God of Destruction

Chapter 4681: chaotic beast

Chapter 4687 Chaos beasts

Old Ancestor Ming He has really seen the horror and terror of the chaotic small world. If there is no friend who can be trusted to act together, Old Ancestor Ming He is not willing to participate in the invitation of Di Zun, and he is also afraid that when danger comes , I will become a chess piece in the hands of the Earth Venerable, or even become an abandoned piece that is directly calculated by the opponent, and will not end up dying!

For a moment, the scene fell into tranquility, and everyone was carefully calculating the gains and losses, especially the ancestor Ming He, his confidence was the least firm, because he had seen the wealth and creation of the chaotic small world, and he was also the most reluctant to let go The temptation of this interest is only in the face of everyone's reluctance to participate, and only let him cooperate with the ignorant Earth Venerable. Old Ancestor Ming He did not dare to have such an idea. He was worried about his own safety and feared that he would Concealed by the Earth Venerable!

Originally, Di Zun was still very confident and thought that someone would follow him to find opportunities, but now he was a little dumbfounded, and no one was willing to believe in him and go to the world sealed by the origin of the nether world to find opportunities.

Why is this happening? Earth Venerable began to look for the reason, because the relationship between these people and the Yin-Yang Daoist was too deep, so when the Yin-Yang Daoist did not participate, they were unwilling to participate? Also, I can't get their approval or their trust at all. From the yin and yang Taoist body to himself, Di Zun gradually understands that the key to everything is to trust these two words. Although he is Di Zun, he used to be authentic, but for the twelve ancestor witches and the goddess Nuwa As well as the ancestors of Ming He, they do not believe in themselves and dare not trust life and death. They are afraid that the so-called chance is just a trap, or a dead end!

Found the problem, but how to change everything? Di Zun thought about it carefully, but still couldn't find a way to solve the problem. This seems to be a dead end. Without trust, everything has no foundation. No matter how well he says it, no matter how perfect he describes that world. , it is useless, everyone will not believe it, this is the gap!

Complete defeat! For Di Zun, this trip ended in complete failure. Although he made a cooperation agreement with the Yin-Yang Daoist, this agreement has some effect, and he did not get everything he wanted from the Yin-Yang Daoist and these people. , On the contrary, he has given a lot of information, although this will not affect himself, but it is also a heavy blow to the Earth Venerable!

In such an embarrassing situation, it is not easy for Di Zun to continue to stay. Since these people are unwilling to believe in themselves, all plans can only be abandoned. I need to re-examine the current situation. The current environment is not friendly to me. And this is just the beginning, do you really have to do something wrong, shouldn't you be in a hurry, shouldn't you give up your own origin?

For a time, Di Zun couldn't help but doubt his actions. Although Zun quickly woke up and suppressed this thought, it had become part of his inner demon. It was just an ordinary meeting. But there is a huge hidden danger in the mind of the Earth Venerable, if he is a little careless, he may fall into a desperate situation!

"Damn, what is going on here? Is it the power of the prehistoric world, or the power of the deity Yuanshen, who dares to make a move to affect the overall situation? Could it be that the situation has developed to this terrifying side, and the world-destroying catastrophe will be fully opened! "Thinking of the great catastrophe, Di Zun couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In front of the great catastrophe, he was just a small ant, an ant who was busy with the **** of fate. The so-called autonomy has become a reality. Got a joke!

"Okay, since none of the fellow Daoists have such thoughts, I won't stop there. If anyone regrets it, they can contact me!" At this time, the Earth Venerable didn't dare to stay any longer, feeling that it would lead to more terrifying oppression. , After all, the Yin-Yang Taoist is different now, not only is born to die, but also a strong one.

"Okay, if we change our minds, we will communicate with fellow Daoists. Be careful, fellow Daoists, there are great risks in any world. Don't be greedy and fall into a desperate situation!" The Yin-Yang Daoist reminded Di Zun that this unexpected change was very dangerous. It may be the beginning of a disaster, don't be careless and fall into a more terrifying crisis!

Instinctively, the Yin-Yang Daoist felt that he had to stay away from the nether world. Although the Earth Venerable used to be an authentic Taoist, he was a little arrogant about this world. Maybe it was not just a simple world. Unfortunately, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't say these words. , it is even more impossible to say this in front of everyone, after all, the earth respect is also a person who wants face!

Immediately, Zun said his goodbyes. He didn't gain anything from the Yin-Yang Daoist, which made his heart extremely heavy. The reality is more complicated than he thought, and it is not something that can be implemented by making a plan. This big problem of trust will become his biggest weakness. All beings in the wild have a kind of rejection and distrust of the three instincts of heaven, earth and human beings. This is his biggest trouble. If you can't solve this problem, no matter who you go to, there will be no problem. As a result, unless you use your power to force others to participate in your plan, there will be no results!

Pressing people with power is not a good way, it will only lead to more troubles, it will only make things even more out of control, and make those creatures in the prehistoric world farther away from themselves, so what is placed in front of the Earth Venerable is A dead end!

Daoist Yin-Yang was a little surprised that Ming He's ancestors could resist such a big temptation, and said, "Daoist Ming He, why did you choose to give up? This is a new world with endless opportunities. It's a pity to give up!"

"I don't have the strength of a fellow Daoist. In the face of an existence with the powerful strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I dare not take risks, dare not risk my own life, and even if there is a chance, how much can I get after joining? I can't trust a strong man I just met, and he was once one of the three ways of heaven, earth and man!"


Ancestor Ming He did not hesitate, and directly expressed his thoughts, and his thoughts and consideration for Qiaqia were also the worries of others. No one dared to take such an inexplicable existence lightly. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. , is a catastrophe.

The Yin-Yang Taoist shook his head lightly and said, "Haha! Actually, you are all overthinking it. It's too terrifying to think about the Earth Zun. Although the Earth Zun has his own calculations, he will not play tricks on this matter, nor does he It must be done!"

"Oh, since the Yin-Yang Daoist understands the Di Zun, why don't you choose to participate in this opportunity?" Empress Nuwa looked at the Yin-Yang Daoist with a puzzled expression, and was puzzled by the Yin-Yang Daoist's rejection. Since there was no danger, Why don't you join, this is the chance left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can't take it lightly!

"I didn't participate because of the identity of the Earth Venerable, but for my own reasons. On the one hand, I need time to eliminate all the gains. On the other hand, I have proved that the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has been rejected by the prehistoric world, although there are ways Entering that world, but everything has an accident. Once an accident happens, my situation will be very dangerous! The most important thing is that the three thousand chaotic gods and demons have left behind their own hands in the prehistoric world. There is a small chaotic world, and the ancient star field is also a great work by the stars and demons. There are such sealed worlds in the three worlds of heaven, earth, and human, why should I rush to explore!"

When Daoist Yin-Yang said these words, everyone's eyes were condensed, and they all sighed fortunately. Just as Daoist Yin-Yang said, the entire prehistoric world is not only the world that is sealed by the origin of the Netherworld. Under the circumstances that I know, why do I take risks to explore, once I fall into a desperate situation, there is nothing left!

"The world is about to change. No one knows what will happen this time. Friends of Taoism should be careful. The Tao can break free from the shackles of the world and get rid of everything. The Tao of Heaven and the Tao of humanity can also do it. Today's prehistoric world has long been It's not the world we are familiar with, everything can happen, everyone should be careful!"

When he heard the words of Daoist Yin-Yang, the Twelve Ancestors were thoughtful. If the world sealed by the source of the nether world will be opened, what kind of impact will it have on the entire nether world? What kind of crisis the Lord will face, and will the entire witch clan pay a heavy price for this? Once involved in the war between the two worlds, the Wu clan, the master of the nether world, became the shield of the prehistoric world, and had to bear the endless pressure!

Seeing what Houtu Zuwu wanted to say, the Yin-Yang Taoist smiled lightly and said: "Don't care about the gains and losses in front of you, living is the most important thing. Although the Netherworld is good, it is not necessarily suitable for the Wu people. There are too many cause and effect. If you are caught in it, I am afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable. It is better to stay in the sky and watch it become better. As for the group of chaotic beasts, if you intend to hunt and kill them, you can take action, but you must be careful, and their origins are not. Hurry up to absorb it, it is best to temper it, so as not to affect your own foundation, this world catastrophe will become different!"

"Ferocious beasts of chaos!" When Taoist Yin-Yang mentioned the beasts of chaos again, the expressions of Empress Nuwa and Ancestor Ming He changed. They also felt the threat caused by the drastic changes in heaven and earth, and they couldn't help but want to fight these beasts of chaos. The idea of ​​the beast, after all, this is the fastest way to strengthen itself. As for whether there are hidden dangers, this is not in their consideration. For them, the most important thing now is to survive. How many lives can be survived!

The threat of the chaotic beasts is too great, so big that they are frightened by the primordial golden immortals. For the chaotic beasts, although they hate Hongjun Daozu in their remaining consciousness, they are not afraid of any prehistoric creatures. It is said that they are the targets of their slaughter. The chaotic beasts are the enemies of the entire prehistoric world, and their appearance is the destruction of the prehistoric world!

For these chaotic beasts, Taoist Yin and Yang are vigilant, worrying that it is a conspiracy, a scheme, a trap, and the mother Nuwa and the ancestor of Ming He are even more afraid, they do not want to face the existence of the beast, but they have no choice. , If Daozu Hongjun can't avoid it again and again, the target of those chaotic beasts will not be the forbidden creature, Daoist Yin-Yang, but the Goddess Nuwa and the ancestor of Minghe, because they are in the ancient star field. The weakest existence!

Weakness is a sin. Although the strength of the individual is not handed over to the weak, the separation of the twelve ancestors is the weakest single body, but the twelve ancestors are not stupid enough to act separately. They are not stupid and will not take it. Just kidding about his own life, he won't let himself fall into such a dangerous crisis. This catastrophe is too much pressure for them, so big that they can't act on their own, and they must work together. Able to walk into the ancient star field.

Although Daoist Yin-Yang did not say many things, the Twelve Ancestral Witch knew in his heart that this world catastrophe had really changed, and the enemies he was about to face were not only bound by the prehistoric world, but also many powerhouses in the prehistoric world. , Hongjun Daozu, Heaven, Earth and Human Beings, and even the group of damned chaotic beasts, for them, this will become their own enemy!

Although Old Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa were shocked in their hearts, they were reluctant to speak at this time. They were worried that if they spoke, they would affect the views of the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Twelve Ancestors. After all, they were the first to leave the team. If there is a problem with their words, it is easy to cause misunderstanding between the Twelve Ancestors and the Yin-Yang Daoist!

At this critical moment, at this perilous moment, Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa did not dare to take risks, let alone risk their own lives. They could only be silent and could only endure. The origin of the chaotic beasts is Question, is there a big problem with the chance in the ancient star field? If there is, how should I deal with this chance when I find it?

Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa did not have doubts about the right or wrong of Daoist Yin-Yang's words, but they soon abandoned their doubts. Come to deceive oneself, come to plot against oneself, and if the Yin-Yang Taoist really has the heart to swallow the origin of the chaotic beast, he will not make such a reminder, let alone use this method to warn the twelve ancestors, there will be more hidden dangers. There is a secret method, there are better methods, there is no shortage of such methods and methods for people like Yin-Yang Daoist, and Yin-Yang Daoist does not do this!

Although there is a desire in their hearts, Old Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa can only put it down for the time being. They don't believe that Hongjun Daozu will always ignore the changes in the ancient star field. If Hongjun Daozu has conspiracies and calculations, he will definitely make corresponding actions. To act, all I have to do is to endure and wait. As long as Daozu Hongjun moves, he will have the opportunity and be able to see through the crisis!

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