: Section Rejection

Chapter 4686 Rejection

"Mozu Luohou, who masters the Dao of Destruction, could it be that he is the Destruction God and Demon of the year? If so, this is indeed a strong enemy, and it is most beneficial for him to destroy the world together, but I don't know about Hongjun. It's that chaotic **** and demon again, if we can know his identity, it will be of great help to us!" When he saw the earth venerable mentioning the Demon Zu Luohou, the Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help but move in his heart and put Hongjun Dao Ancestor also got involved, and wanted to know his original body from Di Zun!

"Hongjun, I don't know his identity, maybe only Tiandao and Luohu know, and human beings may know, but I don't know his origin, only know that he is also a three thousand chaotic gods and demons, and Hongjun has always been He is covering up his identity, and even I suspect that everything he did before was just to confuse all beings and be able to fight against Luohu. He is definitely a top-level Chaos God and Demon, otherwise he would not let Heaven and Dao be afraid of it, Be careful!"

"Fellow Daoist Earth, speaking of Hongjun, when the dragon and phoenix calamity occurred, did those powerhouses who participated in the suppression of Luohu really die completely? Their identities are really that simple, the ancestors of Qiankun and the Five Elements. Wait, their identities are not ordinary, and it is only possible for them to be invited by Hongjun to be three thousand chaotic gods and demons!"

At this time, the Earth Venerable was silent, and he didn't know how to answer the words of the Yin-Yang Daoist. For the first batch of powerhouses born, the innate gods and demons, their identities are indeed not simple, and they are chaotic fierce. The wild powerhouses of beasts are also not simple, and the Earth Venerable does not dare to talk about it lightly, because they all have great karma, and the Earth Venerable does not want to bear such a great cause and effect!

Seeing the silent look of the Earth Venerable, Taoist Yin-Yang sighed inwardly. Sure enough, the first batch of innate gods and demons in Honghuang are no trivial matter. It is very likely that they are related to the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. The reincarnation of gods and demons also has the shadow of chaotic gods and demons. Perhaps the era of beasts is not as simple as I thought!

It's a pity that Taoist Yin-Yang couldn't ask too much useful information. It was obvious that the affiliated countries were reluctant to talk about these things. For him, the secrets of the ancient times were taboos of life and death. Necessary trouble, let yourself fall into crisis and carry a heavy burden, this is not the result that Di Zun is willing to accept.

Since Earth Venerable intends to hide it, Taoist Yin-Yang has no need to dig up this secret. Today's environment has already changed. It's hard to say whether the backhands in the past can be useful. At this time, I really don't need to waste time and energy. On these chaotic gods and demons, all they have to do is to enhance their combat power! No matter what situation will end in the end, it is necessary to decide life and death with strength, one's own strength is the foundation of everything, and the strength of strength determines destiny!

During the conversation, the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Empress Nuwa, and Old Ancestor Ming He appeared. When they appeared, there was a hint of joy in Di Zun's eyes, as if the appearance of these people would be a great thing for him. , will bring him huge benefits!

When they saw the Yin-Yang Taoist standing with the Earth Venerable, the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Mother Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise in their hearts. They may have clearly felt the terrifying influence from the subject country. Pressure, even if you just glance at the other party from a distance, you can feel the impact from the soul, as if standing in front of you is a **** of terrifying strength, the **** who dominates your own destiny, exudes a terrible oppressive breath!

Although I didn't know Di Zun, I instinctively made the Twelve Ancestors feel a sense of familiarity, but they didn't know where the familiarity came from. Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He didn't feel this way, but they all felt it. With a trace of anomaly, they couldn't help but glance at each other. From each other's eyes, they looked at the slums to a hint of shock. They felt the existence of chance in Di Zun. What kind of chance is this? There was such a strong reaction!

"Every fellow Daoist has said it, that's fine, some things can be discussed freely, this is the Earth Venerable, and the authentic way that everyone knew back then, and now the Earth Venerable fellow Daoist intends to cooperate with us to face this problem together. I have no objection to such a suggestion, I just don’t know what you guys think about it!”

The Yin-Yang Daoist revealed the identity of the Earth Zun and the purpose of the other party's appearance as soon as he opened his mouth, but the impact was too great for everyone. Let them be terrified one by one, worrying that the appearance of the Earth Venerable will break the existing situation and make everyone fall into a crisis!

During the speech, Daoist Yin-Yang motioned to Zun to start. Make such a decision, Yin and Yang Daoist will not have the idea of ​​blaming!

Seeing the actions of the Yin-Yang Daoist, Di Zun couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief. In his heart, he was really worried that the Yin-Yang Daoist would stop him, and once the Yin-Yang Daoist did this, he would have no power to fight back. After all, the Yin-Yang Daoist and the The Twelve Ancestral Witches, Mother Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He should be closer, and they don't have the slightest advantage in pulling people!

The time was running out, and Di Zun said straight to the point: "You have already felt the changes in the prehistoric world before, and you have also seen the yin and yang daoists' demonstration of the heavenly tribulation. Everyone can understand the danger of the situation in their hearts. Now because of the great changes in the world, The world of Zhenfeng in the origin of the nether world is about to be born. There are three thousand chaotic gods and demons in this world. I wonder if there are friends who are willing to participate in this journey of chance and face the world that is about to be born with me!"

As soon as the local Venerable's words fell, the twelve ancestor witches all turned their attention to the Yin-Yang Taoist. How could this secret be known by the local Venerable, and how could the sealed world be opened? Could it be said that the warning of the Yin-Yang Taoist was also related to this world. related?

Compared with the doubts of the Twelve Ancestors, Old Ancestor Ming He's eyes flashed with endless excitement. He had entered the chaotic small world, and he naturally knew how amazing the chance of one world, even if the world sealed by the Netherworld did not exist before. Being in contact with oneself is of great benefit to one's own practice, and it can make one's practice go further! If Daoist Yin and Yang were not in front of him, the ancestor Ming He wanted to jump out directly to accept the invitation of the Earth Venerable and participate in this exploration journey!


"Fellow Yin and Yang, is there any danger in this party's imminent birth to seal the world? Can we fight against it with our strength?" Compared with the excitement of the ancestor of Ming He, Empress Nuwa was much calmer, and pointed out this piece directly. The crux of the matter!

"There is bound to be danger. After all, there are risks in doing anything, not to mention exploring the world that was originally created by three thousand chaotic gods and demons. After endless years of suppression, no one knows what will happen in that world. Whether our strength can fight against it is even more difficult to say. I haven’t contacted it, and I don’t know it, but I need to explain one thing. I will not participate in this exploration journey, and I don’t have that much time. You can devote yourself to exploring!"

When she heard the words of the Yin-Yang Taoist, Empress Nuwa couldn't help frowning. The Yin-Yang Taoist didn't participate in this exploration journey, which is not a good thing, and if there was no Yin-Yang Taoist, they would have the ability to compete with the earthly respect. Confrontation, even if the chance can fall on him, even if there are more benefits in the world that is about to be born, how much can he get!

Yes, in a word, Goddess Nuwa can't believe in the respect of the earth, not only the mother-in-law of Nuwa can't believe in the respect of the earth, but everyone present can't believe the respect of the earth, even if he is no longer authentic, but the hearts of everyone present are towards him. Be wary.

"Why didn't the yin and yang daoists participate in this great opportunity? Could it be that there is something hidden in the world that is about to be born?"

Seeing the vigilant look on Empress Nuwa's face, Daoist Yin-Yang smiled lightly and said, "It's not as scary as your fellow Daoists think, the reason why I don't participate is because of my own problems. , so I didn't have the energy to participate in it. Ancestor Ming He should understand that at the beginning, we also entered a small chaotic world. Although it was extremely dangerous, there were endless opportunities. Unfortunately, our blessings were not enough, and we had to leave in the end. And now this small world has disappeared from our senses, and I don't know if it collapsed or escaped chaos!"

When he heard Daoist Yin-Yang mention himself, the ancestor Ming He nodded and said: "Yes, Daoist Yin-Yang did not lie, we did enter a small chaotic world, and there are laws of heaven and earth visible to the naked eye, but that world is incomparable. Violent, dangerous, a little carelessness will pay a heavy price."

Ancestor Ming He really wanted to persuade others to explore the world that was about to be born together, but he didn’t dare to say it lightly. The previous lessons made Ancestor Ming He have to be cautious. A mistake that should not be made, a big opportunity was missed in vain, and it is hard to say how big the opportunity is!

For a moment, Old Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa turned their attention to the Twelve Ancestors. They wanted to see the choice of the Twelve Ancestors, whether they were willing to join the exploration or give up this temptation. If they used the Twelve Ancestors Wuxing as a reference, this is a good choice.

At this time, the Twelve Ancestors were also a little hesitant. For them, this is not a trivial matter and needs to be carefully considered. This is not an ordinary exploration, but a big adventure with great opportunities and great dangers. But make mistakes and the consequences are unimaginable!

"Everyone, don't think about my thoughts, I have no opinion on all of this, everything is up to you to consider, success or failure is also borne by you, I just can't participate in this exploration because of my own problems, there is no other meaning. !"

Does it really have to be the case if there is no other meaning involved? If the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Mother Nuwa, and Old Ancestor Ming He didn’t know about Yin-Yang Daoist at all, they might still believe it, but after so many things, they know a little bit about Yin-Yang Daoist, and naturally they know that Yin-Yang Daoist is What kind of person, it seems that he speaks lightly, but there must be a hidden secret that he does not know!

Houtu Zuwu and Emperor Jiang Zuwu had a small exchange. For them, although this opportunity is good, the risk factor is also very large, especially their Wuzu is still in fatal danger. When encountering danger in Fang World, I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape, and even if they want to seek help from the Yin-Yang Daoist, they all know that the Yin-Yang Daoist can no longer return to the prehistoric land. Once they are in crisis, they can only rely on themselves. There is also the Earth Venerable who doesn't know this!

Can Earth Venerable give them a guarantee of safety? No, it's impossible for a mole cricket. Big opportunities are often accompanied by big risks. Since you are involved in this crazy adventure, you must be prepared to die hard. If you don't have such preparations, it is best to Do not participate in this exploration, lest you harm yourself!

"I'm sorry, we just left the Netherworld, and we also made the decision to give up everything in the Netherworld. Although the temptation of this world is amazing, after thinking about it, we still choose to be conservative and not participate in this interest. We need time to recuperate in the battle of the battle, after all, our losses in the previous battle were not small!"

As soon as the words of the Hou Tu Zu Wu fell, Empress Nuwa sighed in her heart: "As expected, the Wu clan will not oppose the Yin-Yang Taoist, the idea of ​​​​the Earth Zun will be completely shattered, and no one will be willing to entrust their life and death. On Earth Venerable!"

When he heard the words of Houtu Zuwu, Di Zun couldn't help but sighed. The situation he was most worried about still happened. My plan was shattered before it even started. No one joined in, no matter how well prepared I was, it would be of no use at all, and my own crisis had not disappeared at all!

Crisis, if it is said that the Twelve Ancestral Witch has the strongest sense of crisis among the people, when they want to accept the invitation of the Earth Venerable in their hearts, both the Hou Tu Cong and other Ancestral Witch feel a terrible deterrence of death. And this is the power that comes from the depths of the soul, which makes the twelve ancestors have to be careful, not the slightest sloppy, otherwise they will be in big trouble, a yin and yang Taoist is enough to make everyone worry that there will be an accidental outbreak , I am worried that the world that has lost its origin and suppressed is too dangerous. After all, no one has understood its existence in endless years, and no one knows what changes in that world and how serious the danger is. You have to be cautious about all of this. Otherwise, in the end, the only one who suffers is yourself!

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